Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 91 It's More Insidious Than Who

In the research institute, countless people looked at the screen anxiously.

"Our top priority now is the control of the 'Giant'. According to the information, people from various countries have already sneaked into the 'Thirteen Roundtable', all wanting to take control and rule another world."

There are only so many countries on the earth. A long time ago, various superpowers began to launch rockets, satellites, and constantly explore the outer sky, trying to find new places of life.

And now, it is very likely that an extremely real different world has appeared, as well as an extraordinary wizard civilization and indigenous gods.

Anyone who travels in the past can become the alchemist emperor. It is really a fertile land that has not yet been developed, and the extraordinary civilization inside, which is different from the technological side of their earth, contains too many secrets.

If nothing else, just the flow of time, a day outside and a hundred years inside, is enough to drive them crazy.

Somewhere in the island country, a secret research institute.

"As a developed country, our land is too small."

"We must get the right to rule over the land of the wizarding world! It is included in our country's territory. If anyone becomes the alchemist to rule that world, our country will give the status of the prime minister of the Qiping country and allow the establishment of the thirteenth colony of the other world. Area!"

Soviet-Russian Institute.

The recording screen of the game screen is also playing.

There are countless research scientists sitting below, with serious faces.

"This is one small step for mankind, and one giant leap for the earth. The vegetation, the ecosphere, and the ecological civilization of the earth are completely different. We may have to come into contact with the civilization of aliens."

"And, not to mention other things, a day outside, a hundred years have passed inside, this terrifying time flow rate alone is enough for us to do a lot of research, as long as we are inside for a month, it is equivalent to three thousand years outside, three thousand years ahead of the technological level of other countries. , can instantly rule the world and become the largest country."

American Institute.

The in-game screen is also playing.

Below sit countless scientists in white coats.

"We're going in. It's a good time to explore another world and test real data."

"If it is true, the earth may have entered the era of the big universe, and we may colonize outer space."

Various scenarios are being staged, very exciting.

After all, it was all hearsay before, and the information and data obtained from the posts may not be taken seriously. Now all countries are preparing to find out for themselves.

In the roundtable meeting that controlled the thirteen people of the giant gods, Xue Bai Xue, Qiu Mingshan Chesu, and others were still hilarious, but they did not know that seven Heavenly Chosen Sons who had condensed the luck of countless countries had been secretly mixed in, surging in the undercurrent, intrigue with each other.

Xu Zhi: ? ? ? ?

These people are poisonous.

Just evolved a new giant creature, why are they all doing things?

These players are doing things, and you are also doing things. What are you going to do to my orchard?

This is just a small orchard of 100 acres, just playing a sand table game. Why do you always want to colonize? Open up the country map?

"It's all because of the data inside, it's too real."

Xu Zhi showed a touch of weirdness, "It's useless for you to be arrogant and happy, anyway, I'll kick you all out. Those who want to colonize, save it, my current wizarding world can't stand this toss, and I want to use the flow of time to do science. For those of you who are studying, get out of the way. Now that your giant evolution mission is complete, it's almost time to leave the stage, but the sweetness is a little bit of a treat."

"Spore Evolution" game sandbox.

The prompt has appeared, and then, the thirteen core players who control the muscles stepped quickly and came to the designated place. They wanted to step into the world channel and leave the novice village, but the prompt came:

[The energy of this creature is too powerful to pass through the world passage]


Suddenly everyone was stunned.

It's not that they haven't read novels, too powerful gods can't come to the plane.

"The creatures we have evolved are invincible and strong, and they are indeed gods. Our plan to create gods has succeeded! But this god is too strong, what should we do if we can't pass through?"

Countless people have a headache.

However, someone soon came up with an idea, "We are strong as a whole, but we are broken down into pieces, dismantled one by one, transported and smuggled to another world, and then reassembled!"


"This idea is awesome!"

Immediately, the entire giant began to fall apart.

Xu Zhi came to the door of the yard, sat on his throne again, shook his head and said, "How can it be that the creatures are too strong? It's clearly because you are too big, and the small white water pipes in the ground can't pass through."

In any case, they quickly began to dismantle, and after a long time, they lined up to enter the sandbox world completely.

After walking in a long darkness, a huge light gradually appeared in front of him.

Continue to move forward again, and finally came to a large and extremely lush virgin forest.

[Warning: Please fully integrate into the indigenous identity of this world, any content that is not revealed in this world will be obliterated]

"What a beautiful view."

"Quick, let's assemble!"

"Head, hair, bones."

"Hurry, hurry! One hundred thousand fires, Medusa should rule the world again! Look at our huge evil god in different dimensions, break the dimension, come to the wizarding world, help Emperor Ermin, hang Medusa, and then love Ermin's signature!"

"I've already thought about the handsome pose after the victory!"

"Jojo's coquettish posture, I have learned more than a dozen!"

More than a hundred players 7 were eager to try, very excited, and began to assemble quickly.

The seven people hidden in it looked horrified and quickly tested the flow of time.

"Going out for a while, it turns out that the flow of time is real, it's terrible."

