Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Book 6: Chapter 4: Accompanying You Before You Depart

“Well then, for everyone’s hard work put into the Sports Festival – Kanpai!”[1]


Hijirigasaka Academy Student Council Vice-President Kajiura Rikka, who was also the president of the Organising Committee, called out, and the people at the table echoed in unison, lightly tapping each other’s glass cups.

The people in the Organising Committee from the Student Council this year, numbered four.

Right now, this dinner party, is their celebration.

--the celebration for the Organising Committee itself, was held recently not too long ago.

However – the Student Council members who was in charge of the students’ school life were different from the normal students who could return to their usual school life after being done with the matters of the Organising Committee. They had to review the activity reports of every department and check if there were any deficiencies during the preparatory processes of the entirety of the Sports Festival, picking out on points that needed to be reflected or improved on and prepare a Student Council activity report, for consideration in the coming year.

Of course, when they were attending to the matters of the Organising Committee, they also had to deal with the daily matters of the Student Council at the same time, as well as their Finals. Hence, if any of the past second years couldn’t finish settling the after-event matters of the Sports Festival in the second semester, it’ll become a headache-inducing problem; thus the student council members who participated in the preparations of the Sports Festival, would customarily finish it in the last day of the second semester – in other words, they would keep themselves busy until December 25, and hold a celebration on that very night.

The time right now is a little after five in the evening, and they were at an Italian restaurant that only connoisseurs know about near the station – at the innermost seats. There were only four from the student council that participated in the Sports Festival, yet there were six chairs, and they were all filled.

That was because other than the student council members, Kajiura had also invited two other persons.

One of them is the stunning infirmary teacher that no one in Hijirigasaka Academy doesn’t know of – Hasegawa Chisato.

“—Hasegawa-sensei, thanks for your help on that day.”

Kajiura put down her glass cup down on the table, and expressed her thanks with a shallow bow.

“No need to thank me again after so long, it feels weird… looking after you is part of my daily work, so it wouldn’t become something special just because it’s during the Sports Festival.”

Hasegawa gave a slight smile, and at that moment not just the table Kajiura and the other were at, the atmosphere of the whole restaurant raised immediately.

…I had thought that I knew the extent of the beauty of this person.

Kajiura Rikka once again became surprised at the beauty and presence of Hasegawa who sat opposite her towards her left.

--tonight, Hasegawa wasn’t wearing the usual white robe Kajiura and the other students would usually see her wearing in school.

Instead, she was wearing a ring-necked evening dress that daringly had a big hole at the front of the dress showing her breasts, and with the addition of long black tulle gloves, she was extremely glamorous. Occasionally on television shows there would be exquisite girls advertising high-class hotels or clubs; right now Hasegawa is radiating the dark beauty of a night butterfly, that could take the breath away from even the Hollywood Stars in the Oscars Avenue of Fame. Since she was beautiful to that degree, Kajiura couldn’t be jealous even if she wanted to, she was completely moved. She was already beautiful enough with the white robe she usually wore—

…This way surpasses from when at school.

When they left the school after classes ended, Hasegawa had already changed into this. According to some of what Kajiura has heard, some students had saw across her in the corridors and seen her enter a taxi before speeding away from the staff entrance became very excited, causing a small commotion.

“I-It’s okay… We students do usually receive sensei care after all.”

The expressing of thanks for the [Duties] that Hasegawa said, was referring to Tachibana Nanao whom anyone would think that it was a female wearing the male’s uniform. Indeed, not only did Hasegawa just contribute greatly as a support staff during the Sports Festival, during normal school days, everyone in the school including students and staff were all cared for by her.

“That’s why… Hasegawa-sensei, we are really grateful for you usually taking care of us.”

Nanao thanked Hasegawa somewhat shyly. At a gathering with few people, Nanao would inevitably attract everyone’s eyes; the reason the introverted Nanao still said that despite knowing that, is because the physically weak him regularly entered the infirmary and received no less care from Hasegawa. After that, the remaining student council members sitting on Kajiura’s left and right… first-year student Takei Touko from General Affairs, and second-year student Kanou Santa from Accounting added:

“That right. The one looking after the whole school, is just only sensei.”

“Thus we want to give a reward to sensei, on behalf of the students.”

Kanou said as if from the heart:

“To have a meal with Hasegawa-sensei who is worshiped by the most number of people in our school, and to be able to see you dressed up… to us, that is the greatest Christmas gift! Right, Tachibana?”

“Y…Yes, Kanou is right.”

Hasegawa giggled seeing Tachibana awkwardly nodding while answering, and Kajiura hurried tried to smooth things over:

“…I’m sorry, sensei. Kanou is speaking loosely again.”

“Don’t worry about it… I was just remembered something someone had said to me a long time ago.”

“Eh? Does that mean that sensei has had a meal with a man somewhere before?”

“…Well, what do you think?”

Hasegawa said carefreely, dodging Takei’s excited questioning.

“Speaking of which, today is the last day of the second semester, and I’ve heard that the staff would also hold a gathering every year… Is sensei coming here really fine?”

“It’s fine… interacting with the adults there with alcohol, doesn’t really go with my personality.”

Hasegawa gave a bitter while replying Kanou, and her smile suddenly changed into a mischievous one.

“Actually, you inviting me really helped me. Usually for gatherings like those, I would make up some reason for not going… but the principal and dean had been nagging me since last week for me to at least just show up at the end of the banquet, so I had used this gathering today as an excuse to escape.”

For a great beauty like Hasegawa, simply just attending the staff meal would cause some troublesome or unpleasant things. Wearing such an outfit, is to add more weight to the excuse of this gathering. For sensei to prepare herself to this degree, Kajiura who was the vice-president really wanted to give her as much hospitality as possible, hence—

“Sensei… thank you for thinking so much about our small gathering, I hope sensei will enjoy herself.”

Kajiura said pleasantly to Hasegawa who was tasting the red wine, and then turned her line of sight to straight ahead – sitting opposite her and sandwiched between hasegawa and Nanao, is the second person the student council had invited today.

Like Hasegawa, Kajiura and the others felt that this person had also contributed greatly to the success of the Sports Festival.

Hence, Kajiura Rikka’s thanks, -- came from her heart:

“Toujou-kun too, thank you for your help… It was that with your assistance, that everything was as smooth as it had been.”

Hearing Kajiura who sat opposite him say so honestly:

“No… I didn’t really do a lot.”

Toujou Basara was flattered. It was not modesty… Despite how he had taken up the task of the student council like Kajiura and Nanao to supervise the Sports Festival’s Organising Committee’s work due to circumstantial reasons, what he mainly did was just sorting out and checking through the documents, as well as occasionally confirming the progress of the various departments and doing some errands for the staff and clubs when there was a need, and had done nothing that was really worthy of receiving an invite from the management group; besides, Basara had already participated in the Organising Committee’s celebration with Mio and Yuki, as well as Sakaki and AIkawa.

“…Additionally, I had caused some trouble with those third-year senpais…”

During the preparation period, Basara had a confrontation with the males from the respective Factions, causing a small commotion.

--of course, it was something that couldn’t be helped. The third-year students – especially Donoue’s harsh words towards Kajiura, Basara couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t seen them.


Basara’s conflict with Donoue and the others, was just merely his sense of justice for not overlooking Kajiura being insulted by them.

Back then – when Basara was on his way back from Hasegawa’s apartment, someone had controlled the normal civilians to attack him; but couldn’t find any leads on that perpetrator and was only able to merely just put Donoue on his suspect list. Basara’s active provocation, is mainly to observe Donoue’s reactions.


Similarly, Basara could not deny that his actions had implicated Kajiura and the others managing the Organising Committee. If it was a student who wholeheartedly wanted the success of the Sports Festival in his place, that student would have chosen an even safer way – since there were many such ways to handle the situation. Yet—

“P-Please don’t think that way!”

Nanao by his said suddenly said loudly. Seeing the frail Nanao reacting like this, everyone present looked at him, shocked; because of that, Tachibana seemed to suddenly realise what he had just done and his face reddened, yet he still said while looking into Basara’s eyes:

“…Because what Toujou-kun has done has helped us a lot, right?”

“I-Is that so…?"

It’s great if that is the case. But, Tachibana… why are you so cute today?

As Basara’s heart was unconsciously moved—

“Tachibana’s right. That Donoue-senpai suddenly becoming so obedient after that, is because you were there in the first place.”

“No… You’re giving me too much praise.”

And that was true. Even if Basara did teach a lesson to those defiant third-years in the organising committee, the real reason they became peaceful was due to Nanao using the demonic eye, with Basara’s teacher Sakazaki controlling them to attack Basara; yet in the eyes of those who didn’t know about it, it seemed as if like Basara had intimidated Donoue.

“All I did, was just make Donoue-senpai even more angry…”

“—you’re mistaken, Toujou-kun.”

Kajiura gently interrupted Basara, and said while shaking her head:

“Indeed, directly confronting Donoue-senpai isn’t an action really encouraged… but, if you hadn’t stopped them back then, the organising committee would’ve been thrown into a mess because of them, and there would be no room no salvage the situation.”


“Then again – even if that situation didn’t happen, I feel that you had contributed a lot. Because you were there to settle the miscellaneous tasks, you had lightened our workload by a lot!”

“That’s right. Toujou-kun does things really smooth and quick, and not only can you do the office work, you are also really strong. It feels as if… not only can you make decisions really quick, you seem to also be able to predict what’ll happen next.”

Takei added on to what Kajiura said, causing Basara to give a forced smile.

Predicting what to do next, and continuously quickly making minute decisions – these words, were just as if describing the way a Infinite Slayerspeed-type fighter like him fights.

“Thank you, everyone… for thinking of me so greatly.”

Although Toujou Basara no longer has the identity of a Hero, his past experiences – obtained from his time spent with his companions, still remains with him solidly to this day. Thanks to that, he could protect Mio who was implicated in a dispute and fight alongside her. Originally he was supposed to be satisfied with just that; but if could have a normal life where he could also help others—

…That would also be great.

Even if it was impossible to return to the past – he could leave his painful memories behind along with it.

Those precious moments in the past, can create their own value for things other than battle—

To Toujou Basara, this is a form of salvation.


Basara’s expression and tone unconsciously turned solemn, causing him to naturally become imposing. Shit, this is a rare celebration with everyone happy, I can’t mess up the atmosphere.

“—but, is it really fine? I mean, reserving the whole place”

Basara said hastily while looking around the interior of the place. Even if this is a small restaurant with less than twenty seats for customers, reserving the whole place should probably require at least ten people. Not every couple would have time to be together on Christmas Eve, and adding on that it is the season for year-end parties and that this place is near the station, the number of potential customers aren’t small. To this question—

“Ah, it’s fine. This restaurant, is willing to let us book the whole place every year on this day… and at a low price too. If anything, it seems that this has happened for almost twenty years.”

Kanou smiled while saying that, and Kajiura added:

“It started seventeen years ago to be exact. The legendary vice-president at that time was highly capable, completely revolutionizing our school’s originally neat and orderly[2] Sports Festival and Cultural Festival to be as lively as it is now in only just a short period of time after transferring to our school. The unisex three-legged obstacle race that Toujou-kun had participated in, was originally his idea too.”

