Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 29 - Eclair's Resolve...

(Eclair's POV)

(The morning during Hiro's counter)

Erhard - Calm down, Eclair...

Eclair - How can I ?!!

Hiro went to meet the heroes yesterday night... I was already worried about him and now, there are rumors about him raping someone... Of course, that isn't true... This situation must be the same as mine... A false accusation... Where is he ?? He was supposed to be back by yesterday at midnight after he is done talking with heroes... I want to go out there and find wherever he is but Uncle Erhard stopped me as it would make the situation even more complicated... But I really want to find him... Hiro... Where are you ?? Please come back safe...

Hiro - I am back...

The moment I heard his voice, I ran over to him and hugged him burying my head into his c.h.e.s.t... Tears already started running through my face...

Eclair - Baka !! Baka Hiro !! Why didn't you come back faster ?!! Do you know how worried I was ?!!

He hugged me back and gently patted my hair to calm me...

Hiro - Sorry, I got some things to take care of... Don't worry, everything's fine now...

After I calmed down, we kissed... It was a soft kiss...

Erhard - Ahem... Alright, lovebirds... Could you not do that in public ??

My face became flushed after hearing his voice... I forgot that Uncle was still here !! We kissed in front of him !! I buried my face again into Hiro's c.h.e.s.t but this time, it is to hide my embarrassment...

Hiro - Hahaha... You could have closed your eyes, Uncle...

Erhard - This is supposed to be my shop, Kiddo. Not your flirting spot... Anyway, let's talk about the rumors about you ??

Hiro - I already took care of them... And thanks to that I got some money too...

Erhard - How much ??

Hiro - 5000 silvers...

Erhard/Eclair - Again !! Are you kidding me ?!!

Hiro - minus party costs which are about 500 silvers...

Eclair - Hiro... Explain what happened from the start...

Hiro - Ah... Alright... I went and met Ren and Itsuki... We were discussing things and I wanted to cure Ren's loner personality... So, I held an overnight party in the inn... I cooked there too... We had fun all night and the cost was about 500 silvers...

Eclair/Erhard - ...

So, he had a party yesterday... It seems he enjoyed it a lot... And he also cooked dishes there... I immediately became angry...

Eclair - Hiro... Here I was worried about you like hell and you were having a party !!!

Of course, Uncle must also be worried like me...

Erhard - How dare you to have a party alone !! Even if you can't invite Eclair you could have at least invited me for some booze !!

That's the reason he is angry ?!! I looked at Uncle with anger directed at him...

Erhard - I mean, How dare you make Eclair worried like that ?!!

Nice... Stay on that sentence...

Hiro - Alright sorry... But Ren needs to fight the Waves and he needs to know that he needs people to fight with him...

Eclair - Alright... What happened after that ??

Hiro - That's the fun part... I was falsely accused of raping Motoyasu's teammate... And you know what... That Bitch is the daughter of that Trash King... It's obvious that they tried to frame me... But the party I held overnight acted as my witness... Man, you should have seen their faces when their plan went downhill... Well, they managed by saying that it wasn't me but someone else who wants to frame me... But I took money from them which they put as a bounty on me... You should have seen that Trash's and Bitch's faces when I was receiving the money... Trust me, those expressions were more worth than this money... Hahaha...

Erhard - That is not a laughing matter, kiddo... They tried to frame you and kill you...

Exactly... How can he laugh like that ?? They tried to put a false accusation on him... Same as me... But this they even went as far as putting a bounty on him... If... If Hiro didn't have a witness, he would be hunted... Why ?? Hiro did nothing to them... Then why ?? Why did they do it ?!! What did Hiro do to them for them to hate him to this extent ?! Just because he has the shield ?!!

Eclair - How dare they ?!! How dare they do it to my Hiro ?!! I am so angry that I want to kill them right now... I will kill them !! I will kill them all !!

Hiro - Woah... Calm down, Eclair... You can't just go and kill a King and a princess even though they are Trash and Bitch...

Eclair - I don't care !! They tried to frame you !! Why aren't you angry ?!! How can you laugh like that ??

Hiro - Because they couldn't frame me... Let it go, Eclair...

Eclair - You are asking me to let it go ?!! You know what would have happened if you didn't have witnesses, right ??

Hiro pulled into a hug again... And he again started patting me to calm me... But this time it's to calm me from anger...

Hiro - Yeah, I know what would have happened but it didn't happen... So, instead of getting angry at things that could happen let's be happy at the things that happened... Look at the bright side, Eclair... Thanks to them, there won't be false rumors about the shield anymore...

I hugged Hiro tighter... He is right... He is with me and we should be happy... I will be happy and I will also store this anger to show it when I get the chance... They accused me of being a criminal for trying to stop them from hunting demihumans... They took my title of a knight... They hunted down all the demihumans of my hometown... They turned my already destroyed hometown into a complete ruin... They put me in prison... And now... Now they tried to frame and hunt my Hiro ?!! I have had it enough... I don't care anymore... From now on, if anyone tries to take my Hiro, my happiness away from me... I will make them suffer... Hiro might have told to let it go but wait for me, Trash and Bitch... No matter what it takes, I will make you suffer... I will make you regret trying to kill my Hiro...

But for now... I will stay happy with my beloved Hiro...

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