Later, Qin Tian boiled the soup with spiritual spring water.

Then I wanted to help Weiyang wash his hair.

Because her hair is indeed dirty and messy.

Qin Tian took out a mirror and looked at Weiyang and said:

Your hair is too dirty, let me wash it for you.

Weiyang hesitated, but nodded in agreement.

Then Qin Tian washed her with spiritual spring water.

Although her hair is messy, it is very soft.

After washing his hair, Qin Tian felt that it was better to let her take a bath.

So he talked to Weiyang about taking a bath, but Weiyang didn't seem to understand.

Qin Tian patiently said to her while gesturing.

Finally, Qin Tian took out the wooden bucket and added spiritual water and rose petals to it.

Then put a beautiful set of clothes and let her wash and change them on.

With that, he moved the table outside the hut and took advantage of the time to cook.

Half an hour later, the wooden door creaked.

Qin Tian looked over, and it was Weiyang who pushed the door out.

At this time, she was already refreshed, wearing the pink dress given by Qin Tian, the thin skirt gave people a light and soft feeling, and under the delicate pink dress, the graceful curves were perfectly highlighted.

Coupled with her unique temperament and extremely delicate face, this is a beauty who captivates the country and the city.

Qin Tian walked over and said, "I'll help you fix your hair!"

Weiyang nodded slightly.

Qin Tian pulled her to a chair and sat down.

Then he took out a towel and wiped her hair a few times and re-braided her ponytail.

After compiling it, Qin Tian was still very satisfied.

So he took out the mirror again and showed it to Weiyang.

"Is it good-looking?" Weiyang

looked at himself in the mirror, and his cold expression finally eased.

There was a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth, and even the dimples appeared.

In fact, Qin Tian did so much, mainly because Weiyang was so powerful and wanted to get along well.

What's more, he felt that Weiyang was quite pitiful, and he was moved by compassion.

Staying alone in this kind of place, every day is so sloppy, there is no good food, and I don't remember the past.

What a sad thing to do.

The fragrance came, and it was the dragon broth that had been boiled.

Qin Tian scooped up a bowl of soup and handed it to Weiyang.

Weiyang thought about it, pushed the soup in front of Qin Tian, and then made himself a bowl.

Qin Tian smiled, this Weiyang is still quite good, he knows that he thinks about himself.

After eating, Qin Tian began to pack up his things.

As soon as I finished collecting it, I saw Weiyang coming over.

She took out a cheatbook and handed it over, "Here you go."

Qin Tian took it and looked at it, and the cover said Blood Burning Technique.

Then Qin Tian turned over the Blood Burning Technique and looked at it seriously.

This turned out to be a secret technique that burns blood.

By burning blood, you can greatly increase your strength.

Cut your own skin to burn blood faster.

The stronger the blood, the higher the increase.

The most terrifying thing is that this secret technique can also be stacked.

But the blood that needs to be burned in the back is also multiplied, which is very harmful to oneself.

As a last resort, it cannot be easily stacked up.

Qin Tian touched Weiyang's green silk and said, "Thank you." After

speaking, he took the Blood Burning Technique and began to cultivate.

In the next few days, in addition to cooking and eating every day, Qin Tian practiced the Blood Burning Technique.

This secret method has also become a hole card of his own.

Three days later, Qin Tian and Weiyang were eating.

Weiyang suddenly jumped and disappeared into Qin Tian's eyes.

Then Qin Tian heard a loud bang.

He looked back.

It turned out that Weiyang and the phantom demon had made a move.

He guessed that it should have been a sneak attack by the phantom just now, but he didn't even notice it.

Thinking of this, he was a little afraid, and he was rescued by Weiyang again.

This time the illusion didn't come alone, he also brought four people with him.

Qin Tian observed, they were all soul clans, and their strength was very strong.

Seeing this, Qin Tian frowned.

At this time, Weiyang had already used the Blood Burning Technique.

Qin Tian did not hesitate, and also directly cast the Blood Burning Technique, and suddenly the red energy appeared.

He felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and then he held the Earth Yuan Sword and chose a soul clan powerhouse to slash it with a sword.

But as a result, he was bounced back.

The other party was a god again, which made Qin Tian very helpless.

Weiyang is one against five, which is a little difficult.

Then the aura of her whole body skyrocketed again, superimposing a double blood burning technique.

Seeing this scene, the phantom demon pointed at Qin Tian and said, "My purpose is that he is not you, you don't have to fight with me, right?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian became nervous, if Weiyang really didn't care about himself, he was afraid that he would be more than lucky.

But fortunately, Weiyang didn't plan to ignore himself.

This may be cause and effect, sowing good causes and reaping good results.

The illusion's face turned cloudy.

The bonus of the first-fold blood-burning technique is so large, and the double-fold one, I'm afraid that I am not an opponent.

Thinking of this, he decided to retreat first.

He glared at Weiyang fiercely, and put down his cruel words, "After I recover some strength, I'll clean you up, you wait!"

After speaking, he left with a few other soul clans.

After the illusion left, Qin Tian hurriedly walked over and said, "Thank you." Subsequently

, after he prepared some spirit fruits for Weiyang, he was ready to take the divine blood.

This drop of divine blood may be able to advance his Immortal Immortal Body.

Qin Tian took out a drop of divine blood, and the divine blood drilled into his forehead.

Then he felt a powerful divine power explode in his body.

Suddenly, his whole body was in severe pain, this was because the divine power in the divine blood was too strong.

And these divine powers are still transforming his physical body.

He can only grit his teeth and insist, and if he wants to get, he also needs to pay.

Just when he was patient, Weiyang came over with a towel and helped him wipe his sweat, with a trace of worry on his face.

Qin Tian barely squeezed out a smile and said, "I'm fine, it's just the process of getting stronger!"

Weiyang nodded slightly, as if he also noticed it.

Then she wiped Qin Tian's sweat from time to time.

At this time, a method of refining the body inheritance appeared in Qin Tian's mind, "The body of the divine soldier, one hundred and thirty-eight out of the three thousand divine bodies.

After Qin Tian accepted it, he found that the cultivation method of this divine body was not as good as his own immortal body.

Therefore, he did not go to cultivate, but continued to operate the eternal immortal body to absorb the pure divine power in the divine blood.

At the same time, the breakage value is also rising.




At 90%, his Eternal Immortal Body finally broke through.

That is, it is equivalent to the strength of the upper grade of the Tianzun Rank.

As long as you break through again, it will be a god body.

After the Eternal Immortal Body broke through, it reached a new level, and it was also a new beginning, so the Realm Breaking value began to be recalculated.

Then the Breach gradually descended back.




until the Break Value regresses to 30%.

The regression is somewhat large.

However, he thought that the next time he broke through the Immortal Body, it would be a divine body.

So he can also accept it, after all, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to break through.

At his level, there are many people who have not broken through for tens of thousands of years.

After this absorption, it was found that the effect of this divine blood was indeed great, at least equivalent to more than a hundred divine stones.

I think that at the beginning, it took me two years to earn a hundred divine stones.

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