The Xuantian Divine Turtle flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

In an instant, he arrived below the middle-aged man and flew to the ground with him on his back.

Chu Feng activated the Yuxu Divine Wings, flew down the city wall, came to the Xuantian Divine Turtle, and glanced at it intently.

But he saw that the middle-aged man's face was pale and bloodless, his breath was weak, his eyes were closed, and he had fallen into a coma.

It was clear that it had been hit hard.

Chu Feng frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to Yang Qi on the city wall and shouted: "Yang Qi, treat him."

Yang Qi stared at the middle-aged man and muttered something.

A milky white light suddenly appeared on the middle-aged man's body.

Bathed in this light, the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A minute later, the middle-aged man's eyelids fluttered and he slowly opened them. He looked at Chu Feng standing in front of him and asked weakly: "Did you save me?"


Chu Feng nodded, looked at the other party with interest, and asked curiously: "Who are you? Why do you appear here?"

A flash of fear flashed across the middle-aged man's eyes: "My name is Xu Jiade, from the Magic Academy. We took an aircraft through the no-man's land of the Chifeng Wasteland, intending to rush to the rescue of Tianwang City. We never expected to encounter a sea creature with space talent on the way. The monster attacked, the aircraft was damaged and fell, and then it was divided and surrounded by the sea monster army. I escaped here with my lightning escape talent. "

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng's expression changed drastically and he asked eagerly: "Is Zhang Qian from your magic academy also on that aircraft?"

I had heard Zhang Qian say before that she wanted to help Tianwang City together.

If on this aircraft...

What is the current situation?

"How did you know?"

Xu Jiade was stunned.

"Stop talking nonsense and answer whatever I ask you."

Chu Feng snorted coldly.

Xu Jiade was immediately shocked by Chu Feng's momentum and said quickly: "Zhang Qian is indeed on the aircraft."

"Car, come here."

Chu Feng shouted towards the shelter.


The smart chariot rushed to Chu Feng's side like lightning.

Chu Feng couldn't help but lift Xu Jiade into the back seat of the smart tank, and then got into the cab. "Lead the way to the crash point of the aircraft."

Xu Jiade was dumbfounded, "Brother, are you going to save people? But Zhang Qian and the others are surrounded by tens of thousands of powerful sea monsters. With just the two of us, isn't this a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?"

"Just do whatever I'm told. If you dare to beep again, I'll kill you right now!"

Chu Feng's voice was cold.

Any more delay will put Zhang Qian in more danger.

At this moment, I wish I could fly over immediately.

Seeing Chu Feng looking like he was about to kill someone, Xu Jiade felt a sudden rush in his heart. He gritted his teeth and pointed in a direction, "It's fifty kilometers ahead."

"Car, hurry up and get there."

Chu Feng growled.

Feeling Chu Feng's eagerness, the smart chariot started at full speed, running at full speed.

Xu Jiade glanced at Chu Feng and asked tentatively: "Brother, what is your relationship with Zhang Qian?"

"She is my classmate."

Chu Feng said casually.

"It's not just classmates, right?"

Xu Jiade muttered.

If they were just ordinary classmates, they couldn't be so anxious, right?

Could it be that the two of them have an unknown relationship?

Xu Jiade was in a trance for a moment and reminded: "Brother, I can understand your desire to save people, but how do you deal with tens of thousands of sea monsters? Don't be impulsive and lose your life!"

"Just lead the way. Don't worry about anything else. I will take action when the time comes."

Chu Feng's eyes were filled with depth and coldness.


Xu Jiade suddenly stopped talking.

Facing an army of tens of thousands of sea monsters, even a level 16 fire mage was helpless.

Can this young man in front of me turn things around?

Where does the confidence come from?

Could it be more powerful than a level 16 fire mage?


The smart chariot sped like lightning for five minutes, and suddenly a dense number of Kraken beasts appeared in front of it. They were like a raging black wave, overwhelming and majestic.

From time to time, dazzling spells fall from the sky like meteors and fall into the group of Kraken beasts, frantically harvesting the lives of the Kraken beasts like scythes.

Apparently, the mages from the Magic Academy are fighting against the army of sea monsters.

Their attack power is indeed extremely powerful and can be described as overwhelming.

However, there are too many sea monsters, and they come one after another like a tide, with no end. If things continue like this, these mages will be surrounded and killed sooner or later!


Seeing this scene, Xu Jiade was terrified and trembling.

The terrifying aura emitted by tens of thousands of sea monsters made him breathless, as if a heavy mountain was pressing down on him.

Chu Feng squinted his eyes, glanced around calmly, then resolutely opened the car door and stepped out.

He held the mountain shovel tightly in his hand, like a god of war, and walked straight towards the group of Kraken beasts without hesitation.

"What does he want to do?"

Xu Jiade was stunned.

Holding a shovel and facing tens of thousands of sea monsters?

What's the difference between this and committing suicide?

The smart chariot said meaningfully: "Lao Xu, don't be nervous, just watch Chu Feng's performance."

Xu Jiade swallowed hard, "Those are tens of thousands of ferocious sea monsters! Do you want me to see how Chu Feng was destroyed?"

The smart chariot chuckled, "You know nothing about Chu Feng's strength. Only tens of thousands of sea monsters can't make waves in front of Chu Feng!"

Xu Jiade: "...."

Can anyone be so bragging?

After being stunned for a moment, Xu Jiade turned his head and looked forward.

At this moment, Chu Feng had already reached the sea monster army.

Soon, a sea monster in the form of a lobster discovered Chu Feng and launched a ferocious attack.

Chu Feng took a photo with a shovel, and the sea monster that rushed up turned into a puddle of meat.

"So strong?"

Xu Jiade clicked his tongue.

You must know that it is a level 14 Purple Flame Lobster with extremely strong defense.

Even a level 14 mage may not be able to break through its defense with one blow.

Instead, he was beaten into a pulp by Chu Feng with a shovel?

This shows how terrifying Chu Feng's strength must be.

At this time, a large number of sea monsters rushed towards Chu Feng like a tidal wave.

Chu Feng was as steady as Mount Tai, holding a mountain shovel in his hand, and charged forward like a god of war.

His eyes were as firm and cold as cold stars, and his whole body exuded a strong fighting spirit and killing aura, as if he wanted to tear the world apart.

The sea monsters howled angrily and pounced on Chu Feng with their fangs and claws bared, trying to tear him into pieces.

Chu Feng danced the mountain shovel, as fast as lightning, turned into a dazzling light and shadow, and struck hard at the sea monster with endless killing intent.

Every swing was as fierce as a hurricane, bringing up a bloody wind.

Wherever the shovel passed, flesh and blood of the sea monster flew everywhere, and broken limbs and arms were scattered everywhere.

Chu Feng's movements were smooth and flowing, without any delay, and his attacks were as fierce as a violent storm. The sea monsters had no power to fight back in front of him, and they could only die miserably one after another on the spot.

Chu Feng advanced all the way, and behind him was a bloody road paved with the corpses of sea monsters, as terrifying as hell.

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