135. Seminar building module [two more]

After a day of recruitment, a total of 126 students joined the 'ZHONGHUA Science Research Association'.

Among them, there are some people who are just out of pure curiosity, and of course, there are also others who come in with a provocative attitude, such as those students who were forcibly abolished by Bai Mu in the first place.

Except for a few branch libraries that don't have owners, everything else is going on in an orderly manner.

In the evening, Bai Mu opened the new function of the system: the construction function of the research society, and wanted to take a closer look at this new functional module.

【Workshop Construction Module】

Name of the workshop: Zhonghua Cuisine Workshop

Current number of members: 200

Workshop Level: Level 1

Workshop Building: 10 branch libraries in total


1. Sense of Belonging UP: Members who join the research society will have a basic belonging bonus of 30 points to the research society, and students of the cadre level will have an additional 20 points of belonging bonus, and this BUFF will increase with the increase of the level of the research society 02.

2. The charm of Chinese cuisine: Members who join the research group, no matter what kind of cuisine they were good at before, will have their opinion of Chinese cuisine increased by 30 points, and every 24 hours, their opinion will be increased by an additional point.

3. Keep improving: The members who join the research association have a desire to explore Chinese cuisine by 30 points, put an end to all 'miserable' and 'localized' Chinese cuisine, and only pursue benign and improved cuisine, and strive to chase original Chinese cuisine with local characteristics, curiosity, desire to explore, and the pursuit of culinary fineness, etc., with an additional 1 point every 24 hours.

4. Ununlocked...

Exclusive Missions:

1. Daily Tasks:

(1) All members below the cadre level complete 100 turns

(2) All members below the cadre level will shred 100 vegetables (task rewards will be distributed according to the perfection of shredding)

(3) All members below the cadre level practice carving 100 different types of vegetables and fruits (rewards for completing tasks will be distributed according to the carving results)

2. Trigger task: None yet

3. Hidden Mission: None yet

4. Long-term tasks:

(1) The road to the expansion of the research society: take your .carry forward the zhonghua cuisine research society! the larger the research society, the richer the rewards!

XP required to reach the next level: /0 (Note: XP is available after completing the mission)


From beginning to end, he went through this newly opened research session.,Bai Mu found that this function was actually much more useful than he intended.,Originally, he thought it was just a completely perfunctory but after seeing the content inside,,Suddenly it seems to be pretty good.。

But where will the effects of these three buffs be reflected?

As soon as Shiraki had this doubt, the unlocked door was directly pushed open by Yoshino Yuhime's palm, and now it was already past dinner time, but Yoshino Yuhime was holding a pot of food in his hand, and his face looked very excited.

"Bai Mujun, I just tried to make a 'saliva chicken' according to the recipe! Although it feels like it can't restore the authentic Sichuan taste, it's just my confident work! Come and help me taste it!"

"Yuhime, you're still studying cooking after all this night?"

Shiraki, who was startled by Yuhime who suddenly broke through the door, turned his head and said with palpitations.

"Of course, I didn't know it before, but Chinese food is so interesting! Everyone else is also studying cooking in the kitchen, and I don't know why, but everyone seems to be very passionate today!"

Yoshino Yuhime saw that Shiraki still had an unresponsive expression, and directly pulled him downstairs, and Shiraki also saw what Yuhime said at this moment was really going on.

I saw Ibu Saki and Sato, two key friends, including Kohei Soma, all gathered in the kitchen, discussing different ingredients and making dishes.

"Hmm, are you finally willing to let it go?" Mrs. Wenxu, who had been watching for a long time, saw that Bai Mu, who had been staying in the room for a day, finally came down, and said helplessly, "Do you know what is going on with them?

Mrs. Wenxu is right, the entire Pole Star Liao, except for Bai Mu, who is an authentic Sichuanese, everyone else is right. Chinese cuisine's understanding,Still in junior high school when the textbook on those dry words,To put it bluntly,Since the end of the exam, there are many people who have even forgotten how many major cuisines of Chinese cuisine have been completely forgotten.,As a result,Now,I don't know what kind of wind is smoking.,Including Megumi Tado, who studies local cuisine,Everyone started in the morning.,After Yoshino Yuhime inadvertently mentioned the topic of zhonghua cuisine,The scene became out of control.,Especially Kohei Chuangzhen, a guy who thinks of what he thinks.,It's even more unintuitive to discuss.,Directly ran to the kitchen to make a plate of braised lion's head. 。

As a result, it is not surprising that his lion head has been unanimously evaluated by everyone in Polestar Liao, that is, it is not authentic.

Mrs. Wen Xu was stunned when she watched from the side, thinking to herself, have you little rabbit cubs ever been to Huaxia?

Next, Yuhime shouted that she was going to kill the chicken and slaughter the sheep, and asked Kohei to see the results of her three years of study in the middle of the far moon, and then everyone started arguing out of control.

Even Zenji Marui, who has never been involved in such debates, made a long speech because of his deepest knowledge among the people.

In the end, Kohei, who heard the big head, directly picked the child, and suggested that everyone get up in 853 to actually make it, and then everyone tasted it and decided whose dish was the most authentic.

Just when everyone was holding their own words and no one could convince anyone, I don't know who thought about it, didn't they have an authentic Chinese person in their 'Pole Star Liao'?

So Yoshino Yuhime went upstairs and pulled Shiraki down, and it just so happened that what Shiraki saw was such a scene.


Facing Mrs. Wenxu's question, Bai Muxin said I don't know what kind of wind they are pumping, who would have thought that the new module of the system is so powerful, he pulled everyone into the research group at the beginning, on the one hand, he wanted to be able to get some funds from the Far Moon Pit, and on the other hand, he didn't plan to interfere with their interests, after all, everyone in the Polestar Liao basically has their own direction of specialization, and his original idea was to build one on the redundant branch library site. Chinese and Foreign Cuisine Exchange Hall', but who knew that a day later, these guys would suddenly be so interested in zhonghua cuisine?

"Shiraki, you're finally here!" Sato's two friends, who were arguing, saw the whereabouts of Shiraki, and immediately seemed to have found a savior, and hurriedly brought up the food in their hands, "Come and judge, who is more delicious in this 'goo meat' between the two of us?"


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