If the battleship elves operate the battleship on behalf of the crew, then there should be a certain number of operators.

The larger the warship, the more personnel it will need to operate it.

But every ship girl’s battleship elf can’t tell you for no reason, that’s their secret.

Wei An had never thought of this before he saw the elves, simply because compared to other knowledge, the presence of elves was too low and it was difficult to see them.

But now Xuefeng tells him, how many battleship elves are there?


Yukikaze's standard displacement is only 13,000, but her mental upper limit is 17,500.

It happened to be 1 elf versus 100 tons.

And the battleship elves are not just crew members, because they also have their own special powers.

They can fly, so when Xuefeng enters the canal to repair the battleship, it is the elves who are working hard.

If the mental upper limit limits the birth of the battleship elves.

Wei An also reacted immediately.

Doesn't the increase in the training of ship girls mean that these immortal elves are gradually becoming elites?

Just like there are some experienced crew members, there are also some who have just joined the ship and are not familiar enough.

When the ship girl improves her training level, she is also training her own spirit.

Because the training level of the ship girls will not decrease, and the elves live and die with the battleship, their familiarity with the battleship will never decrease unless the battleship sinks.

So the warships of the ship girl are getting stronger and stronger in battle, isn't it because these elves are getting stronger and stronger?

Therefore, it also answers the question of why the training level of the ship girl increases during daily exercises.

At the same time, it also touched a chord in Wei An's heart, making him feel itchy and wanting to know the answer quickly.

If the number of battleship elves in a ship girl's battleship far exceeds the number required for one battleship, what will happen?

If the ship girl improves her training and also increases her mental limit, will the number of battleship elves increase?

And he immediately thought that there was a limit to the number of aircraft carrier girls that could be released, but their elves were also limited.

Why can the number of flies be increased after increasing the level of training? Has it gone from having multiple elves controlling one plane to one elves being able to control one?

So if he doubles the mental limit of the aircraft carrier girl and increases the number of battleship elves, can he double or even several times the number of flights than the normal ship girl?

"Xiaowei, is there any problem with this?"

Seeing that Wei An had been thinking there without speaking, Xuefeng asked with some worry. At the same time, he stood up from the iron bucket in shock.

His naked body appeared in front of Wei An, which made Wei An helpless. She pressed back into the bucket

"Sister, do you feel that it is easier to control the battleship by yourself than when communicating with other ship girls as taught by the teacher?"

"This is true. Just like Xiao Wei, you said that I can run 41 knots at the fastest, but I have already reached 40 knots and feel that I still have a lot of energy left."

"Even when I was operating so many ship equipment at the same time, I didn't panic and was still in an orderly manner."

【As expected, then there should be no problem with my idea. I just need to verify it next.】


After listening to Xuefeng's words, Wei An thought to himself.

But at this time, the light on Xuefeng's body disappeared, and the elves who appeared on the battleship also disappeared.

"Ah~ It’s finally done!"

Feeling the physical comfort, Xuefeng sighed happily.

The drill bombs dropped by Bumblebee today made her feel sticky on her body, and she always felt uncomfortable in some places, but now she has finished entering the canal.

She feels refreshed and the battleship is dirty. The dirty spot also disappeared.

Wei An also checked the time on the mechanical watch on his hand. In about an hour, Xuefeng finished entering the canal much faster than he expected, but also because of Xuefeng. It's because he didn't suffer any harm

"Okay, after entering the canal, go back to sleep quickly."

"Clemenceau, thank you for your hard work in helping me collect the firewood needed for Xuefeng Ruqu."

Vian praised Clemenceau behind him.

When they left the dock under the moonlight, they unexpectedly met an unexpected person at the door of the dormitory.

Queen Elizabeth

"Sister, please go back to the dormitory first. The dean should be here to see me."

Patting Xuefeng, who was wearing pajamas, Wei An said softly.


"Clemenceau, take my sister back first, I'm afraid she will catch a cold.

Xuefeng was about to say something when she saw Wei An saying to Clemenceau next to her.

Then she was led back to the dormitory by Clemenceau's hand.

"Admiral, you should have something to say to the dean. Clemenceau said against Xuefeng's ear, and at the same time the two of them disappeared from Wei An's sight.

"Dean, what do you want to see me for so late?"

"You didn't tell me during the day that you wanted to take the Whale Sea Guards House back?"

The impact on Wei An was great during the day, and he did not dare to make decisions when he was not calm.

"Think about it, but don't think about it until you have the strength. If you can't protect yourself and the ship girl, you will just make the same mistake again."

Wei An said calmly while looking at the bright white moon in the sky.

"It's okay that you haven't lost your cool. I'm afraid that if you get hot-headed, you'll have to compete with those marines."

After all, in her eyes, Wei An is still a vigorous young man.

"No, my life was saved by everyone. My parents also hope that I can live well, and his death was not caused by one or two people. There were problems in the deep sea and the navy."

"We can't do anything about them if they don't want to rescue them. They are also guarding the sea for ordinary people. The ship girl can only condemn them morally. They have no actual losses."

"Maybe they also gained a lot of benefits from the battle between the shipgirls and the admirals."

"So what’s wrong is not just one or two people, it’s the hostile deep sea and the evil of mankind."

"The most important thing is that they did not take action against the admirals of the Ship Girl Alliance, they just stood by and watched. If I took action, I would no longer be taking a moral stand."

"Unless, I am so strong that I don't need to care about these things, and they can't do anything to me, so the dean doesn't have to worry about me being impulsive."

"Anything else? Dean."

Wei An finished stating his thoughts with a calm look on his face.

"Xiaoxue, are the resources they left you enough? Transforming the snow wind into such a big one should cost a lot of money, right?"

"In the beginning, they had to raise so many ship girls, which consumed a lot of resources, so there shouldn't be much left for you."

"Originally, I didn't want to tell you about me so early, but what you did was a bit radical, and I was afraid that you would mess up."

"I can only tell you this. You are not alone. I couldn’t find you before, but now I finally have. You just treat the college as your home."

"No need to be in such a hurry."

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