Qin Tian and the others came to a village.

In the center of the village there is a stone statue of a giant.

This stone statue turned out to be exactly the same as the one he had seen in the illusion created by the night wind before.

A stone statue that can trample on the Heavenly Venerable.

Qin Tian looked at Zhou Teng and the others, they all had solemn faces, obviously they also knew something.

Black Immortal Tiance looked at Qin Tian and said, "This is the Giant God Soldier, and if you destroy the Giant God Soldier, you will drop the Divine Blood." "

I suggest that we work together to clear out the Soul Clan first, and then deal with the Giant God Soldiers.

Qin Tian replied: "No problem, Emperor Tian will leave it to me." "

He has long wanted to make a move on Emperor Tian.

Later, the Black Stygian Heavenly Strategy discussed with several other human powerhouses.

After discussing, he put down the black iron coffin behind him, and the lid of the coffin was opened, and inside was actually a golden immortal bone.

This immortal bone is a genuine Tianzun level immortal bone, which is much stronger than Qin Tian's half-hanging.

When Emperor Tian and the others saw Qin Tian's posture, they understood their thoughts.

The bones rushed towards Mo Ke, Zhou Teng also found the shadow ghost, and the others also chose their opponents.

Qin Tian is to God Heaven.

He directly used teleportation, came to the back of Emperor Tian, and slashed down with a sword.

Di Tian was already very familiar with Qin Tian's move, and he even had specially trained him to take this move.

So he subconsciously turned around and slashed.

Blocked this move.

Judging from the previous encounters, he could conclude that Qin Tian's teleportation had a cooldown.

So in this time, he attacked without hesitation.

After he went back last time, with the help of his father, he absorbed a lot of the soul power of his ancestors.

And his father also gave him a Heavenly Venerable Rank knife.

This knife was the trophy of the Terrans in the Age of Mythology.

For a while, Qin Tian didn't have much advantage, but he was not in a hurry.

Because his Earth Yuan Sword has not yet been cast.

Recently, he had gained a new understanding of the Earth Yuan Sword

, and he began to secretly absorb the power of the earth.

With the influx of the power of the earth, Qin Tian's sword of life and death became heavier and heavier.

The consumption is also much larger than before.

In order to be able to continue to absorb, he converted the divine power in his body into spiritual energy, which was used to support consumption.

He wanted to try to kill Emperor Tian with a single sword.

With the influx of the power of the earth, the weight of the Sword of Life and Death gradually increased.

Gradually, Emperor Tian became more and more difficult to resist.

After accumulating a large amount of aura, Qin Tian teleported behind Emperor Tian again.

But this time, he didn't use the Renyuan Sword, but the Diyuan Sword that had been charged.

Emperor Tian turned around to resist as usual.

But the moment he turned around, his face changed drastically, because he felt that the power of Qin Tian's sword was extraordinary.

Then a talisman hidden in his clothes automatically activated, resisting Qin Tian's move.

This is the life-saving vajra talisman given to him by his father.

He used it like this, and he was also very distressed.

In the imperial family, this kind of talisman is very precious, that is, his lineage will be divided into one.

After the effect of the talisman disappeared, Emperor Tian's figure exploded.

Then he chose to run away without hesitation.

And the other soul clan powerhouses saw that Emperor Tian had run away, and they also fled.

Qin Tian's sword just now also frightened the Black Stygian Heavenly Ce and Zhou Teng.

They don't think they can resist it.

Next up is the titan soldiers.

Although Qin Tian was strong, they didn't want to give up something as precious as divine blood.

As long as you kill the Giant God Soldier at the first time, take the divine blood and take it directly.

Several people had their own ghosts and began to surround the giant god soldiers.

Normally, the Titan will wake up as long as it is under strong attack.

So the first move is key.

Qin Tian faced each other head-on and began to accumulate the power of the earth.

Hei Ying Tiance and the others knew that Qin Tian's move would take time, and they were not in a hurry.

