Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 305 I’ve been getting along well with Brother Dao recently.

Chu Feng: That’s not right. When we first traded, I used a hundred kilograms of pork in exchange for five of your experience books. Didn’t you suffer a big loss?

Bao Xingtong explained: You don't know something. It was just good luck last time. My spiritual pet derived twenty experience books at one time. It's not a loss if I exchange five experience books for one hundred kilograms of pork. But you may not have such good luck now, so I can only ask you to order more pork.

After figuring out the reason, Chu Feng said again: What reward can I get?

Bao Xingtong: I’ll give you an experience book with 3,000 experience points. Of course, it won’t work now. I’ll give it to you later.

Chu Fengxu squinted his eyes in thought.

Five hundred pounds of pork in exchange for 3,000 experience points is not a loss. The key question is, is Bao Xingtong trustworthy?

What if you cheat on him?

Seeing Chu Feng's silence, Bao Xingtong became a little anxious: Brother, I know what you are worried about. If it were me, I might be like you. However, my character is guaranteed. I swear to the sun that I will never be greedy for your pork.

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment and said: Your spiritual pet devoured pork. How many days will it take to derive an experience book?

Bao Xingtong: Almost two days.

Chu Feng: I am now at level 15, and I only have 300 experience points before I can be promoted to level 16. When the time comes, give me a mid-level experience book first, and return the rest to me later.

Bao Xingtong was overjoyed: Did you promise to lend me pork? That's great! Don't worry, I won't break my promise.

Chu Feng: Let me remind you, I am a very ruthless person. If you dare to lie to me, no matter where you are in hiding, I will find you and cut you into pieces.

Bao Xingtong: Don’t worry.

Chu Feng: OK, let’s go to the trading floor and I’ll give you the meat.

After a few minutes, the transaction was completed.

Bao Xingtong asked curiously: Chu Feng, I forgot to ask just now, what is your occupation?

Chu Feng: Farmer.

Bao Xingtong was stunned: Can you, a farmer, be promoted to level 15? Can you still receive a ticket to enter the killing battlefield? Are you kidding me?

Chu Feng: You are qualified as a chef, what’s wrong with me as a farmer? Who do you look down on?

Bao Xingtong: Well...

Chu Feng: That’s it, contact me again.

Bao Xingtong: OK.

After closing the private message, Chu Feng was about to take a rest when Zhu Qiaoqiao shouted from outside: "Little brother!"

Chu Feng got up from the bed and walked out of the fortress.

Su Xiaoxiao was standing outside the door, anxiety written on his face.

Chu Feng looked at Zhu Qiaoqiao and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Qiaoqiao said quickly: "My brother is in some trouble, can you help him?"

Chu Feng was slightly startled: "Isn't your brother a level 15 aboriginal? Is there anything he can't solve?"

Zhu Qiaoqiao explained: "That's what happened. My brother fell in love with a woman from the Jiaoyue Clan and fell in love with her at first sight. However, a strong man from the God Clan also coveted this woman from the Jiaoyue Clan. For this reason, The two had a duel, and the final result was evenly matched.

Later, the two agreed to fight again, each inviting a friend to help them fight. This battle is related to my brother's lifelong happiness. There is no room for carelessness. A strong man must fight. After much thought, only you are the most suitable. "

Chu Feng pondered for a moment, rubbed his nose and said, "It's not a big deal to help your brother. The key is, does that woman from the Bright Moon Tribe like your brother? As the saying goes, strong-willed melons are not sweet. What if she doesn't like you? Brother, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

Zhu Qiaoqiao said swornly: "My brother said that the woman from the Jiaoyue Clan is very fond of him. If the man from the God Clan hadn't interfered, they would have been together long ago."

"In that case, I agree to help."

Chu Feng said calmly.

"Little brother, thank you so much!"

Zhu Qiaoqiao danced happily.

"You're welcome, one of our own."

Chu Feng smiled and then said: "I have something to deal with in the next few days. When will this competition start?"

In five days, we will enter the killing battlefield to complete the mission, and we cannot delay this matter.

Zhu Qiaoqiao said immediately: "Tomorrow."

"Okay, let's leave tomorrow."

Chu Feng nodded.

After the agreement was made, Zhu Qiaoqiao left happily.

Chu Feng returned to the fortress.


After a night's rest, it was early morning the next day.

Chu Feng called everyone together, "Zhu Qiaoqiao and I will go out later. You all stay in the shelter and don't go anywhere."

"Brother Feng, what if a sea monster attacks?"

Yang Qi said worriedly.

Although, the current shelter has strong troops and can handle even tens of thousands of sea monsters.

But Chu Feng was not here, and he always felt uneasy.

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "From today on, the Kraken will not attack our shelter, don't worry."


Everyone looked confused.

Didn’t Heaven say that?

The Kraken's attack will last for ten days.

Today is only the fifth day, why did the attack stop?

Li Jianqiang asked doubtfully: "Brother Feng, how did you know?"

Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "The secret must not be leaked. In short, I believe I am right."


Everyone was stunned.

Chu Feng then reminded: "Although the sea monster will not attack us, we cannot relax. We still need to be on guard."


Everyone nodded.

Afterwards, Chu Feng and Zhu Qiaoqiao got on the intelligent chariot together and drove away from the shelter.

Under the guidance of Zhu Qiaoqiao, the intelligent chariot rushed in one direction like a wild horse.

On the way, they saw many sea monsters besieging the alien territory like a tide, and the battle was so fierce that it was shocking.

Zhu Qiaoqiao was full of doubts: "Little brother, didn't you say before that the sea monsters would not attack?"

Chu Feng replied calmly: "I said that the sea monsters would not attack our shelter, but I didn't say that they would not attack other places."

Zhu Qiaoqiao's curiosity was completely aroused, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Little brother, tell me quickly, how did you know?"

Chu Feng's eyes were as deep as a pool of water, and his voice was low: "I have been getting along well with Brother Dao recently, and it also gives me face, so it didn't send sea monsters to attack us."

"Who is Brother Dao?"

Zhu Qiaoqiao tilted her head and looked at Chu Feng curiously.

Chu Feng raised his mouth slightly, revealing a mysterious smile: "Brother Dao is the Heavenly Dao."

Zhu Qiaoqiao: "...."

Intelligent Battle Vehicle: "..."

Chu Feng has become a brother to the Heavenly Dao?

Can they be so awesome?


Two hours later, the intelligent battle vehicle drove to the vicinity of a huge mountain.

Zhu Qiaoqiao immediately reminded: "Little brother, we've arrived."

Chu Feng glanced outside and frowned, "Where are the people?"

The mountain was bare, with no shelter or human figures to be seen.

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