They are secretly among the players, and there is no way to live broadcast with the outside world in real time. Although they encounter difficulties, they can hand over various research topics to external research institutes, but most of the time, they can only rely on their own personal abilities.

Fortunately, all of them are secret agents, and their personal abilities are extremely strong, enough to survive the various crises in the early stage of the different world.

At this time, they were still lurking deeply, planning to disguise ordinary players, follow the minds of these players, start a war with Medusa, and secretly observe various data.

Moreover, they still don't know who is the real spy in the thirteen round table meetings, and from which country, they have to explore the details of each other.

It was a werewolf kill.

the other side.

Xu Zhi sat in the yard and took a bite of an apple, "Those seven heavenly chosen sons think that those players are not enough to be afraid of. Among the seven of them, there will definitely be a final winner who will gain control of the evil god and rule another world. Intrigue each other. In fact, there is a more insidious person hiding in the dark, perhaps, this one is the protagonist who opens up the next new era."

At this moment, in the game sandbox.

"They finally got in."

A strange creature female player in the shape of black and red square bricks, full of fangs and thorns, looking at the disappearing world passage,

"Heh! Man! These more than 100 people are all jealous. They all want to help the righteous and kind Ermin and indulge in her beauty, but I am different."

Twenty-eight-year-old Pan Yuxian, the girl who proposed the Rubik's Cube thesis, not only the player's "Giant" creatures succeeded, but her side's "Magic Cube" creatures finally succeeded.

The delicate poster in her room, but not the beautiful Elmin, but Charlotte.

As a maverick and withdrawn genius, in her opinion, Charlotte is more beautiful, and this kind of beauty that contains evil and darkness is more in line with her aesthetics.

At first, everyone thought Charlotte was evil.

However, along with that escape journey, in the final battle under the waterfall, Charlotte and Ermin's life-and-death battle knew why Charlotte wanted to unblock the Death Monarch.

At that time, Charlotte, Elmin, and Lucy were best friends and went out to the Wizarding Academy to perform a mission. Because of the mistakes of the two, Lucy died unfortunately. Elmin and Charlotte hugged each other. Lucy's body, completely crazy!

After that, Charlotte betrayed the academy and decided to join the Rose Salvation Society and unblock the Death Emperor Medusa.

Because Emperor Medusa had the evil and forbidden witchcraft of resurrecting the dead, he could resurrect Lucy. She wanted to master the taboo in this regard. Like the pair of Edward brothers before, she tried to revive the person she loved the most.

"This is the tragedy of the fate of the three of them. Charlotte is not wrong. She would rather suffer infamy, but just want to use 'Unlimited Monthly Reading' to return to a world with Lucy and the three of them laughing and laughing together."

She lowered her head and looked at the group of Rubik's Cube monsters she had evolved, "Why does justice have to win? Evil has to fail? Is evil really evil? I think Charlotte, who is obviously a more intelligent and peerless genius, should succeed. That's right!"

"Charlotte, I'm not worth it for you! You lost the final battle with Ermin's waterfall on that escape trip back then! It was obviously an absolute advantage, but you lost with the help of those cunning players. "

"Since it's a realistic game, I have to choose my own camp in life. I want to rescue Charlotte from the prison island "Carlson Prison", become her friend, and help her defeat Elmin again. , Resurrection Lucy Charlotte, no one helped you last time, so you lost to those Elmin who were helped by a group of people. This time I will help you, as the opponent of those 173 sand sculpture players! Help you defeat love Ermin!"

She looked at the dense posters of Charlotte in the room, and put on the VR glasses silently, "We have two camps, each of which is on the other side. You stand for Ermin, and I stand for Charlotte. I want to single out 173 of you."

An announcement appeared.

[Announcement: Congratulations to the player for the evolution of the species "Magic Cube", which has great potential and will be rewarded with achievements. 】

But in the sandbox game, no one has heard this information.

One hundred and seventy-three players have already left the novice village, and there are seven remaining players. Except for her who is still in the sand table, everyone else has something in reality and has not entered the game. If they had time to enter the game, they would have participated in this game. God has a plan.

Three options appeared before her eyes.

1. Keep the Rubik's Cube species as the initial birth race.

2. Permanent access to sandbox games.

3. Start a second life.

"No one knows that I also went in. I'm going in secretly behind your back."

She chose the third option without hesitation and silently walked into the world channel.

"What about the evil god?"

Pan Yuxian smiled brightly, "I know all your weaknesses! I've been hiding in the dark and watching your evolution and birth. I make up the head and I make up the bones. I even know better than most of you. Your detailed body structure.

Just let me sneak in, pretend to be the 'indigenous' of this wizarding world, help Charlotte, hang up you terrifying evil gods who invaded another world, and seal you up! Also a peace in the wizarding world! "


Afraid it's not nuclear flat?

Xu Zhi was a little speechless.

Sure enough, the power of fans is powerful. This female player is too cheap and vulgar, secretly doing things behind everyone's back.

A group of guys in a certain evil god, and the seven children of destiny in it are still fighting each other in the evil god, and they still don't know that they have suffered an unpredictable disaster, and they are about to be ruthless.

This is a counterattack from a Charlotte fan.

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