327. Delicious food that is about to die

"Hmm... W-What's going on...!"

Beirut was not prepared for this sudden flood of taste, and when he came back to his senses, he only felt that his whole body began to fall into a state of numbness from head to toe.

The soft wind blowing in his ears, and the distant music slowly soaked into his dreams, like the whispers of angels, and like the gentle white noise in the quiet nature, easily captured all the hearts of Beirut.

At this moment, she felt that all her senses were concentrated on a point of her tongue, and the feeling that all the organs in her body were clamouring and blooming comfortably made her brain a little confused for a while.

Beirut's body is completely empty, holding a hot bear meat pie in both hands, and his mouth is unconsciously chewing, like a traveler in the desert who has found a water source, and can swallow and swallow just by relying on the instinctive reaction of his body.

The crispy outer cake formed a golden wall, the soft gravy turned into nectar, silently invading her world of imagery, and countless angels sounded their horns, as if to cross her soul to heaven.

"Good, delicious... What kind of cuisine is this... It's so delicious that I can't stuff anything else in my brain, but I can't remember what it tasted like..."

She had already eaten most of the pie in Beirut's hand, and she was like a cat that didn't know how to eat, constantly absorbing the deliciousness of the dish, even if everything was just a fleeting illusion, and she was still reluctant to let go of a moment of joy.


Ciela next to her couldn't help but reach out and shake it in front of her, trying to remind her that it was time to give her rating, but Beirut, who was already completely immersed in the dish, still maintained a small chewing motion, and the corners of her eyes - even overflowed with tears.

"Huh... Crying, crying?!"

Seeing Beirut's performance, Ciara was shocked, couldn't help but glance at the pie in front of the stage, and suddenly swallowed and said, "Yes, is it so delicious?"

The more she looked, the more she felt that the dish in front of her was tempting her to hurry up and taste herself, and when she looked at Beirut, who seemed to be indulging in delicious food next to her, Cira's expression was tangled, and she could only turn her eyes to Nagi Sowei on the other side.

"There's no way, let's start with you. "

Nagi Sowei saw Beirut's trembling state, and he didn't understand what was wrong with this kid for a while, and when he looked at the other party's appearance carefully, it didn't look like he had fallen into any negative state, he hadn't encountered this situation, and after glancing at Dojima Silver next to him, he could only choose to skip Beirut for the time being.

"I see, then, I'm going to go!"

Sila nodded a little nervously, picked up the grocery bag on the table, and revealed the bear meat pie inside.

She cautiously opened her mouth and took a bite on the pie, feeling the soft juice and crispy crust in her mouth, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she was hit head-on by a torrent of taste.

The pores of her body opened at this moment, and Cira only felt an indescribable wonderful experience spread from the soles of her feet, and her body movements seemed to be uncontrollable, holding the pie in her hand, eating at a speed that was almost devouring.

"Woo... It's delicious... Why is there such a delicious food..."

She couldn't help but whimper in her throat, every cell in her body trembled, and her whole body seemed to be a new life.

Seeing her like this, Dojima Silver and Nagi Sowei on the side glanced at each other, and they didn't mention the matter of scoring, they directly picked up the food in front of them, opened their mouths and bit it.

As the head chef of the Far Moon Resort, Dojima Silver has a wide range of knowledge, and the most impressive dishes he has eaten before happen to be from Shiraki's hands, and therefore, he has a lot of information about Shiraki from the beginning, and Nagi Cuttle hired the legendary late-night cook, and he is not at all worried that these students will be ordered to drop out of school by the center.

In his opinion, even if he is the head chef of a star-rated restaurant, it is almost impossible to beat Shiraki in this form of culinary duel, let alone a late-night chef who can't be on the official table.

However, it may have been a while since he had tasted Shiroki's cuisine, and Dojima Gin's estimation of Shiroki's strength was still too conservative after all.

After feeling the juice that gradually melted in his mouth, and experiencing the reality that the pores of his body were all dilated in an instant, Dojima Silver had already forgotten all about this assessment.

Now, he just wants to quietly enjoy this incomparable dish, and he just wants to immerse himself in the simple deliciousness of his whole body and mind.

The feeling that the joints of his body were trembling and the countless images of food lingering in his mind made Dojima Ginche truly experience what it was like to be reborn.

It's just a dish... It's a dish that makes you feel like you're dying!

The entire assessment venue suddenly fell into calm at this moment.

Whether it was the judges who were immersed in the deliciousness and couldn't extricate themselves, or Kohei Soma and others, who also fell into a wonderful state after eating the food, they were silently chewing the dishes in their mouths at this time, and there was no extra sound.

This strange situation naturally attracted Saji's attention.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and her gaze swept sharply towards Bai Mu, the only one still standing normally, and her eyes became more and more aggressive.

"What did you do?"

She was absolutely confident in her own cooking, and even her thick-cut bear chops couldn't make these judges react like this, how could it be with just one student?

If Shiraki can do this with a single dish, then what is her research on cooking for so many years?

"I didn't do anything. Shiraki smiled at her, pointed to the leftover pie on the table, and spread his hands.

"If you want to know why, can't you try it yourself?"


Saji stared into his eyes for a few seconds and didn't speak.

After a long time, she suddenly got up from the audience, walked quickly to the table, picked up the pie on the table, and took a bite without looking.

In the next moment, the dishes that suddenly entered her mouth were like a landmine, and they exploded in her mind.

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