Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 339 I am an experienced driver with excellent skills.

Liu Ruyan's eyes were filled with excitement, and she nodded heavily to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and he lowered his voice and asked, "When will we do it?"

The flying wolf beast is very alert, and also has the talent of earth escape. Once it detects any trouble, it will run away.

Even if you use the Silent Space, you may not be able to retain it.

Therefore, you must find the best time to take action.

Liu Ruyan whispered: "The flying wolf beasts will relax their vigilance when eating. I will control the surrounding weeds to restrain them, thus interrupting their earth escape. But the time will not be too long, a second or two at most."


Chu Feng was sure.

A second or two is enough to create a space of silence, shrouding the two flying wolf beasts.

After the earth escape talent was suppressed, the flying wolf beast became a treasure.

Behind them, the two of them held their breath and waited silently.

On the edge of the Cloud Wave Grass, two gray wolves with a body length of two meters and a pair of wings were looking around warily.

After watching for a while, no danger was found, so he lowered his head and ate the cloud grass with gusto.

At this moment, a strange scene occurred.

The surrounding weeds were like long green snakes, suddenly wrapped around the limbs of the two flying wolf beasts.

The two flying wolves were frightened and struggled desperately.

Click click click...

The weeds wrapped around the limbs were torn apart in the blink of an eye.

After regaining their freedom, two yellow vortexes appeared under the feet of the two flying wolf beasts.

Just as they were about to get into the vortex, a terrifying force of rules came.

The vortex under his feet disappeared instantly.

The two flying wolf beasts were stunned immediately, with horror in their eyes.

Chu Feng tore up the straw hut in front of him and rushed in front of the two flying wolf beasts like a hurricane. In an instant, he stretched out his two big hands and grabbed the necks of the two flying wolf beasts as fast as lightning, and then suddenly fired force.

Click, click, two crisp sounds.

The two flying wolf beasts died without even reacting.

Suddenly, two groups of light bloomed on the corpse.

Immediately, two black stones, emitting starlight and as big as eggs, floated in the air.

When Chu Feng's eyes came into contact with it, relevant information appeared in his mind.

[Chaos Stone: Can be used to repair the damaged chaotic world. 】

After confirming that it was the Chaos Stone, Chu Feng grabbed it in his hand.

At this time, Liu Ruyan walked over, his face filled with excitement, mixed with a trace of uneasiness that could not be concealed.

The Chaos Stone has been obtained, can Chu Feng keep his promise and give her one?


Chu Feng handed a chaos stone to Liu Ruyan.

"Chu Feng, thank you so much!"

Liu Ruyan was overjoyed and excited.

"We are in a cooperative relationship, so you should be given one. You're welcome."

Chu Feng smiled nonchalantly, and then contacted the system: "System, what changes will the mutated chaos stone produce?"

[99% chance of maintaining the original form, 1% chance of mutating into a Chaos Seed. 】

Chu Feng was slightly startled, "What do Chaos Seeds do?"

[Cultivation of chaos seeds can create a small chaotic world, which is the highest level world in the universe. 】

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng's eyes filled with heat.

The small world at the highest level must be extraordinary.

However, the 1% chance of mutation is too small.

Unless you have the ultimate lucky stone, otherwise, it is almost impossible to achieve a successful mutation.

Moreover, the Chaos Stone in his hand is still waiting to be handed over to Heaven. Even if he wants to change it, he has no chance, so he can only give up this idea for the time being.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do next? Leave here?"

Liu Ruyan asked softly.

Chu Feng thought for a moment and said, "Aren't there three flying wolf beasts here? Where is the other one?"

"It could be somewhere else, or it could be hunted."

Liu Ruyan said uncertainly.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and whispered: "I plan to continue searching for the flying wolf beast, let's separate here."

If you catch the Flying Wolf Beast, you can get the Chaos Stone.

Maybe it can mutate into a chaos seed in the future.

This kind of opportunity is rare and it would be a pity to miss it.

"Um...can I follow you?"

Liu Ruyan said weakly.

Chu Feng frowned: "You already have the Chaos Stone, why are you still following me?"

Liu Ruyan explained: "There must be a large influx of professionals in the Fantasy Grassland now, and there are many crises. My strength is too weak. Once I encounter other professionals, I may be in danger. When I leave the Fantasy Grassland, I will I won’t bother you anymore.”

"Then just follow."

Chu Feng said lightly.

Liu Ruyan was not useless. She was very good at catching flying wolf beasts, and she might even be able to help.

Liu Ruyan blinked: "Chu Feng, where should we go next?"

"There should be cloud grass around here, right?"

Chu Feng said calmly.

To catch the flying wolf beast, it is best to find a piece of cloud grass and wait for it.

"I can sense it. There is a piece of Yunlang grass over there, but it's a bit far away from here, about dozens of kilometers."

Liu Ruyan pointed in one direction and said.

Chu Feng rubbed his nose and thought for a moment, then opened the space ring and took out the silver bicycle.

It's such a long distance and it would take at least half an hour to walk there.

And if you are riding a bicycle, you will arrive in ten minutes at most.

Chu Feng sat on the bicycle and said, "Get in."


Liu Ruyan was stunned.

If you are on a flat road, it is naturally better to ride a bicycle than to walk.

But now that we are on the prairie, can we ride a bicycle?

"Why are you standing there, come up quickly."

Chu Feng urged.

"All right."

Liu Ruyan walked forward shyly and sat in the back seat.

Chu Feng glanced at it but didn't say anything.

If it were anyone else, he would only be able to take the lead.

But Liu Ruyan's skin and flesh were so tender that her butt would definitely be bruised by sitting on the beam.

This has such a bad impact on a girl.

I had no choice but to let her sit in the back seat.

"Sit down, ready to go."

Chu Feng reminded.


Liu Ruyan nodded slightly, with nowhere to place his hands.

I really wanted to grab Chu Feng's waist, but I was a little embarrassed.

Chu Feng stepped on the pedal fiercely, and the silver bicycle shot out like an arrow from the string.


Liu Ruyan didn't expect that the speed of the silver bicycle would be so fast. She was almost thrown away and screamed in fright.

Chu Feng was also speechless.

After all, Liu Ruyan is also a rare profession, and her psychological quality is too bad.

Is it necessary to shout while riding a bicycle?

Fortunately, there was no one around. If others heard this, they might think what they would think.

"Chu Feng, why is your bicycle so fast?"

Liu Ruyan calmed down and asked curiously.

"Where are you going? I'll let you see what the real speed and passion is later."

Chu Feng chuckled.

Liu Ruyan's face hardened, "The road conditions here are not very good. You'd better slow down and be careful of overturning."

"I'm an experienced driver and I'm very skilled, so just don't worry."

Chu Feng was in high spirits.

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