Shikkaku Kara Hajimeru Nariagari Madō Shidō

Chapter 107: Charlotte's Swordsmanship

Right in front of you is Charlotte Clemelia, Lady of the Earl of the East.

I am very careful to finally face the match I was looking forward to.

Now wear training clothes and protective equipment such as breasts.

The rough long hair is easily organized so as not to get in the way, and the thin, supple fingertips are protected by a thin cage.

The beauty of your hair and skin, the beauty of a very deep window.

Everyone in this room sees him in his elegant appearance.

Would it be a refreshing agent to refresh a hot spot once you stand at Kendo Stadium?

No. This will stimulate the swordsman's hunting appetite.

The swordsman's might quietly insists on it.

The slander is a modest amount of static electricity.

Exposed skin feels tingling and itchy as if it were a needle stick.

On the other hand, it is Ian Clemelia, the eldest brother of the Clemelia family, who looks at it by the wall.

Dressed in traditional aristocratic costumes, the figure stands calm.

I don't have a sword, but I can't see the gap at first glance.

After all, he's quite capable, too.

Your gaze seems sharper than Charlotte's relative appearance.

Eventually, the young man who just played the game enters the referee and leaves with Charlotte in front of each other.

Looking at her, she noticed that her wooden sword was longer in shape than what others had.

I can't say no to what it's about.

Charlotte takes the basic stance of fine swordsmanship, with his body half-breasted and his neck protruding.

I've seen it many times since I came to this dojo today, but unlike other dojo students, it's just that the tip is shaking loosely.

Ancient martial arts also have similar movements, but does it have a similar meaning?

I don't know the truth, except for that.

Immediately after the umpire said 'Begin', Charlotte moved first.

Nothing between readings.

She stepped out a long time ago and first threw a direct poke instead of greeting.


On the other hand, we jump sideways to be played and dodge it.

The poke was so sharp that it was not comparable to the dojo students I was dealing with earlier, I scratched my left shoulder.

... I'm familiar with sharp thrusts because of Crave and Noah, but her thrusts are pretty good.

As soon as he tried to step in with the puller, Charlotte reacted quickly, quickly backing down and letting go.



They won't be able to fight back easily.

Then it will take us a long time to attack.

Step out and throw in silently, but the wooden knife doesn't hit Charlotte.

It struck continuously without putting aside, but this was also avoided dangerously.

(It doesn't hit me....)

Could you hit it so easily?

It's almost the same as when you're dealing with Crave or Noah.

Rather, Charlotte seems to be a more dangerous move.

The reason why you feel this way is because the timing of avoidance is different.

It is neither too late nor too early.

The timing is perfectly perfect by the time it shifts.

The real sword that hits after the feint is not touched as if it had been read.

This would be the human strength of the sectarian family.

A gift of experience acquired through daily workouts.

Or have you acquired an unusual concentration like yourself?

I don't know either of them, but it's not hard to imagine that if you hurry into a bad fight, you'll get a painful counterattack.

After a small reward.

When I put a wooden knife on Charlotte's thrust, the thrust comes after a quick retraction.It's a continuous thrust.

While pulling the wooden knife to your body, minimize body movement and parry it.

A heavy attack prevents you from turning into a counterattack.

The instant you try not to breathe over the series of quick thrusts, the thrust hits you again.

A fruit sword that makes you think you've lost your breath.

In contrast, he lowered his right foot and rotated it to the right to knock down the wooden knife in the middle stage, causing the thrust to wrap around and pay it off to the right and outside.

Then he immediately slashes his neck, but the sword cuts through the sky.

Shortly afterwards, she stepped out in front of her and opened her body with her arms extended in front of her.

The shape exposed the gap - Charlotte was naturally surprised and responded reflectively to the gap.

Swordsmen often rely on reflexes to remind the body of moves and shapes by repetition.

Moreover, aggressive movements tend to be monotonous, so attacks tend to be monotonous.

