PS: Thank you Ye Fan 12138 for the reward of 588 VIP points, thank you unlucky European Emperor for the reward of 100 VIP points, thank you Yan Mo Tang Gulu for the reward of 100 VIP points.

Even in the army, every unit has competition, and soldiers are also human beings. Who doesn't want to have a strong fighting force in their team?

However, no one responded to him at the scene.

The counselor couldn't help but joked at this time:"Don't worry, students who have awakened, you won't be dragged to dissect like in the novels. Now you are a rare animal, the kind that can be placed in the zoo. The ticket price can exceed that of pandas. Now look at classmate Ji Feng, his vision has become higher and he has rejected the department flower."

Ji Feng's face flushed and he touched the back of his head. The classmates also laughed involuntarily, and the tense atmosphere in the air dissipated a lot.

Register? Jiang Feng decisively dismissed his exposed identity. His group came too weird, even if the conditions given by the officer in front of him were so generous.

Monster meat is very tempting, but the rewards for group tasks are even greater, and he really doesn't have time to join the army.

If he were an ordinary awakener, he would definitely cling to the army, but the system needs to constantly complete tasks to gain stronger power, and you can't have your cake and eat it too.

The lieutenant seemed to have guessed this result long ago. He took out a stack of business cards from his pocket and said,"Classmates, if you or someone around you has awakened and wants to join the army, you can call me at any time. The treatment will be preferential."


The classmates all had black lines on their foreheads. Is this definitely not a job announcement?

But it also made everyone thoroughly aware of the country's vigorous recruitment of awakeners. Perhaps this can also make some hidden natural awakeners eager tojavascript:SkipTo(624294,11,2,1);move

"If you have nothing else, I will take my leave now. The lieutenant handed the business card to the counselor.

"Then you go ahead and do your work. I will pass out the business cards." The counselor was in a very good mood. There was a Ji Feng in the class, which was enough for him, the counselor, to climb a few more steps.

In a few years, there might be more and more awakeners, but now naturally awakeners are like precious animals. The results of growing up a few years in advance are different.

Ji Feng, with a smile on his face, sat back next to Jiang Feng, and looked at his side in the envious eyes of everyone:"Hey, Shui Feng, how did brother perform?"

"So handsome, so cool." Jiang Feng gave the highest praise

"I think so too."Ji Feng raised his eyebrows.

"You've even opened your dyeing factory." Jiang Feng was speechless:"By the way, what is your fire ability? Can you burn a car?"

Ji Feng looked embarrassed:"Brother, I have just consumed all my energy. Do you think I can kill everyone in seconds just after awakening?"

Uh, Jiang Feng just realized how easy it was for him to move in space, just like he got it for free.

While they were chatting, a row of girls behind him, regardless of the counselor who was handing out business cards, squeezed their heads next to Ji Feng and chattered to get close to him.

Jiang Feng, who was squeezed away, moved a chair to the left tacitly. Hey, I just saw a bootlicker in the morning, but now there are several of them at once. I'm afraid I will be left with nothing in the end.


A series of tapping sounds came from outside the window.

At first, everyone in the class thought it was construction or something, but it became more and more frequent, and everyone heard something unusual. Was it gunfire?


The glass on the windows facing outside was vibrating buzzingly due to the shock wave, and the teaching building shook slightly.

Bang! The classroom door was kicked open, and a soldier with a submachine gun in his hand shouted anxiously:"Quick! Evacuate here! A wormhole appeared in the square! Quick!"

The counselor also reacted instantly. He felt his scalp tingling, and his face changed drastically. He waved his hands hurriedly:"Everyone line up and evacuate!"Follow the soldiers. Ji Feng, you take the lead. Don't make a mess!"

For a moment, the panicked crowd calmed down a little. Although Ji Feng was just an awakened ability user, his power was enough to restore some order to the crowd. However, what calmed them down even more was that the soldier pulled the safety bolt of the gun. The crisp sound of metal collision did calm many people down. The soldier was helpless. There was a natural awakener who joined the army. If they were not well protected, they would all be in trouble.

The crowd filed out one by one. Outside the corridor, many soldiers were waving and leading the crowd to trot towards the stairs, with their guns pointed at everyone.

The lieutenant who had just left stood at the stairs with a grim face, looking at the retreating crowd. At this time, if he was not strong, once trampling occurred, the number of deaths would definitely be more than that of monsters.

Outside the square, the sound of gunfire became more and more frequent, and even accompanied by the sound of glass being shattered.

There are at least more than a thousand students in a teaching building. It was impossible to leave all of a sudden, but as the teaching building for freshmen was just on the second floor, Jiang Feng and his team rushed out immediately.

Jiang Feng also saw for the first time that there was a wormhole rotating in space in the square a hundred meters away. Several monster corpses fell to the ground, and red blood flowed all over the ground. There were even several large pits on the ground by the roadside. The charred ground could vaguely see the remains of several soldiers in military uniforms.

Near the teaching building, dozens of soldiers hid in various bunkers and pulled the trigger to aim at the monster that had just jumped out.

Bullet shells kept flying wildly from the gun barrel, and the flying bullets hit the walls everywhere. The soldiers' bloodshot eyes were wet with sweat, but they didn't even have time to blink at this time.


Another monster came out. The skin of the monster shaped like a rhinoceros was bright red, and sparks were flying from the tip of its nose.

The bullets hit the opponent's skin and sent out countless sparks, but did not cause any damage at all.

""Go! Take them away!" The lieutenant who came down with him hurriedly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the pupil of the monster and pulled the trigger. However, the opponent's red eyes, which were as big as fists, pulled down a translucent film to directly block all the bullets.

Jiang Feng also saw all this. He was extremely shocked when he hit the monster directly for the first time. This light weapon had no harm to it at all.

This is the monster, the monster that shocked the army!

It seemed that the guns angered the monster. The seven-meter-long body rushed over like a heavy tank, and the ground shook.

The huge body was very slow, but every step gave everyone a huge pressure.

The students suddenly collapsed in front of this momentum. They ran around like headless flies, and screams mixed with gunshots echoed in the campus.

Even if the soldiers in front fired warning shots, it was useless. The students were like the defeated soldiers in ancient times who collapsed without fighting in the face of the enemy.

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