“Heh… I didn’t know that it had such a long history.”

I had thought that that was something thought up recently by person on a whim.

“I had heard that he was a mass of charisma and had many worshipping him, and that many people had joined the student council because he joined, causing the student council of that term to have an extraordinary amount of people. Soon, the boss of this shop got on well with him, and began to let our student council rent the place to host the celebration for the Sports Festival at a low price.”

“If I remember correctly, Azuma was the person’s surname, right?”

Takei asked, and Kajiura nodded with a ‘Correct’, and said:

“Azuma Takehito-san – unfortunately, he soon transferred schools again and there was no contact from him anymore after that.”

“ ! –Gaha, Koho…!”[3]

Upon hearing that name, Basara who was holding a glass cup and drinking Oolong tea suddenly choked.

“To-Toujou-kun!? Are you okay?!”

“I-I’m fine… I’m sorry, it seems it accidently went into the trachea[4].”

Basara thanked the worried Tachibana who was helping him pat his back, and thought—

…What the hell were you doing playing around, dad!?.[5]

Basara suddenly wanted to bury his head in his hands. The name Azuma Takehito, is the pseudonym frequently used by his father Jin. Just by changing the readings and positions of the phonetics, the name Toujou Jin城迅 would become Azuma Takehito丈人. It was incredibly sloppy, but his personality in the first place thinks that things like this would be better if it was made simple.

He had not expected that the three-legged obstacle race was something that Jin had created. Hearing their explanation just now, he had thought that the idiot was from a long time ago, but he didn’t expect for that idiot to be his father; and the son had participated in that race as if to repay the debt the father had incurred. History is indeed really scary.

…If that’s the case, my dad would be my senior.

According to history, seventeen years ago would be the end stage of the Great War in the Demon Realm. Since the fighting was beginning to end, it is possible that Jin would become a student of Hijirigasaka Academy for a mission; if he had to return to the battlefield mid-way, an excuse for quickly transferring schools again could be created. Jin becoming friends with the boss here, was probably due to frequently making contact with each other during the undercover mission.

As Basara thought about Jin’s past, he steadied his breathing with Nanao’s help. Just then—

“—say, Toujou-kun, do you want to join the student council?”

“Eh… you mean me?”

Kajiura’s sudden question, caused Basara to ask back, shocked.

“Seeing you become this surprised is making me become embarrassed… As I said just now, you performance this time had really helped us a lot; that’s why I think that you’ll definitely be able to show even more of your worth after joining the student council, and I had also heard that you didn’t join any clubs! How about it?”

Kajiura then continued:

“We, plan to continue to remain in the student council for the next year. The four of us including you that organised the Sports Festival, will become the core members of the Student Council… If we can draw on your strength, we can feel more secure.”

Unconsciously, Kajiura’s expression became very honest. Not just her, Nanao, Kanou and Takei also earnestly looked at Basara, showing that it was not just Kajiura who thought that.

…I see, so…

To tell the truth, Basara could somewhat guess the reason for being invited to the celebration; Kajiura having him sit at the seat opposite her, was to make it easy for her to speak to him.

This is really touching. In Basara’s heart, being regarded this highly by Kajiura and the others, made him truly happy.

“Speaking of which, the preparations for the Cultural Festival that will be held in spring usually begins in the winter break from the previous year… Toujou, do you have anything on during the winter break?”

“…I’m sorry, Kanou-senpai. From tomorrow, I’ll be going somewhere far for something.”

Basara apologised with a shallow bow, and Hasegawa who sat beside him holding red wine asked:

“Somewhere far, is it… You’ll be going overseas with Naruse and Nonaka?”

Basara nodded while replying: [Yes, that’s it] and brought the topic to a halt. Since he can’t say out the truth, it’ll be better to not let the topic develop.

“Uwa~ A person with a real life…”[6]

Takei said while making the whites of the eyes show[7], and Basara could only smile bitterly while scratching his cheek.

--from a certain angle, Takei was right.

For the winter break this year, Basara and the other’s ‘real life’[8] will become even intense.


Later – Basara and the others will be heading to the Demon Realm with Maria’s sister Lucia guiding them.

“So, I’m sorry… I’m not able to help during the winter break.”

Seeing Basara apologise with his head lowered, Kajiura’s eyes met with Kanou’s with a self-blaming look, and then said:

“Don’t worry about it. In the first place, asking you to help out during the winter break when this is the first time raising the topic is already inconsiderate… Kanou, you only just wan to slack off a bit more, don’t you?”

Kanou laughed unapologetically with a [Well…], and Kajiura sighed.

“So, Toujou-kun… I’m not asking you to decide now. If possible, may I ask you to consider it carefully over the winter break?”

“……I understand.”

There was no point in endlessly dragging out the deadlock atmosphere, so Basara nodded, and—

“Umm – Hasegawa-sensei.”

Using the opportunity, he raised to Hasegawa a question.

“When going overseas… is there anything to take note of?”

Not long later, Basara and the others will be going to the Demon Realm to take care of the various problems surrounding Mio.

What they will be facing, will either be the Demon Lord Leohart or the high-class demons making up the Council – there will inevitably be a big battle with them.

Though he had psychologically prepared himself for that, Basara would still like to hear what Hasegawa has to say before departing.

In the past, every time Basara spoke to Hasegawa about his thoughts, she was always able to direct him down a path.

Just like, magic, she had often helped Basara to overcome difficulties.

Hence – despite knowing that he was being imprudent, Basara still asked Hasegawa for advice. Then—

“Well, it’s not just restricted to going overseas…”

Hasegawa said as if after the prelude:

“When going overseas, usually there won’t be much time… because the original plans has to keep up with the changes in situation. Of course, I’m not asking you to not plan; but if you stubbornly keep to the original plan, you’ll easily forget what the most important thing is.”

“What the most important thing…is?”

Basara asked, and Hasegawa nodded and said:

“Yes. When going overseas, your attention can easily be attracted by the fresh things before your eyes, causing you to not see the things far away clearly. Going to a foreign soil, something like that is probably inevitable; but try to always remind yourself, to try to be more flexible. If, there is someplace that you must go or something that you must do, then put all of your mind to complete those goals.”

Listen closely.

“Don’t think of completing everything in just a single trip… No matter how far that place is, if you have the heart, you can go there once more anytime. For things that can be postponed, leave it to next time.”

“…I see, you’re right.”

Thank goodness I asked… Basara was glad from the bottom of his heart. The advice Hasegawa provides, always a feeling of enlightenment. Things that can be done anytime, and things that he wants to do no matter what, although the two might seem similar, they are in fact different; and as the destination is the Demon Realm, it produces a feeling that there might not be a next time, but in fact—

…If there’s a need, retreat first, and then look for an opportunity to make a move.

Basara and the others originally thought that they had to deal with all the problems no matter what – but that way of thinking is too conceited, and would easily cut off all their options.

While there are somethings that he must not give up on… the need to thoroughly deal with everything nicely is non-existent. Especially what Mio was carrying and implicated the conflict between the Moderates Faction and the Current Demon Lord Faction, affecting the whole of the Demon Realm; wishing to settle everything at one go, is just wishful thinking.

“—so, did that help you?”

“Yes… Thank you.”

As Basara nodded and answered the lightly smiling Hasegawa—

“—sorry to keep you waiting.”

The female waitress came to the table carrying plates with the appetizer, bringing this topic to an end.

“Umm, Toujou-kun…”

As the waitress served the plates to everyone on the table one by one, Nanao beside him gently pulled on his sleeve, and whispered into his ear:

“About that thing from just now… If it’s possible, can you also consult Naruse-san and Nonaka-san? If they accompany you, you’ll probably enjoy yourself more.”

“……I see, you’re right. I understand, I’ll consider it.”

Basara once again whispered: ‘Thanks’, and Nanao happily smiled with a ‘Nn’.

…That’s true.

Basara thought positively. Right now they were in a situation with the two biggest powers in the Demon Realm focusing on them –if the issue couldn’t be settled, he wouldn’t have the heart to join the student council.


If these messy and troublesome matters can be settled… It was a choice worth considering.

Mio and Yuki, as well as himself, sincerely wish to enjoy the school life.

Enjoy – the life that was taken for granted.

When the appetizers have been served to everyone, the meal started.

First up are three types of platters like ham and cheese, followed up by Italian pasta with an abundance of mushrooms, before coming to the main dish for Christmas.

It was large roasted turkey meat with sauce made from sherry vinegar and grilled onions.

…This is really high-class.

From at the ala carte menu, although the prices are more reasonable than the high-class restaurants, it still wasn’t at a level really affordable for a high-schooler. With the meals, the beverages were free-flow, so naturally it wasn’t really much cheaper.

It looks like the bill will go into the student council’s budget; either they have got sufficient funds, or there was a special discount from the fact that Jin and the boss are old friends. Basara looked around through the corners of his eyes, and saw the others focusing on the dishes, eating heartedly.

…Nevermind, this isn’t something I should be worrying about.

We've already begun eating already, so worrying about it would do nothing.

Following the others, Basara cut out a piece of meat with a knife and fork and put it into his mouth, and the flavours of the meat and sauce immediately spread, a refreshing vanilla fragrance filling his nose… probably rosemary was added to whether the sauce or oil.


“Is that so… Glad that you like it.”

Seeing Basara give praise, Kajiura gave a gentle smile.

That was an elegant expression that he had never seen on the Organising Committee… Kajiura’s unexpected side, caused Basara so unconsciously stare at her.


And he almost dropped the knife and fork, but that was not because his hand slipped due to Kajiura causing his mind to wander off. There was a hand, suddenly pinching the inner side of his thighs. Looking down, Hasegawa who sat beside him had put her left hand under the white table cloth—


As Hasegawa was wearing a sexy dress that attracts glances to the breasts unconsciously, Basara tried to avoid looking at her as much as possible, but she made an attack on him while he was in a disarray… Basara sent a sideway look at her saying ‘What are you doing’, and Hasegawa quietly stopped moving that hand; however, that hand still remained on Basaras thigh, and it remained like that even after finishing the wine in the cup. She ordered another cup, and the waitress came with the bottle. Just then—


Toujou Basara’s whole body suddenly stiffened. Hasegawa’s fingertips had then begun gliding over his thighs, indigenously using just enough force to almost make him let out the wrong sounds – it past the stage of producing an itching sensation, a provocative caress.

“Is this much fine…?” “Ah, yes… Thank you.”

As Hasegawa thanked the waitress that poured wine, she kept her hand at a dead spot where the others couldn’t see, nonchalantly caressing Basara’s thigh.


To Hasegawa, that might me a small prank, but Basara couldn't stand it anymore.

Basara sent a sideway glance to Hasegawa for her to stop, but she just continued chatting with Takei before her, while using her fingertips to write ‘cheater’[9] on his thigh.


Basara became protested in his heart, and his sentiments accidentally appeared on his face—

“ ? Toujou-kun, is anything wrong?” “…No, nothing’s wrong…!”

