What's the situation in front of me?

From VIP1 to VIP7, this process is to make you spend wildly, hunt enemies, take risks, and then come back to the system mall to buy various abilities and realms to make you stronger.

This in itself has a huge deduction, which is equivalent to helping a black-hearted businessman to work.

And once you get to VIP8?

When you used a huge amount of resources, you broke through the eighth-order gods.

Your whole being is not your own.

It's the other party's. All the resources, force, and combat power that you have accumulated on yourself before, including yourself, will become the other party's item!

Is this more than a black-hearted businessman?

It's a no-brainer deal!

I will eat you alive, eat your whole body, nibble away step by step, and even eat one bite of yourself!

And the other side?

The other party is afraid that he is still grateful to Dade, and he is full of joy after being cut off with leeks.

"This method is very shameless." Caroline pondered silently, "In an instant, they formulated this plan, which is a plan based on the characteristics of my entire family."

She saw through everything.

After all, what is the root of the system mall?

is bound!

It is to prevent the purchaser from secretly selling the exchange exercises and blood.

The core exercises and bloodline will be sold only after the VIP8 in front of you, because once you become a VIP8, you will become the whole family, and she will belong to her.

The problem is solved directly, and she is not afraid of leakage at all. She can modify the memory in the other party's mind, which forms the "binding" mode of the best personal exercises in online games.

at the Imperial Conference.


Through the snow-white beam of light, the cronie just now arrived quickly.

This terrifying aura permeated his body, as if he was in a high-dimensional space and time, out of tune with the surroundings, and his pair of antlers were very handsome and elegant.

"My God, I really became a god."

Everyone felt this breath and instantly shook.

Their eyes were fiery.

This is the first deity of their empire, the first deity of their clan, which already means so much, the glory of the ancestors has been restored.

"God! It really did."

Countless people surrounded, watching, planning to test,

"This is an unbelievable scientific and technological means that can actually make living things cross the eighth-order high-dimensional space-time road! It's a cosmic miracle!"

"Then our world has become a real online game world? System mall, level purchase? Upgrade and exchange resources?"

"This is terrifying! Is this the sky-defying means of advanced cosmic civilization? Turning a real civilization into an online game!"

They can already imagine the future picture.

The streets are full of all kinds of strong people, exchange and upgrade, it is a real apocalyptic online game.

They are favored by advanced cosmic civilizations and can buy technology and technology with unimaginable principles!

When they thought of this, their faces flushed with excitement!

Chao Wendao, it's okay to die in the evening, and it also applies to them.

I feel that I have seen the knowledge of higher civilizations and everything in higher latitudes, and death is enough.

Someone asked, "Have you become a god, how do you feel now? Also, first descend from the high-dimensional space and time, and don't burn your lifespan at will."

At this moment, the newly born deer antler was slightly startled, and murmured, "I feel that I can't land in a low-dimensional space-time."


As soon as these words fell, the whole room fell silent.

A god can't control the free high-dimensional time and space! ?

Wouldn't that god only live for three months?

this is too scary.

This is so counterintuitive.

It's even ridiculous that a god can only live three months as a real insect.

At this time, a scientist next to him studied it carefully and said, "This may be a side effect. This kind of terrifying unknown technology in the universe can only make breakthroughs by forcing living beings to be fixed in high-dimensional space and time, but it can only be fixed all the time, and can no longer be fixed. descended into lower dimensions."

This reasoning is quite reasonable.

At this time, another famous old scientist said: "At the same time, the skin texture cells have become very strange, the overall structure has changed, the density is extremely high, it is very heavy, and the body weight is more than thirty times larger. Perhaps, it is also similar to this The side effects of entering higher-dimensional space-time are related."


"This is clearly the advanced technology of the God Factory, and it is very mysterious."

"We need research."

Everyone is pondering, because it is impossible for a living being to enter the high-dimensional space-time road without a cost, which is very reasonable in their opinion.

In this way, it is only natural that the gods who break through will have defects.

His Majesty Thiel sat on a high place and asked coldly, "What about the staff? Summarize the conclusions at this time first."

A minister came out, "Your Majesty, there are two characteristics in front of you: the first is that it is forcibly fixed in high-dimensional space and time, and the second is that the mutation of the cell structure is suspected of side effects."

"The most important thing is to be forcibly fixed in high-dimensional time and space. Such a god can only live for about three months in reality."

"Perhaps, this is also a means of resisting the Pillar God Tathagata, allowing the local indigenous civilization to rapidly burn combat power, carry out high-intensity strangulation, and counterattack!"

"However, we don't think it matters."

