Shinka no Mi

Unknown Demon

"Huh... I slept well"

"Ah, Master Vittore"

Vittore of "Resonance", the "Gods" of the Demonic Order, has been awake with his head on.

The apostles, who were studying and planning on [the earth of mourning] as instructed, stretch their spines simultaneously before the Vittore of sleep.

Without worrying about how it looked, Vittore spoke to one apostle who was nearby.

"So? What's it like?

"What? Well, what's it like...?

"No, when I arrived, Utis would fortify the demons, but I heard that the Demon King was sealed, but I don't know anything else."

In the Demonic Church, when the apex was made a demon god, it was the 'gods' who were in their next position, underneath which was the 'apostle', and the sequence existed among the 'apostles' by strength, contribution, etc.

And the 'apostles' who are entrusted with research in this [land of mourning], although less combative, were largely active in terms of research.

Nevertheless, the faces here are not in such a position to be able to move directly for the demon gods, and they are also in the lower echelons of the demon sect.

That is why Utis and Vittore are beings on the clouds, but I was surprised that Vittore, such beings, knew nothing about the land.

Because, partly because Utice knows, it is quite true that this land is an important place and I did not think the executives of the organization would not know.

Vittore frowned as the apostle stuck to him in silence.

"Come on, why don't you tell me when I'm asking?

"Huh? Oh, no!

"Then tell me. Well, that sounds interesting."

With that said, at the end of the gaze Vitol looked over, there was a massive line of giant capsule-shaped tanks, some of which floated like an organism that had never even seen Vitol asleep.

Vittore admires that sight, which no matter how he sees it, does not seem to be the technology of this world.

"Ha... this is all prepared by Utice's guy?

"Well, yes... you found out Master Utice prepared it a lot, right?

"Sort of. If you overflowed with something like that on this planet, all I can think about is that you brought it from the outside. Even though we gods don't die in the outside world, we don't have the means to get out of this planet in the first place. I guess the only way I can get out is... Utice and the Gempel bastard. Genpel said he could leave with Utice."

"I see..."

"Why? What is this creature?

"Yes. What's in this tank is a new demon created by extracting genes from the demons of this planet and multiplying them with each other."

"Hmm? Doesn't that mean we should multiply everything?

"Yeah. There's still genetic compatibility, so if you ignore that compatibility and multiply it, you can't maintain it as an organism."

"Then why don't you let Destra's bastard kill you for that compatibility? Isn't that how you get the most powerful demons out?

Even as Vittore casually spoke, the apostle drew his cheeks.

"Well, that... for once, one of the apostles who was here asked..."


"Ko, he's been killed..."


Vittore spoke convincingly.

"If you think about it, I don't think he can help you with that."

"Or I'm not saying it's completely undeleted, but still the demons created here are powerful. And we're going to use the demons that we've created here as pawns to gather the negative emotions that feed the demons."

"I see. What's the practical use of that?

"You're almost there"

"The demon understood. So, what is this demon king that's sealed in this place?

"That's faster for you to see this footage."

Encouraged by the Apostle, Vittore moves before a screen carried from the outside world.

And when the Apostle operated the machine, there was a process of research using the sealed Demon King and its strength reflected.

After seeing the footage shown on such a screen, Vittore opens his eyes.


"This is the result of our research. However, unfortunately, the Demon King's self is still there, so full awakening of abilities is ahead..."

"Oh, come on. Isn't this complete? So what happens when he wakes up completely?

In response to the words of Vittore, the Apostle told him in some proud manner.

"- Invincible, will be"

"- Ha."

When Vittore laughs with his nose at the Apostle's words, he turns his belligerent gaze against the Apostle.

"I don't know if I'm invincible, do I?


The overwhelming temper unleashed from Vittore solidified all the apostles who were on the spot.

For a while, no one could move on the intimidation from Vittore, who accidentally caught that intimidation.

"... that's a joke. In fact, I don't feel like losing, but it sounds like a good hassle to take down. That's why I wonder what Destra would do to him."

Vittore, smiling like an innocent boy, tells the apostle.

"Hey, just finish him off. I don't even know what kind of self I have left. I'm worried about his completion."

"Yes, sir"

"I mean, you're gonna generate this' monster 'and you're gonna listen to our orders? Trouble with treason, huh?

"It's embedded in the demon king's body a mechanism for controlling in the early stages"

"Ha... it's embedded. If that really works, I don't care what you think of invincibility."


"As far as I'm concerned, make sure it really works. Hold on tight."


"Well, I'm not going."


All the apostles who were on the spot are taken aback because Vittore suddenly went towards the exit.

As soon as one of the apostles returned to his sanity, he rushed to ask Vittore.

"Oh, um, which way!? If you're off, if you want to use this facility room again..."

"Baka, if you say I'm going, there's only one thing, right?

"Huh?... Ah!

The moment the Apostle understood the meaning of the words of Vittore, a siren sounded in the institution.


"Hih, it's a person!

"People!? You think there are other people besides us who can get here?

"Isn't that a mistake?

"It's not a mistake to look at. And the..."

"What, what's up?

Because the apostle who gives the report mumbles, when the other apostles urged him to continue, the apostle went on in such a way that he did not believe.

"Well, that's... only the four of us can see each other."


"You said you got here in such numbers...?

"More than that, the camouflage feature provided for this facility is activated, right?

"I'll confirm!

"No, more than that... because of this, let the prototype go all the way. Be a valuable sample."


Without the appearance that he cared about the apostle, who began to move in haste, Vittore had already turned his attention to being outside the institution.