Charlotte's attack is skewed toward pointing.As predicted, a slit into your exposed chest.As I saw her "lost" expression, I knocked out the wooden sword thrust to the left with the wooden knife I held in my right hand and shoved my torso with the blade I returned.

"It's because!"

Speaking out and punching her in the face of an attack on her.

Charlotte leaves without defying the knocked out blow, whilst still swinging.It rotates at a fragile momentum.

Is this the arithmetic that takes you to hit my right temple like this?

Stand back and avoid it.

Shortly after the sword shadow appeared at the edge of his vision, his back was attacked by a bad feeling.

The hunch aroused alarm because I made contact with the old man when I followed him through his life.

Don't dodge this with a single sheet of paper.

Remember that experience, and instead of aggressively leaving in time, throw yourself down and run away from the sideways.

Once he lay his hand on the planked floor, he lay down as if the beasts were flying on all fours.

Moreover, Charlotte's right hand was on the buttocks of the wooden sword, not the original Tsubomoto.

Oh, I'm dodged.

If I had stayed back, that would have been the decision.

... the technique of extending the area of sword shooting by sliding the handle out of the hand is said to be in various genres.Especially for genres dealing with long objects such as cane tricks, it is a technique that is so basic that it can be said to be even popular.

Most of the swordsmanship is said to be its application.

Charlotte displays a childish smile, like a child who has seen a prank.

Was this technique, which in some schools requires a special attack, a play for her?

However, it is as scary as it is to do such a difficult trick as flying through the pattern.

The look on your face - it looks fun.

Dodging a move will make you angry, but there's no sign of it.

The corner of your mouth is lifting slightly with a smile.

These people often play and try.

Just now, it seems like someone inside of me is going to come after me.

Sigh, Charlotte's left hand moves.

When he tries to pay for his left hand with a wooden knife, like a blindfold, he moves underneath.

Reflexively shift your neck sideways and the wooden sword stretches from bottom to top.

(Spiked leaves...!?

Windshield sound that can be heard from nearby.

The feeling of the air coming directly to the skin being cut.

Skin flares up on them all at once.

It was an almost invisible blow, both in action and behavior.

The dojo student also used it earlier, but it was originally used like a hidden trick.

It was used many times by Noah, so I managed to avoid it this time.

Stay back and stand back immediately.

Charlotte, on the other hand, travels a lot by flying.

She has light footwork.It even feels like you're always jumping.Moreover, when I flew a long distance with one foot.

This is not a good idea to match Charlotte's movements.

If we stand on the same turf, we will definitely lose first.If you chase them, they'll take one at the moment the movement is delayed.

Then you should stand firm here and hold the sword.

Steady, steady.Don't be fooled.You can't go after him.If you pull it in a little bit, you'll be skewering it at that point.You should move with that in mind.

(... punches and slashes fly in all directions from the front)

Besides, my feet became free to change.It's soft and supple as if it even had a ball of bearings in its ankle.

This is also a fine swordsmanship technique... I wonder if it's a sectarian technique.

Or do you carry your ankles like that?

Honestly, the meaning is unclear.

Human beings in this world are both crazy and physically insane.

Moreover, even if we make a sword shot, there is no indication of a direct hit.

They won't be able to take it, and they'll be evaded.

An incomprehensible behavior that even such a feeling occurs, as if you know the trajectory of the sword in advance.

What kind of subtlety is being read and the previous movement is being perceived?

To meet with her, you should find it first.

That's when I started to focus.

Suddenly, Charlotte's gaze penetrated.


The moment I unexpectedly moaned, penetrated by arrow-like force.

An intense thrust raids.

A blow to the torso.

Panicked out the wooden knife in front of him, he hurried back.

However, by the powerful twist of the thrust, the painful wooden knife was diverted from being played.

I thought the delayed retreat had been achieved with a single piece of paper, but the incision reached my abdomen.



No, it's shallow.

Charlotte is absolutely certain of the referee's decision.

Shallow. Maybe it was shallow.

Even if it were serious, only a small part of it would have penetrated the meat.

