Shinka no Mi
Talking trees and determination
I suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, nose and mouth, and was surprised by the tree I started talking to.
I mean, it's not the result of my 'All Language Understanding' skills working, this!? Because I have eyes and mouth!?
The tree talked to me again calmly, confused by the fact that I didn't know how to handle it myself.
"Well stand-up is what, and why don't you sit down?
"Oh, yes."
... No, no, no, no, I normally replied, but I don't think that's the experience of being recommended to sit in a tree.
That's what I think, but I'm sitting there, and I think I'm getting used to something and something that's never made sense before. I don't like it. I'd rather have peace.
Then the tree looked sorry for the way he noticed something.
"I'm sorry about this. I didn't know this one held me back but I wouldn't even serve tea...... I just didn't care for the trees. Phew...... kukukukukukuku"
"You laugh at your gag!?"
I knew this tree was weird. Maybe I won't say anything weird so far when the other trees can talk. I don't know.
"Sa, prepare some tea... oops, you don't have any utensils. Sorry for the inconvenience, but make a cup out of my body"
"I hate it though!?"
Scary, scary, scary. This tree, I'm not only scared to change. Why are you trying to get yourself out of this? Doesn't it hurt? Even if it is, I don't like it, okay?
"Now let's slip through the trees and see what's growing there."
"Why don't we just do that from the start?
While my scratch was ignored, I don't know how, but the tree cleverly slipped through a cup-shaped container from the tree. Shit, I said it myself and my head got stuck.
Then the tree is its own head? Reaching for the leaves that grow on...
"No, no, no! Ha, ha... no!
With a spicy and painful look all the time I said I was going to die, I pulled a thousand leaves and put them in the cup.
And when I opened my mouth, I put something like a covet from it into the cup and nodded satisfactorily.
"Phew... go ahead"
"You're lying, aren't you?
You're telling me to drink this? What, asshole?
Tea made of something that looks so painful but also shows a thousand cuts, and yet salivating? Oh, my God. Who wants a drink? Trees and humans have different sensibilities, don't they?
"Really... unfortunately, let's get to the point first, as I will drink tea later"
When the tree lays the cup aside, he says so with a serious look. As far as I'm concerned, I wanted you to get down to business from the start, but when I say that, I'll shut up because I think I'm off track again.
"Well, first of all, it's about being me."
"Well, all of a sudden, the tree's moving, and it's weird."
When some fancy dressed woman breathed, she started moving, didn't she? What the hell is that?
"I am a pseudo creature created by His Majesty."
"Yes? I mean, Liel said His Majesty, too, but maybe..."
"Oh, Your Majesty didn't seem to be named. As you can imagine, Your Majesty is the [Empress]."
Yes, you did.
It's a death penalty thing to encounter while bathing in the water of someone of such stature!
"Well, that would be nice."
"It's a matter of life and death for me!?"
"You can handle it. I feel that way. Just trees."
"It's more depressing, that gag......!
"Fair enough. … out of the question, I am a life-giving being by His Majesty's power."
"Do you have that skill or magic? I think it's God's domain to give life no matter what you think..."
"That's because His Majesty's power is neither skill nor magic."
He said it wasn't skill or magic... and recently, Destra said that.
"I cannot name His Majesty's power, but His Majesty has the power [to give a fake life to a lifeless being]. This life is the same as a so-called human being, so that his eyes and mouth can appear and speak."
"Ha... well, even if I say life, a tree would have lived originally. So that means we can move and we can talk, right?
"Yes, sir."
I've seen the content of that woman's abilities in her mouth, but it's pretty messy.
"Is there no limit to that ability?
"Right...... like consuming magic power every time I use it, it seems to consume mental power and I seem mentally tired, but I was wondering if there are any substantial limitations because if I recover that too I can use it again"
"So you're saying we can create a lot of beings like you?
"That's right. With this help, Your Majesty is still fighting the enemy."
That's what the tree said, correct his posture and stared straight at me.
"Makoto. Could you help me, please?
"As I said earlier, Your Majesty is compensating for his strength with the power that created me and fighting my enemies. But because the enemy is so powerful and so numerous, they are pushed."
"How do you know that?
