After seeing the burly man admit defeat, the group of people behind him were all surprised in their eyes. In their cognition, the burly man who was extremely powerful couldn't even force Gentle to completely pull out the long sword in his hand.

After hearing the burly man say admit defeat, Wen Rou also pulled out a sword flower and put the long sword back behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the crowd who were still surprised, and raised his eyebrows: "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

Unwilling to admit defeat, another person in the crowd stood up: "I'm coming." As

he spoke, he also took out his weapon.

looked at this man with a pockmarked face, holding two copper shovels, one long and one short, posing for an offensive. The gentle eyes were not shocked, and it seemed that this man was just an ant.

The pock-faced man saw the disdain in Gentle's eyes, and he was also hot in the brain, so he immediately waved two copper maces and rushed towards Gentle.

Compared to the burly man before, the pock-faced man exerted all his strength at the beginning.

The two copper maces were played by him, one move after another, and countless maces and shadows converged into a ball, like an impenetrable black ball.

Gentle held the sword in one hand, trying to fend off the next shadow. When the long sword and the copper mace collided, a huge force was transmitted along the long sword to Gentleness.

Gentle and careless, he couldn't hold the long sword in his hand. But Gentle also reacted quickly, only to see her arm drive her wrist, and her wrist drove the long sword, and she did a spin.

The entire long sword immediately spun in the air like a dragon tumbling. With the help of the rotation of the long sword, Gentleness also unloaded the huge power from the copper wedge.

Seeing that Wen Rou loosened his long sword, the pock-faced man showed joy on his face and hurriedly pursued.

The twin gongs alternated, rushing towards gentleness.

The sword was still spinning, but the twin maces were already in front of him. Wen Wen hurriedly lowered his waist, and the whole person leaned back to avoid the attack of the double gong.

While avoiding the double attack, Gentleness also twists his body and supports the ground with one hand. Raised a foot and kicked at the pockmarked-faced man.

Because he handed out the double hammer in his hand, the pock-faced man suddenly exposed the lower plate, and the lower plate without defense was directly taken a gentle kick.

After the knee of his left leg was gently kicked, the pockmarked-faced man couldn't help but kneel on one knee.

After Wen Wen kicked out, he also toe and kicked the long sword that was still spinning in the air towards him.

"Not good. The pockmarked-faced man who was still kneeling on one knee also changed his face when he saw Gentle kicking the long sword back.

Ignoring the still painful knee, the pock-faced man supported the ground with a short mace in one hand, and hit the jade leg gently stretched out with the other hand.

The gentleness who was holding the ground with one hand also caught a glimpse of the pockmarked man's attack, and only heard the gentle snort coldly. Then the gentle arm exerted force, allowing itself to spin in the air like the long sword before it.

The pockmarked man's long wedge, brushing his gentle body, failed to hit the jade leg.

At this time, the long sword also came to Gentle's body, stood on one foot, stopped his body, turned around gently, and grasped the scabbard of the long sword.

Then with all his strength, he pulled the scabbard he was holding back violently. With a gentle force, the long sword was pulled out in mid-air.

Gentleness drew the scabbard, threw the scabbard back, and then took a half-step forward, gripping the hilt of the long sword.

Behind Gentle, the pockmarked-faced man was too fierce because of the attack just now, and after being dodged by Gentle, he also smashed to the ground. By the time he was about to pull out his long sword and attack again, the scabbard that he gently threw out had already come to him.

"Bang!", the scabbard smashed directly between the eyebrows of the pock-faced man, and under this huge impact, the pock-faced man's whole body flew backwards.

And the scabbard, also under the recoil, came back and was put on top of the long sword.

When Gentle put the long sword behind him again, the others reacted and hurriedly ran over to check the situation of the pock-faced man.

The pock-faced man who received a heavy blow between his eyebrows was already bleeding at this time, but fortunately, the gentleness was not mixed with pressure, so there was no big problem with the pock-faced man's brain, he just fainted.

Seeing this scene, a slightly young boy, with a face full of anger, accused gently: "It's just a challenge, why is it so heavy-handed?"

Hearing the young man's words, he looked at the young man who was the same age as himself and had immature on his face, and said softly with a chill: "Since you want to obtain the name of the Sword Saint, you must have the consciousness of death." "

Listen to gentle, chilling, even murderous words. The immature young man was suddenly speechless.

He was still too young to know the name of the Sword Saint at all, and in addition to glory, he also carried a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

In ancient times, every time the name of the Sword Saint was inherited, it represented the death of countless top people in the martial arts world. Only those who step on the bones of these strong men and seize the name of the Sword Saint are qualified to keep the invincibility of the Sword Saint.

"You should be content, this is not a formal challenge to bet on the name of the Sword Saint, otherwise, none of you here will leave here alive. Seeing the immature young man, he was frightened by what he had just said, and he added another sentence.

When this sentence was spoken, everyone present had a hallucination in front of their eyes.

The surroundings were full of bones, and the bright red blood pooled into red streams.

Gentleness, on the other hand, stood on the top of a hill where countless bones were piled up, looking at them with contempt.

The tip of the nose seemed to smell the pungent smell of blood and corpses, and many young people who had not been trained fell to their knees and vomited, as if they were about to vomit bile.

Looking at the reactions of these teenagers, the gentle faces were even more contemptuous.

And those middle-aged generations who were barely able to maintain their figures, felt the illusion brought by the murderous aura on the gentle body, and their eyes were full of surprise.

"She is only twenty years old, what has she done, and she has accumulated such a murderous aura. The burly man couldn't help but exclaim.

"Sure enough, none of the people who inherited the name of the Sword Saint were easy to mess with, and this time we were arrogant. After being gently stimulated, an old man, who clearly looked like a patriarch, sighed and said.

At this moment, he seemed to be a teenager older. Seeing that their patriarch said this, the others persuaded: "Patriarch, we still have a chance. "

Forget it, the two strongest people in the family have fallen, and you people can't beat her even if you rush up, and this time we are defeated." Hearing that the other clansmen wanted to continue the challenge, the patriarch replied.

After speaking, the patriarch also got up and bowed to Wen Wen: "We admit defeat, from now on, the Kangcheng Lin family will be dispatched by the Sword Saint." Hearing

that the patriarch of the Lin family admitted defeat, he turned around and left gently, leaving a dashing back.

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