Shocked! My Cat Turned Out To Be A Female President

130: Not on a channel at all! Are you breaking up?

Xu Yan confessed, and Lu Fei agreed.

This is something Lu Fei has talked to several people before.

Therefore, Xu Yan opened her mouth.

By default, Lu Fei is already in a relationship with Xu Yan.

But Xu Yan just didn't realize that there was this meaning in Lu Fei's words.

She sat in a chair, a little lost.

Dog men are unwilling to let her settle the bill.

Is this a plan to cut a relationship with her completely?


Do I have to go home if I want to see him in the future?

What if she used the identity of the president and forced to meet Lu Fei?

Will Lu Fei resign?

He is not short of money.

Xu Yan's pretty face was slightly pale.

until now.

When she felt that Lu Fei had no chance with her at all.

It was the feeling of heartache that made her really react.

The importance of Lu Fei to her is more important than she thought.

There is such a moment.

She even felt that it was meaningless.

She earns money to spend for Lu Fei.

If she can't meet Lu Fei in the future, what's the use of her earning money?

There is no use.

Just this little meeting when Lu Fei went to checkout.

She has already made up her mind for a scene in which an infatuated female president is rejected and she is depressed and happy.

Lu Fei is in a good mood.

to the counter.

Lu Fei said: "Boss, check out."

The boss is a young man of twenty-seven or eight-year-old. He is bald at the beginning, and he is not tall, but he looks very smart.

"Brother, I ask you something, if you answer me, I will invite you two bowls of noodles, no money.

Lu Fei smiled: "No, I ate two bowls of noodles, so give me money for two bowls."

"This isn't Goose City, this is my store, do you see it? There is surveillance over there, and what I said was recorded.

"what do you wish to ask?"

"What did you talk to that girl about? Did you agree to her confession?"

The boss had an excited expression on his face.

Lu Fei nodded: "Yes.

The boss seemed to be constipated for three years and was cured in an instant, showing a relieved expression.

"That's fine, please eat some noodles, and I'll touch your joy.""

"Go, treat this girl well, I can feel that she really likes you.

Lu Fei smiled and shook his head.

He didn't even know how much Xu Yan liked him.

The shop owner saw it.

at last.

Lu Fei still scanned the QR code to pay.

You have to pay for food.

Lu Fei is not short of money, so there is no need not to pay these tens of dollars of pink money.

After paying.

Lu Fei walked to Xu Yan's side.

Look down.

Xu Yan's expression was a little lost, and the whole person looked a little out of state.

Lu Fei hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

When he hesitated just now, he was actually hesitating, what should he call her.

Mr. Xu?

Seems to be a little bit off.

They all started to fall in love.

This name must not be used for too long.

Is it Xu Yan?

Lu Fei felt that he and Xu Yan had not reached that level.


He didn't call anything.

When Xu Yan heard his voice, she quickly regained her senses, sorted out her emotions, and smiled reluctantly: "I'm fine. 99

"Ah? I feel your face turning pale.

"It may be that you are not feeling well."

"Eat noodles? Then we won't come next time.

"No, it has nothing to do with fans, let's go."

Xu Yan stood up and tried her best to remain calm.

She didn't want to lose face.

After all, this may be the last time she will meet Lu Fei.

The plot of her brain supplement is getting more and more outrageous.

This meeting has been regarded as the last meeting.

Lu Fei must be embarrassed to reject her face to face.

Wait until this time is over.

If she thinks about making an appointment with Lu Fei, she probably won't be able to make an appointment (abbj).

While thinking about it, she walked faster.

She was in a low mood.

Lu Fei looked happy.

Today is really a happy event.

The only price is that Brother Song seems to have lost another ten years of life.

How old is this?

twenty years?

never mind.

Whatever you do.

Lu Fei was so happy that he jumped up a little while walking.

Two people in tandem.

Completely two styles.

Not in a channel at all.

to the car.

Lu Fei walked to the car door and opened the car door for Xu Yan.

"Mr. Xu, get in the car.

Xu Yan bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and sat up anyway.

She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back in the car, so she cried.

Thinking that this might be the last time I see Lu Fei.

She, a person who has hardly cried since she can remember, felt like crying too.


This may also be the last chance to ride a Lu Fei.

Just sit.

Just pretend to sleep.

Cover the dots with your hair.

Dog men don't like her.

It is estimated that she will not find any difference.

After getting in the car.

Lu Fei drives back to the company.

on the way.

Lu Fei heard a song called "The Other Shore".

This song is also nice.

Especially the lyrics are well written.

Can make up a complete story.

Lu Fei is in a good mood, listening to this song makes me feel good.

Xu Yan thought she was rejected.

My nose is slightly sore when I listen to this song.


The car arrives at the company.

Lu Fei parked the car and unbuckled the seat belt.

Xu Yan sat in the parking space and turned to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei glanced at her, a little surprised: "Mr. Xu, why are your eyes a little red?"


"Really? I don't think you're right? Is it too spicy? It's uncomfortable to eat noodles?!"5

Nothing to do with fans!

Why do you keep putting the pot on the fan's head?!

Xu Yan complained in her heart, and then sighed.

"Occasionally if you want to eat and no one is there to accompany you, you can come to me.

"If you run into any trouble, you must come to me."

"I may change to another company in the future, but the phone number and VX number will not change. If you want to find me, you will definitely find it."

As she spoke, she lowered her eyes.

I was about to cry.

Lu Fei listened with a confused expression: "Huh?"

"What do you mean? Just started dating, are you going to break up?

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