Bing Ruoxi's strength is still quite good, but unfortunately she was injured before.

So the more you fight, the harder it gets.


The two Soul Clan Supremes cast a combined attack, directly knocking Bing Ruoxi upside down and flying out.

Qin Tian jumped and took Bing Ruoxi.

Bing Ruoxi saw Qin Tian who was close at hand, and her face was slightly red.

Then he said helplessly: "It seems that we are going to die here today."

"No, they're the ones who will die. Qin Tian said lightly.

At this time, the two Soul Clan Supremes surrounded Qin Tian and the others, one after the other.

"Are you going to be a pair of outlaw mandarin ducks?"

said one of the Soul Clan Supremes.

Qin Tian didn't pay attention to it, but pushed Bing Ruoxi away.

Then he took out the sword of life and death and slashed towards Bing Ruoxi.

Bing Ruoxi frowned, she didn't expect Qin Tian to actually make a move on herself.

However, she felt that it was better to die at the hands of humans than at the hands of the Soul Clan.

So she closed her eyes and waited for death.


white light poured into Bing Ruoxi's body, and she was directly shocked back a few steps.

Then the wounds on his body healed quickly, and the complexion on his face gradually improved.

Seeing this scene, the two Soul Clan Supremes were stunned.


this time, Bing Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes and looked at Qin Tian with a surprised expression.

It's amazing.

Then Qin Tian looked at the two Soul Clan Supremes, and drank lightly in his mouth:

Renyuan Sword.

Suddenly, the human sword merged and stabbed towards a soul supreme.

The Soul Clan Supreme pushed forward with both hands, and a cloud of black qi shot out, and at the same time, his body was also retreating.

But it was useless, the sword light was too fast, and it penetrated the black qi in an instant and crashed into the Soul Clan Supreme.


The Soul Clan Supreme was directly knocked into the air.

But because the black qi had unloaded some of its strength before, the Soul Clan Supreme survived.

But his current situation is also very bad, and his soul body is a little illusory.

Qin Tian took advantage of the victory to pursue.

After the other Soul Clan Supreme reacted, he wanted to go to support, but was stopped by Bing Ruoxi.

After Qin Tian approached, the sword in his hand continued to slash down like a storm.

The Supreme of the Soul Clan was overwhelmed and was slashed several times by Qin Tian.

Each blow can cause the screams of the Soul Clan Supreme.

He watched as the soul power of his soul body was absorbed by Qin Tian's sword, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He was terrified, and his soul body was scattered, and maybe there was a chance to enter reincarnation.

for there are traces between heaven and earth.

But if it is absorbed, it is completely gone.

At this time, he had no fighting intent at all, and he was solved by Qin Tian in a few clicks.

The other Soul Clan Supreme was frightened by this scene.

He turned and ran.

How could Qin Tian let the meat in his hand fly.

Renyuan Sword.

The sword is one, and the speed is unparalleled.

With a swoop, it directly penetrated the soul supreme who was fleeing.

Qin Tian then urged the Sword of Life and Death to absorb it with all his might.

After absorbing it, the artistic conception of death of the Life and Death Sword has greatly increased, and it is not far from evolving to the Tianzun level.

At the end of the battle, Bing Ruoxi walked over and said, "Thank you for saving me."

Qin Tian smiled: "We are all human races, and we should help each other."

Bing Ruoxi nodded, and then her expression fell into a moment of hesitation.

Seeing this, Qin Tian asked, "What's wrong?"

"I... My dad isn't dead yet. Bing Ruoxi said emotionally.

"Your father?"

"Hmm. Bing Ruoxi nodded, "My father was captured by the patriarch of the Red Soul Clan, and they tried to convert my father into a Soul Clan.

"Once the transformation is successful, my father's memories will disappear and he will become a member of the Soul Clan. "

Well, so you want me to go with you to save your father?" Bing

Ruoxi hesitated for a moment, but still said: "My father is in the Tianzun realm, if he is transformed into a soul clan, the situation of the human race will be even more difficult."

"So I want you to come with me to rescue my father, I just saw that your sword can restrain the soul clan, maybe we have a chance."

"If you rescue my father, I will promise you anything.

Qin Tian glanced at Bing Ruoxi, the iceberg beauty was indeed very attractive to men.

But he's not the one to see.

"I see that you were injured before, so you should go and rescue your father's injuries yourself.

"Tell me about the situation first. "

Childe Huiyan, I went to rescue my father and was found before, so I was injured by the Red Soul Patriarch in the air, and then he sent someone to chase and kill me. Bing Ruoxi replied.

"Then I'll accompany you on a trip, and it depends on the situation if I can save it. Qin Tian replied.

He felt that Bing Ruoxi could escape, and he should be fine.

No matter how bad it is, it's okay to let the bones help resist one or two.

Then Qin Tian quietly sneaked into the Ice Palace under the leadership of Bing Ruoxi.

In the Ice Palace, Qin Tian felt a large number of Soul Clan powerhouses.

The Sword of Life and Death trembled excitedly.

Qin Tian hurriedly appeased.

As soon as he finished pacifying, Qin Tian received a message from Wenren Muyue.

Asked when he would arrive, they were ready to attack.

Qin Tian was overjoyed when he heard this, just enough to help them attract firepower and save people.

So he replied to Wenren Muyue: "I have already infiltrated the Ice Palace, you can attack."

"Received, we're going to attack right away.

After seeing the news of Wen Ren Muyue's return, Qin Tian grabbed Bing Ruoxi.

"They're ready for a general attack, let's wait until they fight, and then we'll continue to sneak in.

Bing Ruoxi was overjoyed when she heard this, and nodded again and again.

Then the two found a hidden place to hide, quietly observing the situation outside.

It didn't take long for Qin Tian to notice that the soul clan powerhouse in the Ice Palace was rushing outside.

After Qin Tian felt the strong attack fluctuation, he knew that this was a fight.

After making sure that there were no soul clan powerhouses nearby, Qin Tian and Bing Ruoxi walked out and continued to sneak in.

The two of them arrived in the dungeon of the Ice Palace.

The dungeon is made of ice walls, and there are two half-step Supreme guards at the door.

Qin Tian and Bing Ruoxi discussed, one by one, and quickly killed in seconds.

After Bing Ruoxi made a move, Qin Tian directly combined the human sword and used the human yuan sword.

Instantly killed the guard he chose.

The other guard was also directly frozen into ice by Bing Ruoxi.

Then the two continued to go deeper.

On a path that must be passed, there is a soul supreme.

Qin Tian did not hesitate.

First, he teleported to the back of the Soul Clan Supreme, and then directly used the Renyuan Sword.

The Soul Clan Supreme who was attacked by the sneak attack was frightened, but it was too late to dodge.

was directly penetrated by Qin Tian's body, and then Qin Tian began to absorb soul power with the Sword of Life and Death.

Once you're done absorbing, move on.

In the end, Qin Tian found a middle-aged man in a prison cell, who was chained by a gold chain.

There were four gold chains, pulling the middle-aged man from four directions.

put a big zigzag, this person is Bing Ruoxi's father, Bing Qiong.

It was also the first Tianzun Realm powerhouse that Qin Tian had seen.

At this time, Ice Dome's body was already covered with scars, and the whole person was also listless and dying.

Bing Ruoxi suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly rushed over, wanting to save her father.

But before she could get closer, she was bounced away by a formation.

At this time, Ice Dome said weakly, "This formation is very mysterious, even if it is a supreme level formation master, it can't easily break the formation, you better go quickly." "

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