Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 284 You are so good, even if you have multiple women around you, you can handle it

"Next time, I have to hurry up and get back to the shelter."

Chu Feng declined politely.

Zhu Jun and he were childhood friends, and they were his best friends. Why didn’t they want to get together with Zhu Jun?

But, there is really no other way!

Having been out for so long, I worry about the safety of the shelter all the time and must rush back as soon as possible.


Zhang Qian nodded slightly, with a hint of imperceptible disappointment in her eyes, but she didn't force it too much.

"Then I'll go back first."

Chu Feng said hello and was about to leave.

Zhang Qian spoke again: "Chu Feng, remember what I said."

Chu Feng bit his lip: "Remember."

Zhang Qian laughed happily, feeling as excited as a deer bumping into each other.

Although there are only three words, the weight of these three words is like a thousand catties.

This undoubtedly means that Chu Feng has accepted her.

Chu Feng said no more, got on the smart chariot and galloped away like an arrow.

Zhang Qian stood there, her eyes following the smart chariot closely, and did not move away for a long time.

Qiu Jin'er stepped forward, smiled and joked: "Chu Feng is the person who makes you dream about him?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

A hint of shyness appeared on Zhang Qian's face.

Qiu Jin'er chuckled and said, "I have to say, you really have a good eye! Chu Feng needs to be good-looking and good-looking, and he needs to be strong and powerful. You two together can really be said to be a match made in heaven."

Zhang Qian didn't speak, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

"Zhang Qian!"

At this moment, a fat and naive young man ran over.

"Zhu Jun!"

Zhang Qian greeted warmly.

Zhu Jun came closer, looked Zhang Qian up and down, and said with relief: "I received news before that you were besieged by an army of sea monsters, which really worried me. Fortunately, you escaped without any danger. ”

A look of lingering fear appeared on Zhang Qian's face: "The situation was so dangerous at that time, we all thought we were doomed! Fortunately, Chu Feng arrived in time, fought off the sea monster, and escorted us here."

"What the hell?"

Zhu Jun's face was stunned, and his tone was full of doubts: "Did Chu Feng save you?"

You know, Zhang Qian and the others were besieged by an army of tens of thousands of sea monsters.

How could Chu Feng, a farmer, fight off so many sea monsters?

Is Zhang Qian joking with him?

"of course it's true."

Zhang Qian smiled, her eyes filled with a layer of admiration, and she started talking: "You don't know how brave Chu Feng is. He is like a god of war, fighting out from thousands of sea monsters. There are corpses all over the place, and the sea monsters killed are completely frightened!”

"Holy shit!"

Zhu Jun's heart was filled with turmoil, and he lost his voice: "When did Chu Feng become so awesome? Is this still the Chu Feng I know? Isn't he just a farmer?"

A farmer is invincible among tens of thousands of sea monsters?

Why does it feel like listening to a fairy tale?

It's not that I don't believe it, it's just too unbelievable.

Zhang Qian chuckled: "Chu Feng has dual professions. In addition to being a farmer, he also has a swordsman profession. At that time, he was holding a long sword, majestic, and swung two swords in a row, killing hundreds of sea monsters! It was exactly that! With the power of the two swords, the sea monsters were frightened and fled!"


Zhu Jun swallowed hard, suddenly thought of something, and trembled at the corner of his mouth: "Since Chu Feng has dual professions, and his combat power is so explosive, then he couldn't be the one who ranked first in the Brave Competition before, right?"

Zhang Qian smiled and was noncommittal.

"Good guy!"

Zhu Jun exclaimed inwardly and said angrily: "This boy Chu Feng has really hidden his secrets. He didn't reveal anything at all. It's too low-key."

Zhang Qian reminded with a smile: "Didn't Chu Feng say it in the group at that time? But none of us believed it."


Zhu Jun was stunned.

Chu Feng did say it, more than once.

But they only thought that Chu Feng was talking nonsense, and even regarded him as a lunatic.

Who would have thought that Chu Feng was not a lunatic, but a true god!

Zhu Jun sighed for a while, then asked: "Where is Chu Feng?"

"He's back at the shelter."

Zhang Qian looked at the direction Chu Feng was leaving and said calmly.


After leaving Tianwang City, Smart Chariot asked curiously: "Chu Feng, who are you named Zhang Qian?"


Chu Feng said calmly.

Smart Chariot chuckled: "It's not just classmates, right? I feel like the relationship between you two is unusual? Should I call her sister-in-law when I see her in the future?"

Chu Feng said angrily: "How can you get so much gossip from a small car all day long?"

"Aren't I curious?"

The smart chariot smiled and said solemnly: "But having said that, your behavior is stepping on two boats! If it were anyone else, I would definitely despise him. But if it were you "

Chu Feng rubbed his nose: "I didn't realize before that you are quite good at talking."

"I have so many advantages, but where is this?"

The smart chariot is a bit proud.

Chu Feng said no more, then opened the game panel and contacted Yang Qi: Yang Qi, how is the situation in the shelter?

Yang Qi: We just defeated another wave of sea monsters, so there’s no big problem for the time being. Brother Feng, when will you come back?

Although the current shelter has strong troops, Chu Feng, the backbone of the organization, is not there, and it always feels a little unsteady.

Chu Feng: Almost half an hour.

Yang Qi: Got it!

Closing the game panel, Chu Feng closed his eyes and rested.


Half an hour later, the smart tank returned to the shelter.

At this moment, there is a big battle going on outside the shelter.

Song Chenggang and others fought with hundreds of sea monsters.

The level of these sea monsters is not high, only around level 7, and their combat effectiveness is very average.

In front of this group of fierce men in the shelter, they are helpless.

Even Li Jianqiang can chase the sea monster with a hoe.

Seeing this, Chu Feng did not take action, but watched with interest.

The battle lasted less than ten minutes and ended, with hundreds of sea monsters being killed.

Chu Feng glanced at the battlefield and sighed softly.

After killing so many sea monsters, not a single monster core exploded, which somewhat disappointed him.

"Brother Feng!"

Everyone gathered around Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng came back, he felt completely at ease.

"Let's go back."

Chu Feng led everyone back to the shelter.

After several battles in a row, everyone was a little tired and looked for a place to rest.

Chu Feng climbed onto the city wall and looked into the distance.

The sky was gloomy and depressing, as if shrouded in a thick layer of haze.

The gray clouds hang low, giving people a dull and uneasy feeling.

The wind blew quietly, with a hint of coolness, as if indicating that the next wave of attacks from the Kraken was coming.

Sure enough, as soon as this thought came out, a huge crack opened in mid-air.

The next moment, a huge creature emerged from it.

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