Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 20 - The Uzumaki Clan is Real

Sirens filled the air as the police and the emergency medics rushed to take care of the situation.

A black-haired man in a trench coat had lined up all the students who were relatively uninjured to count them. "Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen..." he glanced at the list of the class names, "Everyone, seems to be unharmed except for that boy whose legs were all messed up and your class representative."

An officer ran up, "Tsukauchi, may I have a word?"

The detective nodded and walked off leaving Class 1A alone for a moment. The general mood was gloomy. They had survived, yes, but they had been far from ready to deal with this sort of situation.

Ojiro heard a muffled sob from the nearby air, "Hagakure?" the invisible girl grabbed the sandy blonde in a desperate hug, causing him to flush, "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm scared!"

Without another word, the boy wrapped his arms around her, "It's okay, we're all safe now."

Yaoyorozu placed a comforting hand on the crying girl's back, "You poor thing. You've been through a lot today."

Aoyama did a pose, causing the air around him the sparkle, "She and I were absolutely magnifique! We took down the villain blocking the alarms with such style! It also made moi dizzy with all the splendor!"

His overdramatic act caused Hagakure to giggle despite her tears. The rest of the class brightened a little as they all began to exchange stories of their battles.

They were eventually interrupted by Tsukauchi's return.

"Let's go ahead and get the students back to the main campus," he said to the officer he had been talking to, "They've been through a lot. No need to question them right away."

Tsuyu hopped forward, "Detective, what about our teachers and classmates?"

The detective gave an understanding smile, pulling out his phone, "Let me check."


[The bones in his arms were splintered and he had facial fracturing. His orbital floor was completely destroyed,] everyone felt gloom settle over them again at Aizawa'a diagnosis the doctor was giving them over the phone, [Normally this may have impaired his sight, but it seems that he has received intense healing from someone. He had been slowly recovering since before he arrived at the hospital. At worst, he'd be in bandages for a couple of weeks, no permanent injuries to worry about.]

"That must have been Haru!" Tsuyu exclaimed, "He used some healing Quirk I never knew he even had on Mr. Aizawa while All Might was fighting the villains!"

Mineta nodded furiously, "Yeah, he made sensei bite his arm, and then some sparkly green stuff starting healing him!"

Tsukauchi gave them a look that gave everyone the impression that he was surprised. It was as if Haru's previous abilities were familiar to him, "Haru? Haruko Bakugo?"

Iida nodded, "Yes, he's our class rep."

"Sir, what about the others?" Ashido interrupted, her cheerful attitude replaced with one of worry.

"Thirteen is fine. Despite some lacerations to the back, she's gonna pull through as good as new. All Might is also without serious injuries and is resting in the nurse's office."

Uraraka couldn't contain herself anymore, "What about Deku?"

Katsuki also lost all semblance of patience, "Screw that! What about Haru?"

Tsukauchi held up his hands reassuringly, "Give me a moment to check."


[Both of Midoriya's legs and right arm are completely fractured by his Quirk, but it's nothing I can't fix,] Recovery Girl said over the phone, [As for Haruko, he's in a temporary coma from exhaustion, but he seems to be recovering from it faster than he has in his previous medical records. I'm not sure why this is yet, but I have a good theory ongoing. By tomorrow they both ought to be perfectly fine.]

Tsukauchi ended the call and pocketed his phone, "Now, let's get you back to class."

"Okay," everyone answered in unison.

They started following the detective back to the bus when they encountered some of their teachers exiting the USJ.

"I can't believe we completely let them escape after everything they did here," Midnight sighed.

"Well they did catch us completely by surprise," Nezu pointed out calmly, "For now we need to make sure all the students are okay. We'll need security upgrades. Probably a system overhaul."

"Agreed," Snipes ȧssented, "Warp Quirks are rare and can completely change the course of a battle. For a villain to have such a power..."

Tsukauchi held his hand up for the students to wait as he approached Nezu, "Principal," Nezu and his two companions looked up, "I'd like to investigate every inch of the school, just to be safe."

Nezu spread his arm invitingly, "Of course, please do! You'll have full access to the campus. We definitely need your ȧssistance on this matter. I don't care who makes a fuss, you have my blessing."

