Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 130 - When your inspiration is children stories...

(Rose's POV)

After doing the wall-slam or rock-slam on Hiro-sama, I thought it for a while about what I read. Wait, this is not how it was supposed to be.

Rose: "Hiro-sama, Wall-slam is not supposed to be like that, is it, degozaru?"

Hiro: "I am surprised you understood that."

As I expected.

Rose: "I am redoing it, degozaru."

Hiro: "What?"

Before Hiro-sama could understand what I meant, I slammed my hand on the rock behind Hiro-sama again. This time, I used my other hand to hold Hiro-sama's chin and looked directly into his eyes.

Rose: "Become my groom, Hiro-sama."

This is how it needs to be done.

Wall-slam should be forceful. The first time, I said 'Make me your bride' which is like saying 'accept me'. But from what I read, it should be even more forceful. So, this time, I said 'Become my groom' which will be like saying 'I am taking you.' Now, that's how wall-slam should be done.

I think it worked. I can hear his loud heart-beat. Wait for a second, it's not his heart which is beating loudly, it's mine. Even though I am attacking, my body is the one that is becoming warmer. Hiro-sama's lips are right in front of me. I can kiss them, right? I started slowly closing the distance between our lips.

???: "Alright, I am done with the village. Let's go ba..."

Just when I was about to completely seal our lips, a voice interrupted us. I jerked away from Hiro-sama in surprise and looked around to see Gaelion.

Hiro: "Umm... Well, Gaelion, this is..."

Gaelion: "I... I can't believe both of you are flirting while I am burning a village down there."

Hiro: "Well, you got the wrong idea. you see, this is..."

Gaelion: "And she is glaring at me like it's my fault for interrupting you two."

The dragon said while pointing to me. Of course, it's his fault that I missed my kiss with Hiro-sama.

Gaelion: "Umm... Hiro, don't tell me seeing people suffer makes you excited."

Hiro: "No way!"

Gaelion: "I see... everything makes sense now."

Hiro: "What the hell makes sense? As I said, I am not that much of a sadist."

Gaelion: "I am starting to feel bad for the ones who will become victims to your wrath. You might be even having s.e.x with one of your girls when your enemy is suffering."

If that's true, I can't let this moment go. I immediately gave a thumbs up to Hiro-sama.

Rose: "Hiro-sama, if you want to have s.e.x, I am ready to give you my first time, degozaru."

Gaelion and Hiro-sama immediately looked at me with a shocked face. Their expression looks complicated. I am bad at expressions. So, I can't understand Gaelion's expressions at all with his dragon face.

Hiro: "Well, Rose... No nevermind. Let's just get out of here."

Hiro-sama changed his shield into the portal shield and teleported us to the cave near Riyute.

Hiro: "Alright, see ya, Gaelion."

Gaelion: "Alright, see ya tomorrow, Hiro. If you want to burn another village, feel free to ask me."

Hiro: "Nah, if I want to roast another village, I will try another method. I will mostly avoid using the same method twice."

I can't believe they can be so casual about destroying a village. After leaving Gaelion at the cave, we started walking back to Riyute.

Hiro: "So, Rose. Are you thinking of going to the Queen to report this incident?"

This incident can be considered very important. Normally, I should be leaving right this instant to report this but...

Rose: "I am thinking of staying for some time, degozaru. Mikasa already grew a lot and I think she will get a human form in a few days, degozaru. I will go after I see her human form, degozaru."

Hiro-sama smiled.

Hiro: "Your wish to talk to your daughter in her human form outweighed your duty huh. That's a good development. But we still don't know if she will get her human form though."

Rose: "Stop joking, Hiro-sama. It's you who is raising that girl, degozaru."

Hiro: "I don't know if I should take it as a compliment that you think of me that way."

After that, our conversation was cut down. We just kept walking in the forest towards Riyute. When we reached the end of the forest, we were greeted by Mikasa who is flying towards us.

Mikasa: "Gwah!"

She immediately went into Hiro's hand and rubbed her cheeks with his and came into my hands to play with me.

Hiro: "It looks like she woke up in the middle. I wonder how much she has grown. Mikasa, become as big as you can."

Mikasa: "Gwa!"

She immediately flys away from me and starts growing. And after a moment, she became a huge red-scaled dragon making us look small in front of her. She will become bigger than Gaelion in no time.

Mikasa is a special dragon. Her original form is this. When she became big, Hiro-sama was about to leave her in a stable and she immediately went back to being a baby as she wants to stay with Hiro-sama. Mikasa's skill is not just reducing her size. It's like she turns back her age. But there are limits to how much small she can become. It seems that her smallest size is about a little more than two feet.

Hiro: "I think we can ride on her easily now."

Riding huh... Oh, I know it. I can use that method.

Rose: "Come here and get down, Mikasa."

Mikasa came to me and I climbed on top of her. And I extended my hand to Hiro-sama.

Hiro: "Umm... What are you doing, Rose?"

Rose: "I have read about a story where a prince offers a ride to a girl who immediately falls for prince after riding the dragon, degozaru."

I believe that he won't fall for me that easily and the story is a lot weird but might as well try it when I have the chance.

Hiro: "Who the hell is the creator of that story? Oh wait, there are also stories like that in my world. The 'realistic' stories about a number of 'princesses' who might have some magical organs or animals talk to them or she's poisoned or cursed or kidnapped or enslaved or she made a deal with a witch or have daddy issues. I mean, most of them fall for the 'prince charming' at first sight."

What the hell is up with his world? Those stories sound even weirder than what I read.

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