Shikkaku Kara Hajimeru Nariagari Madō Shidō

Episode 110: The Tale of the Day I Made × × ×

This day, Arcs Rayseft was in his home kitchen.

Previously, I lived in the main residence of Rayseft, so I hardly had access to the kitchen.Rather than not being allowed in, it is correct that you did not let me in.

But now that everything is yours, you can use anything you want.

You can cook whatever you want, and you can cook whatever you want.

Whisper, but this is also one of the happiness I got with my own mansion.

"What's your hobby today, Mr. Arcs?

"Mm-hmm. You heard me, Noah.I thought I'd make some sweets today. "

"You've been so focused on cooking for a long time.Are you going to switch from a wizard to a cook?

"It's not like that.I have something to eat, so I'm just trying to make it. "

Yes, the confectionery in this country is basically only saucy or rounded with sugar.Despite the abundance of ingredients, it seems that for some reason confectionery making has not developed much.

Sugar is also quite expensive, but it is not a price you would never get if you were a nobleman.

However, this mysterious situation is scarce in the confectionery repertoire.

Of course, there is a culture of tea in this world, so there is plenty of soil to make sweet treats.Rather, it should be made naturally, but no matter which shop you go around, it's just the same kind of sweets.

Without sweet cookies.

There can't be any cake.

Another dream, like chocolate.

I still didn't understand the area.

"Hey, Noah. I wonder why all the sweets are made with sugar.

"That's the only answer I can get."

"But after all, because it's something to eat, it's better to have something delicious, right?

"Sure, but a lot of the sugar is probably because of the Spirit Age."


"Yes, they offered colorful, rounded sugar as a gift to spirits and fairies.Therefore, as a traditional confectionery, it is still everywhere. "

"So even though there was tea, the tea confectionery that matched it didn't develop...?

Still, it's too painful as a reason.Organisms are lustful for sweetness.All creatures tend to seek out sweet things, and humans have worked hard to eat them deliciously.

That was well known in that man's world.

Then Noah answers the question.

"First of all, isn't it because there aren't many ingredients that suit sugar?The milk and eggs Arks prepared were now well placed on the market, but they weren't readily available before. "

"Certainly, if you lack the ingredients, you can't increase the repertoire."

It is wrong to compare this to that man's world in the first place.

In this world, there are no cars or trains, so distribution is weak, and meat can be eaten on a daily basis as much as ducks.

Chickens don't tighten much to lay eggs, and cows don't have a stable feeding supply.

Since the pig will be exposed to dirt (injury), the King's people, who hate the curse, keep it in a special place after strict control.Therefore, it is treated as a treat everywhere.

The only way to eat hamburgers once a week is to have territory, take root there, and create your own pig farm.

"And the nobles who have stable access to the ingredients tend to prefer things that look beautiful.Colorful sugar confectionery is also preferred for appearances, and can be served at parties, etc. "

"Well, nobility is a culture of glory.It's possible to put more emphasis on the outside than the inside. "

"The Rhinole kingdom tends to have a lot of samurai, that's why."

"So the samurai are involved?

"Because the royal family itself is a samurai, it was originally meant to be simple and robust.To the west lies the British Empire, to the east the flood tribes, and to the south Grand Shell.Because of the many land wars, nobility must dawn in the struggle.Of course, it is now stable and spiritually affordable, but ten to twenty years ago, the King's Capital was also terrible. "

"Because I was only at war, there was no soil for such a culture.It was long before I was born that I could afford it.Is that why you don't have many sweet repertoires?

"It's speculation, but I wonder if it's reasonable to think so."

"Hmm... if you're poor, you'll be dull."

I guess it was a lack of money and time, and I couldn't afford to create culture...

War consumes enormous amounts of food, and civilians naturally receive it.Moreover, when it comes to year-round warfare, all the "extra food" used for cooking and confectionery making will be turned into food, and it will be a truncated life.

Indeed, when it comes to the gardening of the nobles, there are things that tilt their necks.

Around that point, I think it's still developing.

