Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 53 - Villain Invasion

(A/N) I am going to cameo a real-life person in this chapter. A person who I highly respect.


(Central Tower...)

Haru had just arrived at the main lobby when his phone went off.

(Play: Deja vu ringtone:

♪ Déjà Vu! ♪

♪ I've just been in this place before ♪

♪ Higher on the street ♪

♪ And I know it's my time to come home ♪

♪ Calling you! ♪

♪ And the subject's a mystery ♪

♪ Standing on my feet ♪

♪ It's so hard when I try to believe ♪

♪ Whooooaaa! ♪

Haru pulled out his phone, pressing the answer buŧŧon, "Iida? I already spoke with Kirishima. He's bringing Katsuki in a bit. Kaminari ought to join you guys first."

[Alright. Thank you, Class Rep.]

"We're not at school, Iida. You can call me by my name."

[Yes, Haru.]

Haru sighed, pressing the buŧŧon to open the elevator, "Somehow, you still sound too formal. Never mind. I'll meet you guys at the party."

[We'll meet you there. I'd best call the others. They're already on the verge of being tardy.]

Haru shook his head good-naturedly, ending the call as he entered the elevator to the second floor.


The elevator beeped and Izuku, dressed in a striped, maroon suit, ran out, breathless, "Sorry for being late, you guys..." he trailed off as he realized that only Iida, Mineta, Kaminari, Shu, and Todoroki were in the room, "Where is everybody?"

Iida, dressed in a navy-blue suit, had his arms crossed over his ċhėst, emanating an irritated aura, "They're not here yet," he robotically chopped an arm at everyone, "Does a proper time mean nothing to you people?"

The elevator beeped and opened to Uraraka in a frilly, pink, party gown, "Sorry I'm late," she apologized, "It took me a while to get ready."

Izuku's eyes gleamed in wonder at the girl while the three stooges (Kaminari, Mineta, and Shu) all wowed from afar. Kaminari was dressed in a light grey suit and black shirt and Mineta and Shu were dressed in their waiter's outfits. Hopefully, they wouldn't be mistaken as staff during the party.

"I apologize for the tardiness, but Jiro was feeling shy."

Jiro stroked the material of her pink and purple dress timidly, "This is nicer than anything I've ever worn before," she fidgeted with the dark jacket and choker around her neck that formed a contrast with the brighter colors of her outfit, "It feels like a costume."

Kaminari gave her a thumbs up, "Just glad you aren't in a t-shirt!"

"Even the jacket doesn't ruin it," Mineta conceded.

The two were sent writhing to the floor after receiving a painful injection of sound from Jiro's earphone jacks.

"Shut up."

Kaminari looked at her in betrayal, "What'd you do that for? It was a compliment," he whɨnėd.

The angered girl turned away in dismissal, "No it wasn't."

Todoroki, classily sporting a white tuxedo, looked at her thoughtfully, "I wonder what Haru would say about it?"

Jiro blushed and turned her face so no one could see her flushed appearance, "Why would you say that?"

Todoroki tilted his head questioningly, "Why? Aren't you two going out?"

A shiver ran up Jiro's spine and she whirled around, "WE'RE NOT!" she calmed herself, pressing her jacks together nervously, "Not really..."

Shu's glasses glinted as he secretly lifted his phone and took a picture of Jiro's red face.

The elevator opened and Raku and Chitoge walked out, Chitoge in a frilly white gown and Raku in a black tuxedo.

"I told you we'd be the last here," Raku stated, for once not mocking his partner.

Chitoge puffed her cheeks sulkily, "I was trying to see which make-up looked best. This is my first real party away from home."

The Yakuza heir seemed to understand her on rather a personal level, "Considering our parents' line of work, I'm surprised we're here instead of someplace the police would raid."

Everyone sweatdropped, more or less understanding the implication, even if they didn't know about the couple's personal lives.

Chitoge snapped out of her reverie, "That's a nice dress, Ochako. It suits you."

Uraraka smiled and performed an experimental twirl, "This is my first time in formal wear. I just borrowed something from Yaoyorozu."

Izuku scratched his cheek nervously, "It... looks really good, Uraraka. Like... perfect"

The brunette whirled away in giddy embarrassment, "Oh, Deku, stop! You don't have to flatter me so much!"

"Contain yourself!" Iida scolded her.

