"In your time and space, are you the thirteenth prince?" Miucci asked.

"Yes." The Thirteenth Prince looked at him and then at another woman, "Let me sort it out, you envy me, and this woman envy you and me, and you envy you."

The two looked surprised.

The other party is obviously braver than them, and there should be no regrets in life. He also successfully rescued the favorite Al and avoided the tragedy. How can you envy them?

"Want to know my thirties, why is it SSS?" He laughed, "Yes, remember when I was twenty-seven, I was drugged, and Al committed suicide?"

The two looked at him and trembled, "You made another choice and saved Al?"

The Thirteenth Prince smiled, "At that time, the medicinal strength came up, but I was stronger and braver than you guys. Taking advantage of the big guy's unpreparedness, he took advantage of the hammer next to him and hit him, and he lay on the ground and rolled over. ."

"At that time, El was at a loss and wanted to come and hug me, but I pushed her away." The Thirteenth Prince grinned and looked at the two, "and I looked at the man, and the strong man was extremely frightened. look at me."

The two seemed to think of something in an instant.

"Yes, I'm better than you." He smiled grimly.

They naturally knew that what they liked was a woman, and they also knew that this thirteenth prince was crazy to the limit, and even they felt trembling.

This one is simply too cruel and too brave.

They made a choice that they did not have the guts and courage to make at the time.

At the same time, they also knew that if they had dealt with Al at the time, Al, who was already extremely vulnerable in his heart, would not be able to bear to commit suicide afterwards. The other party made the most perfect choice and saved Al.

"From that moment on, I got caught up in the arrogance of the rivers and lakes. It was a ruthless force, a crazy street ruthlessness."

"Later, the girls next to me gathered around and looked at me in horror and admiration. They knew that I was someone they could absolutely trust, and even in this situation, they didn't attack them. I really wanted to. Protect them, they were also aroused bloody by me, and they also became cruel and planned to protect me,

So they also woke up and started to design together with me. One by one, the people who cheated the fist gang came over and killed them. They killed more than ten that night. "

"The next morning, I cut off my long hair with a pair of deer antlers and kept my head flat. We formed a new boxing gang, fought against them, kept dealing with them, and I got the boxing gang's transgender technology, and they all Become a woman, open a red building, let them experience the pain and scream."

The two were completely discolored.

"I got the SSS level, and in the process of my climb to become the Thirteenth Prince, I became the heir most recognized by His Majesty. I never bully the weak, I want to defeat the stronger, and I have become accustomed to turning all enemies into I got women and opened a special red building for them to entertain guests." He grinned, "Even I admit, my psychology began to twist, I like to watch those former enemies entertain guests, the kind of despair, Helpless, frightened eyes."

The two showed a look of panic.

This thirteenth prince must be terrifying, disgusting, and gloomy in the entire empire.

Don't dare to fight him.

Because if his enemy was defeated, it would be too miserable, and he would become a woman and be sent to the Red Chamber.

The Thirteenth Prince stared at the two of them, "Let's talk about El, you said, you regret it, but do you really like El?"

The two did not speak.

It is an eternal thorn in their hearts.

"No, after saving Al, I got along with her for a while and found that I didn't really like her, so what kind of mood did I have at that time?

Yes, I am extremely confused. Since I don't like her, why did I turn around and make that crazy move towards that strong man in order to take care of her feelings? "

He cried and laughed,

"Later I realized that I wasn't for them at all, I was for myself."

"Since then, when I passed the corridor, saw Al, looked at the door and looked at me passing by, I knew that I was also them, we are all the same humble as dust, weak and pitiful and regrettable fate The cruelty of this lies in this, the weak will not be compensated for being bullied, but will be deprived of more because of the disability after being deprived."

"This is an endless cycle. The weaker gets weaker and the stronger gets stronger. So at the moment when I chose to prescribe medicine, I made a decision to give up bullying the weaker Al and truly defeat myself."

"What I want is to never bully or torture the weak! Always swing the sword at the strong! No matter what difficulties, we must face them!"