It didn't take long for Qin Tian's life and death sword and body to tremble.

He's at his limit.

"Diyuan Sword.

With Qin Tian's loud shout, several people used their strongest moves.

The Diyuan Sword that he had completed with all his strength was also directly slashed over.


Under the blow, several cracks and a hole appeared in the body of the giant god soldier.

This hole was cut out by Qin Tian.

The Titan began to shake violently, and then his eyes snapped open.

Raise the stone sword in his hand and start slashing.

Because the strength of the giant god soldiers is too strong, as long as anyone among the few people is targeted, they will immediately run in circles.

And the others are responsible for the attack.

It took half an hour, and there were more and more cracks on the giant god soldier's body.

As long as they persevere, they will be able to get rid of the Giant God Soldiers sooner or later.

The other side.

After Di Tian and the others retreated, they came to the bottom of a mountain cliff.

In front of them was an Ancient Seal.

This is the main reason why they came to bury the path of the gods.

After they occupied the Kyushu territory, they began to kill humans in large numbers.

Among them, there is a human powerhouse, in order to survive, he confessed a secret in the path of the burial god.

His ancestor was also a powerful ancient clan, but when he sealed the Phantom Soul Clan, he encountered strong resistance, so the strong people in the clan died and were injured.

Although the Phantom Soul Clan was sealed in the end, their clan was also gone.

In the end, they walked out of the road of burial gods and went to Zhongzhou.

After this person revealed the news, he thought he would be alive, but Di Tian was still ready to kill him.

He saw something, so before he died, he sent a message to his friend.

But he only said that there was divine blood in the burial god road, and hoped that his friends would spread the news.

He didn't say that he told such a big secret to the Soul Clan in order to survive.

He didn't want to be scolded as a traitor to the human race after he died.

My friend knew that this thing was not something he could get his hands on, so he spread the news.

After the human race and the demon race get the news, they will naturally go there in large numbers, and they may be able to stop the soul race when the time comes.

Emperor Tian directly threw the man's body onto the Ancient Seal.

His blood continued to flow towards the sealing formation.

Emperor Tian also began to cast spells to break the seal.

After the Phantom Soul Clan comes out, the Soul Clan will further squeeze the living space of the creatures in Kyushu.


The battle between Qin Tian and the Giant God Soldiers continued, but it was now nearing its end.

Because the Titan has lost an arm.

There are also several more holes on the body, and the cracks are dense.

As long as it is hit hard, it may fall at any time.

Qin Tian and the others also discovered this.

One person attracts the attention of the Titan Soldier.

The others delivered the strongest blow again.

Qin Tian was also accumulating strength.

The entire ground began to tremble, and the huge power of the earth frantically poured into Qin Tian's sword of life and death.

Several people's eyes were fixed on Qin Tian's sword.

Because after this sword, it is time to snatch the blood of the gods.

Diyuan Sword.

A huge sword slashed towards the Titan Soldier.


The Giant God Soldier exploded directly.

Then everyone saw a drop of divine blood floating in the air.

Although it was only a drop of blood, Qin Tian could feel the powerful aura on it.

Several people flew towards the divine blood at the same time, trying to grab the suit as soon as possible.

The closest is the Immortal Bone of the Black Immortal Heavenly Strategy.

Under his control, the immortal bones had reached out to take the divine blood.

And his face was already full of excitement.

With the blood of the gods, his path to godhood could be opened.

Only by becoming a god can we have eternal life.

If you don't become a god, you won't live for 100,000 years at most.

Just when the immortal bones were about to touch the blood of the gods.

Qin Tian teleported over, and then grabbed the divine blood.

The smile of the Black Stygian came to an abrupt end.

After Qin Tian caught the divine blood, a golden light erupted from the remains of the giant god soldiers below.

It instantly enveloped Qin Tian.

When the golden light disappeared, Qin Tian also disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this dead, or is it running?

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