Qin Tian's hands were constantly pinching like phantoms, inputting spiritual power one after another.

At the same time, he is also using spiritual power to control the runes on the Dan furnace.

An hour later, the furnace stopped shaking.

Qin Tian waved his hand, and the lid of the furnace flew up, and the fragrance of medicine suddenly overflowed.

A three-colored elixir flew up.

The elixir developed a spiritual intelligence, and after shaking in the air a few times, it wanted to run out.

But he was caught by Qin Tian in the air.

An Miaoling on the side also recognized that this was the best Demon Emperor Pill of the Heavenly Rank.

Its greatest function is to wash the marrow and cut the veins, which can improve people's qualifications and realms.

Even if it is taken by a half-saint, it will be of great help to break through the holy realm.

Qin Tian handed over the elixir, "I'll help you refine the medicinal power later."

An Miaoling took the pill with a complicated expression, and now she really needs this.

From the moment I took the pill.

Maybe even she didn't know that she had already recognized Qin Tian.

"Where did you get the Demon Emperor Essence Blood?" An

Miaoling still couldn't help but ask, the words of the elixir can also be explained as being given by the sect.

But these kinds of demon emperor essence blood, she doesn't think that the sect has the strength to obtain.

"There are a few demon emperors who have a good relationship with me, and I care about what they want. Qin Tian replied casually.


Miaoling was a little speechless, could she not know what the demon emperor's temperament was.

She looked at Qin Tian helplessly, and whispered in her heart, "Sooner or later, I will expose you." The

two came to the main hall and sat opposite each other on the futon.

An Miaoling swallowed the Demon Emperor Pill, and then began to urge the spiritual power in her body to refine the Demon Emperor Pill, thus awakening the bloodline.

Because she is the bloodline of the ancient ice phoenix, when the awakening is opened, her body begins to get cold.

Even the temperature around me has become colder.

Frost began to form on her body, and her skin became fairer.

Qin Tian knew that this was the process of her bloodline becoming stronger.

He raised his hand and channeled his spiritual power into An Miaoling's body to help her catalyze the medicinal power.

Ten minutes passed like this, and suddenly An Miaoling's face became strange.

The frost on her eyelashes began to fade, her snowy skin began to redden, and her eyes became blurred.

"Hmm, how can this be?"

Affected by this state, An Miaoling was directly interrupted by the urging of the bloodline.

Qin Tian hurriedly controlled his aura to urge, otherwise, An Miaoling's awakening this time would definitely fail.

An Miaoling also felt that she was in the wrong state, and she couldn't control herself.

At this time, she remembered the dragon essence blood in the Demon Emperor Pill.

Jiaolong's nature is relatively lewd, and after encountering the ice phoenix bloodline, it is possible to stimulate this origin trait.

Thinking of this, she looked at Qin Tian resentfully.

She wondered if Qin Tian did it on purpose.

Before she could figure it out, the last of her sanity was swallowed up.

She hugged Qin Tian directly and kissed him.

Qin Tian was stunned, he wanted to stop An Miaoling but he couldn't.

Because he was urging the blood veins in An Miaoling's body.

Qin Tian's eyes widened, and he looked at An Miaoling's troubled little face, as well as those fair parts.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little restless in his heart.

"You... You actually offended

the teacher!" "Don't touch it, for the teacher..."


Half an hour later, a loud phoenix chirp sounded, and the phantom of the ancient ice phoenix also appeared in the sky above her body.

Looking at the coercion of this phantom, you know that this bloodline is extraordinary.


【Host apprentice, awaken the ancient ice phoenix bloodline of the emperor product, have outstanding talent, reward the host qualification to be increased to six grades, and the sign-in reward is increased by fifty percent.

"And this kind of good thing

?" "Should I take more apprentices?"

This reward can be described as a huge gain for Qin Tian.

For example, the reward for signing in will be increased by 50%.

The sign-in reward can be stacked, and he used to receive the reward only once every few months or even a year.

The results will also be better this way.