Basara hurriedly evaded it, pretending to be calm and turned his attention to the food. Since in the situation with him holding on to a knife and fork, he would be at Hasegawa’s mercy.

“Oya, what’s the matter, Toujou-kun? Why did you suddenly begin eating so hastily?”

At that moment, Hasegawa took a dig at Basara with a carefree smile.

“ ! …It’s because the turkey is very delicious, and I can’t stop once accidentally let myself go…”

“I see – since you like it so much, I’ll let you have half of my portion too.”

Saying that, Hasegawa then pushed her own plate to Basara who had a tight expression.

“I’ve already cut them into pieces already, so don’t worry about hygiene and eat with a peace of mind.”

Looking down, half of Hasegawa’s turkey meat has already been cut into bite-sized pieces.

…S-She can predict what I will say…?

Doing this much preparation for a under-the-table prank was definitely too thoughtful.

“You don’t have to, sensei shouldn’t…”

“Young people shouldn’t hematite about something like this. Also, don’t start eating so quick so suddenly… it might cause indigestion, okay?”

Hasegawa revealed an exquisite smile to Basara who declined, but Kajiura asked worriedly:

“Sensei – is it not to your taste? It’s still early now, I can go to the kitchen to ask for a change of dish for you, is it okay?”

Nice one, senpai! – Basara cried out happily in his heart.

“No need, the food is delicious… it’s just that lately, I’m on a diet.”

“Nonono, Hasegawa-sensei has got such a nice figure, there’s no need for any diet?”

Kanou said in an irresistible tone to Hasegawa who had a wry smile, but unexpectedly—

“I’m also a woman – once I find a man that I love, of course I would want to become even more beautiful for him, no?”

Hasegawa instead replied openly.


After the sudden confession caused everyone to widen their eyes—

“Eh~~~~~~! So sensei does have a boyfriend~!”

Takei’s upper body leaned towards Hasegawa, and said with sparkles in the eyes:

“Many people in the school was saying, sensei becoming especially beautiful for the past month…is definitely because you have found a boyfriend!”

Basara originally thought that Kajiura whose personality is to go by the book would stop Takei who was trying to conceal the excitement from showing – but in the end she was still a girl, and asked while shocked and curious:

“Could sensei be going for a date after this?”

“No, but if the other person wants to, then I guess we will.”

Hasegawa shot a glance at Basara after saying that.


He already had a headache from the prank under the table, and now the topic is becoming dangerous. As he became even more uneasy—

“—sensei, please give me the meat.”

To halt the topic, Basara moved the turkey meat to his plate, inserted the meat quickly into his mouth one after another.

“Delicious… This turkey meat really is amazing!”

However, no one wanted to look as Basara gobbled the food.

“It’s probably a workplace love! Could it be, sensei’s lover is someone in the school?”

“Well, what do you think…?”

At Takei’s questioning, Hasegawa calmly smile and evaded the question.

“Then at least tell us if the person’s age is bigger or smaller than yours! Sensei is usually so cool, could it be that you’re different when the two of you are alone?”

“Well… his age is smaller than mine. As for whether I’m the same when we’re alone, I also don’t really know; but…”

Hasegawa moved the hand that was caressing Basara’s thigh further in, and said:

“Usually I don’t really care about the gender between me and other people… But before him, I will often remember that I’m a woman; so I want to show to him, the appearance of a woman that no one else will see.”


Hasegawa’s bewitching appearance of Hasegawa giggling took everyone’s breath away, and words to tease her couldn’t be voiced out.

“ ! –thank you sensei!”

Just then, Toujou Basara put down his knife and fork after finishing all of his meat and the portion sensei’s had given, and moved a hand under the table to grab Hasegawa’s hand that was caressing his thigh.

However – Hasegawa had already expected that he would do this.

“Why did you finish it so quickly, Toujou… Is it really that delicious?”

“Thanks to you…”

Basara’s words to Hasegawa had an irony that only she understood, and that exquisite and glamorous infirmary teacher giggled while her fingers crossed with Basara’s in a lover’s grip, and raised her index finger and began moving it towards Basara’s thigh, and drew a few heart shapes ♥.

“T-Toujou-kun… You’re really sweating a lot?”

“I-I’m alright… The turkey’s spices probably helps perspiration.”

Basara tried to muddle past it, and said something like that.

“—would you like to have the deserts served now?”

Seeing everyone’s plates are now empty, the waitress came forward and asked.

“O-Okay… I see, please do so.”

Only then did Kajiura return to herself and hurriedly nodded while replying.

“Today’s desserts are Tiramisu[10], ice cream, and mixed berries. What would everyone here like?”

Everyone here immediately chose their own favourites from the waitress’s provided options.

When she went back to the kitchen to submit the orders, the atmosphere at the table changed—

“…Since only the deserts are left, I guess we can probably start that presents exchange now.”

“The Student Council tradition is finally here… Then time to take it out.”


After Kajiura's suggestion got Kanou's echo, Hasegawa’s hand drawing heart shapes on Basara’s thigh under the table finally stopped. ‘’At least it stopped…’’ Basara cautiously let go of Hasegawa’s hand, and Hasegawa hand slowly appeared from under the tablecloth.


And with a satisfied smile, she used her hand to naturally unhook the hair behind her ear.


Basara heaved a sigh of relief, reached for the storage basket under the table, and took out the paper bag containing the presents. He had known beforehand that there would be an exchange of presents today, and had not forgotten to bring presents. The budget was up to two thousand yen, and to respect the intentions, handmade gifts are fine too; but probably no one wants a gift handmade by a male, thus what Basara were gifts bought using the budget given.

When everyone got their presents ready, Kanou went to retrieve a square box about 30cm wide on each side over from a neighbouring empty table; on four sides of the box plus the top, holes 15cm wide have been made, which made Basara who had noticed this strange box early on curious.

“So it really was prepared by senpais… Just what is that?”

“This? This is a student council tradition our Hijirigasaka Academy passed down from generation to generation, 『Doki Doki Box-kun Z』.

Kanou placed the box on the table and sat back down, and said:

“As the celebration was held at Christmas, the Student Council president at that time had suggested for everyone to exchange presents… and the legendary vice-president I had told you about before said that simply just exchanging presidents is boring, and thought up of a game that used this box.”

“There’s five holes on the box, right? In every one of those holes, there are paper strips. The top is『Assigning Numbers』, and the holes at the sides are for『What Number to Receive Present From』, 『How Long or How Many Times』, 『By Yourself or With What Number』, and 『What To Do』.”

Kajiura then continued:

“In other words, this is while drawing lots to exchange presents… it is a game where you have to do what is written on the paper strip.”

“ ? For some reason, Kajiura-senpai seems very reluctant to play this…”

Basara felt that there was something wrong from Kajiura’s tone and expression.

“It’s because some of the instructions are quite audacious… it all depends on your luck, and the instructions were all prepared by the senpai back then. Just like the game of Kings[11] where you can give reckless instructions to someone, it can do things like breaking down relations between people to the point where it cannot be salvaged.”

“…I-Is that so?”

What the hell was that damned dad thinking? – amazed, Basara asked:

“Then, inside that large white bag over there is…”

“Yes, there are many items that the instruction will use, and they’re all in here.”

What a scary Christmas gift pack. Speaking of which—

“Um… If you really do not want to play, you can just simply exchange presents, okay?”

Jin is the idiot that thought up of the stupid race of being sandwiched between females in that year, so everything in the box will definitely be instructions filled with bursting youthful exuberance.

“No… This is something that must be done.”

Unexpectedly, Kajiura shook her head and said:

“Didn’t I just say ‘tradition’? That generation of Student Council that created that unprecedented grand Sports Festival, is the legend of our school… so to gain some of the atmosphere of success, the tradition gift exchange held at this restaurant will begin.”

“Rather than saying tradition, it feels more like a curse. Because—“

Kanou said:

“In the past, there were many who didn’t want to play this game, or had changed the instructions to be a little lighter… but at the next Sports Festival, there were unexpected calamities”

“You mean…?”

Basara asked as he looked at Nanao and Takei talking.

“…Nn, I’ve only heard about it today.”

“If we don’t play it this time, something will go wrong for the next generation who will be organising the Sports Festival.”

The two of them gave a bitter smile to Basara.

“…Is there really such a thing? It feels more like a superstition…”

“Probably.” Kanou said to the doubtful Basara:

“Wasn’t there the issue of too many people in the Organising committee this year, the quarrel with the third years, the sudden tornado on the day itself and many other problems…? To tell the truth, at last year’s celebration, there was a red-face that said [I won’t do as this instruction says!], making some big talk that she won’t lose to this curse and will definitely make the Sports Festival we had organised this time a success.”


Hearing Kanou’s words, someone’s body twitched, and the face turned red.

That person, was none other than Kajiura. Seeing her reaction, Kajou added on with a wry smile:

“But from my point of view, the Sports Festival this year wasn’t really successful… so in consideration for next year’s Sports Festival, I hope you can respect this curse.”

“I see…”

“…I’m sorry, Toujou-kun. It looks like I had dragged you into it.”

“No, that…”

That was not something Kajiura should be apologising for. If anything, Basara wanted to apologise for Jin’s mismanagement.

“Hasegawa-sensei… For that reason, we’ll probably become very noisy later on, so we’ll need to have you bear with it.”

Kajiura said, embarrassed:

“Of course, we won’t do something illegal like drinking alcohol.”

“Isn’t this something that went on for over ten years and is like a tradition? After so long, I had not heard of any trouble caused after the previous student councils play it, and we had also reserved the whole shop; if we play it here, there probably won’t be any troubles… so don’t worry, I won’t be a wet blanket and not let you play because of just a little noise. Besides—“

Hasegawa continued:

“I had never seen such a game… I’ll be watching as the audience, so you guys enjoy yourselves.”

“—sorry to keep you waiting.”

As Hasegawa said while smiling, the waitress arrived with their deserts.

“Now then – we’ll start as we eat the deserts.”

After that, Hijirigasaka Academy’s gift exchange tradition began with Kanou’s words.

Firstly, everyone drew a number from the top hole and decided on everyone’s number.

What Basara drew was Number 4 – which means that he will be the fourth person to draw a present and instruction from the box, and—

…As long as no one else draws number 4, I won’t be dragged into someone’s order.

Basically, this is like Russian roulette. Kajiura had said that, it can break down human relations; from another angle, under this condition, the morals and views of the person drawing the lot plays a role, doing as the instruction says no matter how heartless it is.

“Now – it my turn then.”

Kanou who had drawn number 1 drew a piece of paper which has been folded twice from every hole at the sides.

Instead of opening the paper strips, he passed all of them to Takei.

Making the person with the next number read out the contents, was a rule made for increasing the tension of the atmosphere.

“—Kanou-senpai gets gift from number 3.”

Takei opened the strip with the present number first, and announced to the audience, and Nanao then slightly raised her hand and said:

“Um, I am number 3… um, here you go, Kanou-senpai”

“Oh, Thank you!”

Once Kanou received the gift, the gift wrapping was quickly taken apart, and the gift inside the small box is—

“Uh… clock? No, it’s a step counter?”

