Shocked! My Cat Turned Out To Be A Female President

103: Lifetime bonus! The directors are shocked, and there is such an operation?!


Xu Yan had no opinion.

She didn't want to wait at home anyway.

Lu Fei picked it up and took two steps out.

Seeing that it didn't mean to resist, nor was it afraid, he closed the door and walked out with it.

Get out of the elevator and walk out the corridor.

A wind blows.

Lu Fei looked down.

The hair on the cat's body was blown up one by one.

On the morning of autumn, I took the cat and went out for a walk.

Lu Fei's mood is quite comfortable.

Go all the way to the supermarket.

There were many people on the road, all looking at Lu Fei.

"What a beautiful cat."

"Is this the guy who looked for the cat last time? It seems that he found it."

Many people in the community had an impression of Lu Fei and talked in a low voice.

Xu Yan didn't like this feeling.

After becoming a cat.

She was a little timid.

She huddled in Lu Fei's arms and rested her head on his arm.

That's how she is at ease.

to the supermarket.

Lu Fei pushed the door in and asked, "Is there a courier for me?"

"Yes, the top shelf.""

Lu Fei found a large box.

This box has more than 15 pounds from 01 yards.

"Come on, come down first. 99

Lu Fei put Xu Yan on the ground and dragged the box down first.

Xu Yan walked to the box and smelled it.

Has the taste of grapes.

Is that the aunt who gave the dog man fruit last time?

Xu Yan was a little curious.

Lu Fei picked up the fruit and picked up Xu Yan with one hand.

Twenty minutes later.

The two arrived home.

"Is it interesting to go out to play? Lu Fei put Xu Yan on the ground, put the grapes against the wall, and asked with a smile.


There's no point in going out.

But it's fun to go out with you.

Lu Fei opened the box and took out a bunch of grapes.

The grapes are purplish red and the color is quite good.

Lu Fei was a little surprised: "It should be quite expensive. 99

Generally buy grapes, more or less, on each branch, there must be a few less ripe fruits.

This case of grapes is different.

All grapes are good.

Lu Fei took out his mobile phone and sent Tang Shufang a message: "Auntie, how much is this box of grapes?"

Tang Shufang replied in seconds: "I don't have much money, I don't know if it was given by others. 35

In fact, this box of grapes is 1200.

It was specially arranged by Tang Shufang.

After delivering some normal apples last time.

She wanted to send something nice this time.

Lu Fei thought for a while and replied, "Then next time I invite you to dinner, you can bring my mother and my father.

Human relationships are like that.

You send me something.

I invite you to a meal.

Tang Shufang happily replied: "Okay, no problem. 35

After chatting.

Lu Fei went to wash some grapes, put them on the coffee table, and tasted one.

very sweet.

Xu Yan also wanted to try one.

Lu Fei held her head, held her neck, and put it on her lap.

"I'll check first, can you eat grapes.

Lu Fei took the phone and checked it.

After reading it.

Lu Fei said: "Sure enough, you may have kidney failure if you eat grapes."5

"Just watch me eat.

I thank you!

Let me watch too!

Xu Yan licked the corner of her mouth, lay down, and complained in her heart.

Finished with grapes.

You don't have to go out today.

Lu Fei fished for a day comfortably.

Early the next morning.

Lu Fei opened his eyes, and before he touched the flower, he heard the system prompt tone.

"Congratulations on completing a week's work and getting rewards: lifespan +5 years, energy boost.

Two rewards?

Lu Fei opened his eyes, a little surprised.

Lifespan improvement, the importance of this reward, needless to say.

The energy boost can make Lu Fei sleep for only four hours a day and be very energetic.

Lu Fei likes to sleep.

It may not be useful usually.

But if you really want to chase a drama, or have something to do at night.

This reward is quite important.


Lu Fei reached out and touched Xu Yan's head.

After touching.

Lu Fei got up, washed and ate, and went out to work.

Ten past eight.

Xu Yan was at the door of the house, waited for a while, and turned back into a person.

Her period isn't over yet.

So when she became a human, she stood on the ground to avoid soiling the sofa.

"Would you like to invite a dog man to dinner today?

Xu Yan thought a little hesitantly while packing up.

Ask him to have dinner with him every day.

Is the purpose too obvious?

She hesitated and packed up the cat food and water.

Pack up.

She went back to the rented house, changed her clothes, and drove to the company.

Nine ten.

Xu Yan arrived at the company.

Chen Yu quickly followed Xu Yan into the office.

"The Youmao video has suddenly exploded this week. There are two up hosts in the game area, and it has become popular."

"Also, the price of Zhongguang Nuclear New Energy's stock has also soared, and there are many big buyers who want to buy these stocks from us at a high price.

Although closed on weekends.

But the news doesn't stop.

The performance of Zhongguang Nuclear New Energy Company is good.

Many large capitals want to conduct off-day transactions.

As Xu Yan walked to the desk, she asked, "What price were you given?"

She also doesn't plan to hold it for long.

Follow the results of the dog man analysis.

If the money from the other party reaches more than 30% of the purchase price, she will sell it directly.

This allows for quick payback.

Chen Yu said: "They paid 584.66 yuan per share, which was 34% higher than our purchase price.

"Sold." Xu Yan said, "Let the directors start operations and sell the shares they hold.

Chen Yu was a little surprised. After being stunned for a second, he nodded and said, "I see."


Chen Yu informed the board of directors of the news.

Hou Jianjun and others were quite surprised.

"Sell at this time?"

"Xu is always not very clear? A stock with such a promising future is actually going to be sold at this time? 39

"I feel that if you continue to hold it, the income will definitely be higher than if you sell it now!

The opinions of the directors are relatively large.

Hou Jianjun directly took the mobile phone, very tough, and wanted to have a theory with Xu Yan!

The call is connected.

Xu Yan's cold voice sounded: "Hello 537?"

Hou Jianjun said: "Mr. Xu, hello, it's me, Hou Jianjun.

"I know.

"Well, do we really want to sell our stock now? Do you think about it again?"

Hou Jianjun asked carefully.

Xu Yan said lightly: "This is what he analyzed. The share price of Zhongguang Nuclear New Energy Group will not rise by more than 30%."

"The premium is already higher than the final yield, sell it, what's the problem?

Hou Jianjun was shocked: "Ah? Really?

To be able to predict a stock that will go up every time is already quite awesome!

Can you predict the approximate increase?

What's the point of this?

Hou Jianjun was stunned.

Xu Yan didn't explain, just asked: "Is there anything else?

Hou Jianjun: "Well, can I ask, how did you analyze this?

Xu Yan asked back, "Even if I said it, do you understand the analysis?"

Hou Jianjun was speechless.

Not really.

Lu Fei's analysis process, Xu Yan has already said twice.

After everyone listened to it, they thought, well, it was reasonable.

But if they were asked to predict, they couldn't predict it at all.

Even the news that Lu Fei was looking for couldn't be strung together.

"Then Mr. Xu, you are busy first, and we will meet you later.

Hou Jianjun hung up the phone, and then sent what Xu Yan had just said to the group.

The directors were instantly shocked!

"What is this operation?"

"I'm stupid, can I still predict the specific ratio of ups and downs?

"Should you have estimated a rough value? Is this estimation accurate?"

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