The elevator beeped the doors sliding open as Melissa ran through dressed in a blue party gown.

"Oh good. I thought I was going to miss you guys! Let's get downstairs to the party!"

Mineta and Shu knelt on their knees "The headliner has arrived!"

Jiro deadpanned, "Those tickets were a mistake."

Iida stared at his phone in frustration, "Darn it! I can't get a hold of Bakugo or Kirishima. Knowing those two, they may just be blowing off the party, but Haru said they were getting ready when he left. Where are they?"


An ash-blonde teen, dressed in a red shirt and blue vest and slacks, raised an eyebrow, "Moran, you're absolutely positive we're going the right direction?" Katsuki's tone revealed little faith in Kirishima's pathfinding abilities.

Kirishima looked around the unfamiliar hallways, trying to figure out where they were, "Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure we are."

Katsuki popped a vein, "You're pretty sure?"

Around his shoulders, a small fox yipped its disapproval.

Kirishima let out an embarrassed chuckle, "Well, I left my phone back in the room, so we're going on instinct here.

Katsuki glared at Chise, "Oi, fox. Do something useful and lead us out of here."

The fox gave a huff of denial and pretended to be asleep, even making a fake snoring noise.

Katsuki popped another vein, "You little... vulpine."

He couldn't think of any good insults at the moment.


Haru fiddled with the collar of his deep crimson shirt and adjusted the jacket of his black suit as he exited the elevator. He entered the reception hall, instantly being faced by an energetic gathering of well-dressed people and costumed heroes of varying ages.

In several spots around the room, all kinds of food and beverages were being served by the staff, filling the air with a mouthwatering scent.

Haru ignored the guests and the food and approached one of the waiters moving around the room. He briefly whispered a question and was motioned towards a small group at the far end of the gathering

Haru nodded thanked and approached, stopping a respectful distance before bowing.

"It's an honor to meet you in person. My sensei has told me all about you," he spoke in English and raised his head slightly, looking up at the kindly features of an aged woman in a simple white robe and a blue-bordered sari, "Mother Teresa..."

Mother Teresa smiled kindly at the boy, nodding a polite dismissal to the couple she had been speaking to. The couple, nodded respectfully, quietly leaving the two to speak alone.

Mother Teresa spoke to Haru in fluent Japanese, her voice sincere and quiet, "The pŀėȧsurė is all mine, my child. Please don't inconvenience yourself with the language. I am under the effect of the Gift of Tongues Quirk while I visit here, so we can understand each other without an issue," she gave the boy a quick scan, "You must be Chiyo's student. She told me so much about you in her letters."

Haru straightened up, a hand still placed over his ċhėst, "My teacher hopes I find you well. Let me properly introduce myself. My name's Haruko Bakugo. I'm a student at UA High in Japan and Recovery Girl's apprentice."

Mother Teresa raised her hand in protest, "Please don't be so formal. I'm not anyone of consequence. I am merely a sister and a servant of the poor. We are all equal in the eyes of God. I do not deserve fame or deference."

Haru relaxed slightly at her insistence, placing his hands behind his back, "I must respectfully disagree, Mother. Your humanitarian work has inspired so much good in the world. You even received the Nobel Peace Prize for your efforts."

Mother Teresa shook her head in modest denial, "An award and a title that is given to glorify a person's actions but does little to alleviate the wounds within our world's societies. Many people who breed violence and division have been granted this title, but does it really mean that much? It's what a person does without being seen that often matters most."

Haru remained silent for a moment before asking, "Mother. I've heard from my teacher about you and your beliefs. I've been wondering this for a while and have received different answers. May I ask for your insight?"

"I will happily answer to the best of my ability."

"What is peace?"

The aged woman closed her eyes, leaning back her head, "Peace and war begin at home. If we truly want peace in the world, let us begin by loving one another in our own families. If we want to spread joy, we need every family to have joy. Today, nations put too much effort and money into defending their borders. They know very little about the poverty and the suffering that exist in the countries where those bordering on destitution live. If they would only defend these defenseless people with food, shelter, and clothing, I think the world would be a happier place."

Haru nodded silently, his head bowed in deep thought, "Mother, I'm sure you know I am training in the hero course. You are have seen the world, met its people, experienced the best and worst of it all. Is using such violence wrong?"

