she's my girl

40 Chapter Andre

"Andre you?... Oh my goodness."

"Yes Carah..." he sigh.

"I'm so sorry Andre we have used your time and efforts, I waswilling to meet you for a long timenow, to express my gratitude in helping us through the difficult time in Lexie's life when she started asking questions you were so great and ...ohhh my goodness Andre, I don't know what to say."

"It's totallyOkay Carah knowing you and your family gives me the satisfaction and happinessmore than you'll ever know." Andre saidsadly.

"But why didn't youtell us it was you?" Carlotta asked.

"I didn't know it the first time we met, after the accident I just realized it. which is whyI always came tovisit to get to know all of you better and personally. I just wish that you will still continue to welcome me to your home, not acting as a father to Lexiebut as a friend, Now that he's real father is here."

"Of course! Oh Andre, we are so indebted to you with all your efforts and care for Lexie. How can I ever repay you for your kindness." Carah said.

"Oh, I'm not after for payments. it gives me joy and satisfaction of making a wonderful child like Lexie happy,,,things that I was unable to do to my own child." he hesitated before the continued.

"You havechild?Carahasked.

" Yes, it was a very long time ago." then he proceeded to tell them about himself.

He was young then when falls in love to abeautiful girl an only child of a very richand powerful family. His family belong to a working classwhich were way beyond her family's financial status. When theirrelationship was discovered, she was forbidden to see him and was locked in her room with the guards to watch her. She was also betrothed to the son of her parents friends of equallyhigh financial status.

But one dayshe was able to escape,and they eloped to a distant place far away fromboth their families. They lived in a very difficult life. he has to stopped studying and worked two shifts a dayjust to be able to support themselves forthe basic necessities of daily living.

At first it was fine especially when his girlfriend got pregnant they were happy expecting the additional member of their family. But when their child was born they began to feel the hardshipsthat brought about their immaturity and impulsive decision of running away and start a family. They started arguingand his girlfriend started to nag him every time they see each other, due the hardships of life he become frustratedand started getting drunk just to avoid her nagging. Healmosthit her when he gets home one night when he was met by flying thing as he opened the door.

As what the saying goes "Love flies out of the window, when hunger knocks at the door." the hardships they encountered eclipse the love they have for each other.

One night he went home to an empty house and realizes that she left him bringing their child. He tried to follow them but was turn away by her parents and was threatened to be jailed for they were both minor.

But she interceded for him and her father agreed to let him go in one condition, he won't bother her and that he would take the child with him. They don't want to have anything to do with the child.

He was broken hearted so he raise his son with the help if their parents. Bearing the status of a teenage father he tried to support his son.

He was given the chance to worked for an employer who was fond of him and gave him the chance to raise his status in life he studied in the same time work. Hetraveled with his employer while learning to run his businesses at this same time. Just when he things are getting better for himself, the news reached him that his family together with his son perish in a sea disaster. the ship they aboarded was bombed and sank. killing hundreds and missing hundred more while his family was confirmed death.

He almost went crazy with grief if not for the help of his employer he doesn't know how he had survived.

Later on when his employer died due to an incurable disease, he inherited more than half of his assets, making him a rich man.

He was on boarda plane flying to the Philippines when he met Maya.their planemade an unscheduled stop over due to engine trouble. They shared a table while waiting for another plane to board he overhead her telephone conversation with Carah.That time when Carah is face with the problem of Lexie asking questions abouther father. Later on open up a conversation with Maya.He somehow suggested a solutionand become the solution instead.

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