Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 245 The light in my heart is extinguished

"Chu Feng, you're so awesome!"

Xue Jingyun and Xue Jingfei came forward and complimented them sincerely.

Use your own strength to kill five powerful men above level 12.

What kind of powerful combat power is this?

No amount of praise is enough.

"Why are you here?"

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

Xue Jingyun grinned, "Originally, I came here for the airdrop box, but then I saw your people were under siege, so I came over to help."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chu Feng patted Xue Jingyun on the shoulder, then came to Li Haoran and pulled him out of the dirt, "Thank you!"

Li Haoran must have come here to act chivalrously and help Yang Qi and others.

Say thank you, of course.

Li Haoran's eyes were suddenly filled with excitement, "Chu Feng, you are really my good brother!"

Chu Feng was speechless.

Why is it like this every time?

Isn't it just a thank you?

So excited!

Chu Feng shook his head gently, glanced at Li Haoran's injured arm, and asked with concern: "How is the injury?"

Li Haoran replied nonchalantly: "We gods all have the talent of self-healing. It's just a small injury and it will heal in a few days."

"That's good."

Chu Feng nodded reassuringly and reminded: "Next time you act chivalrously, it's best to think carefully before doing anything impulsive like today."

If he hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous, and Li Haoran would have been surrounded and killed.


Li Haoran coughed slightly in embarrassment, then pretended to be cool and chuckled: "I still have something to do, so I'll take the first step."

"Walk slowly."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

Li Haoran said no more, turned around and strode away.

Chu Feng immediately began to clean up the battlefield. After searching, he found a space cloth bag, a long bow shining with golden light, and a silver spear from Jin Shaoxing and the other three.

The overall harvest is quite substantial.

Then, Chu Feng put away the airdrop box, faced Xue Jingyun, and smiled, "I found that you and Li Haoran have many similarities. You two can get in touch, and maybe you can become very good friends."

"What's the similarity?"

Xue Jingyun scratched his head and his eyes flickered, "Are you saying that we are all handsome?"

Chu Feng's mouth widened.

Li Haoran is really handsome with his beautiful appearance and talented appearance.

On the other hand, Xue Jingyun, a human-shaped turtle, has nothing to do with Shuai.

Don't you feel guilty saying this?

Chu Feng coughed lightly and said, "You misunderstood me. What I mean is that you two like to fight against injustice and act chivalrously. Isn't this the similarity?"

Xue Jingyun burst into laughter, "On the surface they look similar, but in fact there are essential differences."

"What's the difference?"

Chu Feng became interested.

Is there a difference between fighting an injustice?

Isn’t it all a manifestation of doing good deeds?

Xue Jingyun explained: "I fought against the injustice mainly to show off. Li Haoran probably had other motives."

"Speak clearly."

Chu Feng frowned.

Xue Jingyun whispered, "I heard that there is a talent for punishing rape and eradicating evil. While eradicating crime and helping others, as long as you get the other person's gratitude, you can gain experience points. I estimate that Li Haoran has this talent."

Chu Feng: "...."

Is there such a talent?

Could it be said that Li Haoran's original intention of doing chivalry was just for experience points?

Not as great as he imagined?

No wonder Li Haoran was so excited when he was thanked.

I co-authored it because I gained experience points!

Let’s just say, how can there be such a righteous person in the world?

In an instant, the light in Chu Feng's heart went out...

"Chu Feng, are you okay?"

Seeing Chu Feng looking in a daze, Xue Jingyun called softly.


Chu Feng calmed down and reminded: "Let's not waste time here, hurry up and search for the treasure chest."

There are a lot of treasure chests today, and they are falling almost all the time.

This kind of opportunity is rare and it would be a pity to miss it.

"Then let's go first."

Xue Jingyun said hello and left with Xue Jingfei.

Chu Feng then faced Xuantian Divine Turtle, "Little turtle, you and Yin Hao go back to the shelter first."

Xuantian Divine Turtle has been injured. Although the injury is not serious, it is still a bit uneasy.

Don't ignore the safety of the treasure chest just to search for it.

The Xuantian Divine Turtle looked up at Chu Feng, "Boss, my injury is not a problem. I can continue to search for the treasure chest."


Chu Feng said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Your safety is more important than anything else. Go back and recuperate first. It won't be too late to come out when you have fully recovered."

"All right."

Xuantian Divine Turtle nodded, carried Yin Hao and flew towards the shelter, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Yang Qi, please be careful and notify me in time if you encounter danger."

Chu Feng warned.

Due to the appearance of the airdrop box, all the monsters and monsters have appeared, and the level of danger is far higher than in the past few days.

Even with the capabilities of a smart tank, it may not be able to escape unharmed when encountering danger.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, we will pay attention."

Yang Qi promised.

"Let's act separately."

Chu Feng rode on the silver bicycle and drove away.

After riding for a while, I took out my tablet and glanced at it.

Good guy!

In just a moment, more than a dozen red dots appeared on the screen.

Chu Feng suddenly became excited and headed straight for the nearest red dot.


I don't know how long it took, the sky gradually darkened, and it was already evening.

Chu Feng rode his bicycle, with a smile on his face, and returned to the shelter leisurely.

Today can really be said to be a great harvest day.

In addition to an airdrop box, there are a large number of black treasure boxes in the space ring. A rough estimate is that there are at least two hundred.

In addition, there are three space cloth bags.

I never had time to open it, maybe there is a treasure chest inside.

Back at the shelter, everyone gathered around Chu Feng.

Li Jianqiang asked expectantly: "Brother Feng, how was your harvest today?"


Chu Feng smiled faintly, opened the space ring and took out the treasure box.

One, two...ten...

In the blink of an eye, he took out more than two hundred black treasure boxes, which looked like a black hill, which was very shocking.

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Feng went out for a day and picked up more than 200 treasure boxes?

How did you do it?

Could it be that you encountered a treasure chest nest?

Niu Mo couldn't wait any longer, "Boss, when will we open the treasure chest?"

"Wait a moment."

Chu Feng chuckled and took out the airdrop box.

When they saw the airdrop box, everyone's eyes filled with heat.

It is rumored that there is a shared experience box in the airdrop box. As long as one can be opened, everyone can upgrade.

It’s an exciting thing to think about.

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