“Yes, to be precise, it’s an activity gauge… It can track things like the distance walked and how many calories was burnt.”

Nanao nodded, and said shyly:

“It’s because my body isn’t really healthy, so I wanted to gift something that’s good to the health… If senpai doesn’t mind, can senpai try it?”

From the implications of him saying ‘can senpai try it’ instead of ‘why don’t senpai try it out?’, it shows that Nanao’s cuteness isn’t merely just in his appearances only, his appearance was also cute, igniting some warmth in Basara’s heart.

“Okay, I’ll try it out then… Takei, hurry up and see what instruction I had drawn.”

Takei nodded while saying ‘okay’, and opened the rest of the paper stirps. First one was [Thirty Minutes], and next is [Alone], which caused everyone to sigh in relief, while Kanou pouted.

“Tch, no one’s collateral damage?”

Lastly, Takei opened the paper strip containing the instructions.

“…『Run around the neighbourhood』.”

“This is the Sports Festival celebration, and you want me to run that long alone in the cold?”

Kanou’s face turned into a look of anguish.

“Ara, Tachibana’s gift will come in handy right away, isn’t that right?”

Kajiura then said as if to retort Kanou’s whining, while laughing:

“Make sure you don’t slack off, and just looking at the activity tracker will reveal if you cheated.”

“No way… Right, I think that there are some items to use?”

“…Um, it’s this?”

Kanou retrieved a black waist fanny from the large white bag and said:

“Here you go. There’s a towel to wipe your sweat and a T-shirt for you to change into inside.”

“Way too thoughtful… Damn.”

Kanou took the fanny from Takei’s hands and took out the activity tracker from the box Nanao gave, installed the batteries and put it on the wrist, and said after stuffing all of the Tiramisu on the plate into the mouth:

“Well, at least I won’t be dragged into the instructions after this one. I’m off then.”

At this moment, Hasegawa stopped Kanou.

“Hold on, Kanou. Wear a jacket before you go."

“No need for that, since I’ll take it off after running one round when I become too hot… And since I’ll be coming back here, it’ll be much easier this way.”

“You have to consider the state where your body will before cold after you sweat. Also, as the infirmary teacher, I don’t really approve of running right after eating… If you want to run, it’s best to do a slow jog for thirty minutes first to warm up your body.”

“Eh… so it’ll turn into an hour?”

“Tomorrow’s the winter break already, you do not want to spend it on the bed due to indigestion or a cold, do you?”

Saying that, Hasegawa then retrieved a 500 yen coin from her purse, and flipped it at Kanou through the air.

After Kanou caught the coin that flew through the air, Hasegawa continued:

“Even if it's winter, sweating a lot will cause your body to lose water… so don’t forget to buy some water half-way through.”

“…Okay, I’ll be going then.”

After listening to Hasegawa’s advice, Kanou nodded and then exited through the entrance after putting on a jacket.

After everyone watched Kanou leave—

“—well then, I’m next.”

Number 2 Takei drew the lots and handed them to number 3 Nanao. The number 5 present Takei drawn – was the leather nook slipcases Kajiura prepared.

“Um, 『Until the end of the game』 and 『With Number 5』.”

“Ah~ Even after receiving your present, I’m sorry to have to drag you down with me.”

“Can’t be helped, it’s the game rules…”

Kajiura smiled bitterly while replying. Yet, she didn’t know – that this leisure acceptance won’t last long.

“What’s wrong, Tachibana?”

Basara suddenly felt that Tachibana was acting weird, and asked, a bit worried.


Only to see Nanao’s face turn red, and instead of reading it aloud, he showed the paper strip to everyone.


A few minutes later, Kajiura’s face was reddened to the point where people would sympathise with her as she sat opposite of Basara. The instruction Takei had drawn was [Remove underwear] – and Kajiura also had to do it.

“Um, Kajiura-senpai… I’m sorry.”

Takei who awkwardly apologised was seemingly not as embarrassed as Kajiura, and that was because Takei had worn shorts under her skirt. Even if was somewhat embarrassing to not wear underwear on the upper half of her body and to directly wear panties under the skirt, it was still much better than Kajiura’s situation, since she is really not wearing any underwear both on top and below. The violating predicament curse was witnessed by Hasegawa personally, so it was really followed through.

Kajiura usually wears black tights, yet today she came wearing nothing else between her legs; which means, Kajiura who was dragged along was in a worse situation than Takei.

“To think that last year’s debt, would still hound this year…”

Kajiura couldn’t help but to lament. Ironically, this instruction is the very instruction that she had refused to follow last year. Normally speaking, she would’ve worn some shorts under her skirts this year as a precaution due to experience like Takei did… but having experienced the powerful jinx of this game, Kajiura was apparently scared that appearing in the same outfit as last year would cause history to repeat itself.

And in the end, that thinking had backfired on her.

“Senpai, the instruction is for until the end of the game… so let quickly finish the game.”

“…Oh. You’re right. Thank you, Toujou-kun.”

Basara saw Kajiura who was a little tearful cheer up a little and nod.

“Then, I’m next…”

Nanao gulped, nervous, and handed the paper strips to Basara after drawing them. The gift is Takei’s gift box of chocolate of a name brand, and the contents of the instructions—

“Time is 『Twenty Minutes』, and method is 『Done by someone of the same sex』… which will be me, since Kanou-senpai is not here.”

“Uh … S-Sorry, Toujou-kun.”

“No, it’s fine… Don’t worry about it.”

The duration drawn was shorter than Takei, and since it’s with Nanao, it seems more like helping instead of being implicated. Hence, Basara opened the last paper strip – and immediately widened his eyes.

“W-What’s wrong, Toujou-kun? Could it be something really bad?”

“Not really… It’s probably still fine, I think.”

Basara said so hesitantly, and showed the instruction to the others.

“Indeed, it’s still fine.” ‘That’s right, there’s no problems at all.” “How lucky to have drawn an easy one~ Tachibana-kun”

Kajiura, Hasegawa, and Takei immediately expressed their agreement. However, only Nanao –

“—w-why? This is obviously really shameful!”

Expressed rejection with a bright red face. What was written in that strip was—

『Cross-dress as the opposite sex. 』

The reaction of Kajiura and the others made Nanao dissatisfied and sigh. ‘Ugh~’

That was to be expected. Just simply changing by himself is simple enough, but having Basara do it would mean Basara would have to take off Tachibana’s clothes and personally put on female clothes onto him. Having two males do such a thing, is a very horrible punishment game equally to both the executer and the receiver.

Yet when compared to Kanou who had to run in the cold winter night, and Takei and the implicated Kajiura who had to not wear underwear, this indeed is much lighter.

Nanao took out a red pouch from the white bag, and asked while looking at him:

“…Toujou-kun, because it’s embarrassing to change here, can we go to the toilet?”

“O-Okay… You’re right.”

This made Basara’s heart to suddenly become tense, and he then followed Nanao into the male’s toilet, and locked the cubicle door to prevent people from straying in.

“…So, what kind of female attire is it? Is it difficult to wear?”

Taking off the clothes would not be a problem… Both Nanao and Basara are wearing the same male’s uniform; but if the female’s wear were some special kind of attire, things could become complicated.

“Uh, it appears to be the girls’ uniform of our school…”

Nanao released a sigh in relief after checking the pouch’s contents.

“That’s great… You’re used to removing our school’s girls’ uniform, so there’ll won’t be any problems.”

“……Well, I guess so…”

Nanao was probably referring to Mio and Yuki.

--after the events of the Sports Festival, Basara and Nanao know each other’s true identity.

Thus, Basara told Nanao of the fact that he was no longer a Hero, as well as the Master-Servant Contract with Mio and Yuki. As the chances of the curse of the Master-Servant Contract activating in school was not zero, he felt that explaining it to Nanao beforehand would help in preventing misunderstandings.

However, being told by him with a cute smile that he was ‘used to it’ and that ‘there won’t be any problems’ really feels awkward.

…Although it is a fact that I am used to it…

To relieve Mio and Yuki when they activate the curse of the Master-Servant Contract, Basara often needed to take off the girls’ school uniform when are wearing – if they had to do it at school or at a place that is not at home, Basara would help them wear their clothes again when they bodies become limp after being hit by climaxes head-on. Hence, the speed at which Basara assisted them in removing their uniforms became faster and faster, and a recent side effect of this effect was Maria quipping:

“As expected of a speed-type… Not only just in battle you’re also very fast in taking off girls’ clothes.”

Whenever he remember the annoying expression Maria had back then, Basara would become slightly angry. At that moment, Nanao said shyly:

“To-Toujou-kun, this would drag that of Kajiura-senpai… Should we get moving?”

“Ah… I almost forgot.”

Before this ridiculous game ends, Takei would have to go without a bra while Kajiura had to go without underwear, and Nanao would have to wear this girls’ outfit for twenty minutes.

“Th-Then excuse me, I’ll be taking it off now, Tachibana.


Nanao nodded, and Basara’s hands then began taking off the clothes of this cute friend of his; removing the student jacket[12] after undoing all the buttons, and after undoing the belt, he got ready to pull down the pants.


“W-What’s wrong… Is this fine?”

Nanao’s shock caused Basara to become flustered.

“N-Nothing, I’m fine… Please continue.”

But Nanao only shook his head and urged Basara on, and Basara slowly pulled the pants down slowly.


Before Basara’s eyes, Nanao twisted his body about embarrassedly. The image of those thin white thighs crossing caused great sense of guilt in his heart, making him feel as if he’s a criminal.

“……Tachibana…remove your foot.” “…Un.”

The red-faced Nanao nodded to Basara, and did as he said.

After hanging the jacket and long pants on the cubicle door, as Basara was about to take off Nanao’s shirt, he said as if unable to hold it back anymore:

“U-Umm Toujou-kun… I, would like to wear the skirt first.”

“I-I see…?”

Basara had removed the clothes in the order he was used to, and had not taken into account Nanao’s feelings.

“Right now is different from when helping Naruse-san or Nonaka-san take off their clothes, as we only just need to change clothes. Also…”

Nanao said shyly, embarrassedly:

“To tell the truth, my body right now…”

“ ! –I-I understand…! I-I’m sorry…!”

Basara hurriedly apologised. Just like as Basara who revealed his true self and the Master-Servant Contract with Mio and the others, Nanao also had told Basara of another secret about his body apart from him being a vampire; and Basara had accepted that secret to not have their friendship deteriorate, and after wrecking his mind over it, he has decided to see Nanao as a male.

...So he is actually this shy…

As Basara finally realised the reason why Nanao had protested against Kajiura and the others—

“…Say, Toujou-kun. If it was a girl like me, would you feel anything?”

Nanao suddenly asked with puppy-dog eyes.

“W-Well… I’m not sure…”

Basara forced himself to answer vaguely. If this question from Nanao was purely due to feeling inferiority towards his own feminine appearance, Basara would immediately deny it, and even scold him.

--however, these words spoken by Nanao in this current state, held a completely different meaning.

Despite that – what Toujou Basara valued, is the person known as Nanao.

“But to me… No matter what, you’re still you.”