Noah looks at the table with the ingredients and cookware.

"You're not going to increase your cooking volume with magic, are you?

"I wouldn't do such a barren thing.I mean, I remember some convenience store when I heard it was bulky. "

"It's called the Clouds of Lascatis."

"Ho ho."

"It seemed like I was getting full from magically biting food, but no matter how much I ate, it was just getting thinner and thinner, so it seemed like I was eating thin things like clouds and clouds."

"Even if you can reproduce the feeling and taste you're eating, you can't absorb the nutrients.It would be good for a diet. "


"There are so many people in the world who want to lose weight without trying."

"How about a 12-year-old who talks about the world?"

"I want to know what's really going on.I don't know if the only one who knows anything about it told me anything before. "

Encourage Noah to make sweets while talking to him like that.Because one arm is not very good, Noah does a lot of work, but it's much easier than Castella cake.

I had to use the help of Cook to do Merenge over there, but I could make it much easier.

Put the finished product in the simplified refrigerator.All that's left is to cool it down.

Well, I'm looking forward to it, so I'll clean up and do some other work for a while.

When I was in my room, I suddenly heard a familiar voice from nowhere.

"Hey, Arcs. Are you ready for a treat?

You don't even have to ask who that is.It's Sue, and it's not like I heard it from the outside.

"Hey, you're trespassing!

"It's not Arks' house, it's okay, right?Ah! Kazi is aproning!Except it looks great!

When I went downstairs from my room, Kazi, who was cleaning in an apron, was surrounded by Su, and Noah had already waited aside to greet and guide me.

While Su looked at Kazi with interest, Kazi looked terribly disgusting as if she had been seen in a strange place.

"So, Suu, what happened to the Magic Court?

"Magic court? I got out because I don't have a lecture I want to take today.

"I'm out of here... is that okay?

I saw one of the people who graduated from the Magic Academy and somehow seemed to have a connection.

"No, no, no, no.No matter how good the exam is, if you don't take the lecture, it will resonate with progression. "

"Well, I don't know how to calculate it, but I realize that I don't have enough credits, so I'm feeling like a college student who has already given up on progression...."

"That's not how you give up.I don't know, even if I wanted you to stop. "

"In other words, there's something that Sweetheart can't be blamed for leaving the lecture."

"That's what it is. That's what it is."

"What is that? Not too bad, huh?

"It's not too slow. Because I'm busy, I'm admitted."

"Why do people come here who say they're busy?

"You don't have to worry about the details.I'm here to study. "

It's such a terrible thing to come out of a magic court lecture and study with yourself.

"Sure, it's inspiring to talk to Mr. Arcs about magic."

I see. Besides the basics, it's better to talk to my husband Sam. "

"Oh oh...."

I don't feel sorry for being told that.After that, it's no use adding things like "Sometimes I don't know the meaning..." or "Sometimes I don't know the meaning of words..."

Besides, I have other business to attend to.


"It's the treatment for Arcs' arm."


"That's right. I told you I'd cure you before."

"It certainly feels like they said that."

"I did. That's why I went deep inside."

"Don't push! This is my house!

That's how the place moved to a tower-shaped room.

This is a place laid out in such a way that it sticks to the corners of a square building.

In that man's country, it was built in a historic building dating back to the time when Western culture was first incorporated.

The circular room is blown through, the front side is covered with glass so that you can see the outside, and the back side is occupied by a bookshelf, along which the stairs are laid.

Just facing south, the sun is easy to plug in and light up.There are soft carpets, sofas, tables, etc., and they are used as guest rooms and relaxing spaces.

"I wish I had more gardens. Forty points."

"Something like Lord Lowheim."

"That's right, that's not true!

"Why are you upset there?But this is the limit of my money. "

"So the next goal is to buy a bigger mansion?

"I'm not talking about kids. Regular."

After that conversation, Suu takes over again.

"Sit down, sit down.Don't be shy. "

"... hey Noah.This is my house, isn't it?

"It's definitely Arks' in name."

