She's Not Our Daughter!

Chapter 15 - The Doctors Have Arrived

Chapter 15 – The Doctors Have Arrived

Cassius looked out the window.

His study is on the second floor where he usually stays.

The scenery outside was clearly visible from there. In particular, the garden trail built inside his fortress was visible from his study.

There, Sierra and Abel were being watched. Cassius opened the window while attending to his duties peacefully, and happened to see them together.

“Ha, really….. Do…..”

“Yes! This is exciting….. Soon…..”

Even though their conversation could not be heard perfectly, Sierra was smiling brightly. She even stroked Abel’s hair without hesitation.

A healthy young man with sky blue hair and a weak-looking Sierra looked surprisingly good together. This was different from the usual Sierra, who used to tremble like grass and daffodils.

A long time ago, Cassius and Sierra used to be happy.


When asked if Sierra had difficulties, Abel’s voice immediately told Cassius that she was having a hard time. An aide walked in, knocking on the door behind him.

“Your Grace, I’ve been looking into him. The man is a puppy named Abel.”

“…Carry on.”

“Yes, according to the villagers, their loyalty is sincere considering Msss Sierra feeds and gives him a place to stay. Of course, I think we need to find out more. This information is not accurate. However, it’s clear that they’ve been together for quite a long time.”

He was the one who protected Sierra and Hanael while he was gone.

Do you dare be jealous of that man? Cassius spoke calmly, quietly pressing down on his stomach.

“Now, get out.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

The aide shut the door carefully and left. After he left, Cassius focused on the papers left on his desk instead of closing the window.

It was so that he would stop thinking about them.

His gaze, which was fixed on his quill, fountain pen, and paper, soon reached the flashlight next to him on the desk, then to the worn-out-looking rabbit doll, which was unsuitable for the room. He looked down at the pink rabbit doll Sierra handed him, which had been by his side throughout the war.

When they first became friends, that was Sierra’s first gift to him.

‘This is a present for you, take it.’
‘…A rabbit doll?’
‘Yeah, you remind me of a rabbit, so I bought it!’
‘I’m similar to a rabbit?’
‘Yes, you’re actually more similar to a puppy, but the mart only had a rabbit.’

After that day, he fought the war alongside a rabbit doll that didn’t even fit him. It was also a pledge that reminded him to never die.

…I’ve missed you, always.

However, Cassius still couldn’t figure out how to approach her. He was a little clumsy and awkward in front of Sierra.

The bright laughter of Sierra, which he has never heard before.

He could hear a crackling laugh outside the window. It was Sierra’s bright and lively laughter. Her bright laughter and beautiful laughter, which he never heard before…

It was that moment.

Knock, knock.

He heard a short knock. Cassius raised his brow at the thought of it being the aide again. But the door opened naturally.

Peeking through the door, a girl with cute, chubby cheeks showed her face.

“Mister bad man.”

It was his daughter, Hanael. Hanael, hugging the stuffed doll in her arms, asked in a strange tone.

“You know, I came here to ask you something.”

Cassius looked at Hanael. She looked exactly like Sierra, so he had no choice but to nod at the small child who resembled her.


Hanael gulped down the hot chocolate and smiled pleasantly. Cassius tried to wipe Hanael’s mouth that was covered with foam.

Hanael, who slapped the back of his hand, said grumpily.

“The maids said I look like you.”

“Is that so…”

When he thought about it thoroughly, it seemed to be like that. Hanael had Sierra’s hair color and eyes. She looked like Sierra no matter what. However, if you look closely, she looked somewhat similar to him, too.

For example, when I smile, my left eye shuts slightly, too.

“…Yes, we look alike.”

Hanael swung her dangling legs as she could not touch the floor.

“…You know, Mister. I have a question. T-That…. Mister…..”


Hanael was trying to say something but was muttering instead.

With the presence of her father, she couldn’t figure out what to say or how to say it. Hanael was still a child, and she was not good at expressing her emotions.

So, Hanael decided to talk about her mother.

To Hanael, her mother’s happiness is the most precious thing to her…

Hanael spoke with strength as she wriggled the teacup in her hands to gather courage.

“Mister, are you going to be nice to my mother forever? The maid said you could count on them.”

Cassius answered sincerely.

Just in case Sierra feels burdened, she says everything Sierra couldn’t say.

“Daddy… No, Mister would devote his life…”


“I’ll do a good job.”

Hanael specifically spit out the fundamental question.

“Then, why did you abandon my mother?”

Her words turned into a dagger, crushing Cassius’ heart. He took a deep breath to remain calm.

“I didn’t… abandon her. There’s a reason for that, and I’ve misunderstood, so…”

Hanael pouted out her lips and said, slapping her cup of hot chocolate.

“Chi, there’s no such thing. You’re a liar.”


The door opened, but Hanael continued to mutter like a rattle.

“That old man abandoned my mother…”

A pale hand that popped out of nowhere pinched Hanael’s cheek and stretched it as if it were dough.

“This man…. You…. What does this mean?”

