
Chapter 53 – I Need To Find Out Ijiel’s Identity

[Unexpectedly lucky today!]

Sierra checked the note on the fortune cookie and stuffed it onto her pocket.

‘Luck my foot.’

Feeling like a dog running after a chicken, Sierra couldn’t help but stare at the alley where the old woman had disappeared. Sierra stood there trembling, recalling the old woman who had suddenly disappeared as if there was really no one for her to lift her luggage.

‘It must be a real celebration party… that old woman must’ve been really kind….’

Unexpectedly gaining three loyal subordinates and doing good deeds, Sierra walked out of the back alley while scratching the back of her head.

‘Should I go home now?’

Today was a day filled with many good things with many good people. However, just as she was about to let her guard down for a while, “Miss.”

Three mercenaries with trembling expressions surrounded her. Sierra clenched her fists.

OK, this time it’s real.

‘You finally showed yourself.’

The kidnapper Sierra was waiting for had ultimately appeared. However, Sierra had a problem even though she was well planned to be kidnapped.

‘The knights shouldn’t see me being kidnapped!’

Cassius must have scattered good knights around Sierra and of course, Sierra would use a potion on them to put them to sleep whenever she found them… but maybe, she doesn’t have any idea about it.

She hurriedly headed towards them. They looked a bit startled when Sierra suddenly approached them, but they laughed as soon as they looked at her outfit.

“Why did you approach us, Lady?”

“Then shall we… go now?”

“Yes? Where are we going?” Sierra blinked and pretended like an idiot who knew nothing.

The men got even more excited and roughly grabbed Sierra’s neck.

‘Holding my neck? I’ll cut off your wrist, you b*st*rd.’

There was only one reason he was suited for this little kidnapping play – it is to get evidence.

‘I want to know why they are kidnapping me, what they’re gonna do to me once they kidnapped me, and if my sister was involved in kidnapping me.’

Sierra frowned at the man with a familiar face. For sure, he kidnapped her to know why she would take the Pharmacist examination at the Imperial Palace.

Oh, and before that, Sierra blinked as she drank the potion to ‘faint’. Finally, another man came to kidnap Sierra. It must be Ijiel! They put a while cloth on Sierra’s lips, probably filled with a thousand years of anesthetic. Sierra closed her eyes, pretending to faint. She then heard the men whispering loudly.

“Strange, this doesn’t seem to be enough for her to faint.”


Sierra inwardly prayed that they would just shut up and go. Soon she was moved to a small, closed room, like a luggage.

The kidnapping play ended well, but the lowest ranked mercenaries who were ordered to kidnap Sierra were now in a very difficult situation. They watched as this woman trembled with her very fragile expression. This woman was particularly very capable of arousing compassion and sympathy from others.

They cleared their throat and slowly untied the rope.

‘I was kidnapped from the Imperial Palace first and foremost… but who on earth would kidnap me? And I don’t think they are planning to kill me.’

Quietly staring at the kidnappers, Sierra opened her mouth, “Who ordered it?”

“Don’t w-we look like the kidnappers if you say it like that?”

“Alright… I understand.” Sierra replied softly.

A person definitely hired this foolish mercenary. Unless the kidnapper was very stupid, she must’ve been kidnapped to later deliberately tell everyone that she’d been abducted.

Sierra cautiously opened her mouth to the mercenary, “I’m very nervous. Can you please help me with this?”

Sierra waved him the tightly tied rope.

The acid was obviously going to be leaked from the bracelets on her wrists and the anklets on her ankles. The ropes would soon melt, and these d**n mercenaries would be executed by her own hands, but it would be nice if these ropes could be untied faster.

Sierra looked at them in tears.

“… Wouldn’t one side of the rope be alright? I would be able to subdue her with one hand anyway.”

“She’s a delicate woman. She’s probably involved in a love affair ….”

A novel would have been already completed in their minds even without Sierra’s intervention. She watched them with interest, and even her tears fell.

“Heuk, heuuk….”

The weak mercenaries bit their lips as they heard the sound of her cries barely escaping out of her lips as she bit the tongue inside her mouth.

“O-only one arm, alright?”

“Thank you….”

The rope on her left hand slowly loosened as she spoke softly. It was also at that moment when she was about to try and find out the truth after hitting the back of their necks, she heard a squeak from the tightly closed door. The door was opened carefully, and a bright light filled the dark room. Sierra blinked her eyes that had adapted to the darkness.

“I finally met you, Lady. I would need your explanation.”

Behind the escaping mercenaries, a man strode in.

“Hi, we’ve met before.”


When Sierra didn’t answer, with a victorious attitude, he said calmly, “My name is Ijiel.”

Sierra looked at Ijiel as she forced the corners of her lips down. Anyone would see that with her sad expression and now with drooping eyes, her fragile appearance was completed.

‘Ijiel that b*st*rd must fall for this and then I will hit him.’

There was no mirror in this place, but Sierra has been misunderstood for her appearance so far.

‘Pitiful, mourning, pathetic….’ She had a feeble appearance that could easily deceive anyone, even elderly people in their 50’s and 60’s who were obsessed with a heart wrenching delicate appearance. To be honest, it was easier to deceive Ijiel, a man in his twenties, than to eat a cake.

“… What is this?”

As Sierra had expected, Ijiel looked at her with a puzzled expression. She smiled sadly, blinking her eyelashes that fluttered like butterflies.


“Why do you have that expression? As if you were a sick person.”

“… Because I was kidnapped… it was so sudden that it was hard both physically and mentally.”


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