Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 26 - Shinobi World vs Hero Society


There was a flash as electricity sparked out over the ice hiding the battling Teams Todoroki and Midoriya.

An explosion shattered the ice wall on the side farthest away from Team Shinso as Team Katuski joined the fight.

There was a shrill cry of a falcon as a white bullet plummeted from the sky at the record speed of the world's fastest avian.


Haru flinched as he felt Katsuki faceplant into the ground. There was a flutter of wings as Yukine settled in Shinso's shoulder, causing the purple-haired student to smile.

"Looks like we got the points."


Team Bakugo ran over to their rider to see if he was okay. Katsuki hadn't even bothered lifting his face from the dirt as he pounded his fist against the ground in frustration amidst his muffled screams of rage.


Yaoyorozu sighed, her nerves still on edge from the close call. Iida also looked shaken while Kaminari was wandering around dumbly, his brain fried. Todoroki merely frowned.


Ashido ġrȯȧnėd as she shook remnants of acid from her hands. Sero just shrugged nonchalantly, okay with at least passing. Kirishima looked a little disgruntled but his reaction was a million times better than Katsuki's temper tantrum.


Shinso smirked as Haru held up several headbands with the accumulated 1125 points. Tetsutetsu grinned in satisfaction while Jiro smiled softly. Shiozaki looked confused, realizing that her points were gone.

Haru stroked Yukine's head, causing the falcon to give a satisfied purr deep in its ċhėst, "Good job, Yukine."


Izuku plopped to his knees and shed a literal waterfall of tears.

Shinso massaged his temple in annoyance at the sounds of Izuku's sobs, "Man, can't he get a grip?"

Haru's eyes sparkled a little at a sudden creation from his friend's tears, "Oh pretty, a rainbow!"


[I'm taking a nap.]


Jiro stretched her arms above her head, loosening the stiffness in her joints, "Well, let's not waste time."

Shinso began to walk off when Haru placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. The insomniac glanced at the redhead's hand before giving him a blank look."


"Care to join us?"

Shinso blinked, "Sorry?"

Jiro crossed her arms giving him a deadpan look, "He's asking you to join our little group," she gave Haru a side glance, "That was what you were going to say, right?"

Haru rubbed the back of his head, "Well~ I was going to just start with lunch, but yeah, this works too."

Shinso's mind was reeling at the casual bluntness of the offer. In the past, when making friends, it had always been a complicated ordeal or some sort of setup to break his trust. This was completely out of the blue. No group discussions, no hesitation, no complexity whatsoever.


Tetsutetsu rubbed his eyes with his arms as he wept manly tears, "That's just so manly!"

Jiro turned away, her hand clasped behind her head, "Cool. Now let's eat."

Haru grinned, "Great! Drinks are on me! Any preferences?"


Best Jeanist got up from his seat and decided to grab something to eat.

'So far, Haru has been keeping on a lower profile during the matches. A viable strategy in his case to avoid predictability.' He sighed. 'He does well with teamwork, but if we look at his fighting style in a strict sense he fights strongest alone when there is no risk of anyone getting caught in the crossfire. Judging from what he's been able to tell us about his world, I shudder imagining the damage sustained during large-scale battles among the stronger individuals there.'

As the number four hero exited his booth, he saw a familiar figure exiting one near him.

"All Might."

The Symbol of Peace turned, flashing his signature smile at him, "Ah! Best Jeanist! So nice that you were able to come today!"

The denim-clad hero coolly walked down the hallway alongside All Might, his long legs allowing him to keep in pace with the literal giant, "Even if the Hero Commission didn't ȧssign me to watch the festival this year, I still would have made time considering the circumstances."

All Might's smile became less genuine, "So they are still making it an issue?"

Jeanist nodded, a look of distaste in his emerald-colored eyes, "If I am to be perfectly blunt, they are making more of the situation than they should. They wish to take advantage of an internet rumor and use it as some sort of psychological weapon against villains."

All Might grunted in understanding, being a phycological weapon of sorts himself, "Hmm... Sounds like a nasty piece of business. I never got the whole politics behind it all."

"Their plots are so interwoven with their different agendas and deceit there's no point in trying to understand it," Best Jeanist stated. He stopped at the head of a stairway, his eyes locked on a familiar flame-wreathed figure, "Looks like we aren't the only high-ranking heroes interested in this festival..."

All Might also paused, his gaze following Jeanist's own.

"Long time no see! Why don't we all catch up, Endeavor!"

The number two hero didn't bother turning around at first. "All Might," he responded curtly.

The Flame Hero turned to look at the two blonde figures standing at the top of the stairs, his face showing no friendliness whatsoever.

