Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 892 Renimansgar, is it already the tenth order?

In fact, seeing Medusa's departure, Xu Zhi also felt very fortunate.

Fortunately, he is more rigorous.

He had been covering his body with a hazy mist, so he couldn't see through his appearance, otherwise he would be exposed as soon as he changed his body.

"As for this little guy, it's very bad for me to take care of. I don't have time, and I don't bother to take care of it at any time. It's a good result to hand it over to Medusa." He looked into the distance,

"Looks like Cosmic Garden, seems to be on the right track? It's really interesting."

Medusa left the garden with this little life.


She walked into the living room,

"Is this the life of this Renimansgar family?"

She took a deep breath and was terrified. Just now, her heart was beating wildly, and she felt the rest of her life. "Fortunately, my expression was calm, and I pretended that I knew that the other party was Tieji Life. Otherwise, I would be dead!"

"I must be dead!" Medusa trembled.

In fact, as a belligerent madman, she is not afraid of death, and likes to enjoy the kind of excitement on the edge of life and death, but this kind of death is the last thing she wants to see.

"What race are you?"

At this time, a childish voice came from the small iron ball, "I feel the unprecedented evil in you."

What is the highest state of the dove occupying the magpie's nest?

Even this new Tie-based life did not know that he was a Zerg. At this time, he was born with inherited memories and believed that he was a clan of the Tie-based lineage.

Moreover, although it has also been inherited at this time, it is only the memory of the cultivation system, and it does not know many things about the outside world.

"I'm a Cthulhu family." Medusa recovered and said patiently, "You don't know the surrounding environment? Then I'll tell you."

Medusa is still very patient and has a good relationship with the other party.

After all, she has already planned to be a real Cthulhu Evil God clansman seriously. She brings her identity and wants to build a good relationship. She feels that her current life is very good.

After all, ever since he gave up being a human being in the wizarding world, he was completely determined to be an evil god.

"So it is." At this time, after listening to the explanation, Tie Jisheng took a deep breath, "It turns out that we have a very good relationship with your lineage now. By the way, your lineage is also gender-neutral, right?"

Medusa was stunned.

The evil god is naturally gender-neutral, but she is not a natural evil god. "It depends on the individual. In the universe, many beings are male and female, but they also make personal choices."

"So that's the case, then I'll be with my sister." Little Iron Ball said, this little life seems to have planned to hang out with Medusa.

After all, the first close creature has the greatest impact on the newborn.

Medusa also laughed, grabbed a flower on the ground, and put it on the little iron ball's head, "Then, cute little iron stone girl, let's start, open the outer door first and recruit disciples!"

Soon, Medusa passed the imperial princess Na Xiel and quickly released the sect assessment.

Under the early publicity, in less than a short while, countless geniuses who had been prepared for a long time came.

That charr, as well as the thirteen princes of the empire, the sons of various chaebols, ministers, and even the sons of the supernatural gods, all descended outside the garden.

Countless strong people gathered.

"Ancient Renimanska, Cosmic Garden"

"The war next door is in full swing. The older generation is using their lives to support the front line. We younger generation, who don't have much combat power, might as well take a chance. Perhaps, the destruction of civilization, we can also hide here and save a trace of blood!"

Countless princes, imperial elites, and major geniuses have all arrived.

Bringing huge amounts of resources to participate in this outer door trial, they naturally know that the ancient records are to compete in this huge garden that is comparable to planetary land, competing for life and death.

"Everyone, welcome everyone to participate in this assessment."

The huge threshold of the yard looks like a mountain, and on it stands a petite, fair-skinned beautiful girl.

The corners of her eyes are long and charming, and her snake hair flutters like black flames.

Everyone dared not say a word.

They were terrified, terrified, terrified.

Yes, it was this indescribable and indescribable taboo in front of her. Just one of her cloned palms pushed the entire empire horizontally.

"First of all, this is the first sect assessment. Today is different from the past. In the distant past, 200 million talents participated in each assessment, but the number of people was seriously insufficient at this time. The decline of your civilization is ridiculous. ."

Medusa smiled and said, "Therefore, the number of people is not enough, and the method of assessment will be different from before."

"First of all, for those of you who can't hear me next, I suggest you leave." Medusa's movements became extremely fast in the next second.

Everyone present hurriedly entered the high-dimensional space and time.

But some people were startled, they couldn't even reach the gods, how to enter the high-dimensional space and time?

They are angry,

"Isn't this the minimum requirement to be a descendant of a god? Or a god?"

"It's just too exaggerated."

"You must know that the ancient outer door trial does not need such a terrible threshold at all! The gods who can enter the high-dimensional space and time do not need to be tested, and they are the inner door!"

Everyone whispered.

"Being able to enter high-dimensional space-time is just a suggestion if you are not afraid of death."

Looking at the discussion below, Medusa just smiled warmly, "Then, let me talk about the content of the next assessment. In the ancient garden age, one had to survive the outer gate for a hundred years, or break through the gods on the outer gate. These two are conditions for selection."

"However, everything is simple now. As long as you live in the outer gate for an hour, you can enter the inner gate, become a core disciple, and accept the test of aptitude!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone was boiling.

As long as you are in the outer door earth, persist for an hour? Just pass the test?

It seems so easy.

"Then, please enter it."

Medusa smiled and disappeared in place, "Everyone, our disciples, not just gods but gods? That's too weak, I hope you all have a long-term vision."

Everyone looked at the gate of the garden. Since they came here, no one retreated, and they entered directly.

Then, they directly saw a scene they will never forget.


All the creatures of the whole earth are in the high-dimensional time and space.

The ancient cosmic garden behemoths and plants look like the records of ancient texts, but they are a little different. The plants run, jump, and laugh, exuding an extremely eerie atmosphere.

Even inside, there is the breath of the pillar god virus.

Seeing this scene, the Thirteenth Prince opened his mouth wide and shouted in disbelief: "High-dimensional space-time? How could it be high-dimensional space-time?"

They completely understood the meaning of that mysterious demon god, no wonder they had to enter the high-dimensional space and time to run for election, otherwise they would not be able to pass the test at all.

This terrifying scene brought them too much pressure and shock.

"It is said that the inner gate of the year was only covered by a small part of the land, but the entire outer garden covered the area of ​​more than ten planets!"

"Is this too strong?" One of the descendants of the supreme god said dumbly, "Renemansgar, how could he be so strong."

This scene simply made their minds go blank.

They know exactly what it means.

Renimansgar in this era is more powerful and mysterious than he in the ancient era! It was simply too strong to be unfathomably terrifying.

Suddenly, someone remembered the sentence:

"The disciples we want to recruit are not just gods!!"

At this moment, they were breathing extremely fast.

Could it be that the qualifications of the apprentice you want are the supreme gods who can step on the path of law? And, further cosmic enlightened ones?

An extremely terrifying thought lingered in my mind: Perhaps, Renimansgar is already the legendary tenth-order ultimate? The ultimate existence of the universe?

They looked forward with fiery eyes.

Crisis also comes with opportunity, if one can become a disciple of this existence.

Maybe we also have the possibility to become enlightened people in the universe?

You must know that the first and second true disciples of Renimansgar in the ancient times were the ninth-order universe enlightened people.

"Hope, or despair."

"Let's see where the future of our lives is headed."

They rushed in quickly, looking forward with resolute expressions, even if moths fluttered into the flames and had little hope, it was worth a try.

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