Saratoga didn't know when she fell asleep from crying. When she woke up the next day, her voice was completely hoarse and her eyes were red.

As a result, I didn't dare to go out of the room to see anyone all day long. What I was most afraid of was that Wei An and Lexington would see me like this.

She was always on tenterhooks even the whole day, fearing that someone would knock on the door and find her in her current state.

Fortunately, no one bothered her until night. Even Wei An, who was worried about her last night, didn't come today.

It made her feel a little lonely and sad. She was afraid of facing Wei An, but she was even more afraid that Wei An really didn't care about her.

In the end, I could only hide in bed by myself and cry secretly, hating myself for not living up to expectations.......

"Commander, is this method really effective?"

In Lexington's room, Lexington controlled the carrier-based aircraft to patrol the port area. It was natural that he would fly past the window of Saratoga.

In the night, Lexington's carrier-based aircraft did not look very special. Obviously, not to mention that Saratoga was not paying attention to the fighter planes flying over and over outside the window.

Although no one bothered Saratoga today, Wei An and Lexington were always concerned about her every move. under the watchful eye

"Madam, don’t you know Jia Jia? The main reason why she became like this is me, so I should take her out."

Wei An's words are extremely firm now.

"This child Jia Jia, after this incident is over, I must educate her well. She is such an adult and she still has to worry about her, Commander. She has to worry about her for the wrong things she has done."

Lexington sighed helplessly.

"And Commander, you too, if there are more sisters in Minato in the future, what will you do if others see you?"

After saying that, Lexington rolled his eyes at Wei An.

As for the reason, he didn't leave at all last night. He even quietly leaned against the door to listen to what was going on in the house. He heard all of Saratoga's crying..

When Lexington patrolled the port area again, he found Wei An eavesdropping in front of his sister's room.

This of course attracted Lexington's attention and he ran to Wei An as quickly as possible. Ann was next to him and caught him. He also naturally knew what Saratoga did that night and why Wei An did it.

At the same time, Lexington began to focus on observing his sister's situation. , and communicated with Wei An from time to time. As for the reason why the two of them did not disturb Saratoga the next day, it was also to care about Saratoga's situation silently, and that was exactly what she felt.

Because after one day and two nights of observation, Wei An and Lexington roughly knew why Saratoga became like this.

As her sister, Lexington must be the one who knows Saratoga best and is the most worried about her..

Because her sister has been looking for her for so many years, and there are many admirals who have ideas about her.

Even on the way to find Lexington, Saratoga encountered some extreme naval admirals who wanted to kill her. Latoga was his ship's wife. If she didn't like to go out and like to stay on the battleship, and she was strong enough, the navy admiral couldn't do anything to her. She wouldn't have known how much trouble she would have encountered at this point.

On the bad side, she was originally focused on finding Lexington, and she had already resigned herself to finding the admiral, let alone looking for him.

However, she was so powerful that there were always people trying to get her there, hoping to find him. After making a contract with her, I subconsciously felt that the contract relationship was not reliable at all, and I was wary of human admirals.

And because I didn't like to go out very much, I didn't have many ship girls as friends. I was relatively lonely and couldn't find Lexington. , there was no one in Saratoga to whom she could reveal her heart.

The more she was in this situation, the more uncontrollably she missed Lexington. She missed her sister and the carefree time she had with her. Life.

A girl who has always been well protected by her sister is not adapting to life after leaving her sister, which makes her want to return to her comfort zone faster.

Is there anything that can help her get out of this situation? The solution?

That is to make more friends, go out and meet more and better people to replace the irreplaceable sister in her heart.

But there is no way, she doesn't like to go out and is lonely, this road is completely blocked. If she is blocked, she can only go to the dark side to find Lexington. And if she has been relying on one person for more than ten or twenty years, her thoughts about Lexington have not changed at all.

Missing Saratoga was sick, or she was sick.

Lexington felt this very well.

Although Saratoga was very clingy when she was a child, this Saratoga who came to her was too clingy. A little bit.

Basically, she wants to stay by her side 24 hours a day, never wanting to leave. If it weren't for her admiral, maybe Saratoga would want Lexington to stay by her side forever and never go anywhere..

As for other people, Saratoga didn't care at all. She only had Lexington in her eyes, her sister, the sister she could not live without for the rest of her life.

On this point, after Lexington became the ship's wife at Saratoga, he also approached Elizabeth many times to ask about Saratoga's situation.

Even Saratoga became Vian's shipgirl just for the better and to stay with Lexington longer. As for Saratoga's own feelings, she may have subconsciously ignored them.

After all, in Saratoga's eyes, her sister is the most important. Even if she is usually naughty and troublesome, it is just her and Lexington's daily routine. It is also to attract Lexington's attention and to be cared for more by her sister.

Whether he scolded her or praised her, at least Lexington was by her side.

Obviously, Lexington had already discovered something was wrong with Saratoga, but as an older sister, what else could he do if he encountered his younger sister's coquettishness and clinginess?

Of course he pampered her.

Even in the process of getting along with Saratoga, Lexington had a rough idea of his sister's character.

Compared with the cheerful, innocent and naughty sister in her memory, the real Saratoga is not as cheerful as imagined, and some just don't care about anything and don't care.

Even being cheerful is one of her masks, covering up her heartless, insecure, and withdrawn inner self.

Logically speaking, when she only cares about Lexington, she will not live like this heartlessly.

But in a daze, she sold herself to Vian for Lexington and became the ship's wife.

Subtly, Wei An used his unique views on the ship girl to impact her original defense against the admiral.

And there is a relationship between the two people who are confused, not to mention that Wei An can make her stagnant strength take another step forward.

She unknowingly developed a crush on Wei An.

Not to mention that Wei An also dotes on Saratoga. Who makes her her sister-in-law?

Insecure, she would fall unconsciously. She had never needed to care about anyone else except Lexington before.

Now a new person broke into her guarded heart. She didn't know how to deal with it at all, so she did a lot of terrible things.

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