This increase of fifty percent of the reward is equivalent to his realm improvement speed will be much faster.

In addition to the rewards for improving the realm, there will also be more other rewards.

As for the qualification to be upgraded to six grades, it is still good.

You must know that at the beginning, he only had second-grade qualifications, and generally speaking, third-grade qualifications could enter the Kunlun Sword Sect.

So he kind of came in through the back door.

The cultivation qualifications are divided into: one grade to nine grades, above the nine grades, it is a holy product, an emperor product...

Liupin is equivalent to the elite disciple of the sect.

However, compared to those peak master disciples, there is still a gap between the head disciples.

This is also the reason why he only wanted to lie flat before.

Second-grade qualifications, self-cultivation basically has no effect.

It's better to lie flat and sign in and wait for the sign-in reward.

At this time, An Miaoling, who had successfully awakened her bloodline, entered a mysterious state.

The realm has also begun to break through.

The golden body realm is double.

The golden body realm is threefold.

Nirvana realm is heavy.


[Congratulations to the host apprentice for breaking through the great realm, rewarding the host qualification to be improved to seven grades, and signing in to increase the reward by one percent]

Qin Tian was overjoyed, as long as he continued to cultivate disciples, he could also become a peerless genius.

An Miaoling also gained a lot, breaking through three times in a row, and one of them was a breakthrough to the great realm.

If this thing is to be spread, it will definitely be shocking to the world.

However, it was mainly because of the huge medicinal power of the Demon Emperor Pill.

After all, it was refined from the essence blood of several demon emperors, plus precious elixirs.

After breaking through, An Miaoling found that she was still hanging on Qin Tian's body.


screamed and backed.

At this time, she remembered what she was ashamed of just now, and her little face turned red.

In the last life, as the empress Bingqing Yujie, she was powerful and powerful, and she never had an intimate move with a man.

And now, she feels shy to think about it.


!" "This is your initiative, but you can't sit still as a teacher."

"In the future, you have to pay attention to the difference between master and apprentice. Qin Tian's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he said seriously.


An Miaoling snorted coldly and left, not at all the joy of awakening the ancient bloodline and breaking through the realm.

As soon as she went out, An Miaoling ran into Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian also felt the vision, and rushed to hear Feng Ming.

"Are you awakening the Ancient Ice Phoenix bloodline?" Mo Wentian said excitedly.

Because An Miaoling had just completed his awakening, his breath was unstable, so he felt the breath of the ancient ice phoenix at once.

"Hmm!" An Miaoling nodded in response.

After getting the confirmation, the joy on Mo Wentian's face couldn't be concealed at all.

"Great, this is the capital of the Holy Realm, and I am going to Kunlun to come out of the second Holy Realm. At

this time, the elders of the other peaks also rushed over.

"God bless me Kunlun.

"Soon, I, Kunlun, will once again reach the top of the number one force in Dongzhou. "


"Don't you just awaken a bloodline, will you?" Qin Tian muttered in a low voice behind him.

When Mo Wentian heard this, his angry eyes swept over.

"Stinky boy, what do you know?"

"Ancient Ice Phoenix bloodline, as long as you don't fall and break through to the Holy Realm, it will be a matter of time. "

Forget it, I don't bother to talk nonsense with your Agility Realm.

At this time, Lei Ba, the peak master of the Royal Thunder Peak, took the opportunity to say, "Sect Master, I don't think I can let An Miaoling stay in the Hidden Sword Peak anymore.

"This kind of heavenly arrogance can't be delayed by Qin Tian.

As soon as these words came out, the other peak masters, except for Su Lan, nodded frequently.

Hearing these words, An Miaoling's expression turned cold.

My master of the ruthless empress, not everyone is qualified to say it.

"My master is very good, and it is precisely because of him that I can awaken so quickly. "

Because of him

?" Lei Ba looked disdainful, "What can he help you with a spirit realm?"

An Miaoling's expression turned cold, "If you talk like this again, Hidden Sword Peak will not welcome you." "

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