"That is because I am a being created from His Majesty. That is why His Majesty's circumstances can be learned somewhat through his abilities…"
"So what the hell is that enemy?
Sometimes the [Empress] has asked me not to blame her for what she encountered while bathing in the water, which is a weird story to say in return, but if you seem to be in trouble, I want to give you a hand.
Best of all, if you don't make a good sale here, 'I knew you'd be in trouble if they said' Death Penalty '!
"I'm sorry. I am unable to answer you because I have not been given any information about the enemy"
So, isn't that the most important part?
Without enemy information... no, it doesn't really matter if it does or doesn't...?
"Well, that's a different question. Where am I?
"Where, you say?
"I was in a different place than this, but, well, I came here with a few mistakes. So I have no idea what kind of place this is or what kind of country it is nearby."
"I see, are you lost"
"No, according to the way I see it, yes..."
"Unfortunately, we are also unable to answer all of those questions. I know His Majesty is [the Empress], but I don't know which place he's ruling."
"He said he didn't know most of the information I wanted to know... No, you can't"
"I hope you don't want more from the trees."
"I don't mean it either!?"
What's so sad about having to talk to a tree? I am now.
If it's true, I wanted someone to answer my questions properly, but my impression of the first person I've ever met in this place sucks, and I'm treading and kicking.
"Please calm down. I don't know what country His Majesty will rule, but I can tell you some things about this forest."
"Yes, because this place is also my birthplace..."
"I see."
They gave me life in this strange place, and I guess it doesn't take anything like regulation there.
"Well, this place, Your Majesty seems to call it [the Forest of the Sealed Demons]"
"[Sealed Demon Forest]......"
"Yes, as you can see from the name and what Makoto actually experienced, no magic can be used in this forest. It's simple, because there's no magic around here."
"No magic at all? But how does that lead to the inability to use magic? To use magic, it's not the magic around you, it's the magic you use to activate it."
"It is known in a country ruled by His Majesty, but magic is not something that can be activated only by its own magic"
I didn't write that when I checked at Terveil's library...
Well, no matter what they say about magic, I've never used magic while thinking about that kind of theory before, or now if they say so.
"Of course, it consumes its own magic as a kick-ass to activate magic, but then it has something to do with the magic drifting around it. That's because we need to propagate the magic of those who activate it outside in the form of 'magic', to a magic full of the world. If I were to give one example, it would be similar to the nature of the sound. The sound comes from vibrating the air, but without that air, no sound, right? It's the same."
"I see..."
"So you can't use magic in this place.... Well, if it's Makoto, there's no such thing as a law."
"That's not true!?"
I don't think I'm doing anything like fighting and selling to the laws of the world like that...... but... I'm losing confidence.
"No, but I'm in trouble because I can't use it like this right now, and I can't use it either."
"That's probably the result of the world's sincere distraction, and you're in a situation where you can't dare use it?
"What does the world distract you from?
Lune said the same thing before, but I don't know what it means. Why does the world bother me? The world, right? Be confident.
Besides, I don't know what it means to not be able to use magic because I distracted you. Is that it? Just like when I went underworld as recommended by metastatic magic? So I guess this situation is really important......
And I'm going to go back to these special lands, because they have different ecosystems.
"I see, that's why you're weird"
"I'm normal, though?
"Apologize normally"
Is that it? Do I have to apologize normally too...?
"The demons that live in this forest acquire a wide variety of skills instead of being able to use magic, and some of them possess special skills, which cannot be classified into similar skills or magic as His Majesty's. All in all, they are physically capable and even resistant to magic and skills, so in this land, C-level demons can be equivalent to S-levels in other lands."
"It's a good place to train."
"Makoto won't need it."
"That's not true. I'm still amateur at how I fight, and I don't have control over my powers, and I do a lot of things."
"I see. Anyway, it's time, okay?
"Hmm? What?
I stared unexpectedly at the tree in front of me.
"... Hey, you..."
"Oh, don't look at me like that. Seiichi knew, didn't she? Anyway, I was watching His Majesty's offer to stop me."
"Yes, but... yes! No, if you think about it, you don't mind such a weird tree, you should chase them and have a proper conversation! Be busy with the wooden crust......!
"Just the trees?
Oh, that's him. Smells just like sheep......!