Tsukauchi nodded thanks before turning to the waiting police squads, "Teams, proceed as planned."

"Yes sir!"

Tsukauchi turned back to Nezu tipping his hat, "I'd best get the students back to the school," he said apologetically, "I also have one last stop to make."

Nezu nodded, his eyes showing a secret understanding, "Of course," he looked past the detective at a fancy car pulling in, "I suggest you take him with you."

Tsukauchi turned around, "Who?"

Everyone in class 1A gasped at the denim-clad figure who stepped out of the vehicle.

'Best Jeanist!'

The number four hero approached Nezu, "I came as soon as I got your call."

Nezu motioned at Tsukauchi, "The detective shall show you the way."

"Thank you."

"What's Best Jeanist doing here?" Ashido whispered at Kirishima.

The redhead shrugged, "I don't know, maybe it had something to do with class rep being part of the Uzumaki Clan."

"What?" the pink girl hissed, "He is?"


The entire class jumped when they realized that Best Jeanist had overheard the 'quiet' conversation.

Sero looked confused, "Wait, what's the Uzumaki Clan?"

Ashido gave him an incredulous look, "Are you kidding? This is considered one of the biggest mysteries on the internet!"

Nazu clapped his paws together gaining their attention, "We realized that to maintain this secret, we would be forced to tell you the truth of the matter. Haruko Bakugo's birth name is Haruko Uzumaki. His family has been possessors of powerful Quirks for generations. Because of this, they were sought out for their power. When the last known member died fifteen years ago, her child was taken in by the Bakugo family. Best Jeanist was the hero ȧssigned to monitoring his security."

Best Jeanist addressed the class, "It goes without saying, this is top secret information. You cannot tell anyone this, not even your closest family and friends. Haruko's safety is heavily dependent on keeping his identity a secret from the public. That is why we even kept it a secret from his adopted brother."

Everyone looked over at Katuski to see the ash-blonde with his head bowed, but otherwise showing no response.

"This decision of secrecy was decided by the government, not the Bakugo family," Tsukauchi informed them, "Any breach of secrecy could potentially have led to Haruko to have been placed in confinement or relocated."


It was obvious what their decision was.

Kaminari clenched his fists, "We won't tell a soul," he declared firmly.

Jiro nodded, "Yeah, we'll keep it a secret."

"That's right!" Uraraku chimed.

"Black Shadow and I will carry the secret to the grave."

"Information like this is too glamorous to share, non?"

"Haru saved my life. It's the least I can do. Ribbit."

"As secretary of Class 1A, I promise my full silence!"

"Class Rep's scary but he's super strong!"

"All right! A class secret!"

"A true man never sells out his bros!"

"You can count on us!"

Best Jeanist nodded in satisfaction, giving a small smile from behind his collar, "Thank you."

'You have made many good friends, Haru.'


(A while later at the UA infirmary...)

Recovery Girl sighed, "Well, I guess I won't scold you for them being back here since it wasn't your fault."

She looked sadly over at the figures of All Might and Izuku lying in the two beds nearest her. Haru had been placed in a separate room since all he needed was rest as his injuries were already mostly healed.

All Might ġrȯȧnėd, his now thin body covered in bandages, "I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight. I hope I can at least hold the form for at least an hour."

Izuku turned his head a little to look at his mentor, "I'm so sorry."

The Symbol of Peace sat himself up, "Welp, no use in worrying. These things happen."

They were interrupted by the infirmary door sliding open, "Excuse me," Tsukauchi took off his hat as he entered the room, smiling at the number one hero, "Hi, All Might. Been a while."

All Might was so startled he began coughing up blood, "What the hell? I didn't know you were investigating!"

Izuku sat up in alarm, "All Might! It's okay he's seeing you like this?"

All Might calmed himself to explain, "It's fine. This is Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best friend in the police force. He's legit, I trust him."

The detective gave a modest chuckle, "That's quite an introduction. Sorry to cut to the chase, but we could really use any information you might have."

"Hold on! Before all that!" All Might grabbed his friend's hand, "Tell me all the students are okay. Eraser Head. Thirteen. How are they?"

Tsukauchi looked over at Izuku, "Both of the teachers are in stable conditions right now and apart from this boy and Uzumaki, most of the injuries were just scraps."

