Haotian City.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan can be described as infinitely beautiful, in the battle with the Kunyuan Empire, he directly beheaded the enemy general.

The enemy group has no leader, and he kills the enemy group like no one.

In the end, he returned with a great victory in seven cities in a row, all because he had imperial soldiers.

If there were no imperial soldiers, he could only fight on par with the other party at most.

After returning to Haotian City, all the major families came to visit the Xiao family.

Among them is the Ram family, which, like the Xiao family, is one of the four major families of the Haotian Empire.

The purpose of the Ram Family Master's visit was mainly to find out the truth and truth, and Xiao Zhan and the enemy's famous generals were at a disadvantage in the previous battles.

But this time, his strength suddenly increased and he killed the famous generals of the empire.

So he had to figure out the situation, because they were supporting the Great Prince.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent can one survive a hundred battles.

And the Xiao family supports Mu Qingqing, and the two parties can be said to be mortal enemies.

After meeting, Ram Sheng, the head of the Ram family, had a discussion with Xiao Zhan.

Combat is the best way to find out what is true and what is false.

Xiao Zhan knew his intentions, but he wasn't prepared to hide it.

He directly used the imperial soldiers, opening and closing the attack.

The ram won and retreated, and at this time, the ram finally knew why Xiao Zhan had become so brave all of a sudden.

Xiao Zhan actually has an imperial soldier.

After getting the news, he hurriedly admitted defeat, but Xiao Zhan still pretended not to come and hurriedly stopped.

Cut down the half-emperor soldiers who won the ram.

The ram blew his beard and glared triumphantly, but he couldn't say anything.

Because he took the initiative to learn from him, he didn't have the face to say that his skills were not as good as others.

After returning home, he used all his connections to investigate the source of Emperor Xiao Zhan's soldiers.

First of all, it can be ruled out that it is the domestic master of Balizer, because he has been in retreat recently.

And he didn't have the strength to refine a real imperial soldier.

In the end, he learned from the eyeliner placed on Xiao Zhan's mansion that his imperial soldiers had only been on a trip to Qingyun City.

So he led people to the City Lord's Mansion in Qingyun City.

Ram Sheng knew that the city lord had a good relationship with the Xiao family, so he didn't talk nonsense.

casually found an excuse, subdued the city lord in two moves, and then put the knife on his neck.

Originally, the city lord still wanted to insist, because he concluded that the ram victory was to scare him, and it was not a trivial matter to kill a city lord at will.

But his wife couldn't stand it and directly gave it up.

Ram Sheng knew what was going on, so he took people to the artistic conception painting room.

When he came to find the Emperor Refiner, he politely knocked on the door first.

After all, the status of the Emperor Refiner is noble, and even the Empress Bingxuan of the Haotian Empire is no worse than that.

It was light snow that opened the door.

The ram sheng gentleman said: "I have come to visit Master Qin, and I am tired of announcing it." When

she heard that she was visiting, she went to report it.

Ram Sheng was a little surprised when he saw Qin Tian, because he couldn't detect Qin Tian's strength.

"Is it the imperial soldier you forged for General Xiao?" said Ram Sheng tentatively.

"Yes. "

Can you make an Imperial Soldier for me?" Ram Sheng asked.

"It depends on how much you get paid. Qin Tian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ram Sheng glanced at Qin Tian again, he could be sure that Qin Tian was very young, even younger than his son.

He didn't have spiritual power on his body, and he lived in a small city, so he guessed that Qin Tian should be a refining genius.

As for the background, the preliminary judgment should not be very good, because there is not a strong guard around him.

"How about an emperor-level elixir?" Ram Sheng asked tentatively.

Qin Tian's face changed slightly after hearing this, the price of the ram victory was too low, and it was still five plants before.

So he quoted his price, "Three parts of refining materials plus seven emperor-grade elixirs." "This price is also a counteroffer for the Ram to win.

But when Ram Sheng heard this price, he thought that Qin Tian was making things difficult for him, because he couldn't afford this price at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Ram Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Two refining materials plus three emperor-level lower-grade elixirs. "

Two copies plus six Emperor Rank Lower Grade Elixirs. Qin Tian replied.

"Do you know what the six Emperor Rank Lower Elixir represent?" Ram Sheng was a little angry.

His anger mainly stemmed from the fact that he felt that he was more powerful than Qin Tian.

If there really was a respected Emperor Refiner, he would definitely be the only one who fell.

But in front of him is just a young man with no fame and no spiritual power.

Seeing Ram Sheng's expression, Qin Tian was also a little unhappy, so he said casually:

"Love refining or not refining!"

As soon as these words came out, the arrogant Ram Sheng broke out suddenly, "Don't toast or eat, kid, eat and drink."

After saying this, he had an idea in his heart, that is, to arrest Qin Tian.

As its own canary, the caged bird.

In the future, I will only refine the weapon for myself.

As soon as the idea popped up, it was out of control.

With an exclusive Emperor Refiner, it will be easy to overthrow the Mu family and become the emperor in the future.

Thinking of this, he was already carried away by interests, and said directly:

"Give you two choices." "

One, follow me back to the ram's house, and in the future, you will be our family's exclusive refiner, and the wine woman will be enough."

"Two," I'll take you back, so the treatment won't be so good.

After speaking, he was inexplicably proud.

"I think you're here to die. Qin Tian said coldly.

Qianxue on the side saw that the situation was not right, and had already gone to call Zong Wu.

At this point, Ram Sheng had no way out, and he glanced at a few of his men.

Three Saint Rank Triple powerhouses rushed towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian showed a look of disdain and slowly took out the kitchen knife from his arms.


Qin Tian slashed it with a knife, directly cutting off one of the people's heaven-rank weapons.

Seeing this scene, the three of them all showed jealous expressions.

There was something strange, and after they looked up and down, they locked their eyes on Qin Tian's knife.

Ram Sheng also discovered this, is it an imperial soldier?

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth can no longer be hidden.

The temptation just now had already shown that Qin Tian was nothing more than that.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a broken weapon just now.

Rather, it is a severed head.

The next three did not go to melee with Qin Tian again, but attacked from a distance.

For this kind of play, if Qin Tian didn't forcibly unseal the spiritual power, there was no way.

At this moment, An Miaoling, Zong Wu and others came.

Qin Tian retreated to An Miaoling's side and said, "Miaoling, these three guys will be handed over to you."

An Miaoling was a little moved after hearing this, and the master deliberately left three masters to temper her.

It just so happened that she was in urgent need of a big battle to stimulate herself recently.

And these three Saint Realm Triple opponents are just right, that is, they can pose a threat to themselves, and they are also within the range of their own acceptance.

Although her realm is only a half-saint triple now, her sword realm is already the threshold of the sword realm.

This is completely comparable to the combat power of the Holy Realm, if her sword domain can be completed, then even if she is fighting against the Emperor Rank, she is not afraid.

The eyes of the three Saint Realm triple powerhouses lit up when they saw their opponent replaced by a semi-Saint Realm triple beauty.

Even the older ram Katsu is interested.

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