All Might continued speaking as if he did not notice the tense atmosphere arising, "I haven't talked to you since that press conference ten years ago. Been a while so I figured I'd say hi."

"I was just passing by," Best Jeanist said.

He really didn't care about catching up today.

Endeavor turned away again, "Are you now? Well then, All Might, you did what you wanted to do. We're done. Best Jeanist, you can continue on your way," the seemingly always grumpy hero stalked down the stairs grumbling, "Chatting like we're old friends. What a joke."

All Might gave a raucous laugh as he performed a rolling summersault over Endeavor's head, landing in the number two hero's way, "Come on, why the cold shoulder?"

Best Jeanist slid a lock of his hair through his fingers out of habit, "You of all people asking that? No offense, but I'm sure the answer is that he doesn't like you at all."

All Might ignored the jab (although a figurative arrow did strike through his ċhėst) as he kept trying to talk to his rival, "You should be thrilled. After all, your son's doing very well out there just using half his power. You must be a great teacher!"

Endeavor's glare became fiercer, "Are you implying something?"

Best Jeanist suddenly took interest in those words. 'Interesting. He says that as if he's been accused of something. His eyes narrowed slightly. Those rumors… were they true?'

All Might quickly reassured the number two hero of his real intentions, "No! I want to know your secrets. How do we train the next generation of heroes? I'd ask Best Jeanist but his pupil is... unique..."

Best Jeanist couldn't help but smile slightly at that. All Might wasn't wrong.

"Do you think I would tell you anything I taught the boy?" Endeavor asked as if All Might's question was the stupidest thing he had ever heard before, "You're all flash and no brains as usual," he shoved past the hero, "Out of my way."

All Might stood awkwardly as Endeavor pushed him aside, "Okay..."

Endeavor stopped a few steps away, "I can ȧssure you of one thing, All Might. Whatever it takes, that kid of mine will beat you someday. I'll make sure of it. That's why I made him."

All Might frowned, "You did what?"

Endeavor looked over his shoulder, his vibrant turquoise eye gleaming through his flaming mask. "He's in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place. I'll see to that," the pro hero bit out, each word laced with more venom than the last.

"There is more to being number one than just power, Endeavor," Best Jeanist commented, "It takes heart and spirit that even the best of us struggle to possess."

The number two hero switched his gaze upon the number four hero, "I am perfectly aware of your little protege. I've seen his files and know his Quirk. He's no match for Shoto."

Best Jeanist suddenly smirked, "The file you received isn't fully up to date, Endeavor. My student is quite capable as you shall see."

Endeavor grunted and started walking away.

"And one last thing," Best Jeanist gave a parting shot, "Your son's Quirk contains Haru's ultimate weakness, but it isn't fire."



Todoroki had asked Izuku to speak in private so they had taken themselves to one of the many empty tunnels in the stadium to talk.

Izuku had a sense of what Endeavor's son wanted to talk about. During that last part of the cavalry battle, Tokoroki had used his left side. It was only for a second when Izuku had managed to use his Quirk without damaging his arm and the heterochromatic boy subconsciously used his fire to combat the new threat. Only Izuku has seen it. Not even Haru had noticed, not that they knew that he was able to see everything in the first place.

Izuku took a deep breath, "So... you brought me here. Now what?"

Todoroki didn't answer, instead silently glaring at the mossy-haired teen across from him.

Izuku gulped, "W-well we should probably eat soon," he stuttered, a little unnerved from the unchanging stare, "The cafeteria's going to be busy."

"I was overwhelmed," Todoroki finally broke his vow of silence, "It made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago."

Izuku pondered the words. 'It would have given him such an advantage to use his left side, and yet... he didn't.'

Todoroki looked at his left hand thoughtfully, "Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, and Uraraka... None of them felt it. At that moment, I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded me of something. Experiencing All Might's Quirk."

Izuku visibly became nervous, "Oh yeah? Okay... Is that all?"

"I'm saying," Todoroki continued, not looking up from his hand, "The power you hold felt the same as All Might's," he lowered his hand, "Midoriya, tell me," the bicolored haired boy gave Izuku a serious look, "Are you All Might's secret love child or something?"

Izuku's mind drew a blank. 'Am I... what?'

There was a heavy thud and both boys looked up to see Haru standing there, the plastic bottle of oolong tea having fallen from his nerveless hands.


Haru didn't respond as his mind was trying to reboot from the amount of cell damage it had just received. 'Okay... wow...? Of all the theories, I never even pondered that one.'