"Tsukauchi!" All Might hissed, "Young Midoriya doesn't know!"

Izuku tilted his head, "About what?"

Tsukauchi smiled reassuringly, "It's a bit late now. Uzumaki already gave himself away earlier. Best Jeanist and I explained the basics of his situation to them."

Recovery Girl pursed her lips, "I see. Will the higher-ups interfere?"

Tsukauchi shook his head, "No need to worry. The Hero Public Safety Commission thinks this actually works perfectly to have more people Uzumaki's age in on the secret. It saves a lot of secrecy problems in the future."

All Might sighed, "I never knew them to decide on something so fast before."

Izuku was still confused, "All Might, what is he talking about. What secret?"

Tsukauchi turned to Izuku, "You can ask your classmates for details later. To sum it up, your friend, Haruko Bakugo is actually a member of the Uzumaki Clan."

Izuku still didn't quite understand, "I remember All Might mentioning that before, but who's the Uzumaki Clan?"

"A powerful family clan that possesses very powerful Quirks," All Might explained, "To be honest, Haru is the only member apart from his mother we ever encountered. From the information we have been able to gather, Uzumaki's were sometimes worshiped as gods due to their overwhelming power."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Haru-chan is that powerful?"

Tsukauchi shrugged, "We don't know yet, but after today we believe that may end up being the case," he frowned, "I heard, Uzumaki tried to kill the villains after they attacked his brother. If some people try to use this for grounds of mental instability, the matter could get ugly."

"No need to worry about that," Recovery Girl stated, "When I checked Haru's energy levels I noticed the seal on his forehead has been compromised. The new healing ability he gained caused his chakra to flow around his body in ways it normally doesn't as a result releasing more from the seal than was meant to."

Tsukauchi wrote down what she said in a small notebook, "How do you know this?"

The heroine smirked, "I learned how to gauge people's stamina for the use of my Quirk over decades. After reading medical files and seeing the seal for myself, it was a cinch."

All Might shook his head in wonderment, "You never cease to amaze me."

The old woman hopped off her seat, "Who do you think you are talking to? I've got more field experience in my day than even you, All Might!" she picked up her cane and started to leave the room, "I best get over to the main infirmary. I guess some of the students will try to visit the boy."

After the door shut, Tsukauchi turned back to All Might, "You know, if you heroes hadn't risked your lives, the students never would have made it. Thanks to you three, the entire class was saved today."

All Might shook his head, "You're not seeing the whole picture, Tsukauchi. The student also risked their lives, they fought as hard as us."

Izuku felt his heart warm at the words, "Thank you, All Might."

The number one hero gave Izuku an encouraging smile, "I don't think there ever has been a group of first-years who ever experienced a real fight like this so early in their training. They not only survived, they learned what it means to be a pro. Those villains made a mistake in attacking them. This class is strong; filled with courage and drive. Mark my words, they'll become great heroes."


(Later that day...)

"Haru! Haru!"

The redhead felt himself slowly regain consciousness as a frantic voice screamed at him to wake up. His brain suddenly went on alert and he shot up, his teeth bȧrėd as he prepared for a fight.

Monoma and Shiozaki gasped and stood back from the edge of the bed.

Haru realized he wasn't able to sense any of his brother or any of his classmates anywhere, "Where's Katsuki? Where's everyone else? Are they okay? What happened to the villains?"

"They're all just fine, dearie," Recovery Girl answered calmly from where she sat on the far side of the room, "The villains retreated and everyone is healing nicely.

Haru looked over at the old heroine, "Granny Chiyo!"

Monoma glomped Haru on the head causing the redhead to groan, "You idiot! What possessed you to try and act the hero?"

Shiozaki gave Monoma a confused look, "Because he's a student of the hero course?"

Monoma glowered mildly, "You know what I mean!"

Haru rubbed the sore spot on his head, "I don't think she does, Monoma."

The blonde pulled his hair in frustration, "Agh! Why is it so difficult to talk to you two?"

"Not all of us are as intelligent as you," Shiozaki answered with a deliberately straight face.

Monoma gave the girl a withering look, "Har, har! Your sense of humor knows no bounds," he replied sarcastically.

"Thank you."

