Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 47 - They call it a slave...

(Eclair's POV)

Hiro - I am taking her...

So, he chose huh... Hiro kept going through the cages and slave trader and I followed him... I looked at everyone like he did... I wanted to free all of them... But I know that we can't... The more we went, the worse the state of the slaves became... And Hiro finally stopped at a cage and I looked at the girl he chose... She is around ten. She was unbelievably skinny, and her eyes looked terrified. She was coughing. She also had dog-like ears that were tied up around her head. She appeared to have a large, round tail as well... And I immediately understood why he chose her... She must have reminded Hiro of himself... He must have decided to raise her but not as a killing machine he became but as a person... A son becoming a father but not like the father he knows...

Beloukas - I don't think that's a good choice... The half-raccoon has a disease and a mental disorder... I am having a really hard time with her myself... Her previous owner loved his torture, you see... I doubt if she will last much longer...

The girl is shivering... Terrified... I tighten my fist and released a huge amount of killing intent... I want to kill that previous owner... That's a ten-year-old girl out there !! Hiro didn't say anything... Well, she reminded Hiro of himself... So, he won't be surprised knowing that she went through the same thing as him... The girl looked at me even more terrified... I contained myself not to scare her more... Hiro kept looking at the girl...

Hiro - I said I am taking her... Just say the price...

The slave trader started smiling...

Beloukas - Hehehe... If you are that willing to take her, that would help me a lot... And fortunately for you, she is one of the cheapest slaves here... So, how about 30 silvers...

Hiro didn't say anything, he took out a gold coin and threw it to the slave trader...

Hiro - Keep the change...

The slave trader kept staring at Hiro with his mouth wide open... But Hiro never cared about it... He just kept looking into the eyes of the girl who is also looking at him with shock... We can buy another slave with that... In fact, with the money we have, we can buy a lot... But that has to wait...

The slave trader took the girl out of the cage with the chain attached to her collar... The girl is being dragged by the slave trader but she just kept staring into Hiro's eyes... And so did Hiro... The slave trader prepared the ink he used for slave ritual...

Beloukas - I am going to need more of your blood...

Hiro just widened the cut on his finger for more of his blood and dropped the blood drops into the ink... The slave trader made a circle with that ink on the raccoon girl's slave crest... The slave crest began to glow...

??? - Gahhhh! AAHHHH!!

The girl who was staring at Hiro until then started screaming once the crest started glowing...

Eclair - Hey !!

Beloukas - That was the 'little bit' of pain you went through... Worry not... It will dissipate soon...

The girl fell on the floor coughing... I was about to reach her but I noticed Hiro started walking towards her... I stopped right there...

Hiro went and crouched in front of the coughing girl... He raised his hand to reach out to her... The girl backed a little but stopped and let Hiro reach out to her... Hiro started patting her... The girl looked surprised and stared at Hiro...

??? - Ra... Raphtalia...

Hiro smiled at her... He patted her for a while and put his hand in front of her...

Hiro - Let's go, Raphtalia...

Raphtalia kept staring at Hiro and his hand... And after a moment, she put her small hand in Hiro's... Hiro gently held it and stood up and looked at me... But the girl kept staring at Hiro with her hand in his...

(Author - Handholding with a minor... Hmm... Isaki... Take care of the FBI, please...)

Hiro - Let's go, Eclair...

Eclair - You go outside first... I have something to talk to him... I will catch up...

Hiro nodded and went out of the tent...

Beloukas - Hahaha... So he really did chose her... I am getting goosebumps !! The history is repeating itself !!

Repeating history just because he doesn't want to repeat his own history... What an irony... The slave trader looked at me...

Beloukas - What is that you want to talk about ??

Eclair - Her previous owner who tortured her... Who is it ??

Beloukas - I would normally keep my customer's privacy but... It's Idol Rabier... I guess I don't have to tell you who that is given that you were a knight of this country...

I clenched my fist... I know him... That bastard... Even though he is a noble...

Beloukas - What are you planning to do ??

Eclair - I already have a list of a lot of people that I want to kill... One more got added to it...

Beloukas - I see... I am glad that I didn't involve myself with Seyaette...

Eclair - You should be...

I say it and start walking out of the tent...

I went out of the tent and joined with me who was waiting outside... Raphtalia is still staring at Hiro... Involuntarily, I started patting her... She looked at me with the same surprised expression as she did when Hiro did it... I smiled at her...

Eclair - Nice to meet you, Raphtalia... I am Eclair Iwatani...

Raphtalia - Eclair... Iwatani ??

Raphtalia immediately looked at the person who is holding her hand...

Raphtalia - Umm...

I guess she wants to know Hiro's name...

Hiro - Hiro... Hiro Iwatani...

Raphtalia - Hiro... Iwatani...

She looked content knowing that name... And she once again looked at us back and forth...

I guess she is confused about why we have the same name... I smiled and showed her my ring...

Eclair - I am his wife...

Raphtalia made an "Oh" expression... I smiled and put my hand in front of her and she took it... And after that, we said nothing to each other and kept walking with me holding one hand of Raphtalia and Hiro holding the other... Just like a family...

(Author Note - Hmm... A 3p hand-holding oyakadon... How l.e.w.d...)

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