At night, Qin Tian took An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru to watch the moon on the roof.

Because tonight's moon is not ordinary, it is a blood moon that is rare to see in 10,000 years.

There is a proverb in the Kyushu continent that says, when the blood moon is in the sky, troubled times are coming.

This sentence.

Ordinary cultivators, or ordinary forces, just take this sentence as a joke.

Because they can't exist for tens of thousands of years, maybe thousands or hundreds of years before they are destroyed.

This is the cruelty of the practitioner's world.

But An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru knew that this was true, and the blood moon would affect the cause and effect, causing it to explode early.

It is recorded in Qingqiu that many forces in Kyushu will be affected after the blood moon.

The demise of countless sects and countries has since become the dust of history.

Even if it is a force of Qingqiu's level, there is no guarantee that he will be able to carry it.

In ancient times, there were more than a dozen powerful forces on the surface of the demon clan, and there were not a few hidden ones.

And now there are only three left on the bright side.

Qingqiu was able to carry it at the beginning, and it was also because the fox clan appeared in a desperate situation.

Sky Fox turned the tide and saved Qingqiu.

After Qin Tian got this information, his expression became solemn.

Maybe there is not much time left for them to grow and develop, because the three of them are involved in too much cause and effect.


Haotian Empire, Haotian Palace.

Xiao Zhan was reporting to the empress about the ram's victory.

After hearing this, the empress said in a deep voice: "If he offends Master Qin, he will die, let's still maintain a good relationship with this kind of person."

"I'll let Qing'er go."

Xiao Zhan said with a smile: "With Princess Mu Qingqing's appearance and posture, I'm afraid that Master Qin can't stop it."

After saying that, he was a little sad in his heart, Princess Qing went, and his daughter had no chance.

After Xiao Zhan left, the empress called Mu Qingqing over, and Mu Qingqing had just come out.

After Mu Qingqing came, when she saw that there was no one around, she ran to the empress's side and shouted affectionately, "Mother." The

Empress patted her on the shoulder, and enjoyed the joy of family life very much.

After a while, the empress asked, "What is your impression of

Mr. Qin?" "Are you talking about the Mr. Qin who helped me in the secret realm?"

"He's very handsome, and he's a great person. After speaking, Mu Qingqing was a little shy.

When the empress saw her daughter's expression, she knew that she had a good impression of Qin Tian.

If their daughter can marry Qin Tian, it will be great news for their Haotian Empire.

Maybe the Haotian Empire can also go one step further and compare it to the ancient family.

So the empress continued: "You may not know that he has another layer of identity, that is, the emperor refiner. "

Emperor Refiner?" Mu Qingqing covered her mouth in surprise.

As the imperial daughter of the empire, how could she not know the weight of the emperor-level refiner.

No wonder before the secret realm exploration, An Miaoling didn't want imperial soldiers, but wanted to cultivate resources.

Looking at her daughter's surprised expression, she continued, "He lives in Qingyun City now.

"If you're interested, you can go to him. When

she heard her mother's words, she immediately understood what they meant.

"I'll go.

Mu Qingqing agreed directly, because she would marry someone sooner or later, if she could marry someone like Qin Tian who was handsome and powerful, why not.

Thinking of this, a blush appeared on her beautiful face.

Then the empress called an old woman from the emperor realm to accompany Mu Qingqing to protect her safety.

And gave her some refining materials, and asked her to ask Qin Tian to help refine the weapons.

Mu Qingqing is a smart person, she didn't look for Qin Tian directly, because it was too abrupt.

And she thinks that Qin Tian is not a person who wants to see things.

Just look at him guarding such a beautiful apprentice.

After coming to Qingyun City, she first sent a message to An Miaoling.

They've branded each other with sound stones before.

After An Miaoling received it, she welcomed Mu Qingqing in, because she still had a good impression of Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing saw Qin Tian and shouted out to Master Qin respectfully.

It was as well-behaved as the first time they met, and it gave Qin Tian a good impression again.

Next, Mu Qingqing temporarily stayed for the reason of studying.

When An Miaoling reacted, it was too late, because she had already agreed.

She could only sigh in her heart, "What a master who doesn't make people worry."

Then she began to miss the days of Hidden Sword Peak, although there was one more Bai Xiaoru.

But she can barely accept it, unlike now, where there is one every three or five times.

It's all so beautiful.

After Mu Qingqing stayed, he chatted with Qin Tian from time to time.

When no one was around, she secretly pinched Qin Tian's shoulder.

Thinking of a future empress pinching her shoulders is also a very good experience.

Near the early hours of the morning, Qin Tian came to An Miaoling's room and pushed the door directly.

An Miaoling was resting under the quilt when she opened her eyes when she heard the movement.

She didn't have to look to know who it was, and only her lustful master could do such a thing.

"Why are you here so late?"

"I've come to see you as a teacher, and I've seen that you've not been very happy lately."

An Miaoling glanced at Qin Tian, but she didn't expect that she didn't show it much, and Qin Tian found out.

Qin Tian came to the side of the bed and lay down directly.

But fortunately, Qin Tian didn't drill into the quilt, and An Miaoling moved inside.

Two hands grabbed his quilt inside to prevent Qin Tian from getting in.

An Miaoling's hair was scattered around Qin Tian's head, and he picked up a handful of hair and sniffed it, intoxicated for a while.

"Did you take a bath with rose petals

?" "You peeked at me taking a bath again?" An Miaoling asked angrily.

At the same time, she was thinking in her heart, I obviously laid out the formation, very careful.

"Is this the kind of person you are a teacher? I smell it.

An Miaoling reacted at this time, and she did have this smell on her body.

"Dog nose. An Miaoling couldn't help but complain.

Qin Tian slapped An Miaoling's quilt casually, "What do you say about Master." As

soon as he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong, and he seemed to be shooting in the wrong place.

He immediately took it back, but after taking it back, he regretted that he didn't pinch it twice.

At this time, Qin Tian felt that the temperature began to decrease again.

Qin Tian sat up and said, "Actually, the teacher is here to tell you, I'm not a casual person. "

Get out.

An Miaoling's face changed several times, and finally spit out two words.

Then he was pushed out by An Miaoling with spiritual power, and then the door closed.

An Miaoling pulled the quilt up, covered her face, and was shy in the quilt for a while.

The next day, a grumpy old man came to the artistic conception painting room.

But as soon as he broke in, he was stopped by Zong Wu, and the two also fought.

The other party was only a heavy emperor realm, so he was beaten down by Zong Wu in a few clicks.

After Qin Tian and the others heard the movement, they walked out to see the situation.

An old man was lying on the ground and scolded and said, "I am a half-emperor level refiner, how dare you do this to me?"

At this time, Mu Qingqing immediately recognized this old man, he was the strongest refiner in the Haotian Empire, Bai Lice.

Then Mu Qingqing hurriedly pleaded with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian looked at Mu Qingqing's face and motioned for Zong Wu to let him go.

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