There was no other sound in the classroom for a while.

Langley continued to speak

"In the past, I only taught some professional courses, but today I will tell you some off-topic topics."

Looking at the admirals with different expressions, Langley's voice softened a little.

"Everyone here, I don’t know where you will go in a few years, whether it will be a dangerous place on the front line or a stable garrison in the rear."

"But the strength of a tutelage is always the ship girl, so more ship girls represent a more powerful tutelage."

"And! Ship girls are not emotionless killing weapons, they are living beings, lively and lovely girls. They will be sad, sad, and confused."

"I am a ship girl, and my mission is to fight the deep sea, but I don’t want to be a weapon or consumable in the hands of the admiral."

"Even if you have a powerful garrison, if your shipgirl who believes in you the most doesn’t recognize you, have you failed as an admiral?"

"Since you have come to the Admiral Academy in the central theater and not the Naval Academy, then be an admiral recognized and loved by the ship girls."

"We are living things, and we are not afraid of death, but we should not wither away in the sea like cold weapons."

Looking at the silent admiral in the audience, Langley paused.

"There will be another assessment in half a year, and you must get the approval of at least one ship girl, otherwise this academy may not be suitable for you."

"A better place for you at the Naval Academy"

"I also know that many admirals don’t know the difference between our two academies. Isn’t that the place where the navy is trained?"

"Here I will tell you about the differences between the admirals of the navy and the admirals of the ship girl alliance."

"After all, you have a ship girl. Even if the ship girl doesn't approve of you, you are still an admiral. If you want to have your own garrison, you have to go from our academy or go to the navy."

"First of all, regarding the management of admirals, the admirals of the navy are under the management of the navy, and the admirals of the ship-ship union are under our control."

"I believe that most of the admirals who come to our academy are admirals who like freedom and do not want to be subject to too many restrictions and forced orders."

Langley said slowly and softly.

"The Navy has its own set of rules. If you are interested, you can learn about it yourself."

"However, if you leave the academy and are no longer an admiral of the Kanmusu Union, you will no longer be protected and recognized by the Kanmusu Union."

After he finished speaking, the classroom was unusually silent.

They understood what Langley meant by not being protected and recognized by the Kanmusu Union, and Wei'an understood it too.

If they became admirals of the navy, they would really lose the opportunity to salvage the ship. The vast majority of free Kanmusu Union were under the protection of the Kanmusu Union.

Because the Kanmusu Union was originally organized for the interests and safety of Kanmusu Union, and in order to prevent the weak Kanmusu Union from being bullied or deceived, it was truly a mutual aid association built by this group of kind elves.

Not being recognized by the Kanmusu Union is equivalent to being on the blacklist of free Kanmusu Union, as for why they look down on the admirals of the navy.

The benefits that the navy can give to the admirals can only be given by the Kanmusu Union more, and there will be fewer constraints and restrictions.

The only difficulty is that the requirements for the admirals are relatively high, and they cannot harm the Kanmusu Union.

An admiral who is not recognized by the Kanmusu Union, using Wei'an's previous life To sum it up in one sentence, it's a dunghill.

They consume shipgirls like weapons. In their eyes, shipgirls are just consumables. They can just rebuild them after they sink.

So how can such a group of people become admirals and get recognition from shipgirls? But this group of kind elves were ready to die after they were built.

This is also the difference between built shipgirls and free shipgirls. The built shipgirls have the most basic contract with the admiral.

How can the shipgirls with good qualities betray and leave their admirals? Even if he is a dunghill.

If the kind shipgirls can't stand these admirals wanting to save these shipgirls, they will stand firmly in front of their admirals and go to war with the shipgirls.

Since these kind girls can't be saved, the only thing they can do is to prevent more girls from falling into the hands of this group of people. Protect them.

The Kanmusu Union was born for this reason.

And if they lose the protection of the Kanmusu Union, this group of shits who are not recognized by the Kanmusu Union will not be protected by the Kanmusu Union in the garrison.

As far as Wei'an knows, not only are the Kanmusu girls consumables on the navy side, but the admirals are also consumables. That side is mainly composed of humans and is full of filth.

After all, those who want to be admirals are basically lining up, and if an admiral dies, he dies, and one can be promoted from the soldiers.

But on the Kanmusu Union side, if the garrison or the admiral encounters difficulties, they can ask the headquarters for help.

Admirals recognized by the Kanmusu Union will be treated with doubly kindness by the Kanmusu.

If the garrison is not strong enough and cannot defend the deep sea, you can ask the headquarters for help.

They will send Kanmusu to help you, as long as you take care of their lives.

If you encounter some minor difficulties, just ask the Kanmusu girls.

It is also helpful to unite various branches or show the credentials of your identity as the admiral of the Ship Girl Union to the ship girls of the Ship Girl Union.

All the premises are that you can successfully graduate from the Ship Girl Union.

And you have no ambition and just want to be a lying rice borer. As long as you are good to your ship girls, they will like you, and the Ship Girl Union can arrange a safe garrison for you.

Let you be a borer with peace of mind, because you are really devoted to this group of girls.

There is no mandatory requirement to go to war, nor is it forced to fight with the deep sea.

Just be good to the ship girls and take good care of them.

As far as Wei'an knows, many garrisons in the hands of the Ship Girl Union are in good positions.

The life of the admiral is limited. Many excellent admirals will eventually grow old in the garrisons they left behind. If there are original ship girls, they will continue to guard them.

If not, the Ship Girl Union will send ship girls and admirals to guard.

There are scum among people, but there are also many kind people.

Many kind admirals of the Ship Girl Union, especially the powerful admirals, may terminate the ship girls with their contracts before their lives end.

Because they have witnessed generations of shipgirls die for the admiral and sink together in the sea.

This is also the difference between the marriage ship and ordinary shipgirls. Ordinary contracts can be terminated, but after the oath.

When the admiral dies, it is also the end of the shipgirl's life. The real death must die together.

Therefore, many kind admirals can't bear to watch this group of kind elves launch a death charge for themselves and the deep sea, and will choose to let them go free.

After all, shipgirls are elves who will not age or die naturally.

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