"Izu, are you–"


Izuku began flailing his arms in the negative, "No! No way! That's not it at all! I guess even if I was, I'd totally say I wasn't soyouprobbalywon'tbeleivenomatterwhat!"

Haru sweatdropped, "Stop for air, Izu."

Izuku took a sharp intake of air, "I promise, you got the wrong idea!"

Haru picked up the fallen bottle of tea, "For the record, I can detect lies. He's telling the truth," he twisted the cap off, taking a sip from the beverage.

"'That's not it at all,'" Todoroki repeated, "That's some interesting wording. It suggests there is something between you two that you cannot talk about."

"Quit quoting other people and get to the point," Haru demanded, his tone bearing a warning.

Todoroki locked eyes and met Haru's gaze unflinchingly.

Izuku started sweating as he felt the clash of wills overflowing the hallway. 'He's meeting Haru-chan's look head-on! They both have such an intense presence! It almost suffocating!'

"My father is the hero, Endeavor. You both must have heard of him, which means you are aware he's the number two hero," Todoroki glanced at Izuku, "So if you are connected to the number one hero, All Might, in some way, that would mean that I have even more reason to beat you. My old man is ambitious, he aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero, but he was never able to best All Might so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though. Trying to take down All Might. One way or another."

Izuku looked confused, "I'm not sure what you're getting at."

Haru grunted, not saying anything, but understanding perfectly.

Todoroki's eyes hardened, "Have you ever heard of Quirk marriages?"

Haru clenched his jaw but remained silent.

"They became a problem after the first few generations when superpowers became widespread. Some sought out potential mates with the sole intention to create powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships. Most people viewed it as old-fashioned arranged marriages, but clearly, it was unethical. My father not only has a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her Quirk, and now he's using me to usurp All Might," the bicolored-haired boy clenched his fist in anger, "It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag."

"So, you wish to win this festival using only your right side because that was the Quirk inherited from your mother. All the while you refuse to use your fire side because you inherited it from your father," Haru finished, a look of understanding dawning on his face.

Todoroki glared at him, "Every memory of my mother... I can only see her crying."

Haru felt a sharp pain in his head as memories of his parents' devastated faces from their years of suffering.

Todoroki placed a hand to his scar, "I remember when she called my left side unbearable before she poured boiling water on my face."

Haru placed a hand to his mouth, a look of mixed horror and sorrow on his face.

Izuku paled, gasping in shock.

"The reason I picked a fight with you was to prove I was capable of not relying on his damned fire Quirk. I am going to show him I reject his power and that I can take first place without using it."

Todoroki turned away, "You're obviously connected to All Might even if you won't tell me about it," he said to Izuku, "No matter how fiercely you come at me in the future, I will defeat you using only my right side. I can ȧssure you of that."

"How arrogant."

Todoroki stiffened turning to look back at Haru, "What was that?"

Haru's expression held a look of pity. Not for his classmate's hard life, but for his misled ideals.

"You dare stand there and say you are going to win this festival with just half your power? Don't make me laugh."

Todoroki glared daggers at his class rep, "It doesn't matter if you are backed by the number four hero. I will beat you too. You're an Uzumaki. A member of a legendary clan so–"

"–I'm going to stop you right there," Haru interrupted crushingly, "My clan is no more legendary in this world than any other clan. It's all something that blew up on the internet bȧrėly a decade ago."

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at Haru's odd statement, "You said this world. What are you implying?"

Haru flicked his hair from his eyes, "I'm not born of this world. To put it simply, I'm from a different universe. An alternate reality as some may put it."

One could have heard someone drop a pin in the silence that followed. Izuku's eyes were wider than dinner plates while Todoroki's usually calm expression was filled with shock.


Haru decided to drop the second bombshell, "I don't even have a Quirk."


"If you feel my pinky toe, I have two joints."

There was another silence.

Around the corner, unnoticed by the three, Katsuki, who had been listening from the beginning, had lowered himself to crouch as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"In the world where I come from, my clan was legendary but was wiped out by those who feared their power," Haru pulled his hair away from his face, revealing the dark symbol on his forehead, "This seal was placed on me at birth. It has provided me with all the knowledge I have about myself and more," he let his hair fall, "Unlike everyone else in this world Todoroki, I was born in a time of war, in a world where war was an everyday practice. Back where I come from, I would already be serving in the military for at least three years now. Considering my abilities, I would more likely have been serving since I was ten."

The blood drained from Izuku's face.

Todoroki managed to keep his usual expression of calm, "How are you here?"

