Shocked! My Cat Turned Out To Be A Female President

135: The second generation of rich people in half the world are jealous? Small thing!

Lu Fei explained the process of confession in detail.

Zhou Song was stunned when he heard it.

"I felt right before, she must have liked you before.

Zhou Song said seriously.

Lu Fei asked: "Where did you feel it?

Zhou Song: "When we went to the meeting last time, I felt that she saw you many times."

Lu Fei touched his chin and asked, "Then tell me, why does she like me?

Zhou Song stared: "Why does she like you, you ask me? Why don't you ask yourself? 35

Lu Fei was a little helpless: "I don't know either."

Zhou Song guessed: "I feel that she is jealous of your face. To be honest, you are really handsome. I, a man, think you are handsome."

Lu Fei quietly stepped back a little, then shook his head: "It doesn't feel like it.


"How should I put it, her behavior at that time didn't look like she was just jealous of my body."

Xu Yan thought that after she was rejected, her performance was very low.

This is not like simply greedy body, there will be emotions.

Zhou Song asked: "Did you two have a relationship, and you saved her. 99

Lu Fei shook his head: "Absolutely not.

"So sure?

"Nonsense, it's not filming, where did so many heroes save the beauty, the only thing I've saved since I was a child is the little flower in our family. 690"

Zhou Song touched his chin: "Then why she likes you, I really don't understand.

Lu Fei said: "If you don't understand it, forget it.

"You are quite free and easy."

"Yes, I am a more generous person. The big deal is that I suffer a little physically, and it's nothing." Lu Fei said with a serious face.

Zhou Song gave a thumbs up: "As expected of you. If you say this, do you know how many people want to come and kill you?"

"how many?"

"The second generation of marriageable wealth in most of the imperial capitals may be the second generation of marriageable wealthy people in the whole country, including some from abroad.

"Not many, that is, people who have less than half of the world's wealth, may come over and work with you.

There are too many rich second-generations who like Xu Yan.

Lu Fei and Xu Yan fall in love!

He actually felt that he was at a loss!

If you say this, people will hate you!

Lu Fei shook his head: "They were almost mean.

Zhou Song smiled: "This joke is very funny.

Lu Fei didn't explain either.

What he said was true.

In a sense.

Lu Fei's wealth has no numerical value.

All the money circulating in the market is his money.

Even people who have less than half the world's wealth, come to Lu Fei's trouble (abed).

Seriously, nothing.

small issue.

"Let's talk about this later. You and President Xu are in love, and you will definitely have the opportunity to ask in the future."

"Do her parents know?

Zhou Song changed the subject.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I don't know, maybe she didn't tell her parents?"

Zhou Song sighed: "Brother Fei, I want to give you a vaccination first."

"It's not so easy to get into this kind of wealthy family. President Xu's parents may reject you very much."

"And, even if it's not a wealthy family, marrying a daughter, you know, being a parent is always reluctant."

Lu Fei nodded: "I know.

"As long as I don't yell at me or insult me, then I can accept it."

After all, they have to take their daughter away.

To be embarrassed, Lu Fei felt normal.

As long as it's not insulting, it's fine.

Zhou Song shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple."

"Huh?" Lu Fei made a questioning voice.

Zhou Song said: "Mr. Xu, a wealthy young lady, usually has to marry a wealthy person? This is quite common."

"As a result, President Xu brought back a small employee of your company."

"His parents might be very against it, and the two of you might even be forced to separate.35

Lu Fei patted Zhou Song on the shoulder: "Let's watch less female frequency tyrants."

Zhou Song clicked his tongue: "I feel this is possible, you have to be prepared.

"Maybe, you will become a son-in-law. 35

Lu Fei glanced at Zhou Song with a look of caring for the mentally retarded: "Let's watch less of that kind of crooked words.

Zhou Song said: "Although what I said may be scary, but no matter what, I feel that your father-in-law and mother-in-law will not like you."

"Even if they didn't mean to disgust you, according to the current atmosphere, they insisted that you come out with a villa in the imperial capital, what should you do?"

"If you have a villa, you can get married, and if you don't have a villa, you don't need to talk.

Lu Fei smiled and said, "What about this good thing?

If you really buy a villa, you can solve the problem.

Up to one month.

Buying a villa in Lu Fei is easy!

Zhou Song looked at Lu Fei, was silent for a few seconds, and complained viciously: "Damn, I forgot that you are a big dog! 35

Usually Lu Fei doesn't say how much money he has.

However, Lu Fei's daily expenses are almost known to everyone.

After a little calculation, I know that Lu Fei's family is very rich.

Zhou Song was a little depressed.

He also gave Lu Fei an idea!

Do people need it?

Lu Fei patted Zhou Song on the shoulder: "Although your suggestion is not very useful, thank you anyway."

Zhou Song looked at Lu Fei and asked in a low voice, "I still have a question."

"Say. 35

"Brother Fei, how rich is your family? 35'

Lu Fei thought for a while and said, "Buying a villa in the imperial capital is not a big problem.

Zhou Song raised his middle finger: "Damn! You really are a big dog! Farewell! 35

Lu Fei laughed and returned to his workstation.

Pick up your phone.

Lu Fei saw several messages.

Xu Yan: "Look for a chance to meet my mother."

Tang Shufang: "Little Lu, do you have time to have a meal together? Auntie quarreled with her daughter today and is in a bad mood. Your uncle wants to see you too."

Zhao Mei: "How are you and your CEO? Did you eat together again at noon?

Except for the three of them.

There are a few more work news.

Lu Fei took care of the work first.


Lu Fei first replied to Xu Yan's message: "Are you going to see your parents now?"

Xu Yanmiao replied: "Don't you want to? If you don't want to, then see you first. 35

She was a little nervous.

After Lu Fei said it, she reacted.

According to normal people's thinking.

After a while, I have to talk about meeting my parents again.

She took Lu Fei directly to see her parents, which was indeed a little too urgent.

Lu Fei replied: "See you sooner or later.

Xu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood instantly improved.

The dog man is willing to meet her parents with her!

That shows that he did not agree to fall in love casually!

She replied, "Then I'll arrange the time."

Lu Fei: "Okay.

Xu Yan: "Don't be too tired.

Lu Fei's heart warmed slightly.

He really didn't expect it.

Xu Yan is very caring about people.

Is this what it's like to have a girlfriend?

not bad.

Lu Fei replied: "You too."

Xu Yan: "If you are tired, you can come up at any time and rest for a while.

Xu Yan: "The password for my office is now 0902, next time you come, enter your fingerprint.

In her office, there are a lot of company documents, as well as many of her personal belongings.

She is the only one who can come in casually.

If Chen Yu wanted to enter, she had to brush her face and get permission from Xu Yan to enter.

However, Lu Fei wants to come and can come anytime.

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