He felt a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder and looked up at Mother Teresa's kindly eyes.

"Love is the key to peace. There is no greater love than sacrifice. If you wish to sacrifice your life to protect those in need, I cannot see where you are wrong. All works of love are works of peace. We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, nȧkėd, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. Wherever you can, use love and compassion. Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you don't really want to smile at all. Do it for peace. That is the best advice I can give."

The old sister gazed past Haru and he followed her eyes to see All Might. For a moment they both watched in silence as the hero interacted with the other guests, speaking with each of them while smiling the entire time.

"That man there is called the Symbol of Peace," Mother Teresa finally spoke, "He has been criticized by many for that smile. No matter the situation, he always keeps smiling. Many call him a fake for it, say it gives people false hope," she shook her head, "Tell me, child. Is hope a lie?" when Haru didn't answer she continued, "Hope is never a lie. Hope is what sparks the light of faith that drives away the darkness within ourselves. That man, because of his smile, has saved millions more than he's ever seen. He inspires hope even when there is none to be found. That is the greatest power he carries."

Haru turned to face her, a tight feeling in his ċhėst as his feelings tried to right themselves, "I see... Thank you, Mother."

Mother Teresa nodded, "Chiyo told me about what happened at Hosu. You already have the answer inside your heart. Even when faced with an enemy, you reached out a hand of mercy. Do not fear yourself or the things of the past," she looked up at the stage, "It looks like they'll be calling me. Could you ȧssist me?"

Haru blinked back a tear, allowing her to use his arm as a support, "Of course."

The host of the event spoke into the microphone to gain everyone's attention, [Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to I-Expo's opening night reception. We at I-Island hope you enjoy yourselves. To start off the night, we have a special guest, Mother Teresa, offering a special prayer for us.]

The guests clapped politely as the old woman was ȧssisted onto the stage by Haru and made her way to the microphone.

[Thank you all for attending tonight. Your presence here is a blessing to us all. I will now offer a prayer written by an admirable man, Francis of Assisi,] she pulled a card from her sleeve reading it to them all, [Lord, make me a channel of your peace, that where there is hatred, I may bring love; that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; that where there is discord, I may bring harmony; that where there is error, I may bring truth; that where there is doubt, I may bring faith; that where there is despair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring light; that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.]

Everyone applauded as Mother Teresa left the stage, allowing Haru to help her down again as the host returned to the microphone.

[Thank you, Mother Teresa. We are grateful you are here for this event. Your contribution to I-Islands humanitarian program has been monumental,] the host looked out over the crowd, [Now I wonder if we can get Japan's number one hero, All Might, up here? He's visiting here tonight as well. Would you like to hear him say a few words?] he was met by several cries of approval, [Maybe a round of applause would help.]

Everyone began applauding, causing the Symbol of Peace to chuckle nervously.

"Really, Dave? You could have warned me," he muttered to a man with unruly brown hair by his side.

David Shield sent his friend an apologetic smile, "This was bound to happen once they found out were in town."

All Might headed to the stage, glass in hand, "You owe me one," he chuckled.

Meanwhile, Haru had escorted Mother Teresa back to her original spot, "Thank you for your wisdom, Mother. My friends will be here soon, so I'd best leave you for now."

Mother Teresa nodded, "Enjoy your night, my child. I hope I was of help to you."

Haru bowed respectfully and stopped to listen with everyone else as All Might began his speech.

[Thank you for inviting me,] All Might's voice boomed over the speakers, [It's truly a pŀėȧsurė to be here! Normally speeches aren't my thing but–]

The display screen behind the stage turned red, showing a code red emergency. At the same time, an alarm sounded throughout the reception hall

[This is an announcement by the I-Island security system. We have received a report that an explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I-Expo grounds. I-Island will now be in high alert mode. Your safety is our top priority. Residents and tourists should return to their lodgings. If that is not a possibility, please find the closest shelter and take refuge. Anyone on the street after ten minutes will be in violation of the law. Please clear off public areas. As a precautionary measure, most of the main island buildings will be sealed off...]

Haru turned towards the main doors, feeling a cold wave of harmful intent coming from outside the room.

Mother Teresa frowned, following his gaze, "I sense it too."

Haru raised his voice, "Everyone, get away from the exits!"