"My father and mother were members of an organization called the Akatsuki. They spent years planning to take control of the world and bring lasting peace. They committed many crimes and killed uncountable numbers of people in the process," Haru unconsciously touched his forehead, "The memories are fuzzy, but someone defeated my parents and convinced them to trust that peace can exist without the need of pain. My father traded his life to resurrect thousands of people he had killed," a single tear trickled down Haru's cheek, "My mother was pregnant with me at the time.

After giving birth, she tried to keep my existence a secret while keeping enemies from trying to steal my father's power that was contained in his eyes. She was fatally injured in her fight and bȧrėly managed to use a ritual that would transport her and me to safety.

The ritual seal was damaged and we were warped to this universe by mistake. She died from her wounds shortly after. My adoptive parents and Best Jeanist were the only ones who saw her alive," Haru took a deep breath staring at his hands, "Most of my memories of my parents are of them suffering through years of constant, war, starvation, and betrayal. They had no happy memories to share. They could only pass on my mother's Kekkei Genkai, and the vitality and powers of the Uzumaki Clan" he clenched his fists looking up at Todoroki, "I fight with all the power they passed on to me so as not to repeat their mistakes. I can't change what they did. I am fighting because I never want this world to experience what mine has," his amber-colored eye glinted in the light, "I'm here because others supported me. For their sake, I will fight and win. If you refuse to fight me or Katsuki at full power. You will lose."


(In the cafeteria...)

"What's taking him so long?" Kaminari whɨnėd from where he sat, his body stretched across the surface of the table.

Jiro looked up from where she had been comforting Shiozaki, the vine shared girl still in shock about losing, "I don't know. He probably runs into something," her dark purple eyes scanned the cafeteria, "He'll probably send a clone if he can't make it. You know, if he has to deal with that."

Shinso leaned forward, "Deal with what? Hormones?"

Jiro gave him a grossed-out look, "Ew! No!"

The purple-haired teen smirked, "Just thought I'd ask. What does he have to deal with?"

"A secret. If you ask him, he'll probably tell you."

Shinso raised an eyebrow, "Is it a big deal?"

Kaminari grinned, "Very, but we're all cool with it! No problem!"

Monoma walked up to the table with his tray kicking at Kaminari's leg, "Move, Pichu. I've had it with the rest of you 1A rejects for today."

Shinso smirked, "I already like this guy."

Monoma looked up at the newest addition to their group, "Who's the boogeyman?"

Jiro made a lazy motion at the purple-haired teen beside her, "This is Shinso. Haru asked him to join us."

The blonde looked at the newest addition to their group thoughtfully, "For lunch or for good?"

Shinso choked and started coughing.

Shiozaki shook her head in disapproval, "Monoma, I think you worded that a little..."

"No," Shinso gasped as he pushed his coughing fit down, "I was just surprised."

Kaminari shrugged, still grinning, "Better get used to it, 'cause this is what it's like and we won't let you go."

Shinso lowered his head slightly. 'What should I say? This is all so different? I don't even know if I can trust them?'

"Sorry if I'm awkward. No one has ever–"

"Just shut up and forget about whoever's been a jerk to you," Jiro told him, "They aren't worth the brain loss it takes to remember."

Monoma eyes lit up, "Were you bullied about your Quirk too?"

That 'too' made Shinso's face light up, "Uh... yeah. I can brainwash people."

Kaminari gaped in awe, "Really? That's so cool! So, you don't even have to fight?"

Shinso rubbed the back of his neck, "It's not that strong..."

Monoma scoffed, "Really? Here, let me see," he reached out a hand, "I can copy Quirks when I touch people, so let's see."

Jiro held up a hand, noticing Shinso's discomfort about being the center of attention, "Hold on guys, Kaminari and I are on the next round too. We shouldn't reveal any of our Quirk's secrets to each other."

Shiozaki nodded in agreement, "It wouldn't be fair."

Shinso spoke slowly, "Well... as long as he doesn't say anything..." he reached out a hand towards Monoma, "Here."

The blonde's eyes widened, "This is..."

Shinso deflated, a look of regret on his face, "Villainous, I know."

"Broken as hell! This Quirk is a villain's nightmare!"

Shinso was completely taken aback, "Huh?"

Monoma slowly grinned, "You really have a cool Quirk."

"I... uh... thanks..."

"Mind if I join?"

The four teens snapped their heads up to see Haru smiling at them, holding several drinks in his hands.

Kaminari stared at him in shock, "Haru! How long were you standing there?"

Haru tilted his head as he thought a moment, "Right after the boogeyman question."


Haru sat down, pouting a little, "I wasn't hiding."

Shinso chuckled. 'These guys.'


Once lunch was finished, it was time for everyone to head back to the stadium. UA was about to start the side games of the festival. They even had a cheerleading squad from America on the sidelines to cheer the students on before the final event of the festival.