Recovery Girl rapped her cane against the floor, "Quiet down, now. He's still a little weak from overusing his Quirk. Let him rest a little before his brother tears the place up."

As if in response to her words, the door was slammed open, revealing a panting Katsuki, "HARU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

Haru braced himself before his brother started to charge him.

Luckily Kirishima appeared behind the angry blonde and was able to hook his arms under Katsuki's shoulders, "Calm down, Bakubro, he's still recovering."

Jiro and Kaminari ran into the room, completely winded.

"Your brother is way too fast!" Kaminari whɨnėd, sprawling out on the floor.

"You idiot," Jiro panted, addressing the elder Bakugo, "What were you planning to do, finish him off?"


"Is this a bad time for me to ask if you guys are okay?" Haru asked.

Jiro, Kaminari, Monoma, and Shiozaki all gave him a hard look, "Yes."

Katsuki blasted a small explosion, loosening Kisihima's hold as the teen was forced to harden his body and stomped over to Haru's bed.

Haru met Katsuki in a mild headbutt ending with both boys pushing for dominance.

"Don't you dare do shit like that again!"

"And if I do?"

"I kill you myself, clone you, and kill all your clones."

"You can already kill my clones, ȧsshole!"

"What did I say about language?"

"Like you can talk."

Jiro ġrȯȧnėd, "Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can we address the elephant in the room?"

Haru pulled away from his headbutt competition with Katuski, "What elephant?"

"Alright out!" Recovery Girl waved her cane threateningly, "You can all talk to him tomorrow! I need to remove his bandages."

Haru looked down and noticed that he was no longer wearing a shirt and his whole right shoulder and stomach were bandaged.

All the other students in the room reluctantly started to shuffle out, except for Katsuki who was dragged out by Kirishima and Kaminari, cussing like there was no tomorrow.

Jiro was the last to go.

"Guess you didn't die, so I can't say anything."

Haru cracked a smile, "If I was dead, you still wouldn't be able to tell me anything."

The dark-haired girl clasped her hand behind her head, "Nah, I'd just dance on your grave."


She chuckled raising her hand in a wave as she walked out, "Later."

Haru waved back, "Later."

The door slid shut leaving him alone with Recovery Girl. The old nurse just stood silently a knowing smile on her face.


"Oh, nothing," she said shuffling away to her desk.

Haru narrowed his eyes, "I don't trust that look."

"Son, when you get to be my age, you take what you get."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Best Jeanist was here to see you, but he was called away on important business," she told him, completely changing the subject.

Haru looked a little crestfallen, a little disappointed upon losing the chance of meeting his mentor.

"He wanted me to tell you that he will be meeting you soon."

Haru's face instantly brightened.

Recovery Girl smiled at him as she made a final check-up.

"You seem to be recovering fine. You'll be shaky but for some reason, the chakra you lost has been replenished by the seal, do you have any idea what happened?"

Haru touched his forehead thoughtfully, "I seem to have much more information than I had before. From what I gather, the seal also suppressed part of my chakra since too much growth would weaken it," his brow furrowed, "This wasn't supposed to happen yet. The seal is weakening too fast. I can't even begin to guess what will happen."

Recovery Girl patted his back comfortingly, "You'll be fine, if you get out of control again, we'll make sure nothing happens."

Haru bowed his head, nodding, "I need to make the chakra suppressing seal tags. They will be necessary if I... If I do that again..."

He flinched as Recovery Girl poked his side with her cane, "Don't go beating yourself up for what happened, young man!"

Haru tried to defend himself from the irate women's attacks, "Hold on, I'm injured! Stop stabbing me! Once was enough! Didn't you take the Hippocratic oath or something?"

"My infirmary, my rules," the old heroine shot back, "You fought bravely and saved the lives of your teachers and classmates. You even unlocked a new ability outside of the Mystical Palm. Not every person can say that."

Haru gave a rueful smile, "No, I guess not..."

"Good! Now let's take a look at those bandages."


(Unknown location...)

The dim lights of the bar flickered as a warp gate swirled open, dumping a heavily wounded and nearly unconscious Shigaraki to the floor.