"First of all, for the person involved, he still lived out the lifespan of a normal god and did not lose his lifespan. Secondly, for us outsiders, it is the most important thing.

The gods we spend a lot of resources to cultivate can only live for three months, is it too much loss?

You must know that in the extraordinary world next door, each of their gods is a repression-level combat force, protecting a force to prosper for thousands of years, three months, it is very collapsed for them!

But what about us?

it's not true!

First of all, the main role of the gods on our technology side is not to fight, naturally not to suppress combat power, but to control the instrument spaceship for high-dimensional combat, and to prolong its own life. At the same time, three months are beneficial to us! "

"Why?" His Majesty Thiel asked.

"Three months is enough for a scientist to study nine thousand years of scientific and technological civilization, and we will attract an unprecedented crazy iterative update!"

The staff officer said: "Yes, in the law of the development of cosmic civilization, a technological society with the creation of gods can truly enter the ninth-order civilization, so the gods factory is the threshold because god-level technologists have a lifespan of nearly 10,000. Years, living in high-dimensional space-time research can be imagined!"

All the members of parliament, the leaders of the chaebols, talked a lot in the low, and their hearts were shaking.

indeed so.

A spiritual scientist with a life span of 10,000 years brings great significance. His role is not to fight, but to study various law weapons!

The technology at that time was growing wildly and getting stronger at a constant exponential rate from beginning to end, and this growth rate was constant.

——This is also the terrifying feature of the ninth-order technology side civilization.

This growth rate will be extremely terrifying, until it is infinitely close to the ultimate barrier of the universe.

If not, how could it be possible to use a social civilization to fight against those individual ninth-order great cosmic beings in the vast universe? Great enlightened beings who transcend the laws of the universe?

One is the individual limit: a person is a world, a civilization.

One is the group limit: a group of people make up a world, a civilization.

His Majesty Till's voice was very cold, the emperor was full of domineering and calm, and smiled: "Indeed, the gods on the extraordinary side, it is really difficult to live for three months, because they have to stay in power for ten thousand years, only three months is ridiculous. .But for us, it is a crazy iterative update of technology, and scientists themselves can live that long."

Everyone knows that, of course.

After all, the Shenling Factory was originally designed for the technology side, and the extraordinary side next door is not applicable at all.

The spokesman for the staff said: "Your Majesty, we strongly recommend that we, the old scientists whose life span is approaching the limit, become gods!

After all, each of them is a huge wealth of our civilization, old age and death are the loss of society,

Not only will they return to youth and have a long lifespan, but they will also be iterating on technology in high-dimensional space and time. We will usher in a great explosion of civilization, and we will have a certain resistance to the invasion of the Pillar God Tathagata! "

There was a lot of discussion below, and it quickly became controversial.

"Yeah, if our top scientists become gods and stay in high-dimensional space and time all the year round, we will."

"Technology explosion!"

"Every scientist can only live for three months! Crazy research"

"Ah!! Then we are sure!?"

"Our civilization, restoring ancient glory and restoring top technology, is just around the corner!"

Countless high-level executives were extremely excited and excited.

This is the real change with each passing day.

On the side, there are also countless scientists with hot eyes, who have applied for places.

For them, this is simply a great opportunity, many of them are dying of old age, and they can live a long life span of nearly ten thousand years! At the same time, you can also be fascinated by the technology projects that you love.

"Don't worry everyone, you are the backbone of the empire, and we will not forget you. After all, rejuvenating the country through science and technology is the core of our empire. The staff team, I hope you can give a list of scientists." His Majesty Till took a deep breath and said: "Then, the exchange of becoming a god has been successful. How about the second exchange and the third exchange?"

At this time, they also exchanged the extraordinary bloodline of the inner space and the nine-turn profound art at the same time.

However, the exchange of resources for this peerless cosmos divine art made them extremely painful.

At this time, the god said: "I already have blood, some kind of special organ, rooted in the body! At the same time, I also have a cultivation technique."

Everyone was terrified.

Another terrifying mysterious technology?

Even through the means of technology, the blood organ is implanted, so that people have the corresponding blood?

"Then why don't you hurry up and memorize the exercises?" Everyone around was anxious, "Show your organs and let us see."

At this time, who knew that the god who had just broken through frowned and said: "I can't recite it silently, and I can't show you my organs to show you any form of teaching, and I won't be allowed. This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. ."


As soon as these words fell in the entire imperial meeting, the whole room was shocked.

The difficulty is to sign some kind of horrible contract?

Even the gods can't escape the bondage?

At this moment, another mysterious technology in this mall was displayed in front of them, making them completely shaken.

However, they didn't know that this was a more terrifying situation than the contract. This god was already part of Caroline's memory.

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