"Four... there were people who could come here in such numbers."

Vittore laughs with pleasure...

"- Are you going to entertain me?

- - Scratched it off the spot.

◇ ◆ ◇

"- Nothing, nothing... nothing!

"... foodie, shut up"

The Routiers, who had set out one foot ahead of Makoto, had reached their destination, near [the land of mourning].

Sometimes it takes weeks from the Wang capital, Terveil, and Lune screamed with his camping tools and all that on his back.

"You're gonna want to scream! I left before the Lord came back because you said there was food to be known! Didn't you!?"

"...... hmm. I said," Though I'm surprised at the eater who made the decision to leave Makichi brother with food easier. "

"Then what is it, here!

"... Wilderness"

"Look and you'll see. Whoa!

Lune looks around again, mourning forward at that earth, where not even a single grass tree has grown.

"Instead of unknown food, isn't there anything!

"...... hmm. But the unknown means the land is also unknown. I mean, it's not weird if there's nothing"

"but ahhh! He tricked me!

Seeing Lurne holding her head, Zola asks Oliga as she roars.

"Oh, you know, are you okay? I'm still roaring with momentum that's going to transform me into another creature..."

"... it's okay. The usual."

"Is this always the case!?"

"... bad eater who doesn't learn.... By the way, Lutia sister"

"Oh, sister?

"... Mmm, sister. No?"

"Well, no, but... I'm an only child, so I've never been called that before..."

"... if you can't, fine"

"Ugh, yeah. So, what?

"... to your destination, how much longer?

"Oh... then in a little while -"

"Ah, mi, gentlemen! It's a demon!"

Blocking Lutia's words, Zola suddenly raised her voice to something.

Routier and Oliga immediately enter a combat position on the content of the word.

Then, in the direction of the routers' progress, a four-legged demon appearance was seen.

"... weird. Signs of demons, I didn't feel them."

"Same goes for me. But Zola's right, what's in front of you is a demon."

"... I saw it in a dungeon where your sister Zola was before, and it's got a similar vibe to an undead type of demon"

"Oh...... that's why I couldn't feel any signs"

To Origa's guess, Routier once again saw the demon as he spoke convincingly.

The demon has an elephant-like body of the earth, whose body is covered with yellow body hair.

He looked like Mantohihi, his eyes dark and made him think of some nothingness.

In addition, two horns extend from the forehead on its head, and the neck somehow grows like a dragon's scale.

"Is that... what?

It was the first time the demon in front of me had ever seen it, as Routier groaned in unintentional ways.

While maintaining vigilance, Origa activates her 'appraisal' skills -.

"... eh"

The appraisal results were '@ * * ● & LV: -', a notation that Origa had never seen before.

"Duh, what's wrong? Oliga."

When Zola speaks out worryingly to the outgoing Origa, Origa keeps her more and more alert and communicates information.

"... I just appraised him. But there's a line of symbols with weird names..."

"Weird symbol?

"...... hmm. Above all - no level,"

"No level!?"

Both Zola and Routier end up complaining about Origa's information.

All creatures on this planet have the concept of level, which is enhanced by raising it.

Being without that concept is a being that comes from outside this star, or a superior being... that is, God.

It is also a true god in a different scale, such as the creation of heaven and earth, not the serpent god of the dungeon where Zola was, or the Black Dragon god.

Other evil spirits drifting in the underworld are already dead, thus freeing themselves from the concept and bondage of level.

And not to deviate from that concept before you know it... but Makoto, whose concept escaped, the level is just a symbol.

Against that background, the Routiers had never seen an enemy whose level did not exist. In Makoto's case, he does not know that there is no level because the admiration status is on the run and cannot be seen in the first place.

Before the unknown enemies, the mysterious demons turned their vain eyes to the Origa, who could not move.

"Wow...... wow"


At that moment, Origa felt an awesome chill and jumped sideways from the spot.

Then, as if swallowing the place where the Origa had stood earlier, the black jaw swung and vanished.

"Hey, what is it, now!?"

"I don't know. But that's our enemy."

"And I know you're an enemy...!

"... no, I don't have too much information"

If you try to get close to the mysterious demons, their eyes will instantly be directed at the Origa and their black beasts will strike again, unable to narrow the distance.

I had no information about this attack, so I didn't even know if I could prevent it or touch it in the first place.

"... wait for Makichi's brother?


Origa's right, if Makichi comes, it'll all work out.

Instead, he could not even recognize that it had been resolved and could be expected to end.

But Routier worried in a situation where Makichi didn't even know where she was now or if she was leaving in the first place.

The seeds of anxiety are endless when you think about it, such as whether the Demon Church is still doing some work on the sealed dungeons of my father.

That was the rush I had felt since I had no power to just challenge this land, and now that I had gained strength to the point where it could come to this land like this now, I felt extra strong.


"Right...... right. If I can't get to the dungeon here, it doesn't make sense, so here it is-"

The moment Routier was talking, the mysterious demon blew away.


"Hey, what are you doing!?"

"... eater, unscrupulous"

Oh, my God, at some point, Lune was diving into the mysterious demon's pocket, slamming a mighty kick into its torso.

By virtue of that blow, Lune exploited the momentum of the forward rotation and slammed his heel down into the belly of the mysterious demon as he jumped straight up into the air without loosening his pursuit hand.

The shock shakes the ground and makes a big crater.

Lune glanced at the mysterious demon lying powerless at the center of the crater as she landed.


"... idiot"

Next to Rutier and Zola, Oliga held her forehead down just saying she had a headache.

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