"Well, whatever, I wasn't talking to Makoto to stop. I'm not that free either."
"You're free!? Trees don't work from that place. Come on!
"You're out of your mind. I photosynthesize all day, go to sleep...... that? Free...?
"No more yadda this tree"
Same goes for the sheep, but it doesn't go well with the character in this hand, me. No, I'm a mess. I'm sorry, too.
"Wouldn't that be nice? As for me, it was meaningful because I was able to know Makoto's character. Besides, there's no point in stopping in the way of combat, and that's why I thought dialogue was the most effective way to do it."
"... you're right, fool. I'm honestly stuck."
I realized that I had lost my temper to be frightened and stunned.
"Hey...... then what happens to you when you're done stopping that?
"Is that me? I… will return to the trees as well as the others after I have carried out my mission. Because it is the performance of the task that His Majesty has given me my life. I'm sorry. I had to keep that order."
"... right"
I saw a tree that told me that, and I missed it a little.
Of course, I don't like the character of a tree that resembles a sheep, but I missed the fact that the tree I was having this conversation with was created just for my stoop, and if it was over, my consciousness would disappear.
"Um... are you okay? This is how we can talk and we can move..."
"It's okay. Without His Majesty in the first place, I would have ended my life as a tree without being conscious in this way either. In that, I had a valuable experience. Living as a tree is a valuable experience you will never experience…"
That's what trees are for, so that's for sure.
But if I wasn't conscious, I wouldn't have disappeared... I'd think.
"- That's why I end up moving of my own free will"
That's how the tree pulls out the roots of the tree from the ground and starts moving.
"I will now lead Makoto to His Majesty's kingdom."
"Heh? Yes, okay? You mean you were ordered to hold back because you don't want them to know about that country, do you?
"Yes, but you'll get there sooner or later, and that's only a matter of time. And I want your help, Your Majesty. That's why I lead you to the country, not by His Majesty's command, but by my will."
The tree turned to me, cleverly moving the roots of the tree.
"Come on, follow me. I am responsible for sending you to Your Majesty's country."
- That's how I went through the woods, being taken by the trees.
◆ ◇ ◆
"Don't go too far away! Isolate them and they'll do it!
"Hygienist! Take the injured!
"Damn... these guys, what time do you give up...!
When Makichi was being stopped by a tree in [Sealed Demon Forest], the country deep in it had been invaded by an enemy.
"Hun. A miscellaneous fish who is not even a 'transcendent' is so busy turning his teeth on us..."
"The opponent is a weak country. Crush it!"
"Olaola, what's wrong!? Run away like a mutt!
Soldiers in armor engraved with flags and crests showing the Kaisel Empire.
The enemies attacking the country behind the [Forest of the Sealed Demons] were soldiers of the Kaisel Empire.
The soldiers of the Kaisel Empire have all become 'transcendents' in a special way, incomparable with the soldiers of the country whose status is being invaded.
It should have been defeated without even a few souls holding up, but there was a reason why we were able to maintain the front in this way.
- Go.
When a woman dressed in a luxurious military uniform, mixed with black and red, speaks up so, she begins to move as if the stones and trees scattered around her had gained her life.
That number exceeded a hundred, all the same size as humans.
"Protect my soldiers!
It is the [Empress] of the Varsha Empire - Amelia Flem Varsha who makes the decree so.
The moment she raised her voice like that, an unparalleled army struck the soldiers of the Kaisel Empire in unison.
"Shit, he's back."
"These men protect the soldiers of the Varsha Empire..."
"It's depressing!
However, it was desperate because it did not constitute a great threat to the soldiers of the Kaisel Empire who became 'transcendents' and managed to maintain the declaration of war.
- And the price of it hits Amelia herself, who keeps activating her abilities.
Unexpectedly kneeling, to Amelia, whose breath was absurd, Riel, a nearby, rushed over.
"Sire, please don't push me any further! After that we...!
"Then no...! Now, if we don't use our strength, the soldiers...!
Suddenly a black-crushed figure appeared without sound at Amelia's desperate attempt to rise.
"- Riel, that's good news. For one thing, I was able to hit a nearby demon against a bunch of soldiers. Now we can push it back."