"Ah, that one, effective control.Kihihi! "

"This is what it's like to be rented a house."

"Mine is mine.Arks is mine, too.

"Exactly, superior aristocrat, you're swinging natural gymnastics."

As long as it is completely horrible to treat what is already yours.

Kazi escapes after cleaning, and Noah moves the lace curtains to adjust the amount of light in the room.

I sat on the sofa next to Su.

It's been a long time since we've been alone...

Long, shiny black hair is as good as ever.Rugged eyes scatter radiance, giving a sense of respect, calming skin with a healthy color palette that feels tight and supple.

Because of my age, my body seems to have grown a little bigger, and my body feels tight.

It must be because he's nearby.When you relax, the smell that drifts on the wipe is going to shoot through your heart.

On the other hand, speaking of Sue, I don't know what's going on here, so I keep talking.

"So, how are you feeling?

"I'm still in good shape.But it's better than before. "

As she rolled her sleeves, Sue grabbed her arms and bent and stretched them.Do the medical examination.

And you noticed something?

"Hey, isn't this a weird mole?

"Hmm? Oh, really?"

"Something like a pattern."

Indeed, as she said, there was something like a red and black mole on her arm.

I didn't notice, but when did you get such a thing?

Like a pattern, it looks like something.

"Hmm, Feng?

"Ah, that's right.It's got a long tail. It certainly looks like that. "

"No. Sue told me it was weird, what should I do?"

"Ah, Arks did it.If you don't show this to more than five people and follow it, Arcs will be unhappy.

"It was an unhappy letter!What time is it?


"Well... is that so?I'm sure it will. "

This is not the man's country.There will certainly be no time or nothing.

After the examination, Su immediately applied the magic of adjusted healing.

Besides, it's a type that uses a lot of magic.

Much more than the magic amount of Arc (Jibu), it is a big deal ahead of the great magic step.I've never had a magician call from a magician guild like this.

There's a lot of magic in it. It's really cheating.

You can't do this with the magic of Arcs.

I see.I wish I could at least save up what I don't use and take it out freely. "

It's an item that stores magic.I hope so. "

"I guess we'll have to work hard to find it.I think we need to get past another wall before that happens. "

"So, how's your arm?

Now that you've done your magic, move your arms to see how you're doing.

"... yeah, I feel good.No, seriously. "

"Really!? That's great!

Suu shows a smile like a flower blooming and rejoices like me.

In fact, before and after the magic, the condition of the arms was quite different.Until now, I had a feeling of one thing to move my arm a little, but I had the impression that I had a slight cut.

"I'll do my best until I'm cured."

"Ah, ah. Thank you....."

When my friend's kindness made my eyes hot.

"- So, what about the sweets?

"It's my emotional ruin."

"If you work hard, you'll need a reward.

Suu doesn't even know about this and is demanding a price.

The tears all blew away somewhere far away.

Then, Noah clapped his hands to say that he had covered his masterpiece.

"Now, how about the sweets you just made?"

"Bah, Noah!?You idiot!!

…… Didn't you make that for Miss Sweetheart?

"No, no, no, no!

"Hmm, Arcs. Did you make anything else?

"No, it's nothing.I didn't make anything. "

That's what I mean, when I can make a laugh, but it's already too late.

Suu turned to Jito's eyes.

"Hey, aren't you going to come this far and deceive me now?


I was thrown into a painful spot and started screaming.

Not anymore. It is impossible to hide.

I thought so, and exhaled a sigh of abandonment.

"... okay.Noah, I think it's cold already, so follow the steps I just explained. "

"Yes, sir. Tea will also be served."

Noah said that, went back to the kitchen, and eventually came back with a big tray.

On top of it are two small, high yellow hills with teaware and the top of the caramel.

Yes, what Noah and I made earlier was a pudding that everyone loved.

Su looked strangely at the pudding placed in front of her.

"It's kind of plump. Looks like a steamed egg..."

To check the hardness, use a spoon to push the pudding twice.

