Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 236 Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, who will be spared by heaven?

"you will not..."

Lu Busi was slightly startled.


Zhu Ting paused for a while, then screamed and rushed into the grass.

Lu Busi: "...."

Zhu Qiaoqiao: "...."

Is it serious enough?

Can I still challenge Chu Feng in a duel later?

After another three minutes, Zhu Ting walked out step by step.

Compared to before, his face was paler and haggard, and his eyes were a little dazed.

After two pulls in a row, I was already a little weak.

Chu Feng clutched the mountain shovel and said aggressively, "Zhu Ting, I've been waiting for you for so long, come on!"

The corner of Zhu Ting's mouth trembled slightly, "Wait for me for one more minute..."

After saying that, he rushed into the grass again.

Lu Busi was speechless.

Diarrhea is diarrhea, can't you finish it all at once?

Trip after trip, is it ever finished?

Can I still fight?

Chu Feng secretly laughed. Su Xiaoxiao's resentment was no joke. The bull demon at that time held on for two hours.

Even if Zhu Ting's physical fitness is far superior to that of the Bull Demon, he still has to pull it at least three or four times.

Three minutes later.

Zhu Ting gasped and staggered over.

Chu Feng chuckled, "Have you solved it? If it doesn't work, go there again. I'll wait for you."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Zhu Ting spat, with veins popping out on his face, he grabbed his long sword and slashed in the air.


A sharp sword light shot out, sweeping forward like a gust of wind.

Wherever it passed, the void shattered, making bursts of shattering sounds.

"Little tricks!"

Chu Feng smiled contemptuously and smacked the shovel in his hand.

There was a bang.

The impact of the sword light was shattered by a shovel.

"So strong!"

Zhu Ting was shocked. Just when he was about to release his skill again, his eyes suddenly blurred.

In his sight, Chu Feng was rushing towards him like a sharp arrow leaving his string, causing the ground to break with every step he took.

Seeing this, Zhu Ting's eyelids twitched violently.

If he were at his peak, he would have nothing to fear, but now that he is weak, his strength has almost dropped to freezing point, and it may be difficult to compete with him.

After a moment's hesitation, a ghostly figure appeared in front of him like lightning. It was Chu Feng!

"What a speed!"

Zhu Ting's pupils shrank suddenly and he retreated quickly.

Although the response was quick, it was too late.

Chu Feng seemed to have predicted his movement trajectory, holding a mountain shovel in his hand to take photos.


Just as Zhu Ting took two steps back, he was hit hard by a shovel on the head.

The beating only made him dizzy, with stars in his eyes, blurred consciousness, and his body shaking constantly.

"Lie down!"

Chu Feng flew up with a kick, hitting Zhu Ting's chest like a gust of wind.

Zhu Ting fell on his back and lay sprawled on the ground, like a puddle of mud.

"Brother Feng is awesome!"

Li Jianqiang and others cheered.

Zhu Qiaoqiao was dumbfounded.

In her mind, Zhu Ting, who was invincible and known as the number one warrior of the Fox clan, was actually vulnerable to Chu Feng?

Lu Busi pinched his chin and thought as if he was mentally retarded, "Chu Feng is indeed powerful. It seems that only I can crush him."

"Are you convinced?"

Chu Feng looked down at Zhu Ting condescendingly.

"I admire your sister!"

Zhu Ting roared with all his strength.

It was really embarrassing to be defeated by Chu Feng like this, so of course he couldn't give in.

This was also his last bit of stubbornness.

Of course, Chu Feng would not tolerate his faults, so he raised his foot and kicked him violently.

Zhu Ting fell into a semi-conscious state.

Chu Feng then faced Zhu Qiaoqiao and said, "Zhu Qiaoqiao, you don't want your brother to die in front of you, do you? Let's make a statement."

Zhu Qiaoqiao struggled internally for a while, and finally chose to compromise, "Let my brother go, and I will join your shelter."

"very good!"

Chu Feng was overjoyed and was about to go through the process for Zhu Qiaoqiao.

Lu Busi spoke, "Chu Feng, it's my turn."

Chu Feng looked at Lu Busi and said seriously: "It's not like you haven't seen how powerful I am. Even a level 15 professional can't survive a round in my hands. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Lu Busi had a look of disdain on his face, "How powerful can a guy who can even have diarrhea and diarrhea be? What's there to show off in defeating such a person? If you have the ability, give me a try!"

Hearing this, Zhu Ting almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Being ridiculed by a mentally retarded person in front of his face was probably the greatest humiliation he had ever suffered in his life.

Chu Feng rubbed his nose and said, "I'll give you a chance, come on."

Without saying anything, Lu Busi punched Chu Feng far away.

At this time, the trump card is used - the mentally retarded light wave.

A piece of green light was seen rippling from the center of the fist, instantly covering Chu Feng.

Chu Feng felt his mind sink, his thoughts stagnated slightly, and his eyes became cloudy, as if he was half awake and half dreaming.

However, this feeling did not last long and disappeared the next moment.

Chu Feng's eyes also regained their clarity.

"Now you know how powerful I am, right?"

Lu Busi grinned and walked towards Chu Feng proudly.

In his opinion, Chu Feng suffered a blow from the mentally retarded light wave, lost himself, and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Walking to Chu Feng's side, Lu Busi chuckled, "For the sake of us being your friends, I won't torture you. I'll just give you a slap on the ear."

"you sure?"

Chu Feng suddenly spoke.


Lu Busi was stunned.

Why can Chu Feng speak?

Is it because the retarded light wave has failed?

Or did it have no impact on Chu Feng?

With his IQ, he would not be able to figure it out for a while.

While he was stunned, Chu Feng took action.

A soaring punch hit Lu Busi hard on the chin.

After receiving this blow, Lu Bu rose into the sky, flew seven or eight meters high, and landed heavily on the ground beside Zhu Ting. His eyes were empty and his expression was stiff, like a dead dog.

"You deserve it!"

Zhu Ting laughed.

Just now Lu Busi looked awesome and coaxing, and even mocked him.

In the blink of an eye, he fell into the same fate as him.

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don't believe it, look up and see who God will spare.

What retribution!

"Bu Si, low IQ is not the reason for you to make mistakes! This time I will give you a small punishment. Go back and calm down. Don't be self-righteous and find someone to challenge you. Some people are simply not something you can offend. "

Chu Feng said meaningfully.


Lu Busi was stunned.

Just at this moment, a tall alien flew from a distance, it was Lu Busan.


Lu Busan landed on the ground, glanced at Lu Busi, then turned to look at Chu Feng, "Chu Feng, what's going on? Did Lu Busi offend you?"

Chu Feng said calmly: "I don't know where this guy got the courage to come and challenge me. I have no choice but to give him some strength and help him calm down."

Lu Busan: "...."

Lu Busi took the initiative to challenge Chu Feng?

No matter how low your IQ is, you can't do such impulsive things, right?

Lu Busan thought about it for a moment and understood immediately.

Lu Busi must have come to challenge Chu Feng because he awakened his talent for mentally retarded light waves and felt that he was invincible.

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