"Lin Xiyin's name seems to be quite good..." When

Lin Feng heard these three words, his eyes suddenly lit up....

"Hatsune, what do you think?"

Out of respect for his wife, Lin Feng asked Hatsune's opinion....

"It's good, I also like this name..."

Hatsune nodded, feeling that she and Lin Feng had the same heart.


"Good: Good.

After that, this little guy will be called Lin Xiyin..." Ye Zhengchun hooked the girl's hand.

Seeing the smile on her face, it seems that I like it too.

"Xiyin, Xiyin..." What a nice name....

After the name was decided, Zhao Meiyu took out a delicate silver lock from her bag.

"This is the long-lived lock that your father used to create in the Nether... You also help the baby to put it away..." Zhao

Meiyu put the small lock in Hatsune's hand... Now the baby is still small, and it is definitely uncomfortable to wear.

When she is older, she can wear it and play slowly....


While everyone was laughing, Asa also walked out with Xiao Hei....

As if to facilitate identification, the two wore two different styles of clothes, one black and one white.

The average face, the corners of the mouth pouted into a smile.

It's all so cute....

"Uncle Ye, Aunt

Zhao is good..." "Shallow is good, Xiao Hei is good..." Because

of the cultivation exercises, in Zhao Meiyu's eyes, these two girls are always the same as when they were in the Nether.


Time passed, and a few days passed....

The birth of Xiao Xiyin brought great joy to Hatsune....

In the past, when Fanlinfeng was bored and idle, Hatsune was the most sticky one.

But now it's different....

In addition to the baby sleeping, I really want to accompany the baby....

Occasionally, Lin Feng would complain quietly... It is said that if you have children, you forget your husband.


Hatsune is also soft-hearted ... Whenever Lin Feng said that... I couldn't help but satisfy him with a small request.

Overall... She was still well pinched by Lin Feng.

At least, it has always become Lin Feng's favorite shape....


On this day

, "Do you perceive anything..."

Shallow and Lin Feng stood in the center of Ning'an City, carefully probing everything around them.

"Hmm... It's the breath of that black shadow... In the city, many people have the aura of that black shadow..." Lin

Feng sensed the abnormality on the day he entered the city.

It's just that during that time, I was busy with the baby's affairs and never had time to investigate.

"That dark shadow again? It seems that he really has a lot of plots..." Shallow sighed.


For so many years, that black shadow has always been plotting....

What the hell does that guy want... Isn't it that you want to replace the prefecture?

Suddenly, there was an idea in the shallow head....

"Could it be that this guy has something to do with that

ancient prefecture..." At the beginning, although Lin Feng had also told her about the ancient prefecture, he didn't know much about it.

You can associate and analyze the behavior of the black shadow.

It's really a bit strange...

Manipulating ghosts, undead, in addition to Lin Feng, seems to be proficient in this technique?


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