"Ow!" the villain hissed, "Shot in both arms and legs! A broken wrist and torn up stomach! All those underlings wiped out! Even Nomu was beaten! We failed, those kids were so strong and the Symbol of Peace wasn't weakened at all!" he struggled to raise his head to glare at the monitor saying 'sound only', "You were wrong, Master! So wrong!"

[No, I wasn't,] a deep voice answered calmly, [We just weren't as prepared as we should have been.]

[I agree,] another voice added, [We underestimated him. Thankfully we failed under the fake League of Villains name, not our own. What about the creature the master and I created? Where is Nomu?]

[Yes,] the first voice said, *Yes, why is he not with you?*

Kurogiri's misty body flared as he struggled to remain standing against the bar, "Nomu was blown away."

[What?] the second voice cried.

"It was mostly All Might's doing," Kurogiri explained, "Without coordinates to his precise location, I couldn't use my warp to bring him with us. I was going to search for him, but I got injured and was forced to retreat completely."

[This is a travesty!] the second voice declared angrily, [After all we did to make him as powerful as All Might!]

[Well, I suppose it can't be helped, unfortunately,] the first voice stated calmly, [You said you were injured, Kurogiri, how did that happen?]

Shigaraki growled from his place on the floor, "It was all Haruko Bakugo's fault! The one you wanted to recruit! He stopped me from killing All Might! He's the one who clawed out my stomach and broke my wrist. He even held Nomu at bay!"

[WHAT?] the second voice sounded incredulous, [Nomu was designed to kill All Might! It's impossible for a student to even compare! His Quirk shouldn't be capable of this level of power! How did this happen?]

"We underestimated the Bakugo brothers too much," Kurogiri stated, "Both of them are much more intelligent than we perceived, Haruko Bakugo especially. He saw through my attacks after viewing a single battle against one of his teachers and created a counterattack before I could perceive it. He also has more than that one Quirk."

An interested hum sounded from the first voice, [Elaborate.]

Kurogiri nodded, "From what I gather, the boy was able to detect the presence of life itself, he could even tell if a person was lying."

[Fascinating,] the second voice interrupted, [Continue.]

"He mentioned something that confused me," Kurogiri admitted, "He told me that Nomu and I were the same," he looked at the dim monitor, "Am I a Nomu, master? Are we the same?"

[You are not,] the first voice replied, [You are much more intelligent and hold greater potential. Never mind that for now, tell us more about what you saw.]

"The boy has healing capabilities that rival Recovery Girl's," there was a sharp intact of breath heard from the second voice, "I would even say it is even stronger. He regenerated himself from Shigaraki's attack and even survived a full-powered punch from Nomu. If this boy becomes a hero, he can be the greatest threat besides All Might."

[Looks like we now have to get him on our side,] the first voice said, [If that fails, we have to ensure he never becomes a threat to us.]

Kurogiri hesitated a moment, "Master... Is the name, Uzumaki, significant by any chance?"

There was a short silence, [Uzumaki?] the second voice questioned excitedly, [Was there anyone there under that name?]

[You know something about this?] the first voice asked the second.

[It was only a rumor nearly fifteen years ago. A clan of people possessing very powerful Quirks that placed them on the level of gods,] the second voice explained, [The government hushed it up which made me curious. Problem was that I was unable to gain any extra information without arousing suspicion.]

[I see...] the first voice said thoughtfully, [This whole situation has become much more complicated than we ever could have anticipated.]

"Haruko Bakugo is adopted," Kurogiri mused, "He said something about us facing the judgment of the Uzumaki Clan after we tried to kill his adopted brother. That was before he tore Nomu to pieces in his attempt to attack us."

[If he really was an Uzumaki according to the legends, the whole situation makes sense now,] the second voice stated.

"If that one other kid did not interfere, Haruko Bakugo would have been dead!" Shigaraki snarled, "I would have ended it right there, but this other kid was just as fast as All Might."

[Oh?] the first voice sounded even more intrigued.

Shigaraki clenched his uninjured hand angrily, "If they didn't interfere, we could have killed the Symbol of Peace! Those brats... Those brats!"

[Naturally, you're upset,] the first voice soothed, [But this was not a futile mission. We've learned many things. Gather the villainous elite. Take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows which is why I need you to be my face, a symbol of your own.. Tomura Shigaraki, next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid.]

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