Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 287 It turns out that Chu Feng is the real master hidden in our group.

Li Jianqiang and others obeyed the instructions, quickly killed the three sea monsters, and then returned to the shelter.

Later, several waves of sea monsters appeared one after another.

Fortunately, there were not many in number and the level was not high, so they were all easily killed.

It wasn't until dusk that the Kraken's offensive ended.

After fighting for a day, everyone was exhausted. After dinner, they all returned to the dormitory to rest.

Gradually, the shelter fell into silence.

Chu Feng returned to the fortress, lay on the big bed, had nothing to do, and opened his friend group.

Zhu Jun: Brothers, shocking news!

Qin Sheng: What happened?

Zhu Jun: You may never think that the fierce man who ranks first in the Brave Warrior Competition is Chu Feng in our group!

Zhang Qiang: What the hell? Is your brain flooded?

Zhu Jun: You just lost your mind!

Zhang Qiang: Isn’t Chu Feng a farmer? Why did he win first place in the Brave Competition?

Zhu Jun: Chu Feng is not just a farmer, he is also a swordsman, he has dual professions!

Jiang Dawei: Dual careers? Is Chu Feng so obsessed with it?

Feng Xingping: I have told you a long time ago that Chu Feng is very strong, but you just don’t believe it and slander me as a lunatic. I think you are a bunch of lunatics!

Han Dong: Even if Chu Feng really has dual professions, farmers and swordsmen are both ordinary. How can he compare with those powerful mages?

Li Zhenfeng: It’s not that I don’t believe it, it’s just too unbelievable. Do you have any evidence to prove it?

Zhu Jun: Of course I have evidence. Just today, Chu Feng defeated tens of thousands of sea monsters by himself. With such strong strength, it is not a problem to win the first place in the Brave Competition, right?

Crowd: What? Are you serious?

One person can kill tens of thousands of sea monsters?

Even a corps may not be able to do it.

Is Chu Feng already so strong?

It's too scary.

Zhang Qiang: These are all your words. Did you see it with your own eyes? Are there still witnesses?

Zhang Qian: I can prove that I was at the scene and witnessed the whole process.

Everyone: Damn it!

Since Zhang Qian testified, it is most likely true.

Qin Sheng sighed: It turns out that Chu Feng is the real master hidden in our group!

Jiang Dawei: Chu Feng, please accept my knee.

Zhang Qiang: If anyone says that Chu Feng is crazy again, who am I to worry about?

Han Dong: Are you still embarrassed to say it? You danced the most before, like a clown.

Zhang Qiang smiled: Don't I understand the situation?

Lin Miaomiao: Are what Chu Feng, Zhang Qian and Zhu Jun said true?

Chu Feng: Really.

Shen Lang: Chu Feng, awesome!

Feng Xingping: Since everyone chooses to believe in Chu Feng, they must believe in me equally! Let me reiterate here, I, Feng Xingping, am not crazy!

Zhang Qiang: This guy started making crazy remarks again.

Jiang Dawei: Who says it’s not? Maybe it’s time to take medicine.

Han Dong: Feng Xingping keeps talking all day long. Anyone who believes in him is crazy!

Feng Xingping: You...

Lin Miaomiao changed the topic: Have you watched the World Channel's story about Bao Xingtong?

Qin Sheng: Look, Bao Xingtong is a chef, but he has such strong strength. It is really incredible!

Jiang Dawei: A chef can achieve such a feat, and I, a excrement worker, can do it no less. I will hunt down the sea monster soon, and I will become famous in this battle!

Liu Tianxiao: Where do you, a level 5 manure digger, get your confidence? For someone like you, who was wiped out by the Kraken in just one encounter, I advise you to stop pretending.

Jiang Dawei: Can't you give me some encouragement? Do you have to ridicule?

Liu Tianxiao: I am trying to make you realize the reality.

Jiang Dawei: Okay, I will continue to remove the feces...

Lin Miaomiao: Why do you think the same chef as Bao Xing is so good? It’s unscientific!

Qin Sheng: Will he have two professions like Chu Feng?

Shen Lang: This possibility is still very high.

Liu Tianxiao: No need to guess, Bao Xingtong is a real chef and does not have a second career.

Everyone was curious: How did you know?

Liu Tianxiao: I have a friend who is also a chef. He used to work in the same workplace as Bao Xing. He told me.

Qin Sheng: Did your friend say why Bao Xingtong is so strong?

Liu Tianxiao: I heard from my friend that Bao Xingtong has a talent that greatly improves his strength attributes. It is probably an extraordinary talent. In addition, he also has a magical spiritual pet, which can derive experience books by eating pork. It is with these two points that Bao Xingtong is so powerful.

Everyone was stunned.

A spiritual pet that eats pork and transforms into an experience book?

Isn’t this too incredible?

Chu Fengxu squinted his eyes and pondered, quite believing Liu Tianxiao's statement.

Because I had traded with Bao Xingtong twice before, using pork in exchange for experience books.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly felt envious.

If I could have such a spiritual pet, I would take off immediately.

Jiang Dawei: Liu Tianxiao, compare you with Bao Xingtong, who is more powerful?

Liu Tianxiao: As a destroyer, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to be my opponent, and Bao Xingtong is not worthy at all!

Han Dong: What about Chu Feng?

Liu Tianxiao: Chu Feng’s strength is just okay, he can barely penetrate my Dharma Eyes.

Zhu Jun: Chu Feng is capable of fighting tens of thousands of sea monsters and defeating them. Can you do the same?

Liu Tianxiao: It’s a piece of cake.

Qin Sheng: How many sea monsters have you killed today? What feat?

Liu Tianxiao: At this stage, these sea monsters are not worthy of my action.


I always feel like Liu Tianxiao is bragging.

But I didn't dare to criticize him until I found out his details.

Chu Feng: You guys talk, I’ll withdraw.

Close the friend group and then turn your attention to the private message.

At this time, the private message icon kept flashing, and there were a total of more than a dozen messages.

No need to guess, someone must be ready to come to him to exchange the demon core for food.

Chu Feng curled his lips and opened one after another.

After some exchanges, a total of ten transactions were completed and fifty demon cores were harvested.

After the transaction was completed, news of the acquisition of high-quality ore was announced on the trading floor.

The purpose of acquiring the ore is to build a long sword.

As a starry sky sword master, how can he be decent without a good sword in his hand?


Had a night's rest.

The next morning, the sky was as gloomy as yesterday.

Chu Feng stood on the city wall, looking into the distance, waiting for the sea monster to appear.

But surprisingly, after waiting for more than two hours, the sea monster did not appear.

Chu Feng was a little puzzled.

At this time yesterday, we had been attacked by several waves of sea monsters.

What's going on today?

Could it be that the sea monster saw his power and was frightened to the point of not daring to attack?

Chu Feng didn't think much about it. When he was about to walk down the city wall, a spatial ripple appeared in the void not far away.

The next moment, a strange-looking beast suddenly appeared.

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