The two of them were shocked and felt blank.

"Have you found out, you don't really want to save your beloved Ai from your past nightmares and knots, but you hate your weak self and want to save your weak self!"

The Thirteenth Prince confronted the two of them at a distance, and said coldly; "Yes, I am more ruthless and brave than you, I have made another direction that you regretted at the time, am I really happy?

No, I am not happy,

Sometimes I keep thinking, if I was a little more timid at the time, maybe it wouldn't be like this, until I saw you. At first, I was very envious of you who were more timid at the time, but you are also envious of me. "

He took a deep breath, "So, now that you know my experience, are you still envious?"

The three stood in the void and suddenly stopped talking.

Each of them regretted not making another choice:

I was thinking all the time that if I had made another choice at that time, I would not have ended up where I am today, but I really saw another self in a parallel universe in front of me.

They are also envious of each other and envious of each other's choices.

"It's ridiculous, what kind of demons do we have to come to today?"

"Who am I envious of? Who is envious of me?"

"Who am I, who are you, who are you?"

"We have been entangled in the past, and our Taoism is not open-minded."

"It became our shadow."

"But why bother with the past and the future?"

The three stopped.

They suddenly wanted to go to a certain unknown sentence, which appeared in their minds: "Everything in the past is a prologue."

A terrifying thought came to mind.

"Are we, parallel space-time personalities?"

"We, from every time and space, we must have a battle."

"Who will win?"

The wind howled, and the three parallel universes began to fight.

Endless missiles and technological explosions, time and space were collapsed, distorted, and converged. All the forces of the three Tyre empires were poured out crazily, and the three parallel universes fought completely.

I don't know how long it took.

The Thirteenth Prince opened his eyes and looked at Ciel next to him, and Medusa with a smile on his face, "Congratulations on passing the test, you are the highest rated."

That Princess Shire was indeed faster than him.

But being fast means that Tao Xin does not have too many flaws.

The bigger the flaws and the more obvious flaws in the Dao Heart, the more difficult it is to make up, but after making up for it, it means that the person's Dao Heart is stronger and more terrifying.

At this time, Xia Er looked at the thirteen princes who usually hated perverts with great admiration, and gave a thumbs up, "Real man, rise to the challenge, don't attack any weak woman! I misunderstood you before, you are a good man. The pervert. By the way, which of the three of you won? Who devoured the other two?"

The Thirteenth Prince smiled and looked at the Ciel, "Is this important? It's all me. Also, you pervert, licking the toes of the statue of His Majesty Renimansgar all day long, and talking about me?"

Charlie's expression froze slightly.

The princes and princesses who have survived to this day have climbed out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and no one has any mental illness.

"It's almost all out. Your rating has already been divided." Medusa looked at the people lined up in front of him, each with a murderous look on his face, his expression was determined, and his temperament was completely different.

Their inner tenacity.

At this time, the defects of the growth path have been made up, or, in other words, it may have been swallowed up by another perfect personality of oneself. There is no more weakness.

Medusa looked at them, "Do you still have any regrets in your life? Now, do you still regret what you did in the past? What about the future? There are some desperate actions, if you don't fight, how do you know if you will regret!"

The faces of the people in front of them were completely firm, revealing a dead man's incomparably crazy fighting intent.

"Yes, it's this kind of look, do everything you want, and don't regret everything you've done!" Medusa laughed, "Now, I believe you don't have too much fear, you will only fear yourself if Timid, will you regret it!"

The little girl Tie Shi next to her was completely sharp-eyed, and looked at Medusa with admiration to teach these people her own style of behavior and brainwash them.

However, the following disciples looked more and more frightened and horrified at this time:

"What was that just now? Parallel universes, multi-dimensional space and time? The ancient cosmic garden can achieve this level, and what terrifying secrets are hidden."

But the next second, the words of this demon god made them even more horrified:

"You have officially passed the assessment and the qualification test. Next, I will take you to see the ancient Renimansgar!"

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