Confused and startled, a few people started to move away from the doors as a series of tags flew from Haru's body, racing towards the closed doors.

'Will they make it?'

The tags slammed on the room's many doors, spreading webs of sealing formulas across their metallic surfaces.

The heroes of the room tensed, cautious about the situation and unsure if the tags were from a friend or foe.

All Might spotted the strange formation and recognized it as one of Haru's techniques studied under Nezu, "What the...?"

Haru raised his hand in a seal of confrontation, "Seal!"

The tags glowed as the formula continued to grow and solidify.

The Sudanese Hero, Nyikang, took a step towards him, thinking one of the guests was trying to trap everyone inside the room.

"Hold! Do what he says!" All Might barked, shocking everyone, "Heroes protect the civilians!"

The Symbol of Peace wasn't stupid. With the alarms and Haru's reaction, there was an obvious danger approaching the room. With so many people packed nearby it, the heroes had to move carefully.

Hopefully, the seals would hold.

The doors shifted, stopped, and went still.

Haru furrowed his brows. 'Come on!'

The seals strained as an override command from the system applied more force to the doors, causing them to shudder. The incomplete formulas shattered and the doors slid open, revealing several men in matching masks. They entered the room, all arms to the teeth with an ȧssortment of firearms.

Haru turned pale, staggering under the recoil of the destroyed seals.

Mother Teresa's face was grave as she watched the invaders confront the alarmed guests.

A tall man with dark red hair entered the room, obviously the leader.

"In case you haven't caught on, the security system is under our control," Wolfram smirked at the terrified civilians from under his metal mask, "I know we've got a lot of heroes in here, but if you decide to make a scene..." his motioned with his finger at the display screens around the room, revealing live footage of the island's security robots and several crowds of civilians outside, "I'll make sure the security sentries think the good people they've got in their sites are dangerous criminals," he spread his arms welcomingly, "So, I'd play nice. Because everyone on this island is my hostage. Naturally, that includes all of you," he placed a hand to his headpiece, "Do it."

A series of holes opened up in the floor, shooting out a number of glowing blue restraining devices that wrapped themselves around all the heroes standing in the room.

All Might grunted as he was trapped too and strained against the restraint.

A gunshot rang out as Wolfram fired into the air, "Don't move. If you take so much as a step, I'll kill everyone in this room."

The villain kicked the number one hero behind the knee, forcing him to the ground.

Haru bit his lip, his nails digging into his palms.

"Now you all follow All Might's lead and do as I say," Wolfram instructed.

All Might frantically glanced around the room, trying to see if there was an escape, an opening, anything. He was met by his best friend Dave's grave expression that told him to stay put.

Haru's eyes widened, staring in shock in the scientist's direction.


Todoroki looked at his phone after several failed calls, "I'm not getting any signal. It looks like my service is completely blocked."

"Are you serious?" Mineta trembled, getting flashbacks to the USJ.

Jiro gave up from her attempt to enter the elevator, "The elevators are not working either."

Shu removed his glasses, activating his Analysis Quirk, "They've been shut down by central command."

Raku frowned, "What the heck is going on here?"

Melissa studied the ground thoughtfully, thinking carefully, "It's strange that the system would go on high alert. That's not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered."

Izuku narrowed his eyes, looking at Iida, "Iida, let's go to that party."

Iida looked at him questioningly, "For what reason?"

"Because that's where we can find All Might right now," Izuku revealed.

The other teenagers in the room let out exclamations of mixed surprise and relief.

"Melissa, do you know of a way we can get down there without the elevator?" Izuku asked.

Melissa pointed to a pair of doors at the far end of the room, "We can use the emergency stairs. That will at least get us close."

Izuku nodded, a determined look in his eyes, "We'll follow your lead then."


"Don't worry," Wolfram reassured the guests, "We don't have a reason to hurt anyone. We plan to release you safely when the time is right."

One of the pro heroes, Mr. Plastic, raised his voice, "What are you criminals after?" he demanded before he was kicked in the chin by one of Wolfram's subordinates."

"Shut up, hero!"

The villain was about to stomp down on the fallen pro when a small figure placed herself between them.

"That is enough. Your leader said he did not intend to hurt anyone," Mother Teresa spoke firmly, her eyes staring the villain down without fear.

One of the guests raised a cautionary hard towards her, "Mother Teresa!"