It was Sierra’s porcelain-like hand.

“I didn’t get thrown away. He didn’t do that. Hanael, why are you bothering the duke? I was wondering where you’ve been! I’ve been searching for you!”

“I didn’t bother the bad man!”

Sierra shrugged. Cassius stared silently at Abel’s puzzled expression as he walked in behind her.

But now, Sierra was looking at him, not Abel.

I hated myself for liking that fact. So, Cassius smiled and stared at Sierra again. She gave Cassius a slightly embarrassed look.

“Cassius, I’m sorry. Did Hanael cause you any trouble?

She showed no happy expression similar to the one earlier.

Cassius, who saw Sierra’s drooping eyes, sighed deeply.

“No, she did no such thing.”

“Hmph! I’m not a nuisance! Why am I always the bad person!”

“You, where did you learn such adult-like words…?”

Hanael grumbled in an unpleasant manner. Sierra warned her to stop by pressing down on Hanael’s plump nose.

However, Sierra noticed that Hanael kept stealing glances at Cassius. Hanael’s chubby cheeks were flushed pink. It meant that she was taking a liking to him.

‘…This is so clear without much thought.’

Hanael was a mischievous girl, but she was soft-hearted even if it didn’t seem that way. Therefore, it’s easy for her to like him, especially since Cassius treated me well.

‘I used to sing dad’s songs when I was younger. That’s understandable.’

However, it would be Hanael who gets hurt if he gave more affection. Sierra was about to sternly scold Hanael.

But it was just then.

Cassius with a turbulent gaze, Hanael with a grin, Sierra in a panic, and even Abel with a stiffened look. A knock rang in the room, where the four of them intertwined their confused emotions…

The butler carefully opened the door and appeared.

“I am sorry for intruding, Your Grace.”

Cassius, who was watching Sierra and Hanael’s conversation, spoke to the butler.

“What is it?”

“The doctors from Hipo just arrived by a teleport scroll.”

Sierra was taken aback.

Finally, good news and salvation came down to her.


Meanwhile, inside the drawing room of the duke’s mansion.

Three medical staff members, invited by the duke, finally arrived from Hipo Kingdom. While waiting for the duke, they sat on a sofa enjoying their refreshments.

They were important figures who would not have moved unless they were invited by Duke Idios himself.

Hentel, Lanya, Kilo.

Lanya and Kilo were red-haired and blue-eyed twins, and are now considered the best doctors in Hipo Kingdom.

Even so, their excellence would lose its light in front of Hentel.

The oldest of the three, Hentel, was such a genius that he even endured the title, ‘The Reincarnation of Hipocrates,’ the god of medicine who founded the kingdom.

Now, instead of working at a clinic, he was working hard to train the younger ones and develop an experimental medical kit. Although he may have stepped down from the front line, there was still light in his red eyes.

The old man, who was stroking his white beard, calmly spoke.

“We have received an official invitation from the duke, so we must maintain a clean demeanor no matter what.”

“Yes, I understand.”

After a brief silence, they began a passionate chat about medicine. The first person who mentioned it was Lanya, a woman with long straight red hair.

“I’m so proud to have this opportunity to test the paternity kit.”

“Yes, Lanya! Besides, we’ll be in this kingdom for three months. I’m looking forward to the medicine and medical techniques here. Right, Mr. Hentel?”

Lanya replied to her twin, Kilo.

“Come on, Kilo. Is there even anyone decent who majored in medicine or pharmacy here?”

“Hmm, yes, there must be even though they’re a rare find in our kingdom these days. So…”

It was time for the atmosphere to sink once more.

They witnessed the door swing open. The butler, who walked inside, cleared his dry throat.

“I present His Grace, Duke Idios and Miss Sierra.”

A woman similar to a delicate flower with flushed cheeks and a knight-like man who stood by her appeared in front of the three.

Before they entered, the Duke of Idios hid his first love, Sierra, behind him.

“Good morning, Your Grace. I am Hentel, a doctor from Hipo Kingdom. These are Lanya and Kilo, my students.”

Hentel gestured Cassius to a handshake.


Cassius greeted him with a stiff handshake.

Next was Sierra’s turn.

Everyone’s eyes naturally turned to Sierra. In particular, the young twin doctors from Hipo Kingdom could not hide their curiosity. Since the time they entered the room, the duke kept her hidden behind him as if to shield her, so they could not properly catch a glimpse of Sierra.

Finally, Sierra took a step forward.

From her pink lips, a soft voice suitable for a fragile and lovely appearance flowed out.

“Nice to meet you, I am Sierra.”

Then, the vulnerable woman lowered her eyes and curtsied.

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Hentel, Lanya, and Kilo revealed their expressions without realizing it.

The sharp-faced Duke Idios and the daffodil-like woman were like heavenly individuals, but it was difficult to say that they fit well together.

Moreover, the woman was shaking so much that it looked like she might have been kidnapped.

The doctors from Hipo Kingdom, who looked at Sierra, exchanged cautious glances with each other.


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