And Basara honestly said to Tachibana that no matter which of it was his appearance, his thoughts wouldn’t change.

“……Nn, Thank you.”

Nanao gave a slight smile shyly, and said:

“But – I would really prefer to wear the skirt first.”

“Ah, right… Of course!”

Basara nodding desperately made Nanao laugh, and Nanao took the skirt from the pouch—

“Eh – this… W-What to do, Toujou-kun?”

And stared into the pouch, and pleaded Basara for help.

“W-What is it…what’s wrong?”

After that, Nanao took out the thing stuffed right at the bottom of the pouch to before Basara.

It was something obviously different from the uniform; a complete set of cute underwear.

“…………” “…………”

Seeing such attention-drawing women's items, Basara and Nanao looked at each other, not speaking a word.

“……Please do it, Toujou-kun.”

In the end, Nanao put the underwear into Basara’s hands.

“Nonowait, this is really just…”

“It’s fine… Otherwise Kajiura-senpai, Takei-san, and Kanou-senpai’s efforts will go to waste. So—“

Nanao continued:

“Please follow what you are used to… and treat me as a girl.”

Seeing Nanao resolving himself while trying to suppress his shyness, Toujou Basara strongly nodded.

“I understand… I’ll try to make it fast, so please endure it.”

After that, Basara sped up in doing that. After being removed of his shirt and the T-shirt as the undershirt, Nanao upper half was now naked, save except for his boxers.


Revealing his own chest to someone else, caused Nanao to tremble from being embarrassed.

However, Nanao put up no protest to Basara; in order to quickly end the game, he gave himself up to Basara. Thus after Basara went around to behind Nanao’s back, and after putting the bra onto his friend’s chest and doing the back hook, he raised both of Nanao’s hands, and quickly helped him put on the sailor suit shirt.

Despite Nanao's chest area had bulges now, and at the tips of those bulges were something obviously different from a males, and that he had incidentally touched something soft while putting it on just now; Basara didn't think about it, and focused on his current task.


Basara quietly hooked his fingers into the boxers – pulled it down in one shot.

“ ! ———— “

Perfectly round buttocks was exposed, causing Nanao to almost scream out. He had covered his mouth and held it back.

To his friend working so hard, Basara had him lift up his left and right legs a little successively, and took off the boxers. As he had went behind Nanao first, he couldn’t see how his front looked like… but seeing from the changes in his upper body, this is probably not good. But despite saying tha—

“Nn… Aahh, Toujou-kun…!”

Probably because it’s his first time revealing his body to Basara, Nanao was extremely embarrassed; even to the point where just like when Mio and Yuki fell into the aphrodisiac curse, he unconsciously began to twist about.

“Sorry… Please endure for a bit longer.”

Thus Basara said some words to give him some comfort, and after putting the girls’ panty onto his legs, he said:

“—here I go, Tachibana.”

And pulled it up to his waist holding it by the sides in one breath. But because of the influence from nervousness, the panty was pulled a little higher than planned—

“ ! ~~~~~~~“

And dug in between his thighs, causing Nanao to throw back his back and head, his whole body becoming tense.

“Ah… Haah… Aahh… ♥”

And then collapsed like how a girl would after reaching climax, backwards against Basara. Basara then put the skirt onto Nanao, and after doing the zipper and buttons, he whispered into his ear:

“I’m sorry. I was too nervous, and became a little too rough… Let your breathing calm down first, no need to go back quickly.”

Nanao raised his head in a daze—

“Nn… I’m alright, so… Toujou-kun, I think we should return quickly…?”

If not, this game will never end – at the end, Nanao used his eyes to say.

“I see… It’s okay if you’re fine with that.”

Toujou Basara changed his thoughts as he nodded. For Tachibana, and for Kajiura and Takei who was forced to remove their underwear, he had to focus on ending this game as quickly as possible; and then, Kanou who had to run around outside wouldn’t have to be dragged into the rest of the game.

Hence – Basara helped Nanao leave the cubicle with an action that was like a hug, and returned to the table where everyone was waiting.

"Ah, they’re back—…”

The first to realise it, was Takei. It seems like she was going to say something to Nanao who had changed into female clothes, but could not while keeping her mouth open; Kajiura then turn around to look due to this unexpected reaction from Takei, and gasped, speechless. Not sure if it was because Nanao wearing the female uniform was too cute, or that it was because was more feminine than a girl's.

There was only one person – Hasegawa, who calmly raised her wine glass to sip the red wine.

"--sorry to keep you all waiting."

Basara returned to his own seat, while supporting the waist of Nanao whose face still held traces of blankness to sit back down at his seat beside him.

“It’s my turn now then…”

And straightforwardly drew the paper strips, and handed them all to Kajiura who was next.

Kajiura seemed to have gotten a shock from Basara suddenly acting differently, and read out the contents a little nervously. Time was「Ten Seconds」, person was「Done to Number 3」, and—

“Uh… It says『Kiss』.”

“……I got it.”

Basara only said just that to Kajiura who announced that a little disturbed, and didn’t give it too much thought.

What’s of utmost priority right now, is to end this game.

“…Is it okay, Tachibana?” “Nn… If Toujou-kun’s fine with it, I’m okay with it too…”

Nanao nodded clearly, and Basara said:

“Okay… Here I come.”

Not only was Nanao still cute as usual, there was also an air of blatant sexual appeal around him with him leaning towards Basara, and Basara immediately lifted his chin—

“Eh! –are you two really—!”

Basara ignored Takei’s shout, and moved towards Nanao’s lips, and then kissed. At that moment—

“Nn! –Aa, Fuaahh!”

Nanao cutely screamed, and violently tensed up, and trembled non-stop.

--the reason Nanao could scream, was because what Basara had kissed was not his lips, but his neck.

Even if he wanted to quickly end the game, Basara was not unswerving to the point where he would kiss lips to lips; since the instruction was simply just「Kiss」 without specifying a place, this should probably be fine. It’s just that Nanao gave an extremely sensitive reaction, causing everyone present to misunderstand… After ten long seconds had passed, Nanao slowly collapsed towards him, and Basara asked worriedly while holding his thin shoulders:

“ ! Are you alright Tachibana…?”

Was the effects from changing clothes still lingering? Nanao then released a deep breath ‘Nn…’, and slowly pushed himself upright away from Basara’s body; in his misty eyes focusing on somewhere far away, a slight red glow seemed to appear—

“…Der Meister…”[13]

And murmured something in a very small voice that even Basara who was in front his him had trouble hearing.


“……Nothing, don’t mind that. I’m sorry, for suddenly scaring you with such a weird shout…”

Nanao gave a smile, and said nothing else.

--and that was why, Basara had only found out later, about the implications that his own actions and his words to Nanao carried.

Vampires sucked blood from the neck and injected their own blood to turn people into their subordinates – to Tachibana who was a half-blooded vampire, voluntarily revealing his own neck to let others touch it, was an action that carried significant implications.

“A-Are you really alright…?” “Yes… I’m alright.”

Nanao smiled at Kajiura who showed concern.

“Now, last up is Kajiura-senpai… Let’s quickly end this game.”

And urged her to quickly draw the last lots.

Kajiura Rikka nervously stared at the box for a while, and—


She stole a glance at Basara and Nanao who sat opposite her.

--ever since they returned from the toilet, Nanao seemed to have become another person.

Right now he had changed into girls’ clothes because of the instructions, and his appearance was really different now.


Even if Nanao had always been this cute – the attire is obviously not the reason now.

The Nanao before Kajiura’s eyes had not only just changed into girls’ clothes, he had practically turned into a real girl.

And also – there was also another person before her whose atmosphere around him is now completely different from usual.


From Kajiura’s viewpoint, is much calmer than usual – to the point where it was ice-cold. Who knows, making him play this game had made him angry; but—


This Basara, fascinated Kajiura Rikka. Right now, Kajiura Rikka saw the figure of the one who had stopped the third-year Donoue from insulting her back on that day.

--ever since from that day onwards, Kajiura had paid special attention to Basara.

So, inviting Basara into the student council was not simply just because his performance was great, it was also for her who prefers to take things seriously, to see if she had taken an attraction to someone of the opposite sex.


Basara felt Kajiura staring at him, and asked.

“ ! …S-Sorry, I’ll draw the strips now.”

Kajiura hurriedly put her hand into the box. As number 1 Kanou is not present, the paper strips were given to number 2 Takei to view. The present was the Storm Glass[14] Kanou had prepared, and—

“Time is『Ten Minutes』, and person is『Done by Number 4』…”

“—it’s me again.”

“ ! …S-Sorry.”

Kajiura couldn’t help but to apologise to Basara who sighed.

“It's fine, senpai shouldn’t worry about it… Drawing lots is something that depends on luck after all.”

“…Nn, thanks.”

Basara gave a forced thoughtful smile, which almost moved Kajiura to tears – but at the same time, she was afraid that the instruction would destroy her relationship with Basara, so no matter what, she had to avoid that ending.

Hence, she resolved herself to endure any possible instruction, and strive to become a respectable senpai.

And so – five minutes after she announced to herself in her heart—

“Yaah! Aahh… Toujou-kun ♥ Nnff! Ya—haahhh”

Kajiura Rikka experienced a woman’s pleasure under Basara’s hands,

--reason being that the instruction Kajiura had drawn was「Have Someone Rub Your Chest」.

Kajiura was dragged into Takei’s instruction and had taken off her underwear – so she had originally wanted to refuse it. Yet this year’s Sports Festival had run into many troubles, and it might very well be a result of her refusing the instruction during last year’s celebration; then again the others had followed the instructions obediently so as to not cause disaster to next year’s Sports Festival, so Kajiura couldn’t have just herself refusing the order and letting Basara think that she is a selfish and headstrong person.

Although Kajiura who was often criticized by her peers to be too serious had never experienced something like this, she had heard from them often that they had played games with an even heavier taste when in a relationship. Since this was nothing in comparison… everything will turn out to be fine if she just endures the embarrassment and itching feeling for ten minutes.

Kajiura Rikka had accepted the instruction with such a mindset.

However – she of course wouldn’t know that Basara had the experience of making Mio and Yuki reach climax and be subjugated countless times; and coincidently – Basara thinks that the reason he was able to make Mio and Yuki fall so deep into pleasure is due to the effects of the curse of the Master-Servant Contract.

In actual fact, even though Hasegawa was not under the effects of the aphrodisiac curse, she was delivered also the equally deep pleasure. Basara had been aiming to be more efficient and faster in subjugating Mio and Yuki and today, he had unconsciously gained the skill of being able send someone into the abyss of pleasure even if the person is not under the effects of the aphrodisiac curse – thus, in the blink of an eye, Kajiura could no longer think.

All she knew, was that the hotness piling up in her lower abdomen continuously leaked from her embarrassing part, and despite the fact that she was not wearing anything under her skirt, her legs slowly widened under the urging of the pleasure, and she no longer cared that Nanao, Takei and Hasegawa was watching.

Having her breasts massaged by Basara, what Kajiura felt was an amazing womanly pleasure that didn’t feel like her first experience.

“—one more minute to go.”