... I made it exactly as I remember, so the taste is almost certain.But it's no good because there's no mistake.If she finds out about this, she can see what will happen.

The difficulty of obtaining pork from the previous horn stew will be appreciated, but milk and eggs are relatively easy to obtain in King's Land.And the combination of milk, eggs and sugar is not hard to imagine what to say when it comes to captivating people and producing endless flavors.

You're welcome.

Suu said that and scraped off the top of the pudding, a mouthful.

"--!? This is....!

Immediately make your eyes black and white, and then make a real voice like before.

Sue shows a happy, mellow expression and repeated the task of carrying the pudding into her mouth.And every time, she broke up and found herself eating delicious food.

After eating the pudding, Sue turned around and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Hmm, what a delicacy this is.Are you still using milk and eggs?

"Oh, I mixed sugar in the egg drops and milk, and then I steamed it, and then I chilled it."

"Mm... can you make this so easily?"

"Surprisingly. Here, basically, the sugar is rounded and consolidated, you put it in tea, and then you boil the beans sweetly, right?I didn't have anything else to offer here before. "

I see. Can you make any other sweets?

"Hey, I'm not a cook or a pastry chef, and the recipes I remember are sparse, so I have to try and make mistakes over and over like the previous horn."

"I see....."

"Don't make such a sad face with such sweets."

What, were you thinking of making more sweets?

Again, it is well understood that people are eager for sweetness.

"So, Arcs. What kind of food is this?


Isn't it time for the words to be too hard?

Did Suu notice the appeal with such a gaze?Open your eyes as if you were happy.

And then...

"Well, what kind of food is that?I wonder? "

Unnaturally, she blinks and smiles at her eyes to deceive the stiff way she has talked so far.

I don't feel half better anymore.

It's a pudding.

"Pulin... that sounds like a name.But I've never eaten anything like this before. "

I see. I didn't make anything. "

"Hey, can I have another one?

"I can't. The rest is mine."

Er, it doesn't tickle.

"I'm not a jerk!I mean, I just made it today, so let the person who made it taste it!

"It's delicious, so you don't have to taste it.I guarantee the taste. "

Su said that and gave Peko-chan a nice smile.

"I'm sure there's some flavor in it!Because the ingredients I know are different from the ones I use. "

"But it's milk, eggs and sugar, right?

"There's a difference, isn't there?There are different kinds of birds, different kinds of dairy cows that produce milk, different kinds of sugar. "

Arks, you're so obsessed.

Suu stared at me like I was in the middle of nowhere.

After all, I stared at this pudding and barely reached out to Noah to give me a plate.

In contrast, Noah did not hesitate to hand over the plates with the pudding.

"Go ahead."

"Yes! Thank you!

"Please, but thank you!Why 'd you give it to me?

"Well... do you think I can't resist power either?"

"Noah, Noah.I'm your husband.Speaking of which, you are my subordinate.Isn't it? You have to listen to me, right?

"Then you're also my subordinate, right?You need to listen to me, too.

"What kind of logic is that!?

"You know, Arcs. As I said before, mine is mine..."

"Ten-don, no, no, no. Ten-don."

I don't know what to say, but Sue doesn't want to give up.

"Right? Can I eat it?It's good, right?

"So that's what I eat."

"Look, I can't respond to the customer's request.

"I made it for myself!

"Half then! Give me half!That's good, right?Huh!? "

"You have to eat so much!

Just like that, you can say it with one pudding.

After all, we studied together and Su left.

Soon after Sue left, Kazi put out his face.

"Ha-ha, so?You think we split it in half after all?

"Because! But if we didn't, we wouldn't be able to move on!

Yes, that pudding ended up being split in half.

I didn't ask as much as I wanted, so I had to break it.

Regardless, the Servitors say that without even knowing it.

"Is this it?Is he somehow weak?

"I guess. I can only see the future laid down on my butt."

"Shut up or we're both gonna blow up!

"Oh, I'm scared."

"This is a sign of a tyrant to Mr. Arks."

when we were angry as much as we liked to say, the Servitors ran like scattered spider children

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