"Well, there was a little happening... for now that's a point. If it feels like it now, a little more practice will bring down the weakest Demon clan in the world."

"What, Matty, without you!?

"No, no, you can't do that to a boulder... when you get shot with magic or something, there's nothing to deal with..."

They don't seem confident that they can defeat the Demon Clan.

I don't know if I can do it.

The two of us have been fighting demons because we're buying time at best, and I'm fighting at the avant-garde.

Besides, I haven't finished teaching you the magic you need.

Well, they're both easier magic formations than the 'demon poison' I used this time, so I'll be able to handle them right away.

"I'll teach you how to do it around here next time. Let's just go home."

Tell me, I'm in the air. I'm sending a faint 'forced detection' to Illis.

Then Iris started to drop altitude.

As I look at it, I use comm magic again and tell the two of them.

"As for the other demon tribe, pretend you don't realize it"

'Pretend you don't notice... after all, is there another Demon clan?

'I didn't even see it during the fight, and I'm still not caught up in passive detection at all...'

'It's hard to detect that one, so now you don't have to know. We're gonna get in the IRIS for now.'

Unless you show up from yourself, you're usually a demon like you can't find.

Combat ability is not comparable to Elkhardt's, either.

'Well, when they say that, you want to detect...'

'Mmmm... ah, over there!

Alma, who began to focus his consciousness somehow, suddenly opened his eyes and then pointed overhead.

It's Iris that's ahead of us.

"... you're Mr. Iris!

'Sure, it's a catastrophe if you're an enemy...'

"Oh, uh... eagle, did you do something?

A suddenly pointed iris gives a bewildered look.

To that Illis, I tell you in dragon language.

"Iris, just put the two of you on board and evacuate the sky."

"... is something wrong?

Can't you tell even in Illis?

Even though the magic circuit is broken and the magic sensing ability is down... their hidden abilities are still different from those of the other demons.

There's another Demon Clan.

"Huh? To detect the magic of eagles, nothing - possibly a fog demon tribe?

That's what I'm saying.

Misty Demon Clan.

As its name suggests, that's what we call demonic tribes with the ability to blend into space by changing their bodies like fog.

There are some conditions and constraints to fogging, and I can't travel in that state... but it still doesn't make a difference that it's troublesome.

Because the fog that the Demons have turned into is invisible, and because of its widespread low density and dispersion, it doesn't catch on to normal 'passive detection'.

As early as this happens, I feel like I should even call it the 'Demon of the Air', but in my previous life it was called the 'Demon of the Mist'.

"Well, if you're a fog demon, it's best to burn it down with eagle braces..."

And just because you find it doesn't mean you can take it down easily.

If you want to defeat the Fogged Demons as they are, that's what you're going to need right now. Firepower like Britain's all-powerful braces.

"No, in the current state of Illis, shooting a high-powered brace is dangerous. You won't be able to fly for at least 30 days."

"I can't believe you slept on the 30th..."

"For you, soon, but while you do, the school will be destroyed."

As opposed to thirty days, even half of them are likely to be out.

The king's capital today is not a situation where we can leave.

"School!? Dear Matthias, are you going to school?!? There is no such thing as studying..."

"Ah, that's enough, take the two of you and run away. Altitude maintains 700 to 800. I'll just get on the first ride and jump on the way."

"Oh, okay!

To the Illis that came down, two people get in.

I followed after that too and deliberately showed a bare gesture of getting into Illis in a gaping position... but no movement on the Devil's side.

I was wondering if you would come out for an ambush if you showed a clear gap.

Apparently, the Demon Alias have a very discreet personality.

That's all I'm gonna check, jump out of the Illis.

"Ah, Mr. Matty!

"This guy, I'll deal with him alone! You two stay with Iris, wait in the sky!

With that said, I'm going down to the ground.

I can see Lurii trying to say something, but Ilis was up to altitude at once and his voice didn't reach him.

Forcing a fogged demon clan to materialize requires inherently fairly advanced sorcery.

I can't build that right now, so I'm going to substitute it by other means.

I let the two of you go first because that means is dangerous.

"... Well, let's get started"

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