In the end, Wen Renbo spoke: "I know that Miss An is extremely talented and can kill the enemy beyond the ranks.

"But the people we are going to deal with are all Tianzun powerhouses, so for the sake of your safety, it's better not to go."

An Miaoling nodded, "In that case, I'll break through, Ice Dome Patriarch wait a minute, soon."

After speaking, she slowly closed her eyes, urging the residual medicinal power in her body to begin to break through.

Seeing this, everyone was speechless for a while, how could the breakthrough be so simple and fast?

Almost no one believed it, because it would take a few days for ordinary people to break through.

But as An Miaoling's aura gradually became stronger, they felt that she was really about to break through the realm.

So the Ice Dome, Wen Renbo, they are ready to wait and see.

Qin Tian is a miracle worker, and perhaps his apprentice is not ordinary.

Ten minutes later.

A powerful and ancient aura erupted at once.

The entire council hall was directly overturned, and the nearest ice dome was also shaken back.

There was such a big commotion, and the powerhouses of the Soul Suppression Alliance thought it was the Soul Clan to attack.

Instantly agitated.

Wen Renbo and several people also fell into shock.

It was a breakthrough in ten minutes.

And the momentum of this breakthrough is like breaking through to the supreme.

Breaking through to Tianzun didn't make such a big move.

It didn't take long for Wen Renbo to come back to his senses after hearing the commotion outside.

He coughed twice and said,

"Don't panic, everyone, this is the Qin Alliance Lord's high-level disciple breakthrough." "

From now on, our alliance has one more Heavenly Venerable rank combat power.

With Wen Renbo's announcement, the outside cheered.

At this time, An Miaoling slowly opened her eyes and asked, "Is the strength enough now?"

"Enough, enough." Wen Renbo laughed.

An Miaoling looked back at the ice dome, "Let's go." After

saying that, he took the lead and left.

Time was tight, and she wanted to get over as soon as possible.

In the Burial God City, Qin Tian, who was learning the three styles of the Imperial Sword, suddenly stopped the movements in his hands.

There was a look of surprise on his face.


【The host apprentice breaks through the great realm.】 【

Reward: 10% of the Realm Breaking Value.】 [

Reward: Tianzun Rank Best, Nine Xuan Sword. [

Current Realm Breaking Value 43%]

3% of them rose after he studied with the white-clothed swordsman.

Receiving this news, Qin Tian was a little surprised by An Miaoling's breakthrough speed.

At this rate, sooner or later you will surpass yourself.

He looked at the Nine Xuan Sword again, and finally Qin Tian found that it was the embryo of a divine weapon.

There is an empty slot on it, and if it is inlaid with a god-level attribute treasure, it can be directly promoted to a divine weapon.

Such a good thing can just be taken back and given to An Miaoling as a gift for breaking the realm.

Then he continued to concentrate on learning.

The other side.

An Miaoling and Ice Dome had just left the Soul Alliance not far before they were intercepted by the two Soul Clan Heavenly Venerables.

This interception was also expected.

Soul Clan Tianzun glanced at the two of them and said, "This way is not passable, you can go back." "

If it was Ice Dome alone, he would definitely go back, after all, heroes don't suffer immediate losses.

But because An Miaoling was there, he wanted to try.

Maybe An Miaoling can really transcend the rank of Tianzun.

Seeing that the two of them did not move, Soul Clan Tianzun's face darkened.

"If you don't eat in the toast, if you eat and drink, then don't blame us for being polite. After saying that,

the two rushed over.

An Miaoling glanced at the soul clan who rushed over, and then turned into a white light.

Flashed away.

Reincarnation for a moment.


White light flashed from the arm of the Soul Clan Heavenly Venerable.

Soul Clan Tianzun's body froze for a moment, and then he felt that his strength had actually been weakened, and his realm was a little unstable.

What kind of power is this?

In the face of such a strange thing, the Soul Clan Tianzun retreated.

Then a few more tricks followed.

He dealt with it carefully and went to dodge An Miaoling's attack.

But there will always be times when you go wrong.

After being stabbed by An Miaoling for the third time, he had no fighting spirit and didn't want to fight anymore.

Because if you hit another sword, you are likely to fall to the Supreme Realm.

After falling into the Supreme Realm, he only had the life to be slaughtered by others.

Thinking of this, he directly turned into black qi and fled.

His companion had long felt that his state was wrong, and now that he was gone, he did not hesitate to flee.

Ice Dome gave An Miaoling a thumbs up.

"I admire it, Miss An is worthy of being a master disciple of Qin Gongzi.

At this moment, in his heart, he felt more and more that it was a wise move to follow Qin Tianming.

Then the two looked at each other and continued on their way.

The distance between the Soul Suppression Alliance and the Immortal Alliance is relatively close.

So it didn't take long for them to arrive.

At this time, the Undead Alliance had begun to collapse.

After all, the Supreme Rank is still the Supreme Rank, after the Soul Clan Tianzun finds a chance to deal with a zombie.

The remaining five are easy to solve.

Then came the slaughter.

The old man who controlled the resentful dragon in the immortal mountain was also a little panicked when he watched his clansmen continue to die.

But he can only hope that the support will arrive soon, after all, they have been carrying it for a long time.

With the advent of An Miaoling and the ice dome.

The powerhouses of the Immortal Alliance did not show much joy.

Because the two people who came, one Tianzun and one Supreme, were not enough to change the situation of the battle.

If they want to change the situation, they need to continue to wait for support.

Not long after, Zhou Teng of the Zhou League and another Tianzun arrived.

At this time, there was one more combat power of the Kyushu Tianzun rank.

Everyone was surprised to find that An Miaoling was a supreme who could suppress a Tianzun.

For a time, Kyushu actually had the advantage.

But Di Tian was not in any hurry.

Because he is also called a helper, and he is sure that he will defeat the resentful dragon in a short time.

Not long after, the six Soul Clan Heavenly Venerables rushed over and joined the battlefield.

At the same time, there is also the Tianzun of the Immortal Palace, who is not surprised.

The extra few Soul Clan Heavenly Venerables wantonly slaughtered in the field, and the situation in Kyushu began to collapse in an instant.


After the resentful dragon screamed, his stomach was directly slashed, and the black liquid inside continued to flow out.

It's very insane.

In the immortal mountain, an old man violently spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then he hurriedly controlled the resentful dragon to run.

Run now, spend some money in the future, and also restore its combat power.

With the escape of the resentful dragon, Emperor Tian also freed his hands.

He slashed at an immortal.


With the sound of metal colliding, one of the boneless arms flew out.

And then there's the feet.

After a few strokes, only the torso remained.

Emperor Tian solves it casually.

Then there is the second immortal bone.

Everyone's hearts were cold, if this continued, they would die one by one sooner or later.

An Miaoling made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

She prepares to perform a stronger sword technique, which is harmful to herself.

But in this situation, she has no choice.

Thinking of this, she identified a Soul Clan Heavenly Venerable.

Then the body became blurred, and the whole body exuded an ancient aura.


Qianying came to the top of the Soul Clan's Tianzun's head in an instant, and his lips opened slightly:

"A sword falls into the dust." As the

words fell, she waved her jade hand, and suddenly a strong white light flew away.

The Soul Clan Tianzun who was attacked by her resisted with all his strength, and swung it over with a sword.

What was surprising was that the white light slashed out by An Miaoling directly ignored the sword of the Soul Clan Tianzun.

submerged in his body.

The Soul Clan Tianzun's body froze, and then he was shocked to find that his realm had fallen to the supreme realm.

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