Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 291 The one named Chu Feng is a bit different

"Boss, do you think the four of them can succeed?"

The strange beast looked up at Miao Antong and asked curiously.

"The one named Chu Feng is a bit different. Maybe he really has the possibility of success."

There was a deep and mysterious brilliance in Miao Antong's eyes, as if he had already discerned Chu Feng's extraordinary qualities.

Hearing this, the strange beast suddenly became interested: "What's so special about Chu Feng?"

Miao Antong thought for a moment and said slowly: "Leng Yaxuan and the other three were trembling in front of me, as if they were walking on thin ice, and they were all intimidated by my momentum. Chu Feng, on the other hand, was calm and composed. This calmness was by no means fake. . Then the question is, why does he show no fear when facing me, a level 31 powerhouse?"

The strange beast looked confused and asked in confusion: "Why?"

Miao Antong paused for a moment and gave the answer: "This shows that Chu Feng's strength is unfathomable and far beyond our imagination. He has enough confidence to compete with me, so he is not afraid of me."

The alien beast's mouth opened wide and he said in disbelief: "Boss, are you kidding me? No matter how powerful Chu Feng is, he is only level 15, which is a full 16 levels different from you. How can he have the same ability as you?" Do you resist?"

Miao Antong chuckled and said: "Sometimes, you can't be fooled by superficial phenomena. It is true that Chu Feng is a level 15 professional, but who can guarantee that he does not have a strong trump card?"

"That's the truth."

The alien murmured softly.

There was a glimmer of hope in Miao Antong's eyes: "With Chu Feng here, maybe there is a chance to get the Neon Fruit."


After a short period of teleportation, Chu Feng and four others appeared on an island.

This island is like a deserted land forgotten by time, exuding a suffocating silence.

The waves are like ferocious beasts, mercilessly hitting the rocks on the shore, and the sound they make is like the sound of death.

On the beach on the shore, the barren grass swayed feebly in the wind, and it was lifeless.

The rancid smell in the air seemed to be the poisonous gas from hell, making people breathless.

Looking far into the distance, the space around the island is filled with turbulence. Strange lights flicker in the sky, like cracks in the universe. From time to time, whirlpools appear, like a giant mouth that chooses people to eat, which is horrifying.

In such an environment, life seems to have been extinct, and only desolation and despair accompany it.

Leng Yaxuan glanced around and asked in surprise: "Why is it here?"

Chu Feng was slightly startled, "Have you been here before?"

Leng Yaxuan nodded: "Didn't I tell you last time? I discovered a secret realm on an island. There are two edge-killing grasses in the secret realm. That island is the one we are on."


Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, "If you put it this way, not only can you get the Neon Fruit during this trip, but you can also get the Yuan Mie Grass?"

Bai Shining reminded: "Are you thinking a little too far? If you want to get the spiritual fruit and spiritual materials, you must first get rid of the two sea monsters."

"That's right, let's kill the sea monster first."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and faced Leng Yaxuan, "Where are those two sea monsters?"

"over there."

Leng Yaxuan pointed to the center of the island, where there was a huge oval boulder shaped like a hill lying on the ground.


Chu Feng took the lead and strode forward.

Leng Yaxuan and three others followed closely behind.

Soon, the four of them came to the boulder.

I saw a hole several feet in size standing in the center of the boulder, and a wide corridor extended from the hole.

At the end of the corridor, there was a dazzling light.

Chu Feng glanced at the entrance of the cave, then faced Leng Yaxuan: "Are those two sea monsters inside the entrance of the cave?"

Leng Yaxuan shook her head: "At the end of this corridor is a cave. In the cave, there are two edge-killing grasses and a level 16 black ice beast. As for the neon fruit and the blood dragon beast, there are no It’s so clear.”

"Go in and take a look first."

Chu Feng didn't think much and walked straight into the corridor.

Leng Yaxuan and the other two looked at each other and followed step by step.

This corridor is not very long. It takes about a hundred or ten meters to reach the end.

A huge cave appeared in front of me.

I saw hundreds of luminous stones inlaid on the stone walls around the cave, illuminating the entire cave as if it were daytime.

Chu Feng took a closer look and found two emerald green plants growing in a corner of the cave. The veins on the leaves were like ancient runes, exuding a faint spiritual light. At first glance, they were not ordinary.

In addition, not far from these two plants, there is a three-meter-long white beast crawling.

Its body is covered with a layer of pure white hair, like soft snowflakes, exuding a chilling air of ice.

There is a pair of sharp horns on the head, and the horns shine with cold light, as if they can pierce everything.

Suddenly, the white beast raised its head and stared at Chu Feng and the others.

A pair of eyes were like deep ice, revealing coldness and majesty.

Liu Tianxiao felt cold all over his body, shivered, and retreated behind Chu Feng.

Leng Yaxuan reminded with a trembling voice: "Chu Feng, this strange beast is the Ice Mysterious Beast."

"I know, you guys wait here, I'll go over and kill it."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, opened the space ring, took out the carving shovel, and walked up swaggeringly.

Looking at the posture, he didn't take the Xuanbing Beast seriously at all.


Liu Tianxiao was dumbfounded.

Chu Feng has two professions: farmer and swordsman.

Now is the time to fight, not to farm.

Shouldn't I use the swordsman profession and get a long sword?

What's the point of carrying a shovel up there?

Do you still want to use the farmer profession to kill a level 16 sea monster?

"Can Chu Feng do it alone?"

Bai Shining was a little worried.

"It's just a level 16 sea monster, Chu Feng can handle it at will."

Leng Yaxuan laughed.

Among the three, she was the only one who had seen Chu Feng's battle scenes.

That kind of shocking power cannot be described in words. It can only be described with the word "horror".

Not to mention the tiny level 16 sea monster, even the more powerful level 20 existence is probably no match for Chu Feng.


Liu Tianxiao and Bai Shining seemed a little unconvinced.

"Just watch Chu Feng perform."

There was an intriguing curve on the corner of Leng Yaxuan's mouth.

Liu Tianxiao and Bai Shining stopped talking and looked at Chu Feng with wide eyes.


The Black Ice Beast grinned and roared in a low voice, as if to demonstrate to Chu Feng

However, as Chu Feng approached step by step, an unprecedented fear suddenly surged in his heart, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Call you sister!"

Chu Feng snorted coldly, exerted force on his feet, and flew out like an arrow from a string.

In an instant, his figure became blurry, as if turning into an illusory shadow, appearing in front of the Black Ice Beast at an astonishing speed.

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