After being blocked by the black-robed man, the young master of Hehuan Gate also came back to his senses.

Then his face turned ugly, "Who are you?" As

if he hadn't heard, the black-robed man didn't move, not moving at all.

The young sect master was a little angry, so he said, "Give it to me and kill him." When

the little brother behind him heard this, he immediately rushed forward.

At this time, the black-robed man moved, he smashed it with a stick, and the little brother was directly smashed into the air and disappeared in the eyes of the young sect master.

The young sect master subconsciously took two steps back, and from the move he had just made, he knew the strength of the black-robed man.

It's the triple of the Emperor Realm.

But he is only a member of the emperor realm.

Thinking of this, he turned and ran.

The black-robed man jumped into the air and slammed it down.


The young sect master was directly smashed into a blur of flesh and blood.

He who dies cannot die anymore.

In a secret room in Hehuan Valley, a man and a woman who were cultivating stopped.

Because they feel that their son has broken off that little connection with them.

This shows that their son is very likely to die.

Thinking of this, the two hurriedly put on their clothes and rushed out of the sect.

It didn't take long for them to find the place where An Miaoling had crossed the robbery.

Seeing the tragic condition of their son, the two were filled with grief and anger.

They are all powerhouses of the Emperor Realm Triple Realm.

Because of the cultivation of the exercises, after they gave birth to this son, they lost their fertility.

Now that this son is dead, they are completely dead.

Thinking of this, they looked at An Miaoling, who was sitting cross-legged not far away.

immediately rushed towards An Miaoling.

Before they could get closer, the black-robed man Demon II reappeared.

Boom! Knocked

two people back.

After the two stabilized their figures, they each took out their imperial soldiers and rushed towards the second demon again.

After feeling the danger, the second demon transforms directly.

The strength increased greatly, and the two were forced back again.

The man among the two said, "You think you can stop us in this way? Today, I will let you see the combined attack technique of our Hehuan Sect." After

saying that, the two held hands together, and there was some kind of mysterious connection.

The strength increased greatly, and then the two attacked together.

Mo Er was a little overwhelmed, and wounds kept appearing on his body.

It's just that no blood is coming out, and only then do the two know that they are not dealing with a living person.

It's a corpse.

Who is this person?

There is actually a demon corpse of the Emperor Realm Triple Layer, guarding it at any time.

Could it be one of the heirs of the Corpse Refining Clan?

No matter who the other party is, they also have to take revenge.

Even if he is hunted down and killed by the corpse refining clan in the future, he will not hesitate to die.

Under the combined attack of the two, the second demon was finally cut into pieces and could no longer stand up.


Qin Tian, who was refining the weapon, suddenly trembled because he felt that the second demon had lost contact with him.

Could it be that

Miaoling is in some danger? But he is not too anxious, because An Miaoling is really in danger, and he can summon him with the Space-Time Order.

Anyway, he is just now, in the first step of refining.

Even if you stop for a while, it's okay.

It's just that there is a risk that some of the material will be wasted.

Just when he was worried, he received a system message.


【The host apprentice broke through to the Emperor Realm. [

Reward: The host bloodline qualification is upgraded to the Tianzun level. [

Reward: The reward value of the host sign-in is increased by 20%. Receiving

this news, Qin Tian was overjoyed.

If the bloodline qualification is promoted to the Tianzun level, it means that he has already obtained the ticket to Tianzun.

The cultivation speed has increased again, and the check-in reward value has been increased.

After many bonuses, it has been multiplied several times.

In this way, the time to receive the sign-in reward is also greatly reduced.

Without these bonuses, he estimated that it would take him decades to break through to a realm.

And now, in a few years, before the opening of the Great Avenue Supreme Tower, he will be able to sign in to the breakthrough realm.

When the time comes, the Supreme Tower of the Great Avenue will be more certain.


On the other

side, after the two of them solved the second demon, they walked to An Miaoling's side.

When they walked to An Miaoling, there were still three meters away.

An Miaoling opened her eyes violently, and held up the sword flower with the ice glass sword in her right hand.

Storm of Reincarnation!

Suddenly, bursts of strange power like sound waves emanated from her sword.

This is the mysterious sword technique, the power of reincarnation in the storm of reincarnation.

It didn't take long for the two to fall into reincarnation.

All kinds of unbearable pictures of the past began to hit their minds.

Slowly, they began to lose themselves.

But they instinctively felt that this was not right, so they were struggling to support themselves.

An Miaoling is still holding the sword flower, constantly casting the reincarnation storm.

This is a protracted battle, but An Miaoling has a spirit bead, so she persists for a long time.

But this consumption is an hour.

An Miaoling was also a little unable to hold on.

Because she uses reincarnation storm on two people by herself, the consumption is too great.

It not only consumes spiritual power, but also consumes spiritual power.

Spiritual power can be replenished by relying on the Gathering Spirit Beads.

But the mental power can't be replenished.

But fortunately, the two couldn't hold on before she couldn't hold on.

At this moment, the two of them were completely lost, like the walking dead.

Immediately, An Miaoling sat down again and began to recover.

This time, she has already received the inheritance of the Reincarnation Divine Canon and the Reincarnation Sword Technique.

But the answer she wanted was still not answered.

So she guessed that it might be because her realm was too low.

After recovering for a while, An Miaoling stood up.

With a fierce sword, the heads of the two were directly cut off.

Then An Miaoling put away the storage rings and imperial soldiers of the two.

After all, he is also a master of the two Emperor Realm Triple, and the collection should be good.

An Miaoling took a look at it, but it didn't take long for her face to turn red.

Then she poured out some of the mess inside.

And then destroy it.

Only the materials, elixir and a book of Hehuan Gate exercises were left.

Although she was receiving the inheritance before, she could also see the outside world.

There is indeed something about the combined attack of the two.

So she decided to keep it for a look.

Just looking, she stressed to herself.

After the breakthrough, she was in a good mood.

With his current combat strength, even if he faces a half-step supreme, he can play some role.

It's no longer like before, when you encounter a strong enemy, you can only lag behind.

Immediately, she stepped on the flying sword and returned to Qingqiu.

After returning to Qingqiu, she went to Qin Tian's retreat place to say hello.

Let the master rest assured, because she knows that the second demon is dead, and the master will have a sense.

After Qin Tian saw An Miaoling, he also began to calm down and concentrate on refining.

A month later.

The sword-shaped thunderbolt was finally successfully refined.

Judging from the appearance, there is no doubt about the best imperial soldiers.

The lethality is also completely comparable to that of the real best emperor soldiers.

It's just one more feature that can be detonated.

After leaving the customs, he went to see An Miaoling and congratulated her on breaking through the Emperor Realm.

An Miaoling saw that Qin Tian was very hard, so she helped him press his head.

Qin Tian fell asleep on An Miaoling's jade legs extremely relaxed.

I don't know how long it took, An Miaoling shook him awake.

Because Qin Tian is asleep, he is not honest.

The main thing is that saliva is flowing down my legs.

This made An Miaoling, who was a little clean, unable to accept it.

As soon as Qin Tian woke up, he saw An Miaoling's disgusted expression.

She picked up her silk handkerchief, wiped it, and threw it away.

Qin Tian smiled awkwardly, and then hugged An Miaoling and took a sip.

This mouth came and went quickly, and it didn't give An Miaoling a chance to react.

Then he handed over the best Emperor Pill he had refined before to An Miaoling.

An Miaoling looked at the pill in surprise.

After all, it was the first time she had seen an elixir of this grade.

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