Thus, after this had gone on for nine minutes, at the same time Nanao who was in charge in the time said that—

“…No… Ahh… Ha-aa – Fuuaahhhhh! ♥”

Kajura Rikka reached climax vigorously. Despite this being her first time having her breasts massaged by a boy, this was already her third climax. Basara’s hands had already long ago went under her clothes to make direct contact with her skin; they had started with his hands over her clothes, but Nanao had said that it’ll be easily noticed by the people outside. As for what Kajiura had answered him with when Basara asked ‘Why’, she could no longer remember it; Basara massaging her breasts directly and rubbing the tips of her breasts right now, was probably her answer back than.

“Kajiura-senpai, ten more seconds! Nine, eight—“

Nanao counted down the seconds, which made Kajiura almost taste the relief of the task being over, and thus put away her modesty as a reward for enduring it all up till now.

“ ! ..Haahhh… Toujou-kun… Toujou-kun…!”

Kajiura turned her head left backwards, and used her glazed eyes to look at Basara. Although letting him see her face right now was very embarrassing – Kajiura hoped, to burn the face of the one she had fallen in love with into her eyes, and the one behind her back—

“—almost finished, senpai.”

In the moment she heard his words – Kajiura Rikka’s desires exploded along with her breasts being massaged.

After Kajiura had lost consciousness after reaching climax four times just from basara massaging her breasts.

The tradition gift exchange came to an end, as did today’s celebration dinner.

Right now – Toujou Basara is currently sitting in the back of a taxi. The colourful Christmas neon lights outside the window formed a shiny mirage; however—


Basara who was filled with deep regret and self-loathing was unable to enjoy the view.

…Aaah, what…

—have I even done? Young people these days... Lately, the younger generation have begun to openly deviate from the values of the older generations, and Kajiura and Takei removing their underwear after receiving that order, as well as Nanao being stripped down and changed into female clothes by his hand, became nothing serious; when Kajiura had drawn the instruction for Basara to massage her breasts, Takei seemed to be very enthusiastic about it, and despite Kajiura appearing to be very embarrassed about it, she had agreed to it in the end. Hence to Basara who had no experience with friendship, he had originally thought that here wouldn’t be any problems… In the end it had resulted in Kajiura losing consciousness from that action, bringing even more confusion to where the ‘safe’ border line is. Although he had not made any friends with any more males in his class to where he could go out with them, he had to subjugate Mio and Yuki whom he had a Master-Servant Contract with in his free time often and his values are slowly being moulded to the ideals of the succubus Maria, causing Basara who recently just managed to escape from being isolated in his class to not be sure on the boundary line between sexes. But before all that, Basara held some faint expectations to his relationship with Mio and Yuki… and he told himself that all that was definitely not normal. Speaking of which—

…Tachibana really made me helpless.

Nanao who also had no friendship experience just like Basara, was also not sure of where the appropriate boundary for friendship lie back than as he still had not completely recovered from when Basara helped him change into female clothes. Thus, after Basara stopped massaging Kajiura’s breasts, he found that the cold atmosphere in the shop was extremely awkward, and so he used his demonic eyes to modify the memories of the shop staff and Kajiura and the others. Of course, manipulating someone’s memories is something that’s not supposed to be done, so what was done was just the very basics, and s that in their memories, Kajiura had never reached climax from having her breasts massaged.

So, although it was already too late for Basara to be regretful, at least Kajiura’s reputation has been protected.

After Kanou finished the marathon and had the activity tracker checked, everyone left the restaurant and wished each other a good New Years, agreeing to see each other again after the new semester starts. Takei flagged a taxi and sent Kajiura back home, and Nanao left together with Kanou, so the only one left apart from him is—

“Sensei… I won’t run away, so can you please let go of my hand?”


Basara request received a pouting refusal. Sitting beside him while leaning her head against his shoulder and having her hand hooked with Basara’s tightly, is the extremely beautiful infirmary teacher.

Currently, Basara and Hasegawa had boarded the same taxi/ After saying their goodbyes to the student council – Basara had flagged a taxi for Hasegawa, but she had pulled him into the taxi before he was able to send her on her way; amidst the panic, Hasegawa had asked the taxi driver to move off.

--after boarding the taxi, Hasegawa had been pouting ever since. Basara had tried appeasing her, but Hasegawa only flirtingly asked for a present.

At the gift exchange game just now, Basara had forgotten to draw a present, and since Kajiura had not drawn his present, his prepared present was not given away in the end; and since something like that had happened with Kajiura later on, he could only just bring his presents back quietly. And Hasegawa wanted that present he had brought.

After receiving the present, Hasegawa seemed to have cheered up a little… but she was still tightly holding on to Basara’s hand, unwilling to let go no matter what he said. It would still be fine if it was just that, but she had very intently intentionally kept pushing her breasts that were almost spilling out from her revealing dress onto Basara’s body.

“I do understand that you live together with Naruse and Nonaka… In a place I can’t see, I wouldn’t care no matter who you do it with; if it’s before other staff and students, I would go along with the stance of the other teachers. But—“

Hasegawa raised her wet eyes, and said:

“You playing with Kajiura’s breasts like that before me, was just like giving me a pinch… very naughty.”

“ ! …that was just how the game is supposed to be, so it can’t be—…?”

Despite Hasegawa’s body fragrance and adult-charm was breaking down his rationality, he still tried to convince the jealous Hasegawa; but before he even finished, his body suddenly stiffened up. The reason for that, was because Hasegawa had brought her mouth towards the side of Basara’s head, and grabbed onto his ear with her mouth.

“Hey… Sensei, that’s not good.”

They were currently on a taxi, and Basara was still wearing the school uniform and called Hasegawa ‘Sensei’; although the person at the driver’s seat said nothing, since the taxi was not very big, everything they said must’ve been heard. For now, he could still say that Hasegawa was drunk; if it progressed to the next stage, there was no guarantee that the driver wouldn’t report it to the school. Thus, Basara hurriedly grabbed both of Hasegawa’s shoulders to stop her, and she only giggled—

“I know… we’ll continue at my home.”

And whispered into his ear at a volume which only he could hear.

--right now, Toujou Basara and Hasegawa Chisato had a secret relationship.

On the day he helped Hasegawa take off the swimsuit with the stuck zipper, not only had Basara had food that she had personally cooked, and agreed to a request to help her with the occasional student love problems, helping her in experiencing various acts between a man and woman, and it eventually went into her bathroom.

Hasegawa had unsuspectingly used her large breasts to scrub Basara’s back, using it to the point where it broke down Basara’s reasoning – causing him to take the lead and leak out some of his desires.

The two of them had not crossed the final line in the end, but traces of their naked lust had remained on their bodies; Hasegawa had reached climax from Basara’s attack on her breasts, but although Basara had lost consciousness mid-way through, they had reached the final stages with Hasegawa’s breasts. But even though they had such a relationship, Basara had listened to Sakazaki’s calumny of Hasegawa and maintained his distance and was guarded about her. When things have been settled and Basara came to the infirmary after classes ended – to apologise for intentionally avoiding her, and Hasegawa had accepted it, with a certain condition.

--and that condition, is to have their relationship develop in a more special direction.

Even if it was a woman’s intuition or her experience from receiving countless confessions as the infirmary teacher – Hasegawa saw that Basara was wholeheartedly trying to endure it, to not let his rationality towards Mio and Yuki be thrown aside and cross the final line; and she thus requested for Basara to relieve himself using her as Mio and Yuki’s substitute.

What Hasegawa had mentioned was just basically to let Basara take advantage of her, causing it to be a little scary, and was a form of betrayal to Mio and Yuki. That was what Basara originally thought, but Hasegawa suddenly hugged him tightly—

『Ever since you’ve done that to me, something about me has become very strange…』

And confessed to him with wet eyes. Since the day Hasegawa and Basara mutually pleasured each other, Hasegawa had felt that something within her has been opened up, and her mind has been filled with thoughts about Basara all day; knowing that they had a student and teacher relationship and yet couldn’t suppress it, gave her much pain.

『…Save me, Toujou. 』

When he heard her plea – the option of [Rejecting] no longer existed within basara’s heart.

The reason Basara and helped Maria and Mio was that he was not willing to put off a girl in danger. Without the Hasegawa’s flexibility to different situations, he wouldn’t be able to do what he have done so far.

Additionally, Hasegawa’s advice has helped Basara numerous times. In Toujou Basara’s heart, the woman known as Hasegawa Chisato already accounted for a very significant portion. Hence, when he heard Hasegawa pleading him, Basara had no other choice but to accept.

--and thus, Basara had agreed to Hasegawa’s condition, with some conditions.

Firstly, to maintain their relationship as a teacher and student, this relationship of theirs had to be kept a secret; Secondly, they cannot cross the final line.

By now, Basara no longer worried about the ways that would make him betray Mio and Yuki.

When his relationship with Hasegawa happened, Basara had already betrayed them. And even though that is the case, Basara drawing a line in his heart that he must never cross with Hasegawa, was because of her feelings for him, but that might be a misinterpretation due to her having her very first experience with him.

For Mio and Yuki who had done a Master-Servant Contract with him, a similar situation might have taken place. Thus, Basara tried his best to not let their current status evolve into a love relationship; even if those emotions are just due to their misconceptions – Basara didn’t wish to see them become hurt because of it.

As long as the both of them respected this condition, Basara would agree to fulfil Hasegawa’s request as much as possible. Then again – being maturely courted by a woman with such peerless charm, is by itself is already irresistible.

Hasegawa immediately agreed to that happily, and took the initiative to kiss him.

Hence, after their four lips and two tongues met – Basara and Hasegawa, alone, in the infirmary with the door locked and curtains drawn, once again carefully examined the special parts of each other.

--from that day onwards, Toujou Basara and Hasegawa’s secret relationship began.

The time the taxi arrived at Hasegawa’s apartment, was not long after half past eight.

After Hasegawa paid the driver in full, Toujou Basara followed her into the foyer.

Wearing high heels, her attractive round butt swayed left and right charmingly.


Soon, I, that butt – when that thought surfaced with his excitement, Basara felt his rationality gradually being worn away.

--whenever the two of them were alone, Hasegawa would always flirt and drop hints for him to spoil her more.

Despite how alluring Mio and Yuki were whenever they activated the Master-Servant curse, he was barely able to know where he should stop.

However – Basara could only do that during his first time with her in her bathroom. With the further temptation from Hasegawa after that, he was unable to sustain it forever and gradually demanded more and more from her, and that was not accounting for times where Hasegawa would make a move on him by herself. So even though he could maintain his rationality before Mio and Yuki when they were under the aphrodisiac curse, before Hasegawa—

‘’…I have to be careful…’’

As Takei has said, when Hasegawa and Basara’s relationship happened, her charms grew even more. If he just let it all go in the sweet warmth of the ‘bigger sister’ Hasegawa, Basara will definitely never be able to leave her side.

At that moment – after swiping the key card through the electric lock, Hasegawa beside him pressed the up button to call for the elevator, and asked while looking up to see the current position of the elevator:

“…How long will you be able to stay for tonight?”

--from Hasegawa’s apartment to the Toujou residence, taking the train and walking back home would take around an hour.