"Suin, you did it! Your Majesty, I will return to the castle once!
Upon receiving information about a person known as Swine, Riel began moving while lending a shoulder to Amelia, who distorted her face.
Amelia loses her mind on the spot when she finally reaches her limit.
With such Amelia, the two of them managed to reach the castle with vigilance.
There were many soldiers rushing around in a hurry, treating wounded soldiers and so on rested.
Letting Amelia sleep in her bedroom with the help of a castle maid, Riel and Swine finally took a breather.
"Phew...... swin. How's the war going?
"That's not good. I knew the troops were too different. Above all, it sucks that all the people in the Kaisel Empire are transcendents."
"... what the hell can I do to produce 'transcendents' so much..."
"Well, because I managed to hit the demon, and now the Kaisel Empire is gone. Don't you want to rest now without thinking about it?
"I'm sure that's between us."
As Swine put it, the soldiers of the Kaisel Empire, interrupted by demons living in the [Sealed Demon Forest], were retreating once to regain their posture.
If they were soldiers who became 'transcendents', they would not have struggled with demons by nature, but they were struggling with demons that were inferior due to the harm of only 'transcendents' entering status while their original strength was low.
Even though how much more 'transcendental' I have become, I have not changed to being a human being and not being able to keep fighting without rest was also connected to getting time for a break in this way.
"But not as good as this. It is a situation that I still manage to rise above at His Majesty's command. That's the limit now, too. What about rescue?"
"You can't. The other nations have almost descended into the Kaisel Empire, and the Wimbledon kingdom, which is not yet ruled by the Kaisel Empire, is too far from here. We have to cross the ocean to the east. Well, you won't be dealing with me there where I crossed..."
"... hopeless no matter what you think,..."
"Right. Even if the kingdom of Wimbledon were close, the people of the Kaisel Empire who are now in the [Forest of the Sealed Demons] would not allow rescue."
"Shit! Why did they take us...!
Leaving herself to the rage of no place to go, Riel hitting the wall hard.
There was no word to swin at Riel like that, just a harsh look on his face.
Then Swine asked Riel, as he remembered.
"Speaking of which, what was the man you met in those woods?
"Hmm? I don't know. Neither do I. But the sin of seeing His Majesty in the hot tub will not go away. That's why I tried to kill him, but His Majesty himself stopped me..."
"Your Majesty says you're not from the Kaisel Empire, are you?
"Oh. And he doesn't seem to be the hand of that [demon sect] either"
"... Speaking of which, you had to deal with Soitz and the others."
Swine dropped her voice before a reality she didn't want to look directly at rather than she forgot.
"I wonder why they're attacking this country by any means. We just want to be quiet. Don't you think that's really unreasonable? A fanatic who uses an unidentified ability on a super nasty 'transcendent' army. And the demons of [Sealed Demon Forest] who are not on our side either...... I can't believe how unreasonable it is."
"That's what Your Majesty feels most about you. What do you want us to do with every cry we say?
"... sort of"
When Suin laughed lonely, he looked unwittingly into heaven.
"Ha... that's it for us, too. She seems like a normal girl if she can, and I wanted to try to be in love or something."
"You? Huh... all I see is a future soon when a man flirts with me and cries at me"
"Oh my God!? That's not even one of the stories that floated around -!
"I'm fine. Your Majesty's escort. We don't have time for that."
"If you're gonna say that, I'm too busy as a spy!
With that said, the two laughed face-to-face, thinking of one girl who jumped out a few years ago.
"Speaking of which, I wonder if she's doing well"
"Oh... I popped up saying I want to use magic, I want to be strong"
"Huff... that kind of ironless thing is similar to your majesty"
"Hey, that's disrespectful.... well, half of them are bleeding the same way."
"Right. But it could have been good in a way. If she'd been here, she'd have jumped before us."
"... His Majesty doesn't say it either, but in that sense, I'm relieved, I guess, it's reopening. Even if I die, I can still have blood."
"Come on, won't you tell me something that's not even on the edge?
"You would have said something similar."
"Is that it? Is that right?
Once again, the two laugh, bringing up a serious look again.
- It's not gonna be easy.
"- Superior"
- This is how the 'irrational' was getting a little closer to the Varsha Empire.
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