Charlotte stands with his sword in front of him.

A cold sweat erupted from the pores.

Had it not been for that concentration, we would have settled now.

What was going on was so much force and poke.

I can hear the dojos.

"What can you do for a lady?"

"You better keep it."

Everywhere you go, it's just words.

Indeed, they nod when they say so.

The place hit had a jingy fever."Flash of Fire (Burn Thrust)" is a fine swordsmanship technique that gives you the feeling of burning where you were stabbed, but you can see the severity of the training if you just received a shallow collision.

This technique is commonly used by swordsmen of fine swordsmanship, and when it is hit on the arm, shoulder, or foot, the sword flashes and moves slowly.

There is a monster called the National Monster Master who can go anywhere if he crushes his neck.

Charlotte smiles.

"Wow. I can't believe I escaped that sword."

"No, if it was serious, it would be over now."

"I guess so.But this is a dojo.Dojos fight in the form of dojos.There's no "if" or "what if".A wooden sword is a wooden sword, and it's a wooden sword. "

"I think so, too."

"Yeah, well, how about this?


Charlotte starts poking as he breaks in.

We quickly turned around, but the protrusion painted an orbit bent like a fencing sword.


Turn around to escape reflectively from the shadow trajectory at the edge of your eyes.

I made a gap - immediately after thinking so, a strong thrust approached me again from the front.

If this hits, it will be decided.

The moment you lay your body on the wooden board floor.

He rounded his body as it was and used the force of his back and hips to turn his body around like a coma, and shook the wooden knife as if he were stripping his feet.

Shake it in agony.

Charlotte jumped out of danger to avoid slashing the ground horizontally.

From a disoriented position, we now slip our buttocks and lower legs, and immediately take them to a position like a living waist with our hips slightly floating.

The wooden knife is supported by the left hand as if it were a living room, and the right hand remains attached to the handle.

When Charlotte entered the pursuit, he jumped up using the spring of his hips and at the same time waved his sword to pull it out of his sheath - that was his intention.

However, there was no unexpected chase.

Charlotte stays there and doesn't move as if he were looking at our counter.

We've just lost our posture.It should have been an opportunity to win, no matter where you look.

Nevertheless, nothing will be done.Same as before. Looks like we know what we're going to do.

Since we first fought her, we haven't even been able to read each other's tides.

This is finally getting crazy.

Anyway, the referee doesn't seem to know what to do.

In fine swordsmanship, if the posture collapses so far, it is common to lose.

But Charlotte stays on his feet and doesn't say anything.

The referee kept staring at Charlotte.

We stand up slowly without breaking our guard.

"Char... I'm not really impressed to show you that trick."

"Okay? Ian, oniisama.This is the dojo of Clemelia.All I have is my family.Besides, if you don't use your tricks, you'll rot. "


Ian breathes out because he doesn't like showing off his moves or because he's light.

Even he can't stop Charlotte with the sword.

Here we go.

The words nodded silently.

Again, as before, the cut of the wooden sword is bent.

Sure, I hear fencing has that kind of technology.

A technique that uses a sword to poke the front opponent from the back.

But the wooden sword does not succumb.And yet, here it is.

Then it's just an illusion.

Unless you have the technology to make a wooden sword work, you can't do that unless you've put something on the material beforehand.

Then there is no other answer but to put some sort of trifle into these five senses.

--Human vision is a vague monkey.I'll deal with it as soon as I can.Look, what we're seeing right now isn't a continuum.Sometimes the brain misleads and replaces broken defects by preparing footage.

That's the old man's word.

When I saw the man playing, I erased the bamboo sword like a magic during the meeting.

Perhaps this is similar."Her sword" is not changing, "her eyes" are not grasping the substance of her sword.

While taking a large distance, avoid and observe carefully.

From time to time, my hands were loosened wide, and I saw the wooden sword shaking little by little.


So I finally came with a pin.

A pencil.

