After hearing Elizabeth's words, they also turned their curious eyes to Wei An.

If they remember correctly, Elizabeth....

"Of course I want to rebuild that place if I have the chance, but it's not something I can decide."

Most admirals have no choice in the allocation of the garrison. Basically, it is assigned to them by the alliance of shipgirls and the navy.

Therefore, Wei An's attitude towards his parents' former garrison has always been that it would be better if they could get it back.

Or not. After he comes back and has enough strength, others will be willing to give it to him.

After all, the aluminum resources in that area are really good, especially for an admiral like him who will definitely have a large aluminum consumption in the future.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but I don't want you to go to that place."

Weian's words made Elizabeth's eyes turn red, and a little sparkling.

"But since you have already become the admiral, it means you didn’t listen to their warnings to you, right?"

"Maybe you are wondering why I am saying this?"

"When I was working at the Kan-Girls United Headquarters, I felt the break in the contract."

"Your mother is missing, so maybe my thoughts are similar to Xuefeng's. I don't want you to have any accidents."

"You are their only remaining survivor, and you haven't forgotten them."

Elizabeth's words made Wei An's head go blank. Even Xuefeng beside him had his CPU burned out.

He was sure that he had never seen Elizabeth when he was in the town hall before, and now he told him that the dean of the Admiral Academy might be him. Mother's ship girl?

That's too much.

But the reputation on the side and the look of Bumblebee and the others looked back and forth at Wei An and Elizabeth.

"But, I have never seen you."

Before Wei An asked any questions, Xiao Xuefeng was already staring straight at Elizabeth.

"Because the two admirals and their wives together form a very powerful garrison, I can also take care of some things for them here."

"After all, the guard's house also needs food. I can purchase supplies here regularly and help them deliver them."

"She originally promised to come back to see me in the winter, but she didn't expect that the last time she saw them go to sea would be the last time they said goodbye."

"You are also a ship girl who joined the garrison later."

As she said this, Elizabeth took out a photo from her ship's space and handed it to Wei An.

Wei An took it and took a look.

It was a group photo. It included not only Elizabeth, but also her parents and others he had seen. Other ship girls.

But Yukikaze was not the one who was finally built.

The familiar whale flag in the background of the photo was the flag of his parents' garrison.

"So, is there anything wrong with the dean telling me this now?"

Vian can still remember that his parents did not mention Elizabeth when they were dying. They asked Xuefeng to take care of themselves throughout the whole process, so Wei An was a little wary of Elizabeth.

"Actually, your parents didn't want you to become an admiral at first."


His parents also wrote him a letter saying so, but he still made the decision.

"I thought they would do something behind the scenes, but I didn't expect it to be like this"



After Elizabeth's awakening, they seemed to have realized something and were all a little angry.

"I knew something was wrong when my contract with Xiaoxue was severed, so I immediately went to the western sea to look for people who might have survived."

At this point, Elizabeth clenched her fists and her face was full of resentment.

"These navy! They actually took the initiative to shrink their defense line! Outside the defense line, all our admirals were destroyed by the attack from the deep sea!"

"When I arrived in the west, all I saw was the deep sea everywhere outside the defense line. I couldn't go back to the garrison."

"When we went to ask the navy for help, we were refused, and they stayed within their defense lines."

"But after all the garrison buildings in the frontline waters were destroyed, they immediately had the power to resist!"

"This group of hateful navy will do anything to disgust us ship girls."

Before Elizabeth finished speaking, Bumblebee beside her started to curse.

So Wei An suddenly realized that there was actually hope for the deep sea siege of the garrison, but...

"So what happened?"

Xuefeng, who had been standing quietly beside Wei'an, rushed to Elizabeth as if stimulated by something, staring at her with red eyes.

Xuefeng would never forget that night, the countless deep seas around him, and everyone who tried to protect the weak.

And Wei'an's parents, their eyes that were unwilling to close.

"The reason why we have decided to arrange a garrison and assessment for the admiral now is because of what happened that day."

"We used to think that no matter how much the navy likes to fight among themselves, no matter how disgusting they are when facing the deep sea, everyone must still resist the deep sea together."

"But we didn't expect that they would directly sell our admiral and bury dozens of garrison buildings directly on the front line!"

"There are a total of 50 tutelary forts in that sea area!"

"Our admirals set an example and carried out kindness and sacrifice without flinching. They just hid behind and sold us out before driving the deep sea out."

"The deep sea is our enemy. The admirals who came out of our academy and everyone think that the only enemy is the deep sea."

"But I didn't expect that there are allies behind you, the navy of the same human race as you"

"It's fine that they poached our talents and squeezed the interests of the ship girls in the past, but we are all human beings. How could they betray us like this?"

"None of the frontline ship girls and co-admirals were spared. Later, after driving Deep Sea out, I returned to the old site of the garrison with only a pile of ruins."

"And everyone whose bodies are gone, so I thought you were dead"

"So I'm glad you remember them, but I don't want you to go back to that place."

"Although there is a garrison in the western sea area jointly controlled by our ship girls, it is also the base camp of the navy."

"When the navy took the initiative to hand over the frontline garrison to us, it must have already made such a plan and let our admiral die for them."

"So instead of asking you to build a garrison there again, I would rather you stay in the rear and be an ordinary admiral."

"But now after seeing Xuefeng, I know I can't stop you"

"You are not the admiral who will stay at the rear"


Elizabeth's words were like knives piercing into the hearts of Wei An and Xuefeng. They once thought it was just a riot in the deep sea.

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