But taking the taxi only required thirty minutes. So as long as he leave this place at eleven, he wouldn’t have any problems in making it back home in time before Lucia arrives. But despite that—

“About… two hours, I think.”

To avoid being carried away, the time Basara allocated for himself was even shorter.

“……I see.”

As Hasegawa murmured, the elevator doors opened before them.

Basara entered the elevator first, and moved towards the floors panel.

But Hasegawa who entered after him put her hand in between the panel and Basara, and pulled him into a hug after pressing the top-most floor – the handbag has not yet fallen onto the floor, but Toujou Basara was already in an intense kiss.

He was even pushed into the back of the elevator, his back pressed up against the wall.

“Nn! –S-Sensei…?”

The situation changed too quickly, and Basara didn’t even have the chance to press the button to close the elevator doors, so the doors were still wide open. Basara grabbed Hasegawa’s shoulders, and after separating their mouths with much difficulty, he raised that as to why Haseegawa was suddenly so anxious and urgent.

“…We only have two hours, and you want to wait until we go through the front door to start?”

Hasegawa looked up at him with tears flowing from her eyes.

“Toujou, I’m also someone who also gets jealous… I hope you will remember that.”

“ ! …Well…”

Being looked at in such a close distance erotically, caused Basara to draw a breath.

“—before entering my apartment, I want you to chase away the other women from your mind.”

Hasegawa gave a seductive smile, pulled Basara’s right wrist onto her breasts.

For this dress which prominently displayed her breasts, Hasegawa was not wearing a bra – hence, when Basara touched those breasts that was almost spilling out—

…Ah… He realised that the tips of Hasegawa’s breasts were already swollen and stiff.

Just thinking about what Basara will do, already made her excited to this extent.

Just how long – she couldn’t have already been like that ever since we boarded the taxi?


With her back facing the elevator doors that were slowly closing, Hasegawa broke the silence with a sexy intoxicating smile and voicing out Basara’s name, strongly expressing her sexual excitement and her request to him – when the lift began moving upwards, traces of thoughts of calming down Hasegawa vanished from his mind.


Toujou Basara pushed his lips onto Hasegawa’s and put his tongue into action, while at the same time using his left hand to tightly embrace Hasegawa’s waist and pull her towards him, and his right hand began furiously fondling her breasts.

“Nnn, Toujou… Nchuru, nfu…Kchu… Aah…Haaa♥”

Hasegawa twisted her hips about happily, and let out happy sounds with her arms wrapped around Basara’s neck, seeking for more – Basara didn’t disappoint her, and the left hand that was around her waist went downwards and began playing with her butt.

At the moment, the lift stopped moving, and the doors slowly opened—


The young woman outside the elevator stared at the both of them, speechless. From her simple attire of home clothes, she was probably either on her way back home or just going down to the nearby convenience store to buy something. Hasegawa temporarily stopped her mouth movements, and said carefreely to the transfixed woman:

“…Can you take the next one?”

And the elevator doors closed by itself before the young woman could give any reaction, and Basara and Hasegawa continued their intimate activity.

This time, the elevator didn’t stop.

But even when the elevator reached the top floor and opened the doors, Hasegawa still held on to Basara and was unwilling to let go; so Basara could only stretch a hand to pick up the handbag on the ground, and also carried Hasegawa up in a princess carry while he was at it too.

That action pulled on Hasegawa’s dress, and caused her bare right breast to finally spill out from the dress.

With both of his hands busy – Basara could only just use his face. He bent his head down towards her right breast, and the pink tip that was bulging even more than just now as if desiring for something entered his view – thus Basara opened his mouth, and sucked the nipple into his mouth whole.

“ ! –Haaaahhh♥”

Hasegawa twisted lovely and gently in his arms, and the arms around his neck tightened even more. Under this condition, Basara could only continue sucking on Hasegawa’s nipple while walking towards the entrance of her apartment.

When he reach the door, Basara released Hasegawa’s nipple from his mouth and put her back down on the floor, and said:

“—Sensei, the key.”

Hasegawa whose breasts now looked erotic from being fondled retrieved her handbag from Basara’s arm, and took out the key for the front door. After they entered, the two of them once again kissed intensely as if unable to wait any longer – after roughly removing their shoes at the entrance, hasegawa’s handbag and gloves, as well as Basara’s jacket were all thrown down in the corridor. “Nn…let’s go into the bedroom today.”

Basara complied with Hasegawa who was breathing heavily and opened the door to the bedroom that he had never touched before, and walked in – and then put her down on the bed. Hasegawa who was by the bed then pulled apart the chest area of the dress, and the large breasts trembled from the motions—

“Come, Toujou… Let me pamper you lots today.”

And tempted Basara while curling the edges of her mouth seductively. Thus Basara got onto the bed, and the both of them then begun removing each other’s clothes.

Taking off Hasegawa’s clothes was simple. He only had to give a simple pull to undo the knots of her clothes behind her back, to quickly turn the dress into a simple bundle of cloth – after removing the dress, Basara finally saw her underwear.

It was a sexy corset that only covered up to half of her breasts,

“This goes well with my dress today…it’s bought specially for you.”

Hasegawa said with a smile while taking off Basara’s shirt and undershirt.

So that dress and this sexy corset were worn specially just for me… When that thought came up, Basara’s excitement grew even further; Hasegawa who was undoing the belt to take off his pants, very quickly noticed the change in Basara.

“You’ve already become so excited for me…”

Hasegawa’s eyes that looked up into his eyes, already already filled with lust.

“…I’m very happy.”

After taking off Basara’s pants – Hasegawa cupped her breasts with both her hands as if it was something she was supposed to do, and entrapped Basara’s swollen private part deeply within her large breasts, rubbing her breasts against each other left and right and up and downwards.

“ ! …Ah…!”

Hearing Basara moaning from the pleasure—

“Nn… Aahn… Fufu, my skill has already improved, right?”

Hasegawa who serviced him with her breasts also began to concentrate on enjoying the stimulation brought about by it.

“How does it feel, to turn me… to turn the older girl into such a lewd woman?”

And lust-filled eyes, she asked with a teasing smile.

“ ! …It my own fault…?”

Since after all, this relationship between them was all started by Hasegawa herself. Basara who was unable to accept this and protested, moved a hand to begin caressing her head. This was the agreed signal between the two of them.

“To say something like this after making me do all that…what a guy you are.”

Hasegawa giggled, and began servicing Basara, this time using not her breasts, but her mouth.

She cheerfully sucked and stimulated it, using her tongue precisely to apply her saliva on it, causing Basara’s penis to become even bigger – Hasegawa’s lewd expression that couldn’t be imagined since just now, causing Basara who was having difficulties in controlling himself, to exponentially increase the pleasure he experienced.

“Fufu…you can’t, not now.”

Just as Basara was about to explode in Hasegawa’s mouth, she released it from her mouth, and just laid down on the bed. Just what is she…? – Just as that thought came to his mind, Hasegawa dipped her index finger in and out of her large breasts and said:

“…Tonight, would you like to thoroughly devastate me?”

And unhesitatingly said out something that shook Basara’s base instincts.

“You’ve always been thinking for me and doing as I wished… and have never done what you wanted, no? That one time in the bathroom was the only time you’ve taken the initiative.”

“ ! …That…but I…”

What Hasegawa said was the truth. Basara had done that, so as to not cause harm to Hasegawa. If he let loose with his male instincts on her, he would’ve definitely cause harm to her.

From the beginning, Basara does not want to do anything that would cause harm to Hasegawa, yet—

“Toujou…For my sake, I want you to let loose and go wild with me, okay?”

Hasegawa coaxed Basara – with a smile like a goddess that forgave everything, and said out warm words that killed his reasoning.

“It’ll be fine even if you’re a little rough… Let me see your manly side.”


Hence, Basara straddled on Hasegawa’s breasts, and inserted his own ‘’part’’ in between her breasts; and after pushing the breasts towards each other with even leaving a gap, he slowly began to pump.

--using Hasegawa’s breasts, he forcibly used the breasts to perform fellatio on himself.

With every stroke of Basara’s, Hasegawa’s breasts shook heavily, and at the same time—

“Yah, Haann… Fuu, Toujouu… Ha, Fuahh… Haahhh♥”

Her breasts being ravaged by Basara, caused Hasegawa to tremble non-stop in the unprecedented pleasure.

…That Hasegawa-sensei…!

The woman that was more beautiful and more unyielding than anyone else, the breasts of such a person being devastated by him – this fact, already gave Basara much excitement.


For the first time in the way he desired, he unleashed his own seminal on Hasegawa’s breasts.

Hasegawa Chisato felt a fiery pulsation come from Basara’s penis in between her breasts.

The vigorous release of seminal, dyed Hasegawa’s breasts white.

“Fufu… That’s an amazing amount…”

As Hasegawa said with an intoxicated smile, Basara slowly pulled away his hips – Hasegawa saw ‘’that thing’’ being pulled out with squishy sounds from within her breasts, the liquids consisted of his seminal and Hasegawa’s saliva.

“Now, I’ll make it clean…”

Hence Hasegawa rose up, and began using her tongue to lick up the residues of Basara’s pleasure.


Mid-way, Basara’s hands came over and began fondling her breasts.

“Nchu… H-Hey… such mischievousness… Fuaan… Chupu…”

Additionally, his fingertips also started pinching the buds at the tip of her breasts and played with them. Hasegawa carefully used her tongue to clean the thing in her mouth, indulging in the sensations of Basara fondling her breasts into many different shapes, and at the same time—

…He’s becoming more and more sadistic…

Hasegawa Chisato felt a definite change in Basara.

--the reason Hasegawa Chisato pampered Basara, is to give him love.

Of course, she was not denying her real emotions towards Basara.

Her asking Basara to have an relationship that cannot be disclosed to anyone, is a result of her treating Basara as one of the opposite sex.

However – tempting Basara like this, is to increase his power.

The usual Basara excessively suppresses his own tendencies, and that is probably in order to suppress the ferocious nature of Brynhildr. When his body sustained fatal injuries during the battle with Sakazaki, Brynhildr had went wild by itself, proving that point.

Back then, Basara’s battle power suddenly rose explosively, and released [Banishing Shift] continuously in succession.

That was a result of the demonic sword Brynhildr utilizing Basara’s original battle potential.


Basara will require that power, to be able to fight to the end in the war in the Demon Realm.

--Hasegawa knows, that Basara will be heading to the Demon Realm after leaving her apartment.

The advice she gave at the restaurant, was also for that.

Just like how Yuki had gotten the approval of the spirit sword [Sakuya], Basara will need to bring out the true power of Brynhildr and himself; if not in the war with the Current Demon lord Faction, he will easily lose his life.

That was because the opponent he will face, is just that strong.

…I will absolutely not let you die.

Many years ago, Hasegawa Chisato had lost the important woman that was like her older sister in her heart; so that’s why she had resolved herself, that she will protect the Basara that that woman had left to her no matter what – this is something she will never concede on.

