274. Naginata-cut thistle, barely surviving?

Nagi thistle, who was stepped on twice, only felt a throbbing pain in the bridge of his nose at this time, but before he could react, the people behind him rushed up one after another, so Nagi thistle, who was still in a daze, didn't think much about it, and instinctively covered his head with both hands to protect himself, and at the same time stopped the crowd.

"Stop! Stop! There's someone here!"

The crowd in the back row saw that there seemed to be a riot in front, but they didn't know what was going on, they could only be pushed forward by the crowd, they all came from other venues to hear the news, and the people around them were saying that if they came late, they wouldn't be able to catch up, so they were in such a hurry, just like rushing to participate in the event at the temple fair, at this time they found that there was something unusual in front of them, and the crowd also broke out a little commotion.

"Ah, there's someone here?"

"Where, where, did you step on someone?"

"yes, I'm sorry! I seem to have stepped on something, are you okay? Can you please stop for a moment?"

"Please disperse a little bit of the people in the back, it seems that someone has fallen, and now there are not many people in the venue, we can enter. "

At the beginning, someone found themselves stepping on the shouts of people,The whole crowd began to be confused,But it's still that problem,It's a distance from the stalls.,The bright lights outside don't belong here.,Plus it's close to the mountain road and the woods.,The sporadic lights can't find a corner at all.,Ordinary guests who visit the school festival won't go here.,So there's no monitoring team here.,These guests are also because of this.,Don't want to hinder the traffic in the main activity area.,Thus affecting the business of the students chose to detour from here.,Originally, this was a kind act.,But the thistle doesn't go the ordinary way.,Plus a black outfit. , making it difficult for visitors to discover his presence. Especially after the fall, my body was stepped on several times one after another, and I only felt a period of chest tightness and shortness of breath, and gradually I couldn't speak.

From time to time in the crowd there were exclamations, fortunately, after the initial riot of these tourists, the people behind finally found the existence of the thistle, the people of the two ways consciously avoided the position where the thistle was lying down, although they were driven forward by the people behind, and they couldn't stop for a while, but some people took out their mobile phones at this time, or asked for help from the inspection.

All in all, by the time the crowd left and the monitoring team arrived, Nagi Thistle was already lying unconscious on the ground.

Several staff members glanced at each other and found that no one knew the man who had fallen into a coma, and one of the staff members who knew some first aid methods stepped forward to check the situation, and found that Nagi thistle's chest was still slightly undulating, and after discussing it, he contacted the ambulance directly.

"Hey, the school medical office, please send an ambulance over, a man in an unconscious was found at the school festival venue, according to other tourists, he was trampled by the crowd... Yes, it shouldn't be life-threatening, but please send someone over as soon as possible. "


Just when a few staff members and a few tourists who had stepped on the nagi thistle before were talking around the unconscious nagi thistle, a loud bang suddenly appeared from the special camera venue in the central area, and everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, and heard the crowd in front of them suddenly erupt into an uproar, and then it didn't take long for the overwhelming air wave to take the stage as the center, quickly spread to the surroundings, with the central area as the center of the circle, a radius of 100 kilometers was instantly covered by this wave of air like mushroom eggs washing the ground in less than thirty seconds.

Several staff and tourists didn't have time to react, they felt that the originally tasteless air was suddenly covered by an indescribable aroma, this is a very strange smell, like a certain fruit, and like a very strong taste of meat, just inhale, it makes people feel dizzy, as if they were washed away by an irresistible torrent of deliciousness, everyone present only felt that a white light flickered in front of them, like the vast ocean of delicious torrents from a distance, in an instant they were overwhelmed without the ability to resist, everyone in the initial distraction, all of them all felt the sudden surge of hunger.

Lying on the ground without a sound, the eyes of the nagi thistle suddenly opened, which were covered with blood, as if it was a corpse, and the upper body sat up directly from the ground, but this was only the first layer of smell, twenty seconds later, a smell that was thousands of times thicker than just now set off a gust of wind again, spreading from the field of the special effects stage from the surroundings, this time the smell was more than just now. The first taste is more aggressive, if there is a person with a food cell at this time, he can judge on the spot that this is a sign that the special cooking ingredients have been cooked, but unfortunately, this kind of ingredient does not exist in this world, so everyone just feels a strong sense of suffocation, if the taste at the beginning is like a delicious torrent, which can easily drown anyone, then this second layer of aroma is like a mushroom bomb with hundreds of tons of equivalent being detonated together, which can blow anyone up without a reaction.

The nagi thistle, who had just opened his eyes, breathed suddenly, and suddenly fell down in a daze again, but this time he fell down with several staff and tourists on the scene, this is a kind of stress reaction from the body, in more popular terms, it is so delicious that he almost died on the spot, and the source of all this comes from the otherworldly ingredients that Bai Mu exchanged from the system space: a special cooking ingredient from the world of food captivity: Dodoria fruit.

Of course, this fruit has a more understandable name, which is the 'giant stinky durian bomb'.

It is rumored that at least 100 kilometers around the growth of this fruit will be filled with an unbearable stench, especially at the moment when its fruit ripens and lands, it will explode like a bomb with a shocking stench, it is rumored that this smell will make all the surrounding trees die, even the fish in the fish pond will not escape, will float to the surface with their belly, but on the contrary, the more ripe this fruit, the more delicious it will contain, in other words, the more smelly the fruit of Dotoria is, the more delicious it is。

However, this ingredient with an astonishing smell also has quite delicate and sensitive cooking conditions, and once someone approached the Dodoria fruit in a spacesuit-level protective suit, and the fruit directly rotted, that is, only bare-handed and unarmed creatures could successfully capture this special cooking ingredient, in other words, the food hunters or cooks that the Dodoria fruit identified with were only those who could really accept the fruit's strange smell from the heart.

And unfortunately, Bai Mu, who thinks that his physique is only stronger than ordinary people, and it is impossible to resist the kind of smell that can make the four heavenly kings of food like Ah Yu faint, and he has armed himself to the teeth before taking out this fruit, not to mention the black technology protective clothing provided by the system, and even the oxygen tube is ready for backup, so the moment the Dodoria fruit came out, the thick layer of protection was immediately judged to have failed to capture, and began to emit a more shocking smell.

Even more unfortunate, the combination of this shocking stench and Shiroki's ability seems to have produced an even more terrifying chemical reaction.

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