Haru, as the class representative, was presently rounding up his classmates so they wouldn't be late. He was met with confusion when he found all the girls gathered in one of the waiting rooms with his sensory. Not only that, their moods were all over the place.

Standing outside the door, Haru knocked briefly and entered, "Girls, it ti–" he stopped.

All the girls of Class 1A all dressed up in cheerleading uniforms.

"Um..." he turned his head away awkwardly, "Did I miss something?"

Yaoyorozu paled, "Wait, you didn't know about this?"

"About what?"

Jiro tossed her pompoms to the floor wrapping her arms around herself to hide her exposed skin, "I KNEW IT! UGH! I HATE THOSE GUYS!"

Ashido had an evil smile and waved at the redhead, whose complexion now matched his hair, "See anything you like, Class Rep?"

Haru snuck a glance, blushed, and looked away, "Would you all please explain what's going on?"

"Mineta and Kaminari told us that all the girls had to wear these uniforms for the bigs cheer battle this afternoon," Yaoyorozu explained in embarrassment.

Haru looked at his vice representative in disbelief, "And~ you believed them."

Yaoyorozu ġrȯȧnėd, "I can't believe I fell for their scheme! I even made the uniforms from my Quirk because they said you must have forgotten to tell after Mr. Aizawa discussed it with you."

A shadow passed over Haru's eyes, "Is that so..."


Kaminari and Mineta waited at the entrance to the arena, eagerly waiting for the unsuspecting girls of their class to go all fanservice.

"This is going to be great!" Mineta drooled.

Kaminari's hair sparkled in anticipation, "You think we'll get in trouble for this?"

"Not until afterward! It'll be worth it though!"

The electric blonde suddenly felt his gut instincts go off, "Danger!"

A dark miasma swirled from the tunnel as a pair of yellow eyes appeared in the center of it.

"You two are so dead."

The two teens screamed as a streak of red passed across their vision just before they were sent flying across the field, each bearing a large red hand mark from the slap Haru had given to both of them.

Haru straightened up, breathing hard, "Die."

Two minor explosions from the tags he had slapped on his two victims echoed across the arena, causing a small amount of concern.


Aizawa looked at a small buŧŧerfly land in front of him. He picked it up and unfolded it.

[Just a class rep knocking some unruly students in line.]


[Those explosions were no more dangerous than our landmines from the Obstacle Race. From the message I just got, they got off easy.]


Midnight held up a box, [Come closer and draw lots to see who you're up against. Then enjoy the pŀėȧsurė of the recreational games before we start. The sixteen finalists have the option to participate in these games or sitting out to prepare for battle. I'm sure you all want to preserve your stamina.]

Everyone drew numbers and Midnight jotted down the results on a touch screen before uploading them to the hologram.

[Take a look at the bracket my dears. Gaze on your opponents!]

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso

Hanta Sero vs Shoto Todoroki

Haruko Bakugo vs Kyoka Jiro

Denki Kaminari vs Mina Ashido

Mei Hatsume vs Tenya Iida

Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu

Katsuki Bakugo vs Ochaco Uraraka

Eijiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

"SERIOUSLY? HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu yelled.

Tokoyami glanced at Yaoyorozu, "I'll give it my all."

The female recommended student nodded acknowledgment, "Good. That's all that I ask of you."

Jiro quietly hummed the Phantom of the Opera tune 'All I Ask of You,' causing Haru to snicker.

Kaminari cracked his knuckles, "This is going to be quite a fight."

Ashido smiled brightly, "I can't wait to melt your buŧŧ!"

Katusuki frowned as he saw who he was paired up against, "Who's Uraraka?"

The brunette gasped in horror at the realization she hadn't even been on the ash blonde's radar.

Haru sweatdropped. 'I'm seriously going to get him flashcards of our class's names'

Izuku felt a wave of gloom upon realizing that he'd be fighting Todoroki if they both made it to the second round. He didn't even know the Quirk of the guy he was fighting in the first round.

'Wait! Haru-chan teamed up with this guy so maybe I can ask him!'

Haru walked past him, giving him a glance, "I'm not revealing his Quirk, Izu. Sorry."

The green-haired teen frowned in disappointment, "Haru-chan..."

Haru turned and ruffled Izuku's fluffy hair, "It won't be fair to him if I do. He trusted me to keep his secret," seeing his friend's downcast face, he relented, "One hint. Actions speak louder than words."

The redhead turned and followed the general flow of the finalists as they head off to rest up and plan their next move.

Izuku was left pondering the vague words. 'Actions speak louder than words....'

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