Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 128 - Roasting the Mirso Village: Round Two...

(Rose's POV)

It's evening. Hiro-sama should be returning anytime now. They did it the whole afternoon and I was not even able to make a report of it.

By the way, my cooking was liked by everyone. And after that, I played with Mikasa which unsurprisingly put a smile on my face.

And my smiling face became a victim of numerous comments from Raphtalia and Rino. It obviously made me blush more. I wished Hiro-sama could come sooner.

Raphtalia started talking about Eclair's rampage.

Raphtalia: "So, every time Mommy goes on a rampage. We have to leave her alone with Daddy so that he can tame her. I don't know how to feel about that."

Rino: "So, it's either ecosystem or allowing Eclair to have more time with Hiro-sama huh. I don't know if I will be able to choose the latter every time. Hmm... It's a hard choice."

Rino looked a little depressed. Sakura started patting her mother.

Sakura: "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

Rino hugged her daughter.

Rino: "*sniff* You understand your Mom too well, Sakura."

This looks like Sakura is the mother rather than Rino though.

Raphtalia: "But Sakura says some weird quotes from time to time. Not that they are bad though. But some are difficult to understand."

That's true. And Filo started shouting.

Filo: "Filo understands the quote from Sakura! It's like when Filo has to save Filo's favorite food from Eclair without eating it!"

All of us gave her thumbs up and she showed a proud expression. Well, that's a hard choice after all... at least for a glutton like Filo. She showed a very depressing expression when she was told to not eat them.

After some time, Hiro-sama finally appeared with Eclair. Eclair is smiling while basking in the afterglow.

Raphtalia, Rino, and even I are looking at them with a complicated expression. And for some reason, I don't want to make a report of what happened.

Hiro: "Umm... Sorry, we kept you waiting."

Rino: "Don't be, Hiro-sama. It's necessary to save the ecosystem after all."

Eclair came to me and said while smiling...

Eclair: "Alright, Rose. Listen to this. You fell for Hiro and realized your feelings and became my love rival. That's what happened. There are no other details you need to remember, okay?"

Rose: "But..."

Eclair: "There are no other details, okay?"

This time, her face looked like she is pleading.

Rose: "Alright, degozaru."

Eclair: "Good. Let's have a healthy rivalry from now on."

She extended her hand. I took it. But I don't think rivalry with Eclair can be called healthy though.

We stayed there for one hour until the cooldown period for the portal shield. And after that, we teleported to the cave near Riyute and played with Wyndia and other monsters and of course, Mikasa is still hostile to her biological father. And it made me happy?

After that, Hiro-sama and others went back to Riyute while I followed them in Shadow form. They had dinner and went to sleep. And just like that, the day is finished... or so I thought.

Hiro-sama came out of his room and indicated to me to come out. I appeared in front of him.

Rose: "Do you need something, Hiro-sama?"

Hiro: "Yeah, I am going to roast the Mirso village. Thought you would want to tag along."

Rose: "Aren't you done with that, degozaru?"

They have to pay a huge penalty for that. Well, I think that's a small punishment though.

Hiro: "Did you think I will leave the village that played with my family's feelings that easily?"

Rose: "What are you going to do, degozaru?"

Hiro: "You see, the inspiration for this roast is a fable from my world. It's called "The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf'". Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who often tricked the villagers by shouting 'wolf'. The villagers came with sticks just to find no wolf every single time. And one time, the wolf actually came but nobody came when the boy shouted. The wolf ate the boy along with his sheep. The end."

I was just standing and looked at him with shock. I understood what he was going to do.

I see... While I was busy playing with Wyndia and others in the evening. Hiro-sama and Gaelion were alone for some time. This is what they talked about huh...

Hiro-sama started walking towards the cave near Riyute.

Hiro: "Are you going to stop me?"

Rose: "I am a shadow. My job is just to report, degozaru."

Hiro: "Good, Let's go."

It's not like you are going to stop even if I say no after all.

We went to the cave where Gaelion is waiting for us. And we teleported to the mountain near the village next instant.

And Gaelion flew down the mountain to literally roast the village.

The village is already in debt to the guild. They must have already paid what they have to the guild in these two days. And if they are roasted by Gaelion at this time, The village is going to miserable. They won't have the funds to rebuild the village and on top of that, there is debt to the guild. And their guild registration is revoked until they pay back the debt. So, they can't even put a quest to dragon extermination.

No one would believe them due to their past and Hiro-sama chose night time so that Gaelion won't be noticed by other villages. They won't even have evidence that the village was destroyed by the dragon. They have to live in constant fear of when the next attack of the dragon will be. In short, a living hell to those who survive.

The first time Hiro-sama roasted the villagers is through the Sword Hero. And this time, through Gaelion. They won't even know that the reason for their misery is the Shield Hero.

Normally, Fables are to teach moral so that they will do good things. To think Hiro-sama used that moral in this way... truly, he's a terrifying being that shouldn't be messed with.

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