So Hasegawa Chisato wanted to help Basara by making him cast aside his rationality and strengthen his animalistic side, letting him synchronise more easily with the ferocious Brynhildr, and teach him to use his latent strength consciously. Basara might have noticed, that in the past month since his relationship with Hasegawa has started, there was a substantial progress in the synchronisation between himself and Brynhildr.

Most ideally, is to have him be able to use as much power as when he cornered Sakazaki. As of now in the short period of time, he had grown and had learnt new moves; if he could find the chance in his future battles, he will probably change. So—

“Chu… Chumm, Nfuu… Chupu… S-See, it’s very clean now.”

When Hasegawa released her mouth, the penis that was covered in kinky shiny saliva, once again hotly swelled up.


In Basara’s eyes as he looked downwards at her, there was a manly imposing air.

…Showing me that face…

“You really are energetic… come this way then.”

Squeezing Basara’s penis with wet sounds with her hand, she gave a flirtatious smile.

To increase the chances of making Basara even stronger.

Toujou Basara got off the bed being pulled along by Hasegawa’s hand, and the two of them moved towards the window. Hasegawa’s right hand rested against the full-length windows, and said to Basara while looking back:

“This time, use this place…”

And she then pushed her butt upwards tempting Basara… and did something unbelievable. She used the thumb of her left hand – and after bringing it into the space between her thighs, she revealed it.

“ ! ———— “

This action caused Basara to gasp.

As it was not pulled aside horizontally, Hasegawa’s femininity couldn’t be seen; yet Hasegawa who looked backwards in such a posture, presented a lewdness that Basara had never seen before.

“I have not forgotten our promise… but just using the inside of the panty is fine, right?”

So come to the inside of my panty, from behind by back—


When Basara heard Hasegawa say that, he then moved right behind Hasegawa as if he was sucked there. Despite how bright and brilliant the street lights are in the night view outside the window, he did not see it at all – because something even more beautiful was right in front of him.

In the holy night, the view of Hasegawa’s body was illuminated by pale moonlight, making her beautiful just like a goddess… at where her fingers was under the strip of cloth, sweet nectar flowed non-stop from the mouth under it, giving her inner thighs a further shine under the moonlight. That place… is undoubtedly the woman’s secret place that Basara could insert himself into.

Hence Basara used his left hand to hold steady Hasegawa’s hips, and used his right hand to adjust his own position – slowly advancing towards that kinky gap.

Although the inside of it was pretty narrow, but once the head went past it, he could move straight directly. Basara straightened his back and pushed in further, and that hot wet slit that’s a real female organ tightly rubbed against him.

“ ! …Ah…”

Amidst the sensation that sapped his strength, Basara who continued on moving in the same direction would naturally collide into Hasegawa’s butt. In the moment when that happened—

“ ! …Ah…Haahhh… ♥”

Hasegawa cried out lewdly, overwhelmed with what she was feeling. The face that was reflected in the window was intoxicated, revealing an expression that was even more satisfied than ever.

“Ku… Aahh!”

Thus, Toujou Basara grabbed Hasegawa’s waist with both his hands, and began to grind.

“Haah! Nn! …Toujou… ♥ Ah! Haah—Fuaaahhhh!”

Hasegawa gave a sensitive reaction, throwing back her loose waist-length black hair and released a womanly cry of pleasure. To hear more of Hasegawa’s cries, Basara collided with her again by moving his waist forward, knocking some ripples that appeared on her body from her white butt, going wild on her – at the place where both of their bodies made contact, white foam was soon grinded out, along with some loud wet sounds.

“Yaah! Aahh… Toujou, your… moving…!”

Hasegawa’s intoxicated moans made Basara look straight ahead at the reflection in the window, the sharp images of two persons indulging in pleasure – Basara’s intense grinding, caused Hasegawa’s large breasts to be pressed up against the window, and her panty had a bulge that was of Basara’s shape.

--however, what this view brought to Basara was not excitement, but instead, a fact.

As the underside of Hasegawa’s panty was already very wet and in a mess, he had not realised that his angle to the opening of her crotch is slanted and has deviated, and is not touching Hasegawa’s actual spot – her most sensitive place.

This made Basara suddenly stop moving, and he then gulped.

“Nnu… Toujou…?”

Hasegawa looked backwards with a pained look. That expression she had, was like she had never thought that Basara would notice the truth. Thus, Toujou Basara wanted to see it even more – see what Hasegawa would turn like, when experiencing even stronger womanly pleasure.


Hence, Basara adjusted his angle, and tried bottoming out against his target. In that moment—


Hasegawa suddenly convulsed, raising a scream that shook even the full-length window, while at the same time a certain hot substance soaked the entire panty.

…T-This is…

A reaction far exceeding his imagination, and with the hotness felt on his thing that he inserted there, Basara realised what it was. Hasegawa who had climaxed from having her sensitive spot rubbed, had a lascivious shower gush out from there.

Hasegawa’s body had turned flushed from the pleasure, her skin being dyed cherry pink. The view of that body violently climaxing under the pale moonlight, was a peerless beauty.


Seeing such a Hasegawa, a place within his heart exploded.

“ ! …Ah…Aahh… Haa, Nn… Ah…!”

A climax on a completely different level from those she experienced, caused her to continue moaning with saliva trickling from her mouth, and her limbs lost all energy and slid downwards pressed against the window; Basara’s hands holding on to her waist then slid up her belly, catching her breasts with his hands to hold her up.

“ ! —Haaahhhh ♥”

With the lingering of the tremendous climax just now gone, Hasegawa climaxed lightly again from her breasts being grabbed.

--the usual Basara, would probably stop right here.

To not hurt Hasegawa – however, the him right now, is not the usual him.

Hence that was why Basara didn’t stop. With Hasegawa’s breasts overflowing from his fingers, he began kneading them roughly and started his grinding again.

“Yaahhh! …Toujou, don’t… Toujou—Aahhhhhh ♥”

Hasegawa pleasure peaked again for the third time, yet Basara still continued hounding her.

The appearance of Hasegawa having unimaginable climaxes continuously every time he attacked that place, is just so beautiful – it made Basara even more excited, to send Hasegawa to the peak again and again.

--hence, Basara could no longer remember how many times both sides has reached the peak.

He only knew that Hasegawa was already used to being at the peak—

“Haah… Toujou, Toujou…♥”

To the point where she could match her movements and lewdly move her hips along with him.

Just any error in the angles and positions would send them into the ‘danger zone’, thus giving Basara and Hasegawa even more excitement – he could vaguely recall Hasegawa who tremendously climaxed again and again squirted out showers, and he discharged along with her.

At the end, Hasegawa’s hair seemed to release a golden glow – was it his imagination?

It was ten minutes after Basara and Hasegawa came very close to sexual intercourse by the window.

Hasegawa who was together with Basara who had lost consciousness pressed up against the window, finally recovered enough to the point where she could move her four limbs.

“…It was unexpected, for me to not even be able to maintain my human form.”

At the apex of the God Realm was the Ten Gods – in the state of Afreyja, Hasegawa Chisato said while having a bitter smile on. Although doing something like that with Basara would make her emotions run wild, she had not expected to experience such strong pleasure to the point where it could eliminate a high-class seal; along with the elimination of the seal, the clothes she was wearing on her body was also gone.

“My my… Basara really like those clothes.”

When she maintained her consciousness usually, such a mistake would never have been made – it was rare for Basara to ‘’shoot’’ seven times, and she had not even had enough time to enjoy it, it was really such a waste.

“Fufu… I’ll let it go this time.”

Since, this was Basara’s first time Basara had thrown aside his rationality so thoroughly. To Hasegawa who wanted to raise Basara’s battle power by enhancing his synchronization with Brynhildr, this was a fortunate mistake. Also—

“That just shows how much you want me…”

Hasegawa gave a slight smile, and did a short distance transfer with Basara who breathed shallowly and had collapsed on her back, to her bed – to under the blanket.

Her legs entwined with Basara’s legs, and her hands began warmly caressing his head. She then buried his face into her breasts, and began operating the phone in her handbag using her psychic power.

“—I’m going to call a taxi.”

When the call connected, Hasegawa sent her voice into her handbag, preparing his transport back home. The time when it would arrive, is of course not long before the time Basara had said he had to leave by the latest.

But thinking about it, the two of them could still interact for more than an hour. Hence Hasegawa planned to lie down just like this for a while, and wake up Basara in the last thirty minutes, and take a bath together.

“You’ll need to return to how you usually look like before that…”

As she said with a wry smile – she heard something unbelievable.


Her name was said out in his sleep talk. Toujou Basara will be leaving for the Demon Realm after this, but what he was thinking about was not Naruse Mio, not Nonaka Yuki, nor was it Naruse Maria, but instead her.


This fact caused a ripple in Hasegawa’s heart, and she couldn’t control herself for a moment. Even though it was restrained and limited, once she released the current full power of the Ten Gods’. She could easily delay the time flow of this lower dimension; if the range was set to just this room, not only could she do what happened just now again, combining as man and woman could last for almost forever.

--however, she did not do that.

If she did that, she’ll need to show her current appearance to Basara – and she couldn’t reveal her true identity to him yet. Of course, he’ll definitely still accept her even if he find out that she is one from the God Realm, but the problem is—

“…After you wake up, you definitely will want to return to Naruse Mio and the others.”

That is not because Basara will choose them – it was to help the one that was the daughter of the previous Demon Lord who had inherited his power and bloodline, and free her from her cruel fate.

Thus, Hasegawa got on all fours with Basara under her, and kissed his lips.

--Basara’s body then released a faint golden glow. Hasegawa was sending him power through their lips, for him to regain his strength. She couldn’t let Basara leave for the Demon realm in his current state, and as the two of them had a relationship, she couldn’t let him die with the death battle in the Demon Realm right before his eyes.

“After you overcome your difficulties, come back and subjugate me again… And it’ll be through the entire night next time.”

After restoring Basara’s body energy, Hasegawa said while smiling after separating their lips, and then once again kissed his lips – what went across this time was her tongue and saliva.

“Aahh… Nn, chu… Fuu, chu… Nmu… Chupu… Uo, Nnchu…”

This was not to restore strength, but simply just a kiss expression love.

--there were still thirty minutes to the time she had to wake him up.

Before that time came, Hasegawa gazed at Basara’s sleeping face.

She silently huddled up against him – and just like having their roles swapped, she fawned on Basara.

  1. A toast (like ‘Cheers!’)
  2. i.e. boring, routine
  3. SFX of chokes and coughs from while drinking
  4. i.e. choked on the drink
  5. to put it another way, he is thinking something like [WTF, dad!?]
  6. Takei says [Riajuu-san], Riajuu – short for riaru juujitsu
  7. rolling eyes
  8. text says their ‘juujitsu’, from riaru juujitsu
  9. It was originally Uwakimono(うわきもの), referring to a cheater; unfaithful person; adulterer
  10. an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked in coffee and brandy or liqueur with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese
  11. a game where an appointed ‘King’ gives an order for someone to do something
  12. jacket, or blazer
  13. Captain Obvious: This is German, translates to ‘The Master/Champion’
  14. a sealed tube containing a liquid, the clarity of which was thought to change when storms approach

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