She's No Beauty Queen

Chapter 20:Aww These Are So Cute!

While they were still on the topic of clothes, Mark wanted to try and help Lily relax by talking about conservation like he had planned. "I noticed your shirts the past two days. Are you a conservationist by chance?"

The last of her discomfort melted away as her eyes lit up. "Oh boy, am I! Most of the volunteer work I did in high school was with the aquarium and the National Marine Sanctuary. I participate in the International Coastal Cleanup every year too picking up trash.

"You wouldn't believe the horrifying amount of junk that ends up in the ocean or how many sea creatures die every year because of it. Sea turtles and other creatures that eat jellyfish see plastic bags, eat them by mistake, and end up dying because they can't digest them.

"And that's not the only problem with plastic! Those things used to hold beer or soda together get stuck around their necks too. Plus microplastics end up in food all over the marine food chain. People that consume fish can end up with microplastics in their systems too…"

What she had to say was fairly interesting as well. Mark hadn't known half of the things she told him.

Lily cared deeply about the environment but instead of being pushy about her beliefs and thinking everyone who didn't do as she did was horrible she seemed to want to educate others kindly instead. Which was exactly what she had done today. He fully intended to use some of her suggestions himself.

She took a deep breath before getting out of the car. "Okay. I'm Angelina Dawson now. Don't let me screw up."

He nearly laughed. What a vote of confidence. "You'll be fine. I already know you're good with kids so be yourself…aside from your posture because that's terrible."

Lily stuck her tongue out at him, which looked odd considering her current Miss California getup and marched ahead into the hospital. She put on her most confident fake smile at the front desk and asked where they were supposed to go after introducing herself with her borrowed identity.

They were shown where they needed to go and Mark stoically followed behind her. His mission today was to make sure she didn't embarrass herself (and by extension Angel) and to take pictures for the Miss California social media pages she ran.

Luckily Mr. Todd had access to them because Angel had signed into the apps before on the iPad Aria liked playing games and watching videos on. He already said he would take care of everything by mimicking her usual posting style.

His devotion went farther than Mark would have thought before all of this happened. The two of them weren't at all affectionate with each other but now that she was gone he was falling apart. He had never seen his boss like this in the two years they worked together.

Lily was doing a good job so far. She was friendly with the charity organizer yet didn't say much about herself aside from generalities. His training yesterday seemed to have stuck.

"Aww these are so cute!" she cooed as she held up a teddy bear dressed like a pirate.

The organizer smiled. "Our organization makes and sells these to help with cancer research but we also like giving them to the kids. Each type of bear has a name and a picture book to go with it. The stories are about the bear characters overcoming hard things to help cheer the kids on."

"That's wonderful! Are those the books I'll be reading to the kids today?"

"Yes. There are five of them but they aren't very long. I hope your voice will be up for it."

"I'll be fine," Lily reassured him. "How many kids are there? What are their names? I want to know before I meet them so it feels like we're already friends."

The organizer seemed slightly surprised by her enthusiasm. He probably thought this was nothing more than a publicity stunt. Mark wasn't sure whether it was or not. Angel did have epilepsy and spent a lot of time in the hospital when she was younger. She might have chosen this charity appearance because she could relate to these kids in some small way.

If Angel could relate to them Lily definitely could. She had the same medical condition so her experiences may have been similar.

"There are fourteen right now," the organizer began before listing all of their names off and telling her what kind of bear he thought each one might like based on information the parents had given him.

The two of them were deep in conversation for nearly twenty minutes before making their way to the area where the group story time activity had been set up. Fourteen pale, hairless little faces peered up at them as they all walked in. The oldest child here couldn't be more than eight.

Lily beamed at them and waved in a way that was far too unrestrained for a pageant queen but Mark doubted anybody here cared about that. Kids didn't know the difference. "Hi guys! I'm L—Angelina and I have presents for you!"

Murmurs of excitement went around the room at the mention of presents. She continued by starting at the end of the row as she pulled out a bear in a pink dress and medieval princess hat.

"For Miss Emma—that's a very pretty name by the way, I have a good friend named Emma—we have Princess Olivia. She really likes hugs so be sure to give her lots of them," she said with a wink as she handed it off to a girl around Aria's age.

Lily continued handing out bears and making things up about their personalities to help the kids bond with them until she reached the oldest boy in the room. He had seen how excited everyone else was but was hesitant to accept his.

"Stuffed animals are for babies. I'm not a baby."

"I still have a stuffed dolphin named Wilbur," she said conspiratorially, leaning down as if they were sharing a secret. "Does that make me a baby?"

He shook his head, seeming relieved that he wouldn't be judged for wanting a bear like everyone else. He accepted Pirate Jack eagerly after that and Lily continued with the same bright smile on her face until all the bears were handed out and she had interacted with each child individually.

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