The villain lifted the buŧŧ of his gun to strike the old sister away, "Get out of my way, you old ha–"

A resounding smack echoed across the room as the man flew off his feet, as he fell, his mask fell off revealing the blood pouring from his nose.

Haru stood with his hand still upraised from the backhanded blow he had just dealt, his eyes glowing dangerously. He stood immobile, crimson hair flying loose from his sudden movement.

"Know your place," the coldness in his voice sent shills up several people's spines, "Villain."

Instantly, several guns were aimed in Haru's body, preparing to mow him down. To his credit, Haru didn't respond, knowing that the next movement he made could spell death to everyone in the room.

The fallen villain rose to his feet, livid in anger, "You snot-nosed brat!"

He swung a fist at Haru's face but stumbled when his fist passed through paper as Haru transformed his body for an instant.

"Stop," Wolfram ordered, "Stick to the mission," he turned his eyes on Haru's impassive features, "You've got some nerve."

Haru met his gaze, stare for stare, killing intent flowing off his body in waves.

The villain aimed his pistol at Haru's head, "You're not a hero, but you look familiar. Who are you?"

Haru's eyes gleamed light twin pools of golden fire, but he remained silent.

Wolfram's eyes widened suddenly recognizing him, "You!" he smirked, "Haruko Bakugo. Stain's successor apparent," the statement caused a stir among the Japanese guests in the room, "Yes, I've heard about you although what happened at Hosu wasn't the first time. You've drawn quite the attention to yourself. You seem to have bad luck in meeting people."

Haru gave the villain leader a cold smile that hid his inner fear and frustration, "Luck is a strange thing. It's double-edged. Tell me, if the snake's head was cut off, would the body die?"

The question earned the shocked gasps of several people in the room.

Wolfram chuckled in amusement, "Well, well, well. Quite the bloodthirsty little fledgling. I heard rumors but to see it in real life. You may want to reconsider cutting off the snake's head, the body may die, but it can still cause damage in its death throes."

Haru turned his head away, clicking his tongue.

Wolfram's headpiece beeped and he activated the signal, "What's up?" he listened, "Really? They said to... Yeah, I got it," he looked down at a portly man wearing an ID pin showing he was a member of I-Islands central research, "Hey, tubby. Are you a researcher here?"

The scientist trembled, "Y-yes. I am."

The villain leader looked at one of his subordinates, "Take this one up."

The scientist tried to back up but found himself against the table, "No, please."

"Stop it!"

Wolfram looked up to see Dave moving towards him, "Ah~ The famous David Shield.

Dave glared at the villain, "That man is my ȧssistant, what do you plan on doing to him?"

Wolfram ignored the question, waved at his subordinates, "Bring him too."

Dave stiffened, but remained defiant, "What if I refuse?"

Wolfram gave him an eerie smile, "Then somewhere on this island, you'll hear a pretty blonde girl scream."

Dave gritted his teeth but stopped as a hand landed on his shoulder.

"If you are referring to his daughter, Melissa Shield, then I'm afraid you have a kink in your plans because you don't have her."

Wolfram frowned. 'I didn't even see him move. This kid is dangerous. The only thing keeping him in check is the hostages outside. It's like his self-preservation is next to zero!'

"What makes you so sure?"

Haru gave him a closed-eyed smile, "I can tell if a person lies even if slightly," he felt Dave tense under his touch, "And I'm never wrong," he kept smiling at Wolfram, noting the villain's narrowed eyes before letting out a laugh, "Oh, how stupid of me. You'll find a way to make him help you anyway. After all," he slowly opened his eyes, giving both men a chilling stare, "This is no ordinary hostage situation."

All Might was inwardly panicking at the teenager's actions. 'What is he doing? You shouldn't be attracting attention to yourself!'

Wolfram sighed, "Fine... I guess we'll do this the hard way," he aimed his pistol at Haru's head, "You'll go quietly."

Dave gaped at the villain in shock, "Wait!"

"Do as we say or this one dies," Wolfram snapped, glaring at the researcher, "We'll hold him until you do our bidding, then we'll let you all go. Unless you want this child's blood on your hands, I suggest you cooperate."

He motioned and two villains moved to stand next to the boy.

Mother Teresa, who had been watching the whole conversation in silence, stepped forward, "If you need a hostage, then take me. I'll go willingly."