When that man was in elementary school and gathered with his friends in the school classroom, what was shown came back to life like a flash.

There is a play to bend the pencil.

You can pick and roll the center of the pencil with your fingers, or you can grab and shake the edges to make it look like it's bent.

Because the pencil is supported at one point, the edges deflect up and down, and because it happens continuously, the eyes illusion that the pencil is bent.

In short, the principle is the same.The sword deflected to the left and right as if it were a fencing sword because it was swinging in small steps in a loose hand.

It is in the previous stage that the cutting edge is loosened.

The pattern of the sword is longer than that of other dojo raw ones, probably to increase the amplitude.

However, because it is only an illusion, it does not actually look like a fencing sword, and the tip does not arrive.

Therefore, it makes no sense to be wary at the bending tip.That should be it.

However, if the reaction is good, the evasive actions are always taken in a reflective manner.

This sword of hers must be after it.

Even if you know the magic, your body moves on its own, making it difficult for those who wave their swords with their senses.

It's a lewd sword, not something I can say when I open my body and expose the gap earlier.

If you know what's in your hands, there's something you can do about it.

Patience to prevent your body from reacting.

Instead, he hit the wooden sword with his loose hand.


It went well. But Charlotte didn't drop the wooden sword.I suppose he made his grip stronger on the verge of hitting the sword.

Has this been detected as much as possible?

The ankle strength is the same, but the grip is also quite strong.

"... you can handle this, too."

"If you know the logic, you won't be confused."

That said, it was Ian who responded.

"--Did you see through your current logic?

Ian showed me surprises and wonders.

It's a coincidence.

"Of course, there were only those movements.And about that, out of the mouth. "

"I understand."

And after answering, I come up with a really good thing.

"But if something like that happens again, your mouth may get lighter."


"As the Servant often points out, I seem quite inadvertent, so it's not unlikely that I will say that I can remember the illusion..."

"Are you threatening me?

"No, not at all.What I'm saying is that I've talked about my inaccessibility.Besides, this kind of thing will not threaten fine swordsmanship.When I reveal one or two of the techniques, I know that your fine swordsmanship will not shake. "

"I see. So, what's the truth?"

"I will no longer be associated with House Rayseft.We have to defend ourselves as much as possible. "

"Very well. I'll be careful."

Give back Ian's smile.Honestly, I'm not good at exploring each other's stomachs, but I'd like to give them something like a rebuke.

Anyway, that's it.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Charlotte."

"I don't mind. I saw something interesting, too."


"Oh, it was Ian Oniisama who called me against it.

Ian shows Charlotte a soft face as he walks away.

Looking at such an exchange, did she keep using the technique because she was aiming for it?That's what it looks like.

Anyway, Charlotte is right, and this time it should be okay just to see this.

If things become interesting, you won't be able to have a good relationship in the future.

If you accidentally hit it, it will be read.

Then, move the opponent from a frontal step to a lateral step, further extending the distance to the tip.

I should be confused by this because I've been on my way all this time.

(How about this?)

The moment you try to step in, you bury it in focus.

There's this pre-fetch tangent right there.

Your surroundings slow down

In the meantime, Charlotte moved to avoid it.

Before we step in.


The wooden knife was replaced.

But surprise is not about being dodged.

Before this happened, she moved on.

Without pursuing him, he flew right behind him.

Then Charlotte smiles.And he said, "That's an interesting hand." "It might have hit me."

But those words don't get in my head.

It is the movement that she has just shown that now occupies her chest.

... impossible.

This one was in the focus earlier.

Of course, in that state, Charlotte's movement was also slow.

If she avoids this with her physical abilities and reactions, she must move faster even in that concentration.

Nevertheless, Charlotte avoided the slow motion.

Take evasive action before we step in.

You can't do that.

Then what the hell is this entanglement?

Somehow, that's what I said.

"Dear Charlotte, What do you see?


Charlotte's expression changes visibly.

Maybe, maybe.Perhaps she has the power to sense some kind of invisible information that the old man has in mind.

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