Wolfram glanced at her from the corner of his eye, nodding his head in respect, "Apologies, Mother, but even I have a bottom line."

Haru allowed his hands to be cuffed behind his back, "It's alright, Mother. Trust me."

A hidden message shimmered in the boy's eyes that the old woman understood. Bowing her head in submission, she placed a wrinkled hand on the boy's forehead, traced a sign on his pale skin.

"God be with you, my child," she whispered, taking a step back.

Haru had both his arms grasped by his guards and was led from the room.

As the doors opened he called out one last taunt, "I got two words for you, Mr. Boss."

"Haruko," Mother Teresa spoke his name very quietly and without rebuke but it had its intended effect.

Haru instantly switched what he intended to say, and glowered at the villain, "Bless you."

Despite the change of wording, the intent was still there.

Wolfram watched as the doors slid shut, "Nobu, have our men take him to the hanger and secure him for extraction. Make sure he is heavily guarded. Our other client does not want us to miss this opportunity."

The villain Haru had struck a few minutes before nodded, speaking an order into his earpiece.

No one noticed that on his face, hidden faintly among the bruises and smeared blood, a small black seal had appeared on his cheek before fading from view.


In the elevator, Haru listened to the sound passing through the Transmission Seal and allowed a faint smile behind his captor's backs.


All Might gritted his teeth as he saw Haru and Dave get taken away one after another. 'Damn! I have to subdue these villains and get this system back online! How much power do I even have left! I have to find a way!'

He cautiously strained against the restraints binding his body but stopped when he noticed a small flash coming from the skylight over the stage.

Izuku stopped flashing the light on his phone when he realized his mentor had seen it and signaled for the hero to talk.

Knowing it was a risk, All Might spoke very softly, keeping his head where none of the villains could see him moving.

"I hope you can hear me. Some villains have taken the tower. They have control of the security system and everyone on this island is now being held hostage. That includes the heroes that are at this party. It's dangerous. Get away from here as soon as you can."


Jiro unplugged her earphone jack, having heard every word, "This is bad, Midoriya."


"We've received All Might's orders loud and clear," Iida stated firmly, "He is our teacher. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place. Otherwise, we'd be going against his will."

Yaoyorozu hung her head, "I'm afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We're only students. We can't fight the villains if we don't have our hero licenses."

"Then why don't we get out of here and tell the pro outside?" Kaminari suggested.

"It won't be very easy to escape," Melissa told him, "The security system is at the same level of the Tartarus Prison which is where they keep some of the most dangerous criminals in the world."

Kaminari's hopeful expression dropped, "Then what? Sit here until all of this is over?"

Jiro saw the electric blonde's clenched fists and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay with that, Kaminari?"

He turned to look at her, his yellow eyes firm, "No, I'm not. If Haru were here, he'd say the same thing. I think we should at least try and stop them."

"Come on! Those villains have even got All Might trapped," Mineta protested, "There's no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual pros are stuck."

Chitoge punched a fist into her palm, "I say let's just swoop in and pound them!"

Raku shook his head, "They'll just kill their captives."

Shu leaned heavily against the wall, sighing, "None of us can afford to be careless. Unless the pros work something out, our hands are tied."

Todoroki stared at his hand, voicing his opinion, "Aren't we trying to be pros ourselves?"

Yaoyorozu hesitated, "Well... yes, but we're not allowed to work as heroes, you know that."

"Then does that mean... it's okay to do nothing at all?" Todoroki posed the question that was on all their minds.

Yaoyorozu clutched a hand to her ċhėst, torn between her duty to follow the rules and her dėsɨrė to help others, "Well... it's complicated."

There was a dull silence as they all pondered what to do.

"I want to help," Izuku's voice was quiet but clear.

Uraraka turned to look at him, "Really, Deku?"

Izuku looked around the circle of faces looking at him, "I want to save them."

Mineta completely lost his composure, "You want to fight those villains?" he screamed, "Didn't you learn anything from the USJ or Hosu, Midoriya?"

"This is totally different," Izuku insisted, "We don't have to fight them. We just need to think of a way to rescue All Might at the party without facing the bad guys!"

"That's easy to say, but you know it won't be that simple," Kaminari pointed out, trying to think about it but drawing a blank.

"I know, but I still want to try!" Izuku replied firmly, "We can figure out what the best plan of action is and keep these criminals from winning. We can save everyone."

Uraraka gave Izuku a worried look, "Are you sure?"

Melissa spoke up, "I know where the security system is. It's on the top floor of this tower. If these criminals managed to take control of it, then the authentication locks and passwords have probably been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the villain's radar until we can get to the top floor, that's all. If we do that, then the whole island will be safe again."

Izuku caught his breath as he spotted the white buŧŧerfly resting on her hand, "Then it's possible."

Jiro smiled, holding out a hand, "And we won't be alone," they all spotted the white buŧŧerfly resting on her hand, "We've got someone who can keep some of the villain's busy," she looked at Melissa, "Apart from that, how are keeping on the low from the rest of them?"

"The security system hasn't discovered us yet," Melissa explained, "That means the villains don't know how it works very well."

Todoroki folded his arms, "So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal. It could work."

Kaminari grinned, static running through his hair, "Not bad! I'm in!"

Jiro nodded, "Let's do it!

"We'd have to be fast. Many of our enemies are on the top floor," Yaoyorozu said cautiously, "But if we can take control then the heroes will be able to take action."

Raku sighed, "Well, looks like we'll have to help them out... honey. Damn, that still leaves a sour taste in my mouth."

Chitoge ignored him clenched her fist in anticipation, "I may not be a hero, but my family is the top dog where I'm from! I think it's time I showed those villains who's really in charge!"

Uraraka stood up from where she had been kneeling, "Let's do this, guys. I don't want to sit around being helpless. Not if there's something we can actually try. What's important is that we're helping people even if we're not real heroes."

Izuku stood up too, "That's exactly the way I feel about things! We'll follow our hearts and save the island!"

Uraraka raised her fist, "Yeah!"

"Midoriya, I'll go with you," Todoroki volunteered.

Iida stepped forward, giving them all a serious look, "The moment I think we've gone too far, it's over," he said, "If that's something you can agree to, then I'll go with you."

Seeing Iida agree calmed Yaoyorozu's doubt, "If that's the case, then I'll help!"

Kaminari smirked, "You already know I'm all in!"

Mineta stared at them all tearfully, "HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR MINDS? ALL RIGHT, I'LL GO!

Izuku looked at Melissa, Raku, Chitoge, and Shu, "You guys can wait down here for us."

"No, I'm going to," Melissa stated, "I'm the only one who knows how to change the settings on the island's security system. I know I'm Quirkless and may get in your way, but people are in danger and I know I can help. Please!"

Shu adjusted his glasses, "You may need my Quirk to help out."

Raku and Chitoge glanced at each other, their usual animosity temporarily forgotten.

"We may not be training as heroes, but we'd like to come along," Raku spoke for the both of them, "We may be useful, even for a distraction."

Izuku stared at them for a moment, knowing that time was of the essence and every extra hand was needed, "Alright then. Let's do this," he faced the entire group, "We'll save everyone!"


All Might coughed as he felt his body begin to strain from overusing his Quirk.

He glanced at the skylight again and saw Izuku staring down at him. Alarm bells instantly went off in his head.

'Oh no! That look in your eyes. Don't tell me...' His intense blue eyes bore into the young hero's green ones. 'Please, run away.'

Izuku shook his head no. 'I know what you're thinking...'

'It's too dangerous!'

'But I have to do whatever I can to help...'

'Young Midoriya...'

Izuku turned and ran from sight, heading on his new mission. 'It'll be okay. You'll see!'

All Might watch him disappear. 'He's not going to leave. I know I should be furious he's ignoring his teacher's wishes... but who am I kidding... if he didn't act right now he wouldn't be my successor. I'll just have to keep this form up a little longer.'

He felt an invisible force strengthening his body, filling it with warmth. He grunted in muffled surprise and glanced around the room, spotting an elderly sister on her knees, clasping her hands as if in prayer.

'Is this... Her Quirk...?'

He saw a small buŧŧerfly fluttering on the sleeve of her robe.

'So that's it.' The Symbol of Peace bit back a fond chuckle. 'He was buying us time. Uzumaki you never cease to surprise me.' He strengthened his form, feeling new life flow through him as he waited patiently. 'We must have faith that they'll get us out of this situation